výhody registrácie

1. kniha Samuelova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KAT - Katolícky preklad)

1Sam 20, 1-42

1 (KAT) A Dávid ušiel z Najotu pri Ráme. Prišiel a hovoril pred Jonatánom: „Čo som urobil? Čo je moja vina a čo je môj hriech proti tvojmu otcovi, že mi číha na život?“
1 (VUL) Fugit autem David de Naioth, quae est in Rama, veniensque locutus est coram Ionathan: “ Quid feci? Quae est iniquitas mea et quod peccatum meum in patrem tuum, quia quaerit animam meam? ”.
1 (UKJV) And David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and came and said before Jonathan, What have I done? what is mine iniquity? and what is my sin before your father, that he seeks my life?

2 (KAT) Odpovedal mu: „Ani zďaleka! Nezomrieš! Veď môj otec neurobí nič ani veľké, ani malé, aby mi to nezradil! Prečo by môj otec tajil predo mnou túto vec? To nejestvuje!“
2 (VUL) Qui dixit ei: “ Absit, non morieris; neque enim faciet pater meus quidquam grande vel parvum, nisi prius indicaverit mihi; hoc ergo celavit me pater meus tantummodo? Nequaquam erit istud ”.
2 (UKJV) "And he said unto him, God forbid; you shall not die: behold, my father will do nothing either great or small, but that he will show it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? it is not so. "

3 (KAT) Ale Dávid znovu prisahal a vravel: „Tvoj otec dobre vie, že som našiel priazeň v tvojich očiach a hovorí si: Nech Jonatán o tom nevie, aby sa nezarmucoval! Ale ako žije Pán a ako ty žiješ, medzi mnou a medzi smrťou je len krok.“
3 (VUL) Et rursum respondit David et ait: “ Scit profecto pater tuus quia inveni gratiam in oculis tuis et dixit: “Nesciat hoc Ionathan, ne forte tristetur”. Quinimmo vivit Dominus, et vivit anima tua, quia uno tantum gradu ego morsque dividimur ”.
3 (UKJV) "And David swore moreover, and said, Your father certainly knows that I have found grace in your eyes; and he says, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death. "

4 (KAT) Nato Jonatán vravel Dávidovi: „Urobím pre teba, o čokoľvek ma požiadaš.“
4 (VUL) Et ait Ionathan ad David: “ Quid desiderat anima tua, ut faciam tibi? ”.
4 (UKJV) Then said Jonathan unto David, Whatsoever your soul desires, I will even do it for you.

5 (KAT) Dávid povedal Jonatánovi: „Hľa, zajtra je novmesiac a ja mám sedieť pri jedle s kráľom. Uvoľni ma, schovám sa na poli až do večera.
5 (VUL) Dixit autem David ad Ionathan: “ Ecce neomenia est crastino, et ego ex more sedere soleo iuxta regem ad vescendum; dimitte ergo me, ut abscondar in agro usque ad vesperam diei tertiae.
5 (UKJV) And David said unto Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit with the king at food: but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even.

6 (KAT) Ak sa Šaul bude na mňa dopytovať, povieš mu: Dávid sa odo mňa vypýtal, aby mohol zabehnúť do svojho mesta, Betlehema, lebo tam celý rod slávi výročnú obetu.
6 (VUL) Si requisierit me pater tuus, respondebis ei: “Rogavit me David, ut iret celeriter in Bethlehem civitatem suam, quia victimae annuae ibi sunt universis contribulibus eius”.
6 (UKJV) If your father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city: for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all the family.

7 (KAT) Ak povie: »Dobre,« tvoj sluha je v bezpečí. Ak sa však nazlostí, vedz, že sa už odhodlal na zlo.
7 (VUL) Si dixerit: “Bene”, pax erit servo tuo; si autem fuerit iratus, scito quia malum decretum est ab eo.
7 (UKJV) "If he say thus, It is well; your servant shall have peace: but if he be very angry, then be sure that evil is determined by him. "

8 (KAT) Vtedy preukáž svojmu sluhovi milosrdenstvo, veď si dal svojmu sluhovi uzavrieť so sebou Pánovu zmluvu. Ak je na mne vina, zabi ma ty, načo by si ma vydával svojmu otcovi.“
8 (VUL) Fac ergo misericordiam in servum tuum, quia foedus Domini me famulum tuum tecum inire fecisti; si autem est in me aliqua iniquitas, tu me interfice et ad patrem tuum ne introducas me ”.
8 (UKJV) "Therefore you shall deal kindly with your servant; for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the LORD with you: notwithstanding, if there be in me iniquity, slay me yourself; for why should you bring me to your father? "

9 (KAT) Jonatán odpovedal: „Nech je to ďaleko od teba! Lebo ak sa naozaj dozviem, že sa môj otec odhodlal pre zlo voči tebe, azda by som ti to neoznámil?!“
9 (VUL) Et ait Ionathan: “ Absit hoc a te; neque enim fieri potest ut, si certo cognovero malum decretum esse a patre meo contra te, non annuntiem tibi ”.
9 (UKJV) And Jonathan said, Far be it from you: for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon you, then would not I tell it you?

10 (KAT) Dávid povedal Jonatánovi: „A kto mi oznámi, ak ti otec tvrdo odpovie?“
10 (VUL) Responditque David ad Ionathan: “ Quis nuntiabit mihi, si quid forte responderit tibi pater tuus dure? ”.
10 (UKJV) Then said David to Jonathan, Who shall tell me? or what if your father answer you roughly?

11 (KAT) Jonatán vravel Dávidovi: „Poď, vyjdime na pole!“ I vyšli obaja na pole.
11 (VUL) Et ait Ionathan ad David: “ Veni, egrediamur foras in agrum ”. Cumque exissent ambo in agrum,
11 (UKJV) And Jonathan said unto David, Come, and let us go out into the field. And they went out both of them into the field.

12 (KAT) Vtedy povedal Jonatán Dávidovi: „Ako žije Pán, Izraelov Boh, zajtra (alebo pozajtra) o tomto čase sa budem dopytovať u svojho otca. A ak to bude pre Dávida priaznivé, či by som neposlal k tebe a neoznámil ti to?
12 (VUL) ait Ionathan ad David: “ Vivit Dominus, Deus Israel, investigabo sententiam patris mei hoc fere tempore cras vel perendie; et si aliquid boni fuerit super David, et non statim miserim ad te et notum tibi fecerim,
12 (UKJV) "And Jonathan said unto David, O LORD God of Israel, when I have sounded my father about tomorrow any time, or the third day, and, behold, if there be good toward David, and I then send not unto you, and show it you; "

13 (KAT) Toto nech urobí Pán Jonatánovi a toto nech doloží! Ak sa môjmu otcovi bude páčiť priviesť na teba nešťastie, prezradím ti to, vypravím ťa, aby si odišiel v pokoji. A Pán bude s tebou, ako bol s mojím otcom.
13 (VUL) haec faciat Dominus in Ionathan et haec augeat! Si autem perseveraverit patris mei malitia adversum te, hoc quoque notum faciam tibi et dimittam te, ut vadas in pace. Et sit Dominus tecum, sicut fuit cum patre meo.
13 (UKJV) The LORD do so and much more to Jonathan: but if it please my father to do you evil, then I will show it you, and send you away, that you may go in peace: and the LORD be with you, as he has been with my father.

14 (KAT) Ale ak ja budem ešte žiť, preukáž mi Pánovo milosrdenstvo a ak zomriem,
14 (VUL) Et, si vixero, facies mihi misericordiam Domini; si vero mortuus fuero,
14 (UKJV) And you shall not only while yet I live show me the kindness of the LORD, that I die not:

15 (KAT) neodopri nikdy svoje milosrdenstvo môjmu domu! A keď Pán vyhubí z povrchu zeme všetkých Dávidových nepriateľov,
15 (VUL) non auferas misericordiam tuam a domo mea usque in sempiternum, quando eradicaverit Dominus inimicos David unumquemque de terra ”.
15 (UKJV) But also you shall not cut off your kindness from my house for ever: no, not when the LORD has cut off the enemies of David every one from the face of the earth.

16 (KAT) nech sa z Dávidovho okolia nevyhubí Jonatánovo meno! Ináč bude Pán žiadať počet z Dávidovej ruky.“
16 (VUL) Pepigit ergo foedus Ionathan cum domo David dicens: “ Requirat Dominus de manu inimicorum David! ”.
16 (UKJV) So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, Let the LORD even require it at the hand of David's enemies.

17 (KAT) A Jonatán opäť zaprisahal Dávida, lebo ho miloval. Miloval ho, ako miloval svoj život.
17 (VUL) Et addidit Ionathan ut faceret David iurare per dilectionem suam erga illum; sicut animam enim suam, ita diligebat eum.
17 (UKJV) And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul.

18 (KAT) Jonatán mu povedal: „Zajtra je novmesiac. Budú ťa hľadať, ak tvoje miesto ostane prázdne.
18 (VUL) Dixitque ad eum Ionathan: “ Cras neomenia est, et requireris;
18 (UKJV) Then Jonathan said to David, Tomorrow is the new moon: and you shall be missed, because your seat will be empty.

19 (KAT) Pozajtra ťa budú veľmi hľadať. Vtedy príď na miesto, kde si sa schoval v pracovný deň (?), a zdržuj sa pri tej skale.
19 (VUL) vacua erit enim sessio tua. Perendie descendes festinus et venies in locum, ubi abscondisti te in die facti illius; et sedebis iuxta acervum illum.
19 (UKJV) And when you have stayed three days, then you shall go down quickly, and come to the place where you did hide yourself when the business was in hand, and shall remain by the stone Ezel.

20 (KAT) Ja k nej vystrelím tri šípy, akoby som strieľal do cieľa,
20 (VUL) Et ego tres sagittas mittam iuxta eum et iaciam quasi exercens me ad signum.
20 (UKJV) And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as though I shot at a mark.

21 (KAT) a pošlem chlapca: »Choď, nájdi šípy!« - Ak poviem chlapcovi: »Hľa, šípy sú z tejto strany, zober ich!« - vtedy príď, lebo si v bezpečí, nie je nič, ako žije Pán!
21 (VUL) Mittam quoque et puerum dicens ei: “Vade et affer mihi sagittas”.
21 (UKJV) "And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of you, take them; then come you: for there is peace to you, and no hurt; as the LORD lives. "

22 (KAT) Ale ak poviem mladíkovi: »Hľa, šípy sú ďalej, za tebou!« - choď, lebo Pán ťa posiela preč.
22 (VUL) Si dixero puero: “Ecce sagittae intra te sunt, tolle eas”, tu veni ad me, quia pax tibi est, et nihil est mali, vivit Dominus. Si autem sic locutus fuero puero: “Ecce sagittae ultra te sunt”, vade, quia dimisit te Dominus.
22 (UKJV) "But if I say thus unto the young man, Behold, the arrows are beyond you; go your way: for the LORD has sent you away. "

23 (KAT) Čo sa však týka veci, o ktorej sme sa ja a ty dohovorili, Pán je naveky medzi mnou a tebou!“
23 (VUL) De verbo autem, quod locuti fuimus, ego et tu, sit Dominus inter me et te usque in sempiternum ”.
23 (UKJV) And as concerning the matter which you and I have spoken of, behold, the LORD be between you and me for ever.

24 (KAT) Dávid sa teda schoval na poli. A keď prišiel novmesiac, sadol si kráľ za stôl k jedlu.
24 (VUL) Absconditus est ergo David in agro; et venit neomenia, et sedit rex ad mensam ad comedendum.
24 (UKJV) So David hid himself in the field: and when the new moon was come, the king sat him down to eat food.

25 (KAT) Kráľ sedel na svojom obvyklom mieste, na mieste pri stene. Jonatán bol oproti, Abner sedel vedľa kráľa, Dávidovo miesto však bolo prázdne.
25 (VUL) Cumque sedisset rex super cathedram suam secundum consuetudinem, quae erat iuxta parietem, sedit Ionathan ex adverso, et sedit Abner ex latere Saul; vacuusque apparuit locus David.
25 (UKJV) And the king sat upon his seat, as at other times, even upon a seat by the wall: and Jonathan arose, and Abner sat by Saul's side, and David's place was empty.

26 (KAT) Tento deň Šaul nepovedal nič, hovoril si totiž: „Je to náhoda; nie je čistý. Hej, nebude čistý!“
26 (VUL) Et non est locutus Saul quidquam in die illa; cogitabat enim quod forte evenisset ei, ut non esset mundus nec purificatus.
26 (UKJV) "Nevertheless Saul spoke not any thing that day: for he thought, Something has befallen him, he is not clean; surely he is not clean. "

27 (KAT) Nasledujúci, druhý deň po novmesiaci bolo Dávidovo miesto zasa prázdne. Tu sa Šaul pýtal svojho syna Jonatána: „Prečo neprišiel Izaiho syn ani dnes k jedlu?“
27 (VUL) Cumque illuxisset dies secunda post neomeniam, rursum vacuus apparuit locus David; dixitque Saul ad Ionathan filium suum: “ Cur non venit filius Isai nec heri nec hodie ad vescendum? ”.
27 (UKJV) And it came to pass on the next day, which was the second day of the month, that David's place was empty: and Saul said unto Jonathan his son, Wherefore comes not the son of Jesse to food, neither yesterday, nor to day?

28 (KAT) Jonatán odpovedal Šaulovi: „Dávid sa veľmi pýtal odo mňa do Betlehema.
28 (VUL) Et respondit Ionathan Sauli: “ Rogavit me obnixe, ut iret in Bethlehem,
28 (UKJV) And Jonathan answered Saul, David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem:

29 (KAT) Hovoril mi: »Prepusť ma, prosím, máme v meste rodinnú obetu a môj brat ma sám povolal. Nuž, ak som našiel milosť v tvojich očiach, nech mi je dovolené pozrieť svojich bratov.« - Preto neprišiel ku kráľovmu stolu.“
29 (VUL) et ait: “Dimitte me, quoniam sacrificium familiae est in civitate, et frater meus ipse accersivit me; nunc ergo, si inveni gratiam in oculis tuis, vadam cito et videbo fratres meos”. Ob hanc causam non venit ad mensam regis ”.
29 (UKJV) "And he said, Let me go, I pray you; for our family has a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he has commanded me to be there: and now, if I have found favour in your eyes, let me get away, I pray you, and see my brethren. Therefore he comes not unto the king's table. "

30 (KAT) Nato sa Šaul nazlostil na Jonatána a vravel: „Ty syn odbojnej ženštiny! Azda neviem, že máš rád Izaiho syna na tvoju hanbu a na hanbu nahoty tvojej matere?!
30 (VUL) Iratus autem Saul adversum Ionathan dixit ei: “ Fili mulieris perversae, numquid ignoro quia diligis filium Isai in confusionem tuam et in confusionem nuditatis matris tuae?
30 (UKJV) Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, You son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that you have chosen the son of Jesse to your own confusion, and unto the confusion of your mother's nakedness?

31 (KAT) Lebo kým žije Izaiho syn na zemi, nebudeš pevný ani ty, ani tvoje kráľovstvo. Preto ho daj priviesť ku mne, lebo je synom smrti!“
31 (VUL) Omnibus enim diebus, quibus filius Isai vixerit super terram, non stabilieris tu neque regnum tuum; itaque iam nunc mitte et adduc eum ad me, quia filius mortis est ”.
31 (UKJV) For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the ground, you shall not be established, nor your kingdom. Wherefore now send and fetch him unto me, for he shall surely die.

32 (KAT) Ale Jonatán odvetil svojmu otcovi Šaulovi: „Prečo má zomrieť?! Čo urobil?“
32 (VUL) Respondens autem Ionathan Sauli patri suo ait: “ Quare morietur? Quid fecit? ”.
32 (UKJV) And Jonathan answered Saul his father, and said unto him, Wherefore shall he be slain? what has he done?

33 (KAT) Vtom Šaul vrhol proti nemu kopiju a Jonatán sa presvedčil, že jeho otec je rozhodnutý Dávida zabiť.
33 (VUL) Et arripuit Saul lanceam, ut percuteret eum; et intellexit Ionathan quod definitum esset patri suo, ut interficeret David.
33 (UKJV) And Saul cast a javelin at him to strike him: whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David.

34 (KAT) Preto Jonatán vstal od stola nahnevaný a nejedol druhý deň mesiaca, lebo mu bolo ľúto Dávida, že mu jeho otec nadával.
34 (VUL) Surrexit ergo Ionathan a mensa in ira furoris et non comedit in die neomeniae secunda panem; contristatus est enim super David, eo quod confudisset eum pater suus.
34 (UKJV) So Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger, and did eat no food the second day of the month: for he was grieved for David, because his father had done him shame.

35 (KAT) Ráno potom Jonatán išiel na pole podľa dohovoru s Dávidom a išiel s ním malý chlapec.
35 (VUL) Cumque illuxisset mane, venit Ionathan in agrum ad locum constitutum a David et puer parvulus cum eo;
35 (UKJV) And it came to pass in the morning, that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David, and a little lad with him.

36 (KAT) I povedal svojmu chlapcovi: „Bež, pohľadaj šípy, ktoré som vystrelil.“ Chlapec bežal a on vystrelil šíp ponad neho.
36 (VUL) et ait ad puerum suum: “ Vade et affer mihi sagittas, quas ego iacio ”. Cumque puer cucurrisset, iecit sagittam trans puerum.
36 (UKJV) And he said unto his lad, Run, find out now the arrows which I shoot. And as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.

37 (KAT) Chlapec došiel na miesto šípa, ktorý Jonatán vystrelil, a Jonatán mu kričal: „Šíp je predsa ďalej za tebou!“.
37 (VUL) Venit itaque puer ad locum sagittae, quam miserat Ionathan, et clamavit Ionathan post tergum pueri et ait: “ Ecce ibi est sagitta porro ultra te ”.
37 (UKJV) And when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot, Jonathan cried after the lad, and said, Is not the arrow beyond you?

38 (KAT) Potom Jonatán volal za chlapcom: „Rýchlo, utekaj, nezdržuj sa!“ Jonatánov sluha pozbieral šípy a prišiel k svojmu pánovi.
38 (VUL) Clamavitque Ionathan post tergum pueri: “ Festina velociter, ne steteris ”. Sustulit autem puer Ionathae sagittam et attulit ad dominum suum
38 (UKJV) And Jonathan cried after the lad, Make speed, haste, stay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows, and came to his master.

39 (KAT) Sluha, pravda, nevedel nič, len Jonatán a Dávid vedeli o veci.
39 (VUL) et quid ageretur penitus ignorabat, tantummodo enim Ionathan et David rem noverant.
39 (UKJV) But the lad knew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter.

40 (KAT) Jonatán dal svoj výstroj sluhovi a povedal mu: „Choď, zanes to do mesta!“
40 (VUL) Dedit igitur Ionathan arma sua puero et dixit ei: “ Vade, defer in civitatem ”.
40 (UKJV) And Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad, and said unto him, Go, carry them to the city.

41 (KAT) Keď sluha odišiel, vstal Dávid spoza skaly, vrhol sa tvárou na zem a tri razy sa uklonil. Nato sa vzájomne pobozkali a v objatí plakali, nadovšetko Dávid.
41 (VUL) Cumque abisset puer, surrexit David de latere acervi et cadens pronus in terram adoravit tertio; et osculantes alterutrum fleverunt pariter, David autem amplius.
41 (UKJV) And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

42 (KAT) Jonatán povedal Dávidovi: „Choď v pokoji! Ako sme si obaja prisahali v mene Pánovom, Pán bude medzi mnou a tebou, medzi mojím potomstvom a tvojím potomstvom naveky.“
42 (VUL) Dixit ergo Ionathan ad David: “ Vade in pace; iuravimus enim ambo in nomine Domini dicentes: Dominus erit inter me et te et inter semen meum et semen tuum usque in sempiternum ”.
42 (UKJV) And Jonathan said to David, Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the name of the LORD, saying, The LORD be between me and you, and between my seed and your seed for ever. And he arose and departed: and Jonathan went into the city.

1Sam 20, 1-42

Verš 8
Vtedy preukáž svojmu sluhovi milosrdenstvo, veď si dal svojmu sluhovi uzavrieť so sebou Pánovu zmluvu. Ak je na mne vina, zabi ma ty, načo by si ma vydával svojmu otcovi.“
1Sam 18:3 - Jonatán uzavrel s Dávidom zmluvu, lebo ho miloval ako seba samého.

Verš 23
Čo sa však týka veci, o ktorej sme sa ja a ty dohovorili, Pán je naveky medzi mnou a tebou!“
1Sam 20:42 - Jonatán povedal Dávidovi: „Choď v pokoji! Ako sme si obaja prisahali v mene Pánovom, Pán bude medzi mnou a tebou, medzi mojím potomstvom a tvojím potomstvom naveky.“

1Sam 20,5 - Novmesiac bol prvý deň každého mesiaca. Bol to sviatok, hoci nie tak zasvätený ako hlavné slávnosti ročné.

1Sam 20,8 - O zmluve Dávida a Jonatána pozri 18,3. Volajú ju zmluvou Pánovou, lebo vzývali v nej Pána, aby ich potrestal, ak ju nedodržia.

1Sam 20,13 - Jonatán sa prísahou zaväzuje, že Dávidovi pomôže utiecť, ak by ho Šaul chcel prenasledovať.

1Sam 20,14 - Zmysel vety je: "Buď ku mne milosrdný, ako je milosrdný Pán!" Verše 14–16 sú porušené. Jonatán chce, aby jeho rod bol Dávidovi verný, ale prosí Dávida, aby aj on zachovával priazeň k jeho rodu, ináč by ho Boh trestal, pretože nedodržal zmluvu, ktorú s Jonatánom uzavrel.

1Sam 20,18 - Verše 18 n. sú tiež veľmi porušené a preto nejasné. V ten novmesiac, o ktorom je reč, nasledovali asi dva sviatky za sebou, tretí deň, keď Dávid mal dostať správu od Jonatána, bol už deň pracovný. Dávid sa mal zdržovať pri akejsi známej, pravdepodobne nápadnej skale.

1Sam 20,23 - Pán je svedok ich dohovoru, Dávid sa môže spoľahnúť.

1Sam 20,25 - So LXX čítame: "Jonatán bol oproti", a nie "Jonatán vstal", ako má Vulg a dnešný hebr. text.

1Sam 20,26 - Hostina mala náboženský ráz, preto sa na nej smeli zúčastniť len rituálne čistí ľudia. Šaul si myslí, že Dávid nie je rituálne čistý, a preto neprišiel na hostinu.