výhody registrácie

Kniha Jób

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jób 9, 1-35

1 (CPDV) And Job, responding, said:
1 (HEM) ויען איוב ויאמר׃
1 (KAT) Jób odpovedal:

2 (CPDV) Truly, I know that it is so, and that man cannot be justified compared with God.
2 (HEM) אמנם ידעתי כי כן ומה יצדק אנוש עם אל׃
2 (KAT) „Vskutku viem, že je to tak, že človek nie je v práve pred Bohom.

3 (CPDV) If he chooses to contend with him, he is not able to respond to him once out of a thousand times.
3 (HEM) אם יחפץ לריב עמו לא יעננו אחת מני אלף׃
3 (KAT) Keby sa niekto chcel s ním pustiť do hádky, neodpovie mu ani na jedno z tisíca.

4 (CPDV) He is understanding in heart and mighty in strength; who has resisted him and yet had peace?
4 (HEM) חכם לבב ואמיץ כח מי הקשה אליו וישלם׃
4 (KAT) Má múdru myseľ a silu mohutnú. Kto vzoprel sa mu už a zdravý vyviazol?!

5 (CPDV) He has moved mountains, and those whom he overthrew in his fury did not know it.
5 (HEM) המעתיק הרים ולא ידעו אשר הפכם באפו׃
5 (KAT) On nebadane vrchy prenáša a v rozhorlení ich poprehadzuje.

6 (CPDV) He shakes the earth out of its place and its pillars tremble.
6 (HEM) המרגיז ארץ ממקומה ועמודיה יתפלצון׃
6 (KAT) Aj zemou pohne on z vlastného jej miesta, že sa jej stĺpy budú zachvievať.

7 (CPDV) He commands the sun and it does not rise, and he closes the stars as if under a seal.
7 (HEM) האמר לחרס ולא יזרח ובעד כוכבים יחתם׃
7 (KAT) On zakáže slnku a nevyjde a pod pečaťou hviezdy zatvára.

8 (CPDV) He alone extends the heavens, and he walks upon the waves of the sea.
8 (HEM) נטה שמים לבדו ודורך על במתי ים׃
8 (KAT) On samojeden rozostiera nebesá a prechádza sa po morských hlbinách.

9 (CPDV) He fashions Arcturus, and Orion, and Hyades, and the interior of the south.
9 (HEM) עשה עש כסיל וכימה וחדרי תמן׃
9 (KAT) Voz stvoril Veľký, Orion takisto aj s Kuriatkami a juhu izbami.

10 (CPDV) He accomplishes great and incomprehensible and miraculous things, which cannot be numbered.
10 (HEM) עשה גדלות עד אין חקר ונפלאות עד אין מספר׃
10 (KAT) On robí veci preveľké, nesmierne, divy, ktorým počtu niet.

11 (CPDV) If he approaches me, I will not see him; if he departs, I will not understand.
11 (HEM) הן יעבר עלי ולא אראה ויחלף ולא אבין לו׃
11 (KAT) Keď kol' mňa ide, ani si to nevšimnem, keď prešmykne sa, tiež ho nezbadám.

12 (CPDV) If he suddenly should question, who will answer him? Or who can say, “Why did you do so?”
12 (HEM) הן יחתף מי ישיבנו מי יאמר אליו מה תעשה׃
12 (KAT) Ak niečo schytí, kto mu v tom zabráni? A kto mu povie: »Čo to vystrájaš?«

13 (CPDV) God, whose wrath no one is able to resist, and under whom they bend who carry the world,
13 (HEM) אלוה לא ישיב אפו תחתו שחחו עזרי רהב׃
13 (KAT) Boh však svoj hnev nijak nezdržiava a koria sa mu voje Potvory.

14 (CPDV) what am I then, that I should answer him and exchange words with him?
14 (HEM) אף כי אנכי אעננו אבחרה דברי עמו׃
14 (KAT) Tým menej teda smiem s ním rokovať ja a proti nemu slová vyberať.

15 (CPDV) And if I now have any justice, I will not respond, but will beseech my judge.
15 (HEM) אשר אם צדקתי לא אענה למשפטי אתחנן׃
15 (KAT) Keď v práve som snáď, nedostanem odpoveď; len prosiť môžem svojho žalobcu.

16 (CPDV) And if he should listen to me when I call, I would not believe that he had heard my voice.
16 (HEM) אם קראתי ויענני לא אאמין כי יאזין קולי׃
16 (KAT) Keď oslovím ho, nechá ma hovoriť, že na môj hlas dbá, veriť nemôžem…

17 (CPDV) For he will crush me in a whirlwind and multiply my wounds, even without cause.
17 (HEM) אשר בשערה ישופני והרבה פצעי חנם׃
17 (KAT) On, čo ma zaraz kruší pre maličkosť a pre nič za nič mi rany rozmnoží,

18 (CPDV) He does not permit my spirit to rest, and he fills me with bitterness.
18 (HEM) לא יתנני השב רוחי כי ישבעני ממררים׃
18 (KAT) nedá môjmu duchu ani vydýchnuť si a nasycuje ma horkosťou.

19 (CPDV) If strength is sought, he is most strong; if equity in judgment, no one would dare to give testimony for me.
19 (HEM) אם לכח אמיץ הנה ואם למשפט מי יועידני׃
19 (KAT) Ak o moc ide, on je najsilnejší, ak ide o súd, kto ho predvolá?!

20 (CPDV) If I wanted to justify myself, my own mouth will condemn me; if I would reveal my innocence, he would prove me depraved.
20 (HEM) אם אצדק פי ירשיעני תם אני ויעקשני׃
20 (KAT) Keby som tvrdil, že som spravodlivý, vlastné ústa ma odsúdia, keby som nevinný robil sa, dokáže moju skazenosť.

21 (CPDV) And if I now became simple, my soul would be ignorant even of this, and my life would weary me.
21 (HEM) תם אני לא אדע נפשי אמאס חיי׃
21 (KAT) Či statočný som, ani to nepoznám, nuž opovrhujem svojím životom.

22 (CPDV) There is one thing that I have said: both the innocent and the impious he consumes.
22 (HEM) אחת היא על כן אמרתי תם ורשע הוא מכלה׃
22 (KAT) Hej, povedal som: Všetko je už jedno, on nevinného so zlým zahubí!

23 (CPDV) If he scourges, let him kill all at once, and not laugh at the punishment of the innocent.
23 (HEM) אם שוט ימית פתאם למסת נקים ילעג׃
23 (KAT) Ak náhle zájde voľakto pod bičom, on posmieva sa dobrých zúfalstvu.

24 (CPDV) Since the earth has been given into the hand of the impious, he covers the face of its judges; for if it is not him, then who is it?
24 (HEM) ארץ נתנה ביד רשע פני שפטיה יכסה אם לא אפוא מי הוא׃
24 (KAT) Ba kraj ak príde do rúk bezbožníka, on zrak jeho sudcov pozahaľuje. Ak on to nie je, kto by to bol teda?

25 (CPDV) My days have been swifter than a messenger; they have fled and have not seen goodness.
25 (HEM) וימי קלו מני רץ ברחו לא ראו טובה׃
25 (KAT) Dni rýchlejšie mi ako bežec utiekli a stratili sa, šťastie nezhliadli.

26 (CPDV) They have passed by like ships carrying fruits, just like an eagle flying to food.
26 (HEM) חלפו עם אניות אבה כנשר יטוש עלי אכל׃
26 (KAT) Sťa člnok z tŕstia sa iba prekĺzli, ako keď orol zlieta na korisť.

27 (CPDV) If I say: “By no means will I speak this way.” I change my face and I am tortured with sorrow.
27 (HEM) אם אמרי אשכחה שיחי אעזבה פני ואבליגה׃
27 (KAT) Ak pomyslím si: Na svoj nárek zabudnem, výzor si zmením, rozveselím sa;

28 (CPDV) I have dreaded all my works, knowing that you did not spare the offender.
28 (HEM) יגרתי כל עצבתי ידעתי כי לא תנקני׃
28 (KAT) hneď naľakám sa všetkých svojich bolestí, lebo viem, že ma ich nezbavíš.

29 (CPDV) Yet, if I am also just as impious, why have I labored in vain?
29 (HEM) אנכי ארשע למה זה הבל איגע׃
29 (KAT) Nuž ak som teda vinovatý (pred tebou), tak načo ešte mám sa namáhať?

30 (CPDV) If I had been washed with snow-like waters, and my hands were shining like the cleanest thing,
30 (HEM) אם התרחצתי במו שלג והזכותי בבר כפי׃
30 (KAT) Hoc snehom seba poumýval by som a svoje ruky lúhom očistil,

31 (CPDV) yet you would plunge me in filth, and my own garments would abhor me.
31 (HEM) אז בשחת תטבלני ותעבוני שלמותי׃
31 (KAT) ty ma zas pohrúžiš do špiny, že vlastným šatom budem hnusiť sa.

32 (CPDV) For even I would not answer a man who were like myself, nor one who could be heard with me equally in judgment.
32 (HEM) כי לא איש כמני אעננו נבוא יחדו במשפט׃
32 (KAT) On nie je človek ako ja, by som mu povedal: Tak spolu sa pred súd postavme!

33 (CPDV) There is no one who could both prevail in argument and in placing his hand between the two.
33 (HEM) לא יש בינינו מוכיח ישת ידו על שנינו׃
33 (KAT) Niet kto by mohol medzi nami rozsúdiť, kto na nás oboch ruku vložil by,

34 (CPDV) Let him take his staff away from me, and let not the fear of him terrify me.
34 (HEM) יסר מעלי שבטו ואמתו אל תבעתני׃
34 (KAT) kto jeho metlu odo mňa by oddialil, by hrôza z neho nedesila ma.

35 (CPDV) I will speak and I will not fear him, for in fearfulness I am not able to respond.
35 (HEM) אדברה ולא איראנו כי לא כן אנכי עמדי׃
35 (KAT) Lež prehovorím, pred ním strach mať nebudem, bo moje veci sa tak nemajú.

Jób 9, 1-35

Verš 32
For even I would not answer a man who were like myself, nor one who could be heard with me equally in judgment.
Kaz 6:10 - Whoever shall be in the future, his name has already been called. And it is known that he is a man and that he is not able to contend in judgment against one who is stronger than himself.
Jer 49:19 - Behold, he will ascend like a lion from the arrogance of the Jordan, against the robust beauty. For I will cause him to rush against her suddenly. And who will be the elect one, whom I may appoint over her? For who is like me? And who can endure me? And who is that pastor who can withstand my countenance?

Verš 2
Truly, I know that it is so, and that man cannot be justified compared with God.
Ž 143:2 - My mercy and my refuge, my supporter and my deliverer, my protector and him in whom I have hoped: he subdues my people under me.

Verš 8
He alone extends the heavens, and he walks upon the waves of the sea.
Gn 1:6 - God also said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide waters from waters.”

Verš 10
He accomplishes great and incomprehensible and miraculous things, which cannot be numbered.
Jób 5:9 - He does great and unfathomable and miraculous things without number.
Ž 72:18 - So, because of deceitfulness, truly, you have placed it before them. While they were being lifted up, you were casting them down.
Ž 77:14 - And he led them with a cloud by day, and with illumination by fire throughout the night.
Ž 86:10 -
Rim 11:33 - Oh, the depths of the richness of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable are his ways!

Verš 34
Let him take his staff away from me, and let not the fear of him terrify me.
Jób 13:20 - Do not do such things to me twice, and then I will not hide from your face.
Jób 33:7 - So, truly, do not let my wonders terrify you, and do not let my eloquence be burdensome to you.

Verš 22
There is one thing that I have said: both the innocent and the impious he consumes.
Kaz 9:2 - But all things in the future remain uncertain, because all things happen equally to the just and to the impious, to the good and to the bad, to the pure and to the impure, to those who offer sacrifices and to those who despise sacrifices. As the good are, so also are sinners. As those who commit perjury are, so also are those who swear to the truth.
Mal 3:14 - And you have said, “What have we spoken against you?” You have said, “He labors in vain who serves God,” and, “What advantage is it that we have kept his precepts, and that we have walked sorrowfully in the sight of the Lord of hosts?

Verš 25
My days have been swifter than a messenger; they have fled and have not seen goodness.
Jób 7:6 - My days have passed by more quickly than threads are cut by a weaver, and they have been consumed without any hope.

Verš 30
If I had been washed with snow-like waters, and my hands were shining like the cleanest thing,
Jer 2:22 - Even if you wash yourself with soap, and increase your use of herbal soaps, you are still stained by your iniquity in my sight, says the Lord God.

Job 9,5-7 - Ohromná moc Božia javí sa v zosúvaní horstiev (verš 5), zemetrasení (verš 6) a v zatmeniach slnka (verš 7).

Job 9,8 - Tvorivá moc Božia nepozná obmedzenie a hranice. Rovnako stvoril Boh oblohu a hlboké more. – "Prechádzať sa" znamená niečo do svojej moci prevziať, nad niečím neobmedzene vládnuť.

Job 9,13 - "Potvora" a "voje Potvory" (v pôvodine Rachab a voje Rachaby) sú zasa bájoslovné antické predstavy o mori so všetkými jeho domnelými obludami (pravekými zvermi), ktorými bolo preplnené. Svätopisec užíva tieto všeobecne známe ľudové predstavy, aby tak poukázal na nepremožiteľnú moc Božiu, s ktorou vládne nad bytosťami, ktorých predstava budila v mysliach ľudí úžas.

Job 9,19-20 - Božia moc a prevaha je taká veľká v očiach Jóbových, že sám prichádza k poznaniu svojej bezmocnosti, keď sa chce porovnať s Bohom.

Job 9,22-24 - Na tvrdenie Bildadovo, že Boh je krajne spravodlivý, ktorý len hriešnikov tresce, Jób odpovedá záporne a tvrdí, že Boh bez ohľadu na čnosť a hriešnosť zaobchádza s ľuďmi úplne podľa ľubovôle.

Job 9,33 - "Ruku vložiť na niekoho" znamená nad niekým získať moc a vládu.