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Kniha proroka Nahum

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Nah 2, 1-13

1 He ascends, who would scatter before your eyes, who would maintain the blockade. Contemplate the way, fortify your back, reinforce virtue greatly. 2 For the Lord has repaid the arrogance of Jacob, just like the arrogance of Israel. For the despoilers have scattered them, and they have corrupted their procreation. 3 The shield of his strong ones is fire, the men of war are in scarlet. The reins of the chariot are fiery in the day of his preparation, and the drivers have been drugged. 4 They have become confused on their journey. The four-horse chariots have collided in the streets. Their appearance is like torches, like lightning dashing around. 5 He will call to mind his strong ones; they will destroy along their journey. They will quickly ascend its walls, and a shelter will be prepared. 6 The gates of the rivers have been opened, and the temple has been pulled down to the ground. 7 And the foot soldier has been led away captive, and her handmaids were driven away, mourning like doves, murmuring in their hearts. 8 And Nineveh, her waters are like a fish pond. Yet truly, they have fled away: “Stand, stand!” But there is no one who will turn back. 9 Despoil the silver, despoil the gold. And there is no end to all the riches of desirable equipment. 10 She has been scattered, and cut, and torn apart. And the heart melts, and the knees buckle, and weakness is in every temperament. And the faces of them all are like a black kettle. 11 Where is the dwelling place of the lions, and the feeding ground of the young lions, to which the lion went, so as to open a way for the young lion, and so that there would be none to make them afraid? 12 The lion seized enough for his young, and killed enough for his lionesses, and he filled his caves with prey, and his den with spoils. 13 Behold, I will come to you, says the Lord of hosts, and I will burn your chariots even to smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions. And I will exterminate your prey from the land, and the voice of your messengers shall no longer be heard.

Nah 2, 1-13

Verš 2
For the Lord has repaid the arrogance of Jacob, just like the arrogance of Israel. For the despoilers have scattered them, and they have corrupted their procreation.
Ž 80:12 - But my people did not hear my voice, and Israel was not attentive to me.
Iz 10:12 - And this shall be: when the Lord will have completed each of his works on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I will act against the fruit of the exalted heart of king Assur, and against the glory of the haughtiness of his eyes.

Verš 10
She has been scattered, and cut, and torn apart. And the heart melts, and the knees buckle, and weakness is in every temperament. And the faces of them all are like a black kettle.
Dt 1:28 - To where should we ascend? The messengers have terrified our heart by saying: “The multitude is very great, and taller than us. And the cities are great, and the walls extend even to the sky. We have seen the sons of the Anakim there.” ’
Dt 20:8 - After these things have been declared, they shall add the remainder, and shall say to the people: ‘What man is there who is overwhelmed by fear and is fainthearted? Let him go, and return to his house, lest he cause the hearts of his brothers to fear, just as he himself has been thoroughly stricken with fear.’
Joz 2:11 - And upon hearing these things, we were very afraid, and our heart languished. Neither did there remain in us any spirit at your arrival. For the Lord your God is the very God in heaven above and on earth below.
Joz 5:1 - Therefore, after all the kings of the Amorites, who were living across the Jordan toward the western region, and all the kings of Canaan, who possessed the places beside the great sea, had heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the sons of Israel, until they crossed over it, their heart was broken, and there remained in them no spirit, out of fear at the entrance of the sons of Israel.
Joz 7:5 - and were struck down by the men of the city of Ai. And thirty-six men of them fell. And the adversaries pursued them from the gate, even as far as Shebarim. And they felled them as they were fleeing downward. And the heart of the people was struck with fear, and it melted like water.
Iz 13:7 - Because of it, every hand will fail, and every heart of man will waste away and be crushed.
Ez 21:7 - And when they will say to you, ‘Why are you groaning?’ you shall say: ‘On behalf of the report, For it is approaching. And every heart will waste away, and every hand will be broken, and every spirit will be weakened, and water will flow across every knee.’ Behold, it is approaching and it will happen, says the Lord God.”
Iz 13:8 - Writhing and pain will seize them. They will be in pain, like a woman in labor. Each one will appear stupefied to his neighbor. Their countenances will be like faces which have been burned up.
Iz 21:3 - Because of this, my lower back has been filled with pain, and anguish has possessed me, like the anguish of a woman in labor. I fell down when I heard it. I was disturbed when I saw it.

Nah 2,1 - Hlava 2 opisuje pád Ninive. Pre Júdsko je zvesť o páde nepriateľského hlavného mesta radostnou zvesťou. Porov. Iz 40,9; 52,7. – Na východe sa dô ležité správy vyvolávali alebo inými znakmi dávali z vŕška na vŕšok. Azda na tento zvyk myslí tu prorok. – Miesto "ničomník" prepisuje Vulg hebrejské slovo Belial; pozri pozn. k 1 Sam 1,16. Tu označuje toto slovo nepriateľa.

Nah 2,2 - Darmo sa bude Ninive chystať na obranu proti blížiacemu sa nepriateľovi. Boh zničí Asýrov, a tak vráti hrdosť svojmu ľudu, ktorú Asýri zničili, keď spustošili Izrael.

Nah 2,4 - Slovo "jazdci" prekladáme podľa LXX. Podľa mnohých sa už v tomto, podľa iných len v 6. verši opisuje obranné asýrske vojsko, a nie útočiace vojsko.

Nah 2,6 - Ninive si spomenie na svoje vojsko a vyšle ho na obranu mestských hradieb.

Nah 2,7 - Rozumieť asi tak, že nepriateľ odstránil priehrady, ktoré mesto chránili pred povodňou, takže mesto zaplavili vody a podmyli aj kráľovský palác.

Nah 2,8 - Začiatok verša je veľmi neistý. Prekladáme ho podľa Junkera. O hrkútaní holubov pozri pozn. k Iz 59,11.

Nah 2,9-11 - Ninive má už oddávna toľko obyvateľov ako rybník vody. – Veľmi živo sa v týchto veršoch opisuje útek porazených, plienenie víťazov a zdesenie obyvateľstva. K výrazu: "z tvárí sa sťahuje červeň" pozri pozn. k Joel 2,6.

Nah 2,12 - Ninivčania nahromadili koristi ako lev vo svojom brlohu.