| 1. kniha MachabejcovBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | 1Mach 15, 1-41 |
1 1Mach 15, 1 And king Antiochus, the son of Demetrius, sent letters from the islands of the sea to Simon, the priest and leader of the nation of the Jews, and to all the people. 2 1Mach 15, 2 And these continued in this way: “King Antiochus to Simon, the great priest, and to the people of the Jews: greetings. 3 1Mach 15, 3 Since certain pestilent persons have obtained the kingdom of our fathers, it is my will, then, to vindicate the kingdom and to restore it, just as it was before. And so, I have chosen a great army, and I have built ships of war. 4 1Mach 15, 4 Furthermore, I intend to pass through the region, so that I may take revenge on those who have corrupted our country and who have desolated many cities in my kingdom. 5 1Mach 15, 5 Now, therefore, I confirm to you all the oblations that all the kings before me have remitted to you, and whatever other gifts they remitted to you. 6 1Mach 15, 6 And I permit you to make a striking of your own coins for your country. 7 1Mach 15, 7 Moreover, let Jerusalem be holy and free. And all the weapons that have been made, and the fortresses that you have constructed, or that you hold, let them remain with you. 8 1Mach 15, 8 And all that is owed to the king, and what should belong to the king in the future, from this time and for all time, is remitted to you. 9 1Mach 15, 9 Yet, when we have obtained our kingdom, we will glorify you, and your nation, and the temple with great glory, so much so that your glory shall be made manifest in all the earth.” 10 1Mach 15, 10 In the one hundred and seventy-fourth year, Antiochus went into the land of his fathers, and all the armies came over to him, so that few were left with Trypho. 11 1Mach 15, 11 And king Antiochus followed him as he fled along the sea coast and came to Dora. 12 1Mach 15, 12 For he knew that evils had gathered together upon him, and that his troops had forsaken him. 13 1Mach 15, 13 And Antiochus took up a position above Dora, with one hundred and twenty thousand men of warfare and eight thousand horsemen. 14 1Mach 15, 14 And he encircled the city, and the ships drew near by sea. And they assailed the city by land and by sea, and they permitted no one to go in or out. 15 1Mach 15, 15 But Numenius, and those who had been with him, came from the city of Rome, having letters written to the kings and the regions, in which was contained these things: 16 1Mach 15, 16 “Lucius, consul of the Romans, to king Ptolemy: greetings. 17 1Mach 15, 17 The ambassadors of the Jews, our friends, came to us, to renew the former friendship and alliance, having been sent from Simon, the leader of the priests and the people of the Jews. 18 1Mach 15, 18 And they also brought a shield of gold of over a thousand pounds. 19 1Mach 15, 19 And so, it was pleasing to us to write to the kings and the regions, that they should do no harm to them, nor fight against them, and their cities, and their regions, and that they should bear no assistance to those fighting against them. 20 1Mach 15, 20 And it seemed good to us to receive the shield from them. 21 1Mach 15, 21 If, therefore, those who are pestilent have taken refuge with you from their region, hand them over to Simon, the leader of the priests, so that he may give a verdict to them according to their law.” 22 1Mach 15, 22 These same things were written to king Demetrius, and to Attalus, and to Ariarathes, and to Arsaces, 23 1Mach 15, 23 and to all the regions, and to Lampsacus and to the Spartans, and to Delos, and Myndos, and Sicyon, and Caria, and Samos, and Pamphylia, and Lycia, and Halicarnassus, and Cos, and Side, and Aradus, and Rhodes, and Phaselis, and Gortyna, and Gnidus, and Cyprus, and Cyrene. 24 1Mach 15, 24 Moreover, they wrote a copy of these things to Simon, the leader of the priests and the people of the Jews. 25 1Mach 15, 25 But king Antiochus positioned his camp near Dora a second time, moving his hand against it 550 continually, and making machines of war. And he enclosed Trypho, lest he escape. 26 1Mach 15, 26 And Simon sent two thousand chosen men to him as auxiliaries, and silver, and gold, and an abundance of equipment. 27 1Mach 15, 27 And he was not willing to receive them, but he broke all of the pact that he made with him before, and he alienated himself from him. 28 1Mach 15, 28 And he sent to him Athenobius, one of his friends, to deal with him, saying: “You hold Joppa and Gazara, and the stronghold that is in Jerusalem, which are cities of my kingdom. 29 1Mach 15, 29 You have desolated their parts, and you have caused a great scourging in the land, and you have become ruler throughout many places in my kingdom. 30 1Mach 15, 30 Now, therefore, hand over the cities that you occupy, and the tributes of the places where you have become ruler beyond the borders of Judea. 31 1Mach 15, 31 But if not, give me for them five hundred talents of silver, and for the destruction that you have caused, and for the tributes of the cities, another five hundred talents. But if not, we will come and fight against you.” 32 1Mach 15, 32 So Athenobius, the friend of the king, came to Jerusalem and saw the glory of Simon, and his splendor in gold and silver, and his abundance of equipment, and he was astonished. And he repeated the words of the king to him. 33 1Mach 15, 33 And Simon responded to him, and he said to him: “We have not taken foreign land, nor do we hold anything foreign, but we hold the inheritance of our fathers, which was for some time unjustly possessed by our enemies. 34 1Mach 15, 34 In truth, since we have the opportunity, we claim the inheritance of our fathers. 35 1Mach 15, 35 And as to Joppa and Gazara, which you demand, they brought a great scourging on the people and our country. For these, we will give one hundred talents.” And Athenobius did not respond a word to him. 36 1Mach 15, 36 But, returning with anger to the king, he reported to him these words, and the glory of Simon, and all that he had seen. And the king became angry with a great anger. 37 1Mach 15, 37 But Trypho fled by ship to Orthosia. 38 1Mach 15, 38 And the king appointed Cendebeus as commander of the seacoast, and he gave him an army of foot soldiers and horsemen. 39 1Mach 15, 39 And he commanded him to move with his camp against the face of Judea. And he commanded him to build up Kedron, and to barricade the gates of the city, and to make war against the people. But the king pursued Trypho. 40 1Mach 15, 40 And Cendebeus passed through to Jamnia, and he began to provoke the populace, and to trample Judea, and to take the people captive, and to execute, and to build up Kedron. 41 1Mach 15, 41 And he stationed horsemen and an army there, so that they could go out and travel through the ways of Judea, as the king appointed him to do.
| | 1Mach 15, 1-41 |
1Mach 15,1-4 - Keď sa dostal Demetrius II. do zajatia Mitradatesovho (14,1–3), rozhodol sa jeho mladší brat Antiochus (=syn Demetria I., neskoršie Antiochus VII., zvaný Sidetes, lebo bol vychovaný v meste Side v Pamfílii, na juhu Malej Ázie) uhájiť sýrsku korunu. Veľmi vhod mu prišlo pozvanie Kleopatry, manželky zajatého brata Demetria, ktorá sa zdržovala v prímorskej Seleucii. Táto ho vyzvala, aby sa uchádzal o trón a tiež o jej ruku. V lete r. 139 pr. Kr. sa vydal na cestu z ostrova Rodos. Zakúsil však mnoho nepríjemností, lebo podľa Joz. Flávia ani jedno mesto ho nechcelo prijať zo strachu pred Tryfonom. Je preto pochopiteľné, že hľadal pomoc u mocných Židov a za spojenca si chcel získať Šimona.
1Mach 15,10-14 - Antiochus vtiahol so značnou flotilou "do krajiny svojich otcov", t. j. pristál v prímorskej Seleucii, kde oslobodil Kleopatru, ktorá ho tam pozvala. – Dora, na miestach dnešnej Tantury, asi 9 km severne od Cezarey. Jozue pridelil Doru kmeňu Manassesa, Joz 11,1 n.; 17,11. Z čias križiackych výprav stojí tam vysoká veža. Bol to dôležitý strategický bod.
1Mach 15,15 - O obliehaní Dory sa hovorí až vo v. 25. Prerušenie rozprávania sa dá vysvetliť tým, že práve vtedy došli židovskí vyslanci z Ríma.
1Mach 15,16-21 - Lucius, ktorý dal vyhotoviť listinu, je pravdepodobne Lucius Calpurnius Piso, ktorý bol konzulom v r. 139 pr. Kr. (to je práve rok obliehania Dory). Druhý konzul toho roku (Popilius Lenas) bol práve zamestnaný v Španielsku; preto je uvedený na listine len Lucius. Podľa toho sa vrátili židovskí vyslanci z Ríma r. 139 pr. Kr. = r. 173/4 Sel. = r. 615 po založení Ríma. – Že je tu vložený práve list pre egyptského kráľa Ptolemea VII. Fyskona, dá sa vysvetliť z dôležitosti jeho veľkej ríše. – K v. 18 porov. 14,24.
1Mach 15,22 - Podobné listy, ako dostal Ptolemeus Fyskon, boli poslané ešte 4 iným kráľom, 3 provinciám Malej Ázie, 5 ostrovným štátom a 8 dôležitejším mestám. – Králi sú: Demetrius II. Nikator (145–140?; 129–125), ktorý bol v miernej väzbe u Partov, ale toho času už mohol byť prepustený na slobodu; Atalus II. (159–138), zvaný Filadelfus, kráľ pergamský; Ariarates V. (162–131) Filopator, kráľ Veľkej Kapadócie; o Arsakesovi (=Mitradates I.) porov. 14,2. – Ďalej nasleduje zoznam krajín, miest a ostrovov, ktoré boli vtedy nezávislé, okrem Cypru a Cyrény, o ktoré viedli spor bratia Ptolemeovci. – Sampsamé (Sampsaké, Lampsaké), mesto v Mízii na Helesponte. Okrem provincie Karie sú spomenuté jej tri mestá: Halikarnasos, hlavné mesto Karie, a prístavné mestá Knidos a Myndos. Kos a Delos sú ostrovy v Cykladách. Samos a Rodos sú známe ostrovy na západnom pobreží Malej Ázie. Aradus, dnešný Ruad, ostrov pri pobreží severne od Sidona. Faselis, mesto v Lýcii. O Side pozri vo v. 1. Gortyna, mesto na juhu Kréty. Cyréna (Cyrene) bola hlavným mestom cyrénskej Lýbie. Sikyon, mesto na Peloponese, západne od Korinta.
1Mach 15,25-27 - Rozprava sa vracia k obliehaniu Dory; porov. v. 15.
1Mach 15,30 - "Miesta mimo júdskej hranice" sú tri okresy, ktoré boli zo Samárie pričlenené k Júdsku.
1Mach 15,35-39 - Tryfon vraj utiekol najprv do Ptolemaidy (5,15; Joz. Flávius, Strabo), potom do Ortosie (Ortosias – Ortozia – fenické mesto, dnes zrúcaniny "Ard Arthusi", 3 hod. severne od Tripolisu) a odtiaľ do Apamey (mesto na Oronte, južne od Antiochie), kde bol kedysi vychovávaný. Kráľ sa rozhodol, že bude sám prenasledovať Tryfona, ktorý nakoniec biedne zahynul. Proti Židom vyslal Antiochus Kendebea, ktorého menoval vojenským guvernérom Filištínska a Fenície. Nariadil mu opevniť Kedron (Vg číta: Gedor; dnes Katra, osada na jednej vyvýšenine juhovýchodne od Jamnie; podľa iných by to mala byť Gedera – Joz 15,36 – dnes Chirbet Džedíre, juhovýchodne od Lyddy), jeden z oporných bodov pre dobytie Júdska.