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Kniha Deuteronómium

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Dt 16, 1-22

1 “Observe the month of new grain, at the beginning of springtime, so that you may accomplish the Passover to the Lord your God. For in this month, the Lord your God led you away from Egypt in the night. 2 And you shall immolate the Passover to the Lord your God, from sheep and from oxen, in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there. 3 You shall not eat it with leavened bread. For seven days you shall eat, without leaven, the bread of affliction. For you departed from Egypt in fear. So may you remember the day of your departure from Egypt, throughout all the days of your life. 4 No leaven shall be present in all your confines for seven days. And by morning, there shall not remain any of the flesh which was immolated on the first day in the evening. 5 You cannot immolate the Passover in any of your cities, which the Lord your God will give to you, that you wish, 6 but only in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there. You shall immolate the Passover in the evening, upon the setting of the sun, which is the time when you departed from Egypt. 7 And you shall cook and eat it in the place which the Lord your God will choose, and, rising up in the morning, you shall go into your tent. 8 For six days, you shall eat unleavened bread. And on the seventh day, because it is the assembly of the Lord your God, you shall do no work. 9 You shall number for yourself seven weeks from that day, the day on which you put the sickle to the grain field. 10 And you shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, to the Lord your God, with a voluntary oblation from your hand, which you shall offer according to the blessing of the Lord your God. 11 And you shall feast in the sight of the Lord your God: you, your son and your daughter, your man servant and your woman servant, and the Levite who is within your gates, and the new arrival as well as the orphan and the widow, who abide with you, in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there. 12 And you shall recall that you were a servant in Egypt. And you shall preserve and carry out the things that have been instructed. 13 Likewise, you shall celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days, when you will have gathered your fruits from the orchard and the winepress. 14 And you shall feast at the time of your festival: you, your son and daughter, your man servant and woman servant, likewise the Levite and the new arrival, the orphan and the widow, who are within your gates. 15 For seven days you shall celebrate feasts to the Lord your God in the place which the Lord will choose. And the Lord your God will bless you in all your crops, and in every work of your hands. And you shall be joyful. 16 Three times a year, all your males shall appear in the sight the Lord your God in the place which he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. No one shall appear before the Lord empty. 17 But each one 105 shall offer according to what he will have, according to the blessing of the Lord his God, which he will give to him. 18 You shall appoint judges and magistrates at all your gates, which the Lord your God will give to you, throughout each of your tribes, so that they may judge the people with a just judgment, 19 and not so as to show favoritism to either side. You shall not accept a person’s reputation, nor gifts. For gifts blind the eyes of the wise and alter the words of the just. 20 You shall justly pursue what is just, so that you may live and possess the land, which the Lord your God will give to you. 21 You shall not plant a sacred grove, nor shall you plant any tree near the altar of the Lord your God; 22 you shall neither make nor set up for yourself a statue. These things the Lord your God hates.”

Dt 16, 1-22

Verš 1
“Observe the month of new grain, at the beginning of springtime, so that you may accomplish the Passover to the Lord your God. For in this month, the Lord your God led you away from Egypt in the night.
Ex 12:2 - “This month will be for you the beginning of the months. It will be first in the months of the year.
Lv 23:5 - The first month, the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, is the Passover of the Lord.
Nm 9:1 - The Lord spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai, in the second year after they departed from the land of Egypt, in the first month, saying:
Nm 28:16 - Then, in the first month, the fourteenth day of the month shall be the Passover of the Lord.

Verš 3
You shall not eat it with leavened bread. For seven days you shall eat, without leaven, the bread of affliction. For you departed from Egypt in fear. So may you remember the day of your departure from Egypt, throughout all the days of your life.
Ex 12:19 - For seven days, there shall not be found leaven in your houses. Whoever will eat leaven, his soul will perish from the assembly of Israel, as much with the newcomers as with the natives of the land.
Ex 34:18 - You shall keep the solemnity of unleavened bread. For seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread, just as I instructed you, in the time of the month of what is new. For in the month of springtime you departed from Egypt.

Verš 4
No leaven shall be present in all your confines for seven days. And by morning, there shall not remain any of the flesh which was immolated on the first day in the evening.
Ex 12:10 - Neither shall there remain anything from it until morning. If anything will have been left over, you shall burn it with fire.

Verš 9
You shall number for yourself seven weeks from that day, the day on which you put the sickle to the grain field.
Ex 23:16 - for it is the solemnity of the harvest of the first-fruits of your work, of whatever you have sown in the field. Likewise, it is a solemnity at the end of the season, when you will have gathered in all your crops from the field.
Lv 23:15 - Therefore, you shall number from the day after the Sabbath, in which you offered a sheaf of the first-fruits, seven full weeks,
Nm 28:26 - And also the day of the first-fruits, after the weeks have been fulfilled, when you shall offer new fruits to the Lord, shall be venerable and holy. You shall not do any servile work in it.

Verš 13
Likewise, you shall celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days, when you will have gathered your fruits from the orchard and the winepress.
Ex 23:16 - for it is the solemnity of the harvest of the first-fruits of your work, of whatever you have sown in the field. Likewise, it is a solemnity at the end of the season, when you will have gathered in all your crops from the field.
Lv 23:34 - Say to the sons of Israel: From the fifteenth day of this seventh month, there shall be the Feast of Tabernacles: seven days for the Lord.

Verš 16
Three times a year, all your males shall appear in the sight the Lord your God in the place which he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. No one shall appear before the Lord empty.
Ex 23:17 - Three times a year, all your males shall appear before the Lord your God.
Ex 34:23 - Three times a year, all your males shall appear in the sight of the Almighty, the Lord God of Israel.
Ex 23:15 - You shall keep the solemnity of unleavened bread. For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, just as I instructed you, at the time of the month of new grain, when you departed from Egypt. You shall not appear empty-handed in my sight,

Verš 19
and not so as to show favoritism to either side. You shall not accept a person’s reputation, nor gifts. For gifts blind the eyes of the wise and alter the words of the just.
Lv 19:15 - You shall not do what is unjust, nor shall you judge unjustly. You shall not consider the reputation of the poor, nor shall you honor the countenance of the powerful. Judge your neighbor justly.
Dt 1:17 - There shall be no favoritism to any persons. So you shall listen to the little as well as to the great. And you shall not accept anyone’s reputation, for this is the judgment of God. But if anything seems difficult to you, then refer it to me, and I will hear it.’
Ex 23:8 - Neither shall you accept bribes, which blind even the prudent and subvert the words of the just.

Dt 16,1-22 - O troch výročitých sviatkoch porov. Ex 23,14–18; 34,18–23; Lv 23; Nm 28 n. V tejto rozprave dáva Mojžiš dôraz na to, aby sa výročité sviatky slávili vo svätyni. Ostatné predpisy predpokladá ako známe.

Dt 16,1 - Abíb, čiže mesiac klasov, volá sa aj nisan a zodpovedá nášmu marcu–aprílu. V Palestíne sa v tieto mesiace chystajú už na žatvu (Ex 12,2).

Dt 16,3 - O nekvasenom chlebe pozri Ex 13,7.

Dt 16,6 - Pozri Ex 12,6; Lv 23,5; Nm 9,3.5.11. V tomto verši ide len o veľkonočného baránka. Pascha sa musí sláviť len pri svätyni (vv.

Dt 16,9-12 - Porov. Ex 34,19 n.; Lv 23,15 n.; Nm 28,26 n.

Dt 16,13-15 - Pozri Ex 23,16; Lv 23,33–43; Nm 29,12–38. – Ženy sa nemuseli zúčastniť na týchto troch sviatkoch, mohli však sprevádzať svojich mužov.

Dt 16,18-20 - Porov. Ex 18,13–26; Dt 1,17. Mojžiš týmto nariadením chce zaistiť verejné právo na dobu, keď Izraeliti budú v Palestíne. Ustanovuje v každom mieste sudcov a pisárov, ktorí budú sedávať pri mestských bránach a budú rozsudzovať obyčajné spory, čo sa vyskytnú na území mesta alebo dediny. Keď išlo o vážnejší prípad, rozhodnutie sa malo ponechať najvyššiemu súdu, ktorý bude v Jeruzaleme a od ktorého nebude odvolania. Pozri 17,8–13.

Dt 16,21-22 - Zákaz pohanskej bohoslužby, pozri vyššie 12,2–3; Ex 23,24; 34,13.