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Kniha proroka Zachariáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Za 12, 1-14

1 The burden of the word of the Lord upon Israel. The Lord, stretching forth the heavens and founding the earth and forming the spirit of man within him, says: 2 Behold, I will set Jerusalem as a lintel of the effects of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, yet even Judah will be in the blockade against Jerusalem. 3 And this shall be: In that day, I will set Jerusalem as 530 a burdensome stone to every people. All who will lift it up will be torn to pieces. And all the kingdoms of the earth will be gathered together against her. 4 In that day, says the Lord, I will strike every horse with stupor and his rider with madness. And I will open my eyes upon the house of Judah, and I will strike every horse of the people with blindness. 5 And the governors of Judah will say in their heart, “Let the inhabitants of Jerusalem be strengthened for me, in the Lord of hosts, their God.” 6 In that day, I will set the governors of Judah like a flaming furnace among wood, and like a flaming torch among hay. And they will devour, to the right and to the left, all the surrounding peoples. And Jerusalem will be inhabited again, in her own place, in Jerusalem. 7 And the Lord will save the tabernacles of Judah, just as in the beginning, so that the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not glorify themselves boastfully against Judah. 8 In that day, the Lord will protect the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and even he who will have offended from them, in that day, will be like David, and the house of David will be like that of God, just like an angel of the Lord in their sight. 9 And this shall be in that day: I will seek to crush all the Gentiles that come against Jerusalem. 10 And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of prayers. And they will look upon me, whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they will feel sorrow over him, as one would be sorrowful at the death of a firstborn. 11 In that day, there will be a great lamentation in Jerusalem, like the lamentation of Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo. 12 And the earth will mourn: families and families separately; the families of the house of David separately, and their women separately; 13 the families of the house of Nathan separately, and their women separately; the families of the house of Levi separately, and their women separately; the families of Shimei separately, and their women separately; 14 all the rest of the families, families and families separately, and their women separately.

Za 12, 1-14

Verš 10
And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of prayers. And they will look upon me, whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they will feel sorrow over him, as one would be sorrowful at the death of a firstborn.
Ez 39:29 - And I will no longer conceal my face from them, for I have poured out my Spirit upon the entire house of Israel, says the Lord God.”
Joe 2:28 - And after this, it will happen that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy; your elders will dream dreams, and your youths will see visions.
Jn 19:37 - And again, another Scripture says: “They shall look upon him, whom they have pierced.”
Zjv 1:17 - And when I had seen him, I fell at his feet, like one who is dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.

Verš 11
In that day, there will be a great lamentation in Jerusalem, like the lamentation of Hadadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
2Kr 23:29 - During his days, Pharaoh Neco, the king of Egypt, ascended against the king of the Assyrians to the river Euphrates. And king Josiah went out to meet him. And when he had seen him, he was killed at Megiddo.
2Krn 35:22 - Josiah was not willing to return. Instead, he prepared for war against him. Neither would he agree to the words of Neco from the mouth of God. In truth, he traveled so that he might do battle in the field of Megiddo.
2Krn 35:24 - And they took him from the chariot, into another chariot which was following him, as was the custom of kings. And they transported him to Jerusalem. And he died, and he was buried in the mausoleum of his fathers. And all of Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him,

Zach 12,2 - Opojná čaša má význam ako opojný kalich, Jer 25,15; 51,7. - Ale možno preložiť aj: "prahom závratu" (Vulg). To by znamenalo, že závrat dostane každý, kto chce ten prah prekročiť.

Zach 12,3 - Dvíhaním veľkého kameňa skúšali v Palestíne mužovia a mládenci svoje sily. Takto budú svoje sily skúšať pohania na Jeruzaleme, ale bezvýsledne, lebo Pán bude chrániť svoj ľud.

Zach 12,10 - Obyvatelia nového Jeruzalema, pohnutí milosrdenstvom Pána, budú ho uprosovať. Prebodnutý muž, nad ktorým budú nariekať, je Mesiáš, ktorého utrpenie a smrť už dávno pred Zachariášom predpovedal prorok Izaiáš (53,1-2). Dokazuje to aj sv. Ján evanjelista, ktorý slová tohto verša cituje pri Pánovom umučení (Jn 19,37; Zjv 1,7). Boh hovorí: "Mňa prebodli!", čím sa označuje božstvo budúceho Mesiáša, i keď starozákonní ľudia podobné proroctvá ešte nevedeli v plnom zmysle chápať; porov. o božstve Mesiáša Iz 9,6; Ž 2,7; 45,7; Mich 5,2. Za jedináčikom žialili Izraeliti oveľa viac než za inými deťmi, pretože jeho smrťou vymrel celý rod.

Zach 12,11 - Magedo pozri 1 Kr 4,12. Sv. Hieronym píše, že blízko Mageda bolo aj mesto, zvané Adadremon (Adadremmon), ktoré sa v jeho časoch volalo Maximianopolis. Pri Magede padol v boji pobožný kráľ Joziáš (2 Kr 23,29). Za týmto kráľom nariekal celý národ (2 Krn 35,25). K tomuto celonárodnému náreku prirovnáva prorok nárek za zabitým Mesiášom.

Zach 12,12 - Osobitne sa uvádza pri náreku kráľovský rod Dávida a jeden vedľajší rod, pochádzajúci od toho kráľa. Nátan bol Dávidovým synom (2 Sam 5,14; 1 Krn 3,5; 14,4; Lk 3,31). Podobne rod Léviho a vedľajší levitický rod Semejov, ktorý pochádzal od Léviho syna Gersona (Nm 3,21). Ostatné rodiny národa sa spomínajú len úhrnne vo verši 14.