![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | 2. kniha MachabejcovBiblia - Sväté písmo(KJV - Anglický - King James) | 2Mach 15, 1-39 |
1 2Mach 15, 1 But Nicanor, hearing that Judas and his company were in the strong places about Samaria, resolved without any danger to set upon them on the sabbath day. 2 2Mach 15, 2 Nevertheless the Jews that were compelled to go with him said, O destroy not so cruelly and barbarously, but give honour to that day, which he, that seeth all things, hath honoured with holiness above all other days. 3 2Mach 15, 3 Then the most ungracious wretch demanded, if there were a Mighty one in heaven, that had commanded the sabbath day to be kept. 4 2Mach 15, 4 And when they said, There is in heaven a living Lord, and mighty, who commanded the seventh day to be kept: 5 2Mach 15, 5 Then said the other, And I also am mighty upon earth, and I command to take arms, and to do the king's business. Yet he obtained not to have his wicked will done. 6 2Mach 15, 6 So Nicanor in exceeding pride and haughtiness determined to set up a publick monument of his victory over Judas and them that were with him. 7 2Mach 15, 7 But Maccabeus had ever sure confidence that the Lord would help him: 8 2Mach 15, 8 Wherefore he exhorted his people not to fear the coming of the heathen against them, but to remember the help which in former times they had received from heaven, and now to expect the victory and aid, which should come unto them from the Almighty. 9 2Mach 15, 9 And so comforting them out of the law and the prophets, and withal putting them in mind of the battles that they won afore, he made them more cheerful. 10 2Mach 15, 10 And when he had stirred up their minds, he gave them their charge, shewing them therewithall the falsehood of the heathen, and the breach of oaths. 11 2Mach 15, 11 Thus he armed every one of them, not so much with defence of shields and spears, as with comfortable and good words: and beside that, he told them a dream worthy to be believed, as if it had been so indeed, which did not a little rejoice them. 12 2Mach 15, 12 And this was his vision: That Onias, who had been high priest, a virtuous and a good man, reverend in conversation, gentle in condition, well spoken also, and exercised from a child in all points of virtue, holding up his hands prayed for the whole body of the Jews. 13 2Mach 15, 13 This done, in like manner there appeared a man with gray hairs, and exceeding glorious, who was of a wonderful and excellent majesty. 14 2Mach 15, 14 Then Onias answered, saying, This is a lover of the brethren, who prayeth much for the people, and for the holy city, to wit, Jeremias the prophet of God. 15 2Mach 15, 15 Whereupon Jeremias holding forth his right hand gave to Judas a sword of gold, and in giving it spake thus, 16 2Mach 15, 16 Take this holy sword, a gift from God, with the which thou shalt wound the adversaries. 17 2Mach 15, 17 Thus being well comforted by the words of Judas, which were very good, and able to stir them up to valour, and to encourage the hearts of the young men, they determined not to pitch camp, but courageously to set upon them, and manfully to try the matter by conflict, because the city and the sanctuary and the temple were in danger. 18 2Mach 15, 18 For the care that they took for their wives, and their children, their brethren, and folks, was in least account with them: but the greatest and principal fear was for the holy temple. 19 2Mach 15, 19 Also they that were in the city took not the least care, being troubled for the conflict abroad. 20 2Mach 15, 20 And now, when as all looked what should be the trial, and the enemies were already come near, and the army was set in array, and the beasts conveniently placed, and the horsemen set in wings, 21 2Mach 15, 21 Maccabeus seeing the coming of the multitude, and the divers preparations of armour, and the fierceness of the beasts, stretched out his hands toward heaven, and called upon the Lord that worketh wonders, knowing that victory cometh not by arms, but even as it seemeth good to him, he giveth it to such as are worthy: 22 2Mach 15, 22 Therefore in his prayer he said after this manner; O Lord, thou didst send thine angel in the time of Ezekias king of Judea, and didst slay in the host of Sennacherib an hundred fourscore and five thousand: 23 2Mach 15, 23 Wherefore now also, O Lord of heaven, send a good angel before us for a fear and dread unto them; 24 2Mach 15, 24 And through the might of thine arm let those be stricken with terror, that come against thy holy people to blaspheme. And he ended thus. 25 2Mach 15, 25 Then Nicanor and they that were with him came forward with trumpets and songs. 26 2Mach 15, 26 But Judas and his company encountered the enemies with invocation and prayer. 27 2Mach 15, 27 So that fighting with their hands, and praying unto God with their hearts, they slew no less than thirty and five thousand men: for through the appearance of God they were greatly cheered. 28 2Mach 15, 28 Now when the battle was done, returning again with joy, they knew that Nicanor lay dead in his harness. 29 2Mach 15, 29 Then they made a great shout and a noise, praising the Almighty in their own language. 30 2Mach 15, 30 And Judas, who was ever the chief defender of the citizens both in body and mind, and who continued his love toward his countrymen all his life, commanded to strike off Nicanor's head, and his hand with his shoulder, and bring them to Jerusalem. 31 2Mach 15, 31 So when he was there, and called them of his nation together, and set the priests before the altar, he sent for them that were of the tower, 32 2Mach 15, 32 And shewed them vile Nicanor's head, and the hand of that blasphemer, which with proud brags he had stretched out against the holy temple of the Almighty. 33 2Mach 15, 33 And when he had cut out the tongue of that ungodly Nicanor, he commanded that they should give it by pieces unto the fowls, and hang up the reward of his madness before the temple. 34 2Mach 15, 34 So every man praised toward the heaven the glorious Lord, saying, Blessed be he that hath kept his own place undefiled. 35 2Mach 15, 35 He hanged also Nicanor's head upon the tower, an evident and manifest sign unto all of the help of the Lord. 36 2Mach 15, 36 And they ordained all with a common decree in no case to let that day pass without solemnity, but to celebrate the thirtieth day of the twelfth month, which in the Syrian tongue is called Adar, the day before Mardocheus' day. 37 2Mach 15, 37 Thus went it with Nicanor: and from that time forth the Hebrews had the city in their power. And here will I make an end. 38 2Mach 15, 38 And if I have done well, and as is fitting the story, it is that which I desired: but if slenderly and meanly, it is that which I could attain unto. 39 2Mach 15, 39 For as it is hurtful to drink wine or water alone; and as wine mingled with water is pleasant, and delighteth the taste: even so speech finely framed delighteth the ears of them that read the story. And here shall be an end. .
![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | | 2Mach 15, 1-39 |
2Mach 15,1 - Nadväzuje rozprávanie na 14,36. – "V samarijských miestach", t. j. v severnom Júdsku na hraniciach Samárie, kde bola aj Adasa; 1 Mach 7,40. Preto musel Nikanor tiahnuť s vojskom na sever; bojište bolo medzi Bethoronom a Adasou, porov. 1 Mach 7,39 n.
2Mach 15,11 - "Úplne hodnoverný sen" (v gr. po slove "sen" nasleduje: "hyper ti" alebo "eiper ti", čo správne opravuje na: "hypar ti"= istý sen, zjavenie), t. j. od Boha zoslaný, ktorý sa rovná skutočnému zjaveniu, akého sa dostane niekomu v bdelom stave.
2Mach 15,12-16 - O Oniášovi porov. 3,1.5; 4,1. – Dôležitá pravda: Oniáš sa modlí za celú židovskú pospolitosť. Je to vyznanie viery, že svätí a spravodliví na onom svete môžu orodovať za živých tu na zemi. – Iný nebeský prihovorca je prorok Jeremiáš, ktorý odovzdáva Júdovi zlatý meč ako symbol istého víťazstva.
2Mach 15,21-24 - Pred samým bojom (pri Adase, 1 Mach 7,40) povzbudzuje Júda svojich modlitbou a poukazom na zničenie Sennacheribovho vojska (porov. 8,19; 1 Mach 7,41; 2 Kr 19,35; Iz 37,36).
2Mach 15,25-30 - O priebehu Nikanorovej porážky porov. 1 Mach 7,39–43.
2Mach 15,31-33 - Na jeruzalemskom hrade bola sýrska posádka (1 Mach 13,51). Nikanor sa previnil najmä jazykom a rukou, preto mu Židia tieto údy zhanobili. – 1 Mach 7,47 hovorí, že jeho ruku a hlavu povesili v Jeruzaleme. Tu sa presnejšie udáva, že "zlosynovu ruku" povesili oproti chrámu: na tom mieste, kde sa bol kedysi vyhrážal (14,32 n.).
2Mach 15,36 - O výročnej slávnosti Nikanorovho dňa porov. 1 Mach 7,47–50. – Porov. tiež Est 9,21.29.31. Za čias Joz. Flávia sa ešte slávil pamätný deň víťazstva nad Nikanorom.
2Mach 15,38 - Porážkou Nikanora dosiahol Júda svoje najväčšie víťazstvo. O niekoľko týždňov neskoršie prišiel Júda o život v boji s Bakchidesom (1 Mach 9,1–12), ale o tomto tvrdom údere už nechce náš spisovateľ rozprávať.