| Kniha RútBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Rút 1, 1-22 |
1 Rút 1, 1 In the days of one of the judges, when the judges ruled, there was a famine in the land. And a man from Bethlehem in Judah departed to sojourn in the region of the Moabites with his wife and two children. 2 Rút 1, 2 He called himself Elimelech, and his wife Naomi, and his two sons, the one Mahlon, and the other Chilion, Ephrathites from Bethlehem in Judah. And entering into the region of the Moabites, they stayed there. 3 Rút 1, 3 And Elimelech the husband of Naomi died; and she remained with her sons. 4 Rút 1, 4 They took wives from among the Moabites, of whom one was called Orpah, and the other Ruth. And they lived there ten years. 5 Rút 1, 5 And they both died, namely Mahlon and Chilion, and the woman was left alone, bereaved of her two children and her husband. 6 Rút 1, 6 And she arose so that she might journey to her native land, with both her daughters-in-law, from the region of the Moabites. For she had heard that the Lord had provided for his people and had given them food. 7 Rút 1, 7 And so she departed from the place of her sojourn, with both her daughters-in-law, and 145 having set out upon the way, she was about to return to the land of Judah. 8 Rút 1, 8 She said to them, “Go to the home of your mother. May the Lord deal mercifully with you, just as you have dealt with the dead and with me. 9 Rút 1, 9 May he grant you to find rest in the houses of the husbands, whom you will obtain by lot.” And she kissed them. They lifted up their voice, and began to weep, 10 Rút 1, 10 and to say, “We will journey with you to your people.” 11 Rút 1, 11 But she answered them, “Return, my daughters. Why come with me? Do I have any more sons in my womb, so that you could hope for husbands from me? 12 Rút 1, 12 Return, my daughters, go forth. For I am now exhausted by old age, and not fit for the bond of marriage. Even if I were to conceive on this night, and bear sons, 13 Rút 1, 13 if you were willing to wait until they were grown and had completed the years of adolescence, you would be elderly before you could marry. Do not do so, I beg you, my daughters. For your difficulties weigh upon me greatly, and the hand of the Lord has been set against me.” 14 Rút 1, 14 In response, they lifted up their voice and began to weep again. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, and then turned back. Ruth clung to her mother-in-law. 15 Rút 1, 15 Naomi said to her, “See, your kinswoman returns to her people, and to her gods. Hurry after her.” 16 Rút 1, 16 She answered, “Do not be against me, as if I would abandon you and go away; for wherever you will go, I will go, and where you will stay, I also will stay with you. Your people are my people, and your God is my God. 17 Rút 1, 17 Whichever land will receive you dying, in the same I will die, and there I will have the place of my burial. May God cause these things to happen to me, and add more also, if anything except death alone should separate you and I.” 18 Rút 1, 18 Therefore, Naomi saw that Ruth, being firmly resolved in her soul, was determined to go with her, and that she was unwilling to be dissuaded, and that nothing further could convince her to return to her own. 19 Rút 1, 19 And so they set out together, and they came to Bethlehem. When they had entered the city, the news quickly spread among them all. And the women said, “This is that Naomi.” 20 Rút 1, 20 But she said to them, “Do not call me Naomi (that is, beautiful), but call me Mara (that is, bitter). For the Almighty has greatly filled me with bitterness. 21 Rút 1, 21 I went out full and the Lord led me back empty. So then, why call me Naomi, whom the Lord has humbled and the Almighty has afflicted?” 22 Rút 1, 22 Therefore, Naomi went with Ruth, the Moabite, her daughter-in-law, from the land of her sojourn, and returned to Bethlehem, at the time of the first reaping of the barley.
| | Rút 1, 1-22 |
Rut 1,1 - Moab je krajina, ktorá leží východne od Mŕtveho mora. Najmä rovina pozdĺž Mŕtveho mora je podnes veľmi úrodná. Ale pri dobrom obrábaní sú pozemky úrodné aj na moabskej výšine a kopcoch. Hranice Moabska sa menili. V dobe Sudcov siahali od rieky Arnon (dnes El-Modžib) až po južný koniec Mŕtveho mora (Nm 21,13; Sdc 11,18). Časom postúpili na sever, ďaleko za Arnon až po Hesebon (Hesbán). Tak sa zdá, že v prvých časoch Sudcov Moabčania zaujali aj okolie Jericha, a tak Izraeliti, osadení v Jerichu a na okolí, stali sa im poplatníkmi (Sdc 3,12 n.). Veľké priateľstvo nebolo medzi Izraelitmi a Moabčanmi. Ukázalo sa to už pri prechode Izraelitov cez ich krajinu, keď tiahli do zasľúbenej zeme (Nm 22), a tak aj v neskorších dejinách, keď sa Moab stal poplatníkom kráľov izraelských. Ale vždy si vedel vybojovať svoju nezávislosť.
Rut 1,2 - Elimelech a jeho rod je označený prívlastkom: Efratejci. Pochádzajú od Efraty, manželky Kalebovej (1 Krn 2,19). Ich potomstvo bývalo v Betleheme. Preto mal Betlehem aj meno Efrata (Gn 35,16 a 19; Mich 5,2).
Rut 1,8-9 - Noemi praje svojim nevestám plné požehnanie od Boha, ktoré by sa prejavilo v tom, žeby sa jej ovdovelé nevesty znovu mohli vydať. Osud vdovy u východných národov bol veľmi krušný. Po manželovej smrti stala sa obyčajne cudzou rodine zosnulého manžela a jej vlastní pokrvní ju zasa pokladali za cudziu, odkedy sa vydala. Tak ostala vdova mnoho ráz úplne opustená. Preto odporúča Písmo sv. pomoc vdovám ako zvlášť záslužný skutok milosrdenstva. Tento ťažký osud zaľahol najmä na mladšie vdovy, ak nemali dieťa zo svojho manželstva. Bezdetnosť sa pokladala za veľký trest od Boha, a tak v očiach ľudí bola potupou.
Rut 1,11-13 - Ani Noemi nemala výhľad na ďalších synov, aby si títo, podľa povinnosti zákonom stanovenej o švagrovskom manželstve, vzali vdovy po bratoch za manželky (Dt 25,5–10).Ak Noemi hovorí o sebe, že jej osud je tvrdší, ako je osud jej neviest, tento jej výrok treba chápať takto: Mať dietky a radovať sa z nich bolo vonkajším znakom priazne Božej. Noemi už ani nemá nádeje, že by vo svojom pokročilom veku mohla ešte porodiť dietky: oproti tomu jej nevesty v Moabsku sa azda ešte môžu vydať a pri svojom mladšom veku môžu mať dietky, ktoré by im boli na radosť.
Rut 1,15 - Podľa vtedajšieho chápania každá krajina mala svojho vlastného boha, ktorý zasa určité územie pokladal za svoje vlastné. Kto sa vrátil do Moabska (ako to robí Orfa), zaväzuje sa tým, že bude naďalej ctiť národného boha Moabčanov (Molocha-Bála). Porov. 1 Sam 26,19; Sdc 11,24. Keď Rút zostáva pri svojom úmysle ísť do Betlehema, toho prirodzeným dôsledkom bolo, že prijala aj úctu Jahveho, ktorý bol zasa Bohom Izraelovým.
Rut 1,16-18 - Možno predpokladať, že Rút aj vo svojom srdci je presvedčená o tom, že Bohu Izraelovmu treba dať prednosť pred všetkými inými bohmi pohanských krajín; preto ochotne chce uctievať Jahveho a prisahá na jeho svätosť.
Rut 1,17 - Nech mi Pán tak urobí… – Čokoľvek určí Pán, či ma požehná, či ma stresce, len smrť nás rozlúči.
Rut 1,20 - Noemi znamená 'Moja rozkoš, Moje potešenie’ (tak asi hovorila matka svojmu malému dieťaťu). Mara znamená 'Horká, Trpká, Plná žalosti, bolesti’.
Rut 1,22 - Žatva v Palestíne sa začína v apríli, máji.