výhody registrácie

1. kniha Samuelova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

1Sam 14, 1-52

1 (KJV) Now it came to pass upon a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other side. But he told not his father.
1 (SVD) وفي ذات يوم قال يوناثان بن شاول للغلام حامل سلاحه تعال نعبر الى حفظة الفلسطينيين الذين في ذلك العبر. ولم يخبر اباه.
1 (B21) Jednoho dne řekl Saulův syn Jonatan svému zbrojnošovi: "Pojď, pronikneme k té filištínské hlídce tamhle naproti." Svému otci to ale neřekl.

2 (KJV) And Saul tarried in the uttermost part of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree which is in Migron: and the people that were with him were about six hundred men;
2 (SVD) وكان شاول مقيما في طرف جبعة تحت الرمانة التي في مغرون والشعب الذي معه نحو ست مئة رجل.
2 (B21) (Saul se zatím zdržoval na okraji Gibeje pod granátovníkem u Migronu. Jeho vojsko čítalo asi 600 mužů

3 (KJV) And Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, I-chabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the LORD's priest in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. And the people knew not that Jonathan was gone.
3 (SVD) واخيّا بن اخيطوب اخي ايخابود بن فينحاس بن عالي كاهن الرب في شيلوه كان لابسا افودا. ولم يعلم الشعب ان يوناثان قد ذهب.
3 (B21) včetně Achiáše, který nosil efod. Byl to syn Ichabodova bratra Achituba, syna Pinchase, syna Elího, Hospodinova kněze v Šílu.) O Jonatanově odchodu nikdo nevěděl.

4 (KJV) And between the passages, by which Jonathan sought to go over unto the Philistines' garrison, there was a sharp rock on the one side and a sharp rock on the other side: and the name of the one was Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.
4 (SVD) وبين المعابر التي التمس يوناثان ان يعبرها الى حفظة الفلسطينيين سن صخرة من هذه الجهة وسنّ صخرة من تلك الجهة واسم الواحدة بوصيص واسم الاخرى سنه.
4 (B21) Na obou stranách průsmyku, kterým chtěl Jonatan proniknout k filištínské hlídce, byly skalní útesy. Jeden se jmenoval Bocec a druhý Sene;

5 (KJV) The forefront of the one was situate northward over against Michmash, and the other southward over against Gibeah.
5 (SVD) والسن الواحد عمود الى الشمال مقابل مخماس والآخر الى الجنوب مقابل جبع.
5 (B21) jeden se tyčil na severu proti Michmasu, druhý proti Gebě.

6 (KJV) And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.
6 (SVD) فقال يوناثان للغلام حامل سلاحه تعال نعبر الى صف هؤلاء الغلف لعل الله يعمل معنا لانه ليس للرب مانع عن ان يخلص بالكثير او بالقليل.
6 (B21) "Pojď," řekl Jonatan svému zbrojnoši, "pronikneme ke hlídce těch neobřezanců. Snad bude Hospodin při nás. Vždyť Hospodinu není zatěžko zvítězit, ať už jich je mnoho nebo málo."

7 (KJV) And his armourbearer said unto him, Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heart.
7 (SVD) فقال له حامل سلاحه اعمل كل ما بقلبك. تقدم. هانذا معك حسب قلبك.
7 (B21) "Udělej, cokoli máš na srdci," odpověděl mu zbrojnoš. "Obrať se, kam chceš - jsem přece s tebou jedno srdce."

8 (KJV) Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass over unto these men, and we will discover ourselves unto them.
8 (SVD) فقال يوناثان هوذا نحن نعبر الى القوم ونظهر انفسنا لهم.
8 (B21) Jonatan mu na to řekl: "Podívej se, pronikneme k těm mužům a ukážeme se jim.

9 (KJV) If they say thus unto us, Tarry until we come to you; then we will stand still in our place, and will not go up unto them.
9 (SVD) فان قالوا لنا هكذا. دوموا حتى نصل اليكم. نقف في مكاننا ولا نصعد اليهم.
9 (B21) Jestli nám řeknou: ‚Zastavte se, dokud k vám nedorazíme!' zůstaneme na místě a nebudeme k nim šplhat.

10 (KJV) But if they say thus, Come up unto us; then we will go up: for the LORD hath delivered them into our hand: and this shall be a sign unto us.
10 (SVD) ولكن ان قالوا هكذا. اصعدوا الينا. نصعد. لان الرب قد دفعهم ليدنا وهذه هي العلامة لنا.
10 (B21) Jestliže řeknou: ‚Vylezte k nám!' polezeme, protože to pro nás bude znamením, že nám je Hospodin vydal do rukou."

11 (KJV) And both of them discovered themselves unto the garrison of the Philistines: and the Philistines said, Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the holes where they had hid themselves.
11 (SVD) فاظهرا انفسهما لصف الفلسطينيين. فقال الفلسطينيون هوذا العبرانيون خارجون من الثقوب التي اختبأوا فيها.
11 (B21) Oba se tedy ukázali filištínské hlídce a Filištíni si řekli: "Podívejme, Hebrejové lezou z děr, do kterých se schovali."

12 (KJV) And the men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armourbearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will shew you a thing. And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer, Come up after me: for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel.
12 (SVD) فاجاب رجال الصف يوناثان وحامل سلاحه وقالوا اصعدا الينا فنعلمكما شيئا. فقال يوناثان لحامل سلاحه اصعد ورائي لان الرب قد دفعهم ليد اسرائيل.
12 (B21) Muži z té hlídky pak na Jonatana a jeho zbrojnoše zavolali: "Vylezte k nám a něco vám ukážeme." Tehdy Jonatan řekl svému zbrojnoši: "Stoupej za mnou. Hospodin je vydal Izraeli do rukou!"

13 (KJV) And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armourbearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armourbearer slew after him.
13 (SVD) فصعد يوناثان على يديه ورجليه وحامل سلاحه وراءه. فسقطوا امام يوناثان وكان حامل سلاحه يقتّل وراءه.
13 (B21) Jonatan šplhal po čtyřech a zbrojnoš za ním. Filištíni před Jonatanem padali a jeho zbrojnoš je dobíjel.

14 (KJV) And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armourbearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen might plow.
14 (SVD) وكانت الضربة الاولى التي ضربها يوناثان وحامل سلاحه نحو عشرين رجلا في نحو نصف تلم فدان ارض.
14 (B21) V této první bitvě pobil Jonatan se svým zbrojnošem asi dvacet mužů na půlakrovém políčku.

15 (KJV) And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.
15 (SVD) وكان ارتعاد في المحلّة في الحقل وفي جميع الشعب. الصفّ والمخرّبون ارتعدوا هم ايضا ورجفت الارض فكان ارتعاد عظيم
15 (B21) Nepřátelské vojsko zachvátila hrůza. Jak v táboře, tak na poli, jak mezi hlídkami, tak v oddílech nájezdníků se všichni třásli strachy. I sama země se chvěla hrůzou z Boha.

16 (KJV) And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked; and, behold, the multitude melted away, and they went on beating down one another.
16 (SVD) فنظر المراقبون لشاول في جبعة بنيامين واذا بالجمهور قد ذاب وذهبوا متبدّدين.
16 (B21) Saulovi strážní v Gibeji Benjamínově viděli, jak se to vojsko rozbíhá do všech stran.

17 (KJV) Then said Saul unto the people that were with him, Number now, and see who is gone from us. And when they had numbered, behold, Jonathan and his armourbearer were not there.
17 (SVD) فقال شاول للشعب الذي معه عدّوا الآن وانظروا من ذهب من عندنا. فعدّوا وهوذا يوناثان وحامل سلاحه ليسا موجودين.
17 (B21) Saul řekl svým mužům: "Nastupte a zjistěte, kdo z našich odešel." Počítali a hle - chyběl Jonatan a jeho zbrojnoš.

18 (KJV) And Saul said unto Ahiah, Bring hither the ark of God. For the ark of God was at that time with the children of Israel.
18 (SVD) فقال شاول لاخيّا قدم تابوت الله. لان تابوت الله كان في ذلك اليوم مع بني اسرائيل.
18 (B21) Saul tehdy řekl Achiášovi: "Přines Boží truhlu." (Boží truhla totiž tehdy byla mezi Izraelci.)

19 (KJV) And it came to pass, while Saul talked unto the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased: and Saul said unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand.
19 (SVD) وفيما كان شاول يتكلم بعد مع الكاهن تزايد الضجيج الذي في محلّة الفلسطينيين وكثر. فقال شاول للكاهن كف يدك.
19 (B21) Zatímco ale Saul hovořil s knězem, hluk ve filištínském táboře rostl stále víc. Saul proto řekl knězi: "Nech to být."

20 (KJV) And Saul and all the people that were with him assembled themselves, and they came to the battle: and, behold, every man's sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture.
20 (SVD) وصاح شاول وجميع الشعب الذي معه وجاءوا الى الحرب واذا بسيف كل واحد على صاحبه. اضطراب عظيم جدا.
20 (B21) Saul a jeho muži se shromáždili, vyrazili do bitvy a hle - oni se tam v hrozném zmatku navzájem pobíjeli meči!

21 (KJV) Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.
21 (SVD) والعبرانيون الذين كانوا مع الفلسطينيين منذ امس وما قبله الذين صعدوا معهم الى المحلّة من حواليهم صاروا هم ايضا مع اسرائيل الذين مع شاول ويوناثان.
21 (B21) Ti Hebrejové, kteří předtím byli s Filištíny a přešli do jejich tábora, se teď přidali k Izraelcům, kteří byli se Saulem a s Jonatanem.

22 (KJV) Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.
22 (SVD) وسمع جميع رجال اسرائيل الذين اختبأوا في جبل افرايم ان الفلسطينيين هربوا فشدوا هم ايضا وراءهم في الحرب.
22 (B21) Když se všichni Izraelci ukrytí v Efraimských horách doslechli, že Filištíni utíkají, připojili se i oni k pronásledování a bitvě.

23 (KJV) So the LORD saved Israel that day: and the battle passed over unto Beth-aven.
23 (SVD) فخلّص الرب اسرائيل في ذلك اليوم. وعبرت الحرب الى بيت آون
23 (B21) Tak Hospodin toho dne vysvobodil Izrael. Boj se pak přesunul do Bet-avenu.

24 (KJV) And the men of Israel were distressed that day: for Saul had adjured the people, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth any food until evening, that I may be avenged on mine enemies. So none of the people tasted any food.
24 (SVD) وضنك رجال اسرائيل في ذلك اليوم لان شاول حلّف الشعب قائلا ملعون الرجل الذي ياكل خبزا الى المساء حتى انتقم من اعدائي. فلم يذق جميع الشعب خبزا.
24 (B21) Izraelští muži byli toho dne už vysíleni, ale Saul zavázal vojsko touto přísahou: "Zlořečený ten, kdo by okusil pokrm před večerem, dokud se nepomstím svým nepřátelům." Nikdo z vojska proto nic nejedl.

25 (KJV) And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey upon the ground.
25 (SVD) وجاء كل الشعب الى الوعر وكان عسل على وجه الحقل.
25 (B21) Celé vojsko vstoupilo do lesa, kde na zemi ležel med.

26 (KJV) And when the people were come into the wood, behold, the honey dropped; but no man put his hand to his mouth: for the people feared the oath.
26 (SVD) ولما دخل الشعب الوعر اذا بالعسل يقطر ولم يمدّ احد يده الى فيه لان الشعب خاف من القسم.
26 (B21) Když muži přišli do lesa, uviděli med kanoucí z pláství, ale nikdo z vojska se ho ani nedotkl, aby ho ochutnal, protože se báli té přísahy.

27 (KJV) But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: wherefore he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened.
27 (SVD) واما يوناثان فلم يسمع عندما استحلف ابوه الشعب فمدّ طرف النشابة التي بيده وغمسه في قطر العسل ورد يده الى فيه فاستنارت عيناه.
27 (B21) Jonatan ale svého otce neslyšel, když zavázal lid tou přísahou, a tak vztáhl hůl, kterou měl v ruce, a ponořil její konec do plástve medu. Nabral ho, ochutnal a oči se mu rozjasnily.

28 (KJV) Then answered one of the people, and said, Thy father straitly charged the people with an oath, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth any food this day. And the people were faint.
28 (SVD) فاجاب واحد من الشعب وقال قد حلّف ابوك الشعب حلفا قائلا ملعون الرجل الذي ياكل خبزا اليوم. فاعيا الشعب.
28 (B21) Jeden z mužů mu tehdy řekl: "Tvůj otec zavázal vojsko přísahou: ‚Zlořečený ten, kdo by dnes okusil pokrm.' Proto jsou muži tak vyčerpaní."

29 (KJV) Then said Jonathan, My father hath troubled the land: see, I pray you, how mine eyes have been enlightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.
29 (SVD) فقال يوناثان قد كدّر ابي الارض. انظروا كيف استنارت عيناي لاني ذقت قليلا من هذا العسل.
29 (B21) "Můj otec tím škodí zemi," řekl na to Jonatan. "Jen se podívejte, jak se mi rozjasnily oči, sotva jsem ochutnal trochu medu.

30 (KJV) How much more, if haply the people had eaten freely to day of the spoil of their enemies which they found? for had there not been now a much greater slaughter among the Philistines?
30 (SVD) فكم بالحري لو اكل اليوم الشعب من غنيمة اعدائهم التي وجدوا. اما كانت الآن ضربة اعظم على الفلسطينيين.
30 (B21) Co teprve, kdyby se dnes vojsko pořádně najedlo z nepřátelské kořisti? Nebyla by pak porážka Filištínů ještě větší?"

31 (KJV) And they smote the Philistines that day from Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were very faint.
31 (SVD) فضربوا في ذلك اليوم الفلسطينيين من مخماس الى ايلون. واعيا الشعب جدا
31 (B21) Toho dne pobíjeli Filištíny od Michmasu až po Ajalon a muži byli velmi vyčerpaní.

32 (KJV) And the people flew upon the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood.
32 (SVD) وثار الشعب على الغنيمة فاخذوا غنما وبقرا وعجولا وذبحوا على الارض واكل الشعب على الدم.
32 (B21) Proto se vrhli na kořist a brali ovce, dobytek i telata, na místě je poráželi a jedli i s krví.

33 (KJV) Then they told Saul, saying, Behold, the people sin against the LORD, in that they eat with the blood. And he said, Ye have transgressed: roll a great stone unto me this day.
33 (SVD) فاخبروا شاول قائلين هوذا الشعب يخطئ الى الرب بأكله على الدم. فقال قد غدرتم. دحرجوا اليّ الآن حجرا كبيرا.
33 (B21) Saulovi bylo oznámeno: "Hle, vojsko hřeší proti Hospodinu. Jí maso s krví." "To je zrada!" prohlásil Saul. "Hned ke mně přivalte veliký kámen."

34 (KJV) And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them, Bring me hither every man his ox, and every man his sheep, and slay them here, and eat; and sin not against the LORD in eating with the blood. And all the people brought every man his ox with him that night, and slew them there.
34 (SVD) وقال شاول تفرقوا بين الشعب وقولوا لهم ان يقدموا اليّ كل واحد ثوره وكل واحد شاته واذبحوا ههنا وكلوا ولا تخطئوا الى الرب باكلكم مع الدم. فقدم جميع الشعب كل واحد ثوره بيده في تلك الليلة وذبحوا هناك.
34 (B21) Potom rozkázal: "Rozejděte se do vojska a řekněte jim: Přiveďte každý svého býka nebo ovci ke mně a tady je porážejte a jezte. Nehřešte proti Hospodinu pojídáním masa s krví!" Každý z vojska tedy té noci přivedl svého býka a porazil ho tam.

35 (KJV) And Saul built an altar unto the LORD: the same was the first altar that he built unto the LORD.
35 (SVD) وبنى شاول مذبحا للرب. الذي شرع ببنيانه مذبحا للرب
35 (B21) Saul tenkrát postavil oltář Hospodinu; bylo to poprvé, co Hospodinu postavil oltář.

36 (KJV) And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said the priest, Let us draw near hither unto God.
36 (SVD) وقال شاول لننزل وراء الفلسطينيين ليلا وننهبهم الى ضوء الصباح ولا نبق منهم احدا. فقالوا افعل كل ما يحسن في عينيك. وقال الكاهن لنتقدم هنا الى الله.
36 (B21) Potom Saul prohlásil: "Pojďme! V noci vyrazíme za Filištíny a budeme je plenit až do svítání. Ani jednoho z nich nenecháme!" "Udělej, jak myslíš," odpověděli mu. Kněz ale řekl: "Přistupme sem k Bohu."

37 (KJV) And Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? wilt thou deliver them into the hand of Israel? But he answered him not that day.
37 (SVD) فسأل شاول الله. أأنحدر وراء الفلسطينيين. أتدفعهم ليد اسرائيل. فلم يجبه في ذلك اليوم.
37 (B21) Saul se tedy ptal Boha: "Mám vyrazit za Filištíny? Vydáš je Izraeli do rukou?" On mu ale toho dne neodpověděl.

38 (KJV) And Saul said, Draw ye near hither, all the chief of the people: and know and see wherein this sin hath been this day.
38 (SVD) فقال شاول تقدموا الى هنا يا جميع وجوه الشعب واعلموا وانظروا بماذا كانت هذه الخطية اليوم.
38 (B21) Saul proto řekl: "Pojďte sem, všichni vůdcové vojska! Zkoumejte a zjistěte, jaký hřích byl dnes spáchán.

39 (KJV) For, as the LORD liveth, which saveth Israel, though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die. But there was not a man among all the people that answered him.
39 (SVD) لانه حيّ هو الرب مخلّص اسرائيل ولو كانت في يوناثان ابني فانه يموت موتا. ولم يكن من يجيبه من كل الشعب.
39 (B21) Jakože je živ Hospodin, zachránce Izraele, i kdyby šlo o mého syna Jonatana, musí zemřít!" Nikdo z mužů mu neodpovídal.

40 (KJV) Then said he unto all Israel, Be ye on one side, and I and Jonathan my son will be on the other side. And the people said unto Saul, Do what seemeth good unto thee.
40 (SVD) فقال لجميع اسرائيل انتم تكونون في جانب وانا ويوناثان ابني في جانب. فقال الشعب لشاول اصنع ما يحسن في عينيك.
40 (B21) Řekl tedy celému Izraeli: "Vy budete na jedné straně a já se svým synem Jonatanem na druhé." "Udělej, jak myslíš," odpověděl Saulovi lid.

41 (KJV) Therefore Saul said unto the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect lot. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped.
41 (SVD) وقال شاول للرب اله اسرائيل هب صدقا. فأخذ يوناثان وشاول. اما الشعب فخرجوا.
41 (B21) Saul se pak modlil: "Hospodine, Bože Izraele, proč jsi dnes svému služebníku neodpověděl? Je-li vina na mě nebo na mém synu Jonatanovi, ať padne urim; je-li však vina na tvém lidu Izraeli, pak ať padne tumim." Los pak označil Jonatana a Saula, kdežto lid vyvázl.

42 (KJV) And Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken.
42 (SVD) فقال شاول القوا بيني وبين يوناثان ابني. فأخذ يوناثان.
42 (B21) "Losujte mezi mnou a Jonatanem," řekl Saul. A los označil Jonatana.

43 (KJV) Then Saul said to Jonathan, Tell me what thou hast done. And Jonathan told him, and said, I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in mine hand, and, lo, I must die.
43 (SVD) فقال شاول ليوناثان اخبرني ماذا فعلت. فاخبره يوناثان وقال ذقت ذوقا بطرف النشابة التي بيدي قليل عسل فهانذا اموت.
43 (B21) "Pověz mi, cos provedl," řekl Saul Jonatanovi. "Ochutnal jsem trochu medu na konci hole, kterou jsem měl v ruce," odpověděl Jonatan. "A za to teď mám zemřít."

44 (KJV) And Saul answered, God do so and more also: for thou shalt surely die, Jonathan.
44 (SVD) فقال شاول هكذا يفعل الله وهكذا يزيد انك موتا تموت يا يوناثان.
44 (B21) Saul prohlásil: "Jestli ne, ať mě Bůh potrestá a ještě mi přidá! Musíš zemřít, Jonatane."

45 (KJV) And the people said unto Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? God forbid: as the LORD liveth, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people rescued Jonathan, that he died not.
45 (SVD) فقال الشعب لشاول أيموت يوناثان الذي صنع هذا الخلاص العظيم في اسرائيل. حاشا. حيّ هو الرب لا تسقط شعرة من راسه الى الارض لانه مع الله عمل هذا اليوم. فافتدى الشعب يوناثان فلم يمت.
45 (B21) Lid se ale proti Saulovi ozval: "Jonatan že má zemřít? Ten, který Izraeli získal to veliké vítězství? To tedy ne! Jakože je živ Hospodin, ani vlas mu z hlavy nespadne. Vždyť mu dnes pomáhal Hospodin!" A tak lid zachránil Jonatana před smrtí.

46 (KJV) Then Saul went up from following the Philistines: and the Philistines went to their own place.
46 (SVD) فصعد شاول من وراء الفلسطينيين وذهب الفلسطينيون الى مكانهم
46 (B21) Saul pak ukončil pronásledování Filištínů a ti se vrátili, odkud přišli.

47 (KJV) So Saul took the kingdom over Israel, and fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines: and whithersoever he turned himself, he vexed them.
47 (SVD) واخذ شاول الملك على اسرائيل وحارب جميع اعدائه حواليه موآب وبني عمون وادوم وملوك صوبة والفلسطينيين وحيثما توجه غلب.
47 (B21) Když se Saul ujal kralování nad Izraelem, bojoval se všemi okolními nepřáteli: s Moábci, Amonci, Edomci, s králi Cóby i s Filištíny. Kamkoli se obrátil, vítězil.

48 (KJV) And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them.
48 (SVD) وفعل ببأس وضرب عماليق وانقذ اسرائيل من يد ناهبيه.
48 (B21) Odvážně napadl Amalekovce a zachránil Izrael z rukou nájezdníků.

49 (KJV) Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchi-shua: and the names of his two daughters were these; the name of the firstborn Merab, and the name of the younger Michal:
49 (SVD) وكان بنو شاول يوناثان ويشوي وملكيشوع واسما ابنتيه اسم البكر ميرب واسم الصغيرة ميكال.
49 (B21) Saulovi synové byli Jonatan, Jišvi a Malki-šua. Měl také dvě dcery: prvorozenou jménem Merab a mladší Míkal.

50 (KJV) And the name of Saul's wife was Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz: and the name of the captain of his host was Abner, the son of Ner, Saul's uncle.
50 (SVD) واسم امرأة شاول اخينوعم بنت اخيمعص. واسم رئيس جيشه ابينير بن نير عم شاول.
50 (B21) Saulova manželka se jmenovala Achinoam, dcera Achimaacova. Velitel jeho vojska se jmenoval Abner; byl to syn Saulova strýce Nera.

51 (KJV) And Kish was the father of Saul; and Ner the father of Abner was the son of Abiel.
51 (SVD) وقيس ابو شاول ونير ابو ابنير ابنا ابيئيل.
51 (B21) Saulův otec Kíš a Abnerův otec Ner totiž byli synové Abiele.

52 (KJV) And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him unto him.
52 (SVD) وكانت حرب شديدة على الفلسطينيين كل ايام شاول. واذا رأى شاول رجلا جبارا او ذا بأس ضمّه الى نفسه
52 (B21) Po celý Saulův život probíhala urputná válka proti Filištínům. Kdykoli Saul viděl někoho schopného a udatného, povolal ho do své služby.

1Sam 14, 1-52

Verš 2
And Saul tarried in the uttermost part of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree which is in Migron: and the people that were with him were about six hundred men;
1Sam 13:15 - And Samuel arose, and gat him up from Gilgal unto Gibeah of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people that were present with him, about six hundred men.

Verš 38
And Saul said, Draw ye near hither, all the chief of the people: and know and see wherein this sin hath been this day.
Sdc 20:2 - And the chief of all the people, even of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand footmen that drew sword.

1Sam 14,2 - Dnes už nemožno presne určiť, kde táboril Šaul.

1Sam 14,3 - Achiáš, ktorý bol tiež v sprievode Šaulovom, bol veľkňazom.

1Sam 14,8-10 - V podobných pochybnostiach žiadali Izraeliti častejšie znamenie od Pána.

1Sam 14,12 - Filištínci si robia z Jonatána posmech.

1Sam 14,14 - Zmysel konca tohto verša je nejasný a neistý.

1Sam 14,18 - Pomocou archy zmluvy (alebo podľa LXX pomocou veľkňazského rúcha, efódu) sa chcel Šaul od Boha dozvedieť, čo treba robiť.

1Sam 14,23 - O Bethavene pozri 13,5.

1Sam 14,31 - O Machmase pozri 13,5. Ajalon (dnes Jálo) ležal bezprostredne na hranici územia Filištíncov, päť hodín od Machmasu.

1Sam 14,32 - Zákon zakazoval jesť mäso aj s krvou (pozri Lv 3,17; 19,26; Dt 12,16.23).

1Sam 14,34 - Skala pripomína oltár. Krv ako sídlo života patrí Bohu.

1Sam 14,47 - Aramejské kráľovstvo zvané Soba ležalo južne od Damasku.

1Sam 14,49 - Ješui je totožný s Isbosetom.