![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | 1. kniha MachabejcovBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | 1Mach 16, 1-24 |
1 1Mach 16, 1 And so, John came up from Gazara, and he reported to Simon, his father, what Cendebeus had done against their people. 2 1Mach 16, 2 And Simon called his two eldest sons, Judas and John, and he said to them: “I and my brothers, and my father’s house, have fought against the enemies of Israel from our youth, even to this day. And this work has prospered in our hands, so that we have delivered Israel several times. 3 1Mach 16, 3 And now that I am old, you must act in place of me and my brothers, and go out to fight for our nation. Truly, may the help of heaven be with you.” 4 1Mach 16, 4 Then he chose from the region twenty thousand men of warfare, and horsemen; and they started out toward Cendebeus. And they rested in Modin. 5 1Mach 16, 5 And they rose up in the morning and went out into the plains. And behold, an abundant army of foot soldiers and horsemen was there to meet them, and there was a river flowing between them. 6 1Mach 16, 6 And he and his people moved their camp opposite their face, and he saw the trepidation of the people to cross over the river, and so he crossed over first. And seeing him, the men also crossed after him. 7 1Mach 16, 7 And he divided the people and the horsemen into the midst of the foot soldiers. But the horsemen of the adversary were exceedingly numerous. 8 1Mach 16, 8 And they sounded the holy trumpets. And Cendebeus and his army were turned back. And many of them fell wounded. But the rest fled into the fortress. 9 1Mach 16, 9 Then Judas, the brother of John, was wounded. But John pursued them, until he came to Kedron, which he had built. 10 1Mach 16, 10 And they fled all the way to the towers that were in the fields of Azotus, and he burnt them with fire. And there fell of them two thousand men, and he returned to Judea in peace. 11 1Mach 16, 11 Now Ptolemy, the son of Abubus, was appointed commander over the plain of Jericho, and he held much silver and gold. 12 1Mach 16, 12 For he was the son-in-law of the high priest. 13 1Mach 16, 13 And his heart was exalted, and he wanted to obtain the region, and he devised treachery against Simon and his sons, so as to destroy them. 14 1Mach 16, 14 Now when Simon was traveling through the cities that were in the region of Judea, and acting with concern for them, he went down to Jericho, he and Mattathias and Judas, his sons, in the one hundred and seventy-seventh year, in the eleventh month; this is the month of Shevat. 15 1Mach 16, 15 And the son of Abubus received them, with deceitfulness, into a little fortress, which is called Dok, that he had built. And he made them a great feast, and he hid men there. 16 1Mach 16, 16 And when Simon and his sons became inebriated, Ptolemy and his men rose up, and took their weapons, and entered into the gathering. And they killed him, and his two sons, and some of his servants. 17 1Mach 16, 17 And he committed a great treachery in Israel, and he repaid good with evil. 18 1Mach 16, 18 And Ptolemy wrote about these things, and he sent to the king, so that he would send him an army to assist him, and he could deliver to him the region, and their cities and tributes. 19 1Mach 16, 19 And he sent others to Gazara to destroy John. And he sent letters to the tribunes to come to him, and he would give them silver, and gold, and gifts. 20 1Mach 16, 20 And he sent others to occupy Jerusalem and the mountain of the temple. 21 1Mach 16, 21 Now a certain one, running ahead, reported to John in Gazara, that his father and his brothers perished, and that “he sent to kill you also.” 22 1Mach 16, 22 But when he heard it, he was very afraid, and he apprehended the men who came to destroy him, and he killed them. For he knew that they sought to destroy him. 23 1Mach 16, 23 And the rest of the stories about John, and his wars, and the virtuous deeds that he performed with fortitude, and the building of the walls that he raised, and the things that he did, 24 1Mach 16, 24 behold, these have been written in the book of the days of his priesthood, from the time that he became high priest, after his father.
![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | | 1Mach 16, 1-24 |
1Mach 16,1-3 - V blízkosti Kendebeovho Kedronu bola židovská pevnosť Gazara (Gezer, 4,15), kde býval Ján, druhý syn Šimonov, ako vojenský veliteľ (13,54). Ako kedysi zomierajúci Matatiáš, tak teraz už starec Šimon povzbudzuje svojich synov do boja za slobodu.
1Mach 16,4-7 - Keď si aj ponechal staručký Šimon (hlavné) velenie (Joz. Flávius), do boja rozhodne viedol oddiely Ján (porov. v. 3). Na pochode sa zastavil v Modeine (2,1), aby sa pri náhrobku Machabejcov bojovníci nadchli odvahou do boja. Odtiaľ tiahol na západ k Lydde ("na rovinu"). Pri potoku (pravdepodobne "Uádi Katra") ukazuje Ján cestu ako kedysi Júda (5,43).
1Mach 16,14 - Mesiac šebat r. 177 Sel.= február – marec 134 pr. Kr.
1Mach 16,15 - Dok (sýr. koreň "doq" znamená "pozorovať, rozhliadať sa") bol severozápadne od Jericha na "Hore pokušenia" (Džebel Qarantál), asi tam, kde je Chirbet Abu Lahem a prameň 'Ain ed-Dúk (v ňom sa zachovalo meno pevnôstky), asi 492 m nad hladinou Mŕtveho mora.
1Mach 16,16-18 - Podľa Joz. Flávia na mieste zomrel len Šimon; dvoch synov a matku najprv Ptolemeus uväznil a až neskoršie dal zabiť.
1Mach 16,22 - Potom sa Ján ponáhľal do Jeruzalema a prišiel tam prv, než by sa ho mohli zmocniť Ptolemeove oddiely. Ján sa stal kniežaťom a veľkňazom. – O ďalších Ptolemeových osudoch, ktorého Ján obliehal potom v Doku, a o jeho úteku do Filadelfie (=Rabatamon) rozpráva Joz. Flávius v Starož. 13,8,1.
1Mach 16,23 - Ján, neskoršie nazývaný Hyrkán (pretože bojoval proti Partom v Hyrkánii), panoval 31 rokov (134–103 pr. Kr.). Letopis jeho vlády je stratený. Už v 1. roku panovania ho obliehal v Jeruzaleme Antiochus VII. Sidetes. Nakoniec uzavrel s ním mier, ale pod tvrdými podmienkami pre Židov; časť jeruzalemských opevnení bola zbúraná (Joz. Flávius, Starož. 13,8,2). Náš text hovorí o "znovuvýstavbe múrov" Jeruzalema, ale to sa mohlo stať až po smrti Sidetesa v 5. roku vlády Hyrkána (r. 129 pr. Kr.). Smrť Sidetesa znamenala koniec svetovej moci Seleukovcov. Až potom bolo Júdsko úplne nezávislé od Sýrie. Tak sa došlo k cieľu, za ktorý bojovali Machabejci 40 rokov.