| ŽalmyBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Ž 92, 1-7 |
1 Ž 92, 1 The Praise of a Canticle, of David himself. In the time before the Sabbath, when the earth was founded. 2 Ž 92, 2 The Lord has reigned. He has been clothed with beauty. 3 Ž 92, 3 The Lord has been clothed with strength, and he has girded himself. Yet he has also confirmed the world, which will not be moved. 4 Ž 92, 4 My throne is prepared from of old. You are from everlasting. 5 Ž 92, 5 The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice. The floods have lifted up their waves, 6 Ž 92, 6 before the noise of many waters. Wondrous are the surges of the sea; wondrous is the Lord on high. 7 Ž 92, 7 Your testimonies have been made exceedingly trustworthy. Sanctity befits your house, O Lord, with length of days.
| | Ž 92, 1-7 |
Verš 12
Oz 14:5 - I will heal their contrition; I will love them spontaneously. For my wrath has been turned away from them.
Sdc 9:15 - And it responded to them: ‘If truly you would appoint me as king, come and rest under my shadow. But if you are not willing, let fire go forth from the bramble, and let it devour the cedars of Lebanon.’ ”
Z 92 - "Na Pánov deň" - označuje sa liturgické umiestnenie žalmu pri bohoslužbe. Podľa Talmudu sa spieval za rannej sobotňajšej obety, sprevádzal druhú čiastku celopalu, čiže celostnej žertvy, tzv. "mokrú obetu" (Ex 29,38; Nm 28,9).
Z 92,3 - Deň a noc spolu nestačia na to, aby sme dostatočne ocenili a aby sme sa poďakovali za Božie milosrdenstvo a Božiu lásku k nám ľuďom.
Z 92,14 - Žalmista chce povedať, že tí, čo sú blízko Boha ako stromy zasadené v nádvorí svätyne, čo zachovávajú Božie príkazy, budú pod stálou Božou opaterou a láskavosťou.