 | 1. kniha MachabejcovBiblia - Sväté písmo(KJV - Anglický - King James) | 1Mach 11, 1-74 |
1 1Mach 11, 1 And the king of Egypt gathered together a great host, like the sand that lieth upon the sea shore, and many ships, and went about through deceit to get Alexander's kingdom, and join it to his own. 2 1Mach 11, 2 Whereupon he took his journey into Spain in peaceable manner, so as they of the cities opened unto him, and met him: for king Alexander had commanded them so to do, because he was his brother in law. 3 1Mach 11, 3 Now as Ptolemee entered into the cities, he set in every one of them a garrison of soldiers to keep it. 4 1Mach 11, 4 And when he came near to Azotus, they shewed him the temple of Dagon that was burnt, and Azotus and the suburbs thereof that were destroyed, and the bodies that were cast abroad and them that he had burnt in the battle; for they had made heaps of them by the way where he should pass. 5 1Mach 11, 5 Also they told the king whatsoever Jonathan had done, to the intent he might blame him: but the king held his peace. 6 1Mach 11, 6 Then Jonathan met the king with great pomp at Joppa, where they saluted one another, and lodged. 7 1Mach 11, 7 Afterward Jonathan, when he had gone with the king to the river called Eleutherus, returned again to Jerusalem. 8 1Mach 11, 8 King Ptolemee therefore, having gotten the dominion of the cities by the sea unto Seleucia upon the sea coast, imagined wicked counsels against Alexander. 9 1Mach 11, 9 Whereupon he sent ambasadors unto king Demetrius, saying, Come, let us make a league betwixt us, and I will give thee my daughter whom Alexander hath, and thou shalt reign in thy father's kingdom: 10 1Mach 11, 10 For I repent that I gave my daughter unto him, for he sought to slay me. 11 1Mach 11, 11 Thus did he slander him, because he was desirous of his kingdom. 12 1Mach 11, 12 Wherefore he took his daughter from him, and gave her to Demetrius, and forsook Alexander, so that their hatred was openly known. 13 1Mach 11, 13 Then Ptolemee entered into Antioch, where he set two crowns upon his head, the crown of Asia, and of Egypt. 14 1Mach 11, 14 In the mean season was king Alexander in Cilicia, because those that dwelt in those parts had revolted from him. 15 1Mach 11, 15 But when Alexander heard of this, he came to war against him: whereupon king Ptolemee brought forth his host, and met him with a mighty power, and put him to flight. 16 1Mach 11, 16 So Alexander fled into Arabia there to be defended; but king Ptolemee was exalted: 17 1Mach 11, 17 For Zabdiel the Arabian took off Alexander's head, and sent it unto Ptolemee. 18 1Mach 11, 18 King Ptolemee also died the third day after, and they that were in the strong holds were slain one of another. 19 1Mach 11, 19 By this means Demetrius reigned in the hundred threescore and seventh year. 20 1Mach 11, 20 At the same time Jonathan gathered together them that were in Judea to take the tower that was in Jerusalem: and he made many engines of war against it. 21 1Mach 11, 21 Then came ungodly persons, who hated their own people, went unto the king, and told him that Jonathan besieged the tower, 22 1Mach 11, 22 Whereof when he heard, he was angry, and immediately removing, he came to Ptolemais, and wrote unto Jonathan, that he should not lay siege to the tower, but come and speak with him at Ptolemais in great haste. 23 1Mach 11, 23 Nevertheless Jonathan, when he heard this, commanded to besiege it still: and he chose certain of the elders of Israel and the priests, and put himself in peril; 24 1Mach 11, 24 And took silver and gold, and raiment, and divers presents besides, and went to Ptolemais unto the king, where he found favour in his sight. 25 1Mach 11, 25 And though certain ungodly men of the people had made complaints against him, 26 1Mach 11, 26 Yet the king entreated him as his predecessors had done before, and promoted him in the sight of all his friends, 27 1Mach 11, 27 And confirmed him in the high priesthood, and in all the honours that he had before, and gave him preeminence among his chief friends. 28 1Mach 11, 28 Then Jonathan desired the king, that he would make Judea free from tribute, as also the three governments, with the country of Samaria; and he promised him three hundred talents. 29 1Mach 11, 29 So the king consented, and wrote letters unto Jonathan of all these things after this manner: 30 1Mach 11, 30 King Demetrius unto his brother Jonathan, and unto the nation of the Jews, sendeth greeting: 31 1Mach 11, 31 We send you here a copy of the letter which we did write unto our cousin Lasthenes concerning you, that ye might see it. 32 1Mach 11, 32 King Demetrius unto his father Lasthenes sendeth greeting: 33 1Mach 11, 33 We are determined to do good to the people of the Jews, who are our friends, and keep covenants with us, because of their good will toward us. 34 1Mach 11, 34 Wherefore we have ratified unto them the borders of Judea, with the three governments of Apherema and Lydda and Ramathem, that are added unto Judea from the country of Samaria, and all things appertaining unto them, for all such as do sacrifice in Jerusalem, instead of the payments which the king received of them yearly aforetime out of the fruits of the earth and of trees. 35 1Mach 11, 35 And as for other things that belong unto us, of the tithes and customs pertaining unto us, as also the saltpits, and the crown taxes, which are due unto us, we discharge them of them all for their relief. 36 1Mach 11, 36 And nothing hereof shall be revoked from this time forth for ever. 37 1Mach 11, 37 Now therefore see that thou make a copy of these things, and let it be delivered unto Jonathan, and set upon the holy mount in a conspicuous place. 38 1Mach 11, 38 After this, when king Demetrius saw that the land was quiet before him, and that no resistance was made against him, he sent away all his forces, every one to his own place, except certain bands of strangers, whom he had gathered from the isles of the heathen: wherefore all the forces of his fathers hated him. 39 1Mach 11, 39 Moreover there was one Tryphon, that had been of Alexander's part afore, who, seeing that all the host murmured against Demetrius, went to Simalcue the Arabian that brought up Antiochus the young son of Alexander, 40 1Mach 11, 40 And lay sore upon him to deliver him this young Antiochus, that he might reign in his father's stead: he told him therefore all that Demetrius had done, and how his men of war were at enmity with him, and there he remained a long season. 41 1Mach 11, 41 In the mean time Jonathan sent unto king Demetrius, that he would cast those of the tower out of Jerusalem, and those also in the fortresses: for they fought against Israel. 42 1Mach 11, 42 So Demetrius sent unto Jonathan, saying, I will not only do this for thee and thy people, but I will greatly honour thee and thy nation, if opportunity serve. 43 1Mach 11, 43 Now therefore thou shalt do well, if thou send me men to help me; for all my forces are gone from me. 44 1Mach 11, 44 Upon this Jonathan sent him three thousand strong men unto Antioch: and when they came to the king, the king was very glad of their coming. 45 1Mach 11, 45 Howbeit they that were of the city gathered themselves together into the midst of the city, to the number of an hundred and twenty thousand men, and would have slain the king. 46 1Mach 11, 46 Wherefore the king fled into the court, but they of the city kept the passages of the city, and began to fight. 47 1Mach 11, 47 Then the king called to the Jews for help, who came unto him all at once, and dispersing themselves through the city slew that day in the city to the number of an hundred thousand. 48 1Mach 11, 48 Also they set fire on the city, and gat many spoils that day, and delivered the king. 49 1Mach 11, 49 So when they of the city saw that the Jews had got the city as they would, their courage was abated: wherefore they made supplication to the king, and cried, saying, 50 1Mach 11, 50 Grant us peace, and let the Jews cease from assaulting us and the city. 51 1Mach 11, 51 With that they cast away their weapons, and made peace; and the Jews were honoured in the sight of the king, and in the sight of all that were in his realm; and they returned to Jerusalem, having great spoils. 52 1Mach 11, 52 So king Demetrius sat on the throne of his kingdom, and the land was quiet before him. 53 1Mach 11, 53 Nevertheless he dissembled in all that ever he spake, and estranged himself from Jonathan, neither rewarded he him according to the benefits which he had received of him, but troubled him very sore. 54 1Mach 11, 54 After this returned Tryphon, and with him the young child Antiochus, who reigned, and was crowned. 55 1Mach 11, 55 Then there gathered unto him all the men of war, whom Demetrius had put away, and they fought against Demetrius, who turned his back and fled. 56 1Mach 11, 56 Moreover Tryphon took the elephants, and won Antioch. 57 1Mach 11, 57 At that time young Antiochus wrote unto Jonathan, saying, I confirm thee in the high priesthood, and appoint thee ruler over the four governments, and to be one of the king's friends. 58 1Mach 11, 58 Upon this he sent him golden vessels to be served in, and gave him leave to drink in gold, and to be clothed in purple, and to wear a golden buckle. 59 1Mach 11, 59 His brother Simon also he made captain from the place called The ladder of Tyrus unto the borders of Egypt. 60 1Mach 11, 60 Then Jonathan went forth, and passed through the cities beyond the water, and all the forces of Syria gathered themselves unto him for to help him: and when he came to Ascalon, they of the city met him honourably. 61 1Mach 11, 61 From whence he went to Gaza, but they of Gaza shut him out; wherefore he laid siege unto it, and burned the suburbs thereof with fire, and spoiled them. 62 1Mach 11, 62 Afterward, when they of Gaza made supplication unto Jonathan, he made peace with them, and took the sons of their chief men for hostages, and sent them to Jerusalem, and passed through the country unto Damascus. 63 1Mach 11, 63 Now when Jonathan heard that Demetrius' princes were come to Cades, which is in Galilee, with a great power, purposing to remove him out of the country, 64 1Mach 11, 64 He went to meet them, and left Simon his brother in the country. 65 1Mach 11, 65 Then Simon encamped against Bethsura and fought against it a long season, and shut it up: 66 1Mach 11, 66 But they desired to have peace with him, which he granted them, and then put them out from thence, and took the city, and set a garrison in it. 67 1Mach 11, 67 As for Jonathan and his host, they pitched at the water of Gennesar, from whence betimes in the morning they gat them to the plain of Nasor. 68 1Mach 11, 68 And, behold, the host of strangers met them in the plain, who, having laid men in ambush for him in the mountains, came themselves over against him. 69 1Mach 11, 69 So when they that lay in ambush rose out of their places and joined battle, all that were of Jonathan's side fled; 70 1Mach 11, 70 Insomuch as there was not one of them left, except Mattathias the son of Absalom, and Judas the son of Calphi, the captains of the host. 71 1Mach 11, 71 Then Jonathan rent his clothes, and cast earth upon his head, and prayed. 72 1Mach 11, 72 Afterwards turning again to battle, he put them to flight, and so they ran away. 73 1Mach 11, 73 Now when his own men that were fled saw this, they turned again unto him, and with him pursued them to Cades, even unto their own tents, and there they camped. 74 1Mach 11, 74 So there were slain of the heathen that day about three thousand men: but Jonathan returned to Jerusalem.
 | | 1Mach 11, 1-74 |
1Mach 11,6 - Rieka Eleuterus, dnes Nahr el-Kebir, vlieva sa do Stredozemného mora severne od Tripolisu. Jonatán teda odprevadil egyptského kráľa až po hranice Sýrie.
1Mach 11,8 - Obsadením Seleucie (=prístavné mesto Antiochie neďaleko ústia rieky Orontes) odkryl Ptolemeus svoj zastieraný úmysel.
1Mach 11,12 - Privlastnením "koruny Ázie" iste si nerobil nárok na celú Sýrsku ríšu, lebo už zo strachu pred Rimanmi, ktorí by neboli dovolili splynutie Egypta a Sýrie v jednu veľríšu, nebol by sa to odvážil urobiť, ako správne poznamenáva Joz. Flávius. Privlastnil si len Feníciu a Celosýriu (teda "dal si na hlavu korunu" ako kráľ len tejto časti ázijskej ríše) a ostatku sa vzdal v prospech Demetria.
1Mach 11,14 - Nepokoje v Cílicii vyvolalo Demetriovo vojsko, ktoré sa tam dostalo z Kréty. K boju medzi Alexandrom a Ptolemeom došlo pred hradbami hlavného mesta Antiochie. Porážku Alexandra pripravila zrada vo vojsku, ktorého časť prebehla ku Ptolemeovi (Justín 35,3).
1Mach 11,16 - Alexander spolu s 500 jazdcami hľadal záchranu u arabského náčelníka Zabdiela (podľa Diodora sa volal: Diokles – asi gr. preklad arab. mena) so sídlom v Abae (25 km južne od Damasku), ktorému bol už predtým zveril svojho synka Antiocha.
1Mach 11,19 - Smrť Ptolemea Filometora, pád Alexandra Balasa, ako aj počiatok vlády Demetria II. spadá do roku 167 Sel. = r. 145 pr. Kr.
1Mach 11,28 - Miesto priamych daní z Júdska a troch okresov (porov. 10,30; 11,34) sa Demetrius uspokojil sumou 300 talentov. Jonatán dúfal, že zaplatením tejto sumy dostane úplné a trvalé oslobodenie od daní. Zdalo sa, že kráľ a jeho poradcovia súhlasili, ale asi mlčky si urobili výhradu, že príležitostne budú vymáhať túto sumu každý rok (porov. 2 Mach 11,3). Lenže vzhľadom na úľavy Demetria I. (10,29) a tiež zo znenia nasledujúcej listiny takýto výklad dohody bol skoro nemysliteľný.
1Mach 11,29-33 - Podľa Joz. Flávia priviedol Lastenes (Starož. 13,4,3) Demetriovi II. žoldnierske vojsko z Kréty, pomocou ktorého sa mohol zmocniť trónu (10,67). Nie div, pretože ho nazýva "otcom". Lastenes bol miestodržiteľom Celosýrie, ak nie ríšskym kancelárom. Jemu poslal Demetrius listinu o prímerí so Židmi, aby vykonal kráľovu vôľu.
1Mach 11,34 - Tri okresy zo Samárie: Aférema (gr. Afairema, t. j. Efraim, Efron – menovaný v 2 Krn 13,19; 2 Sam 13,23 – dnes sa volá "et-Taijibe" a leží na návrší asi 10 km severovýchodne od Betelu; dôležitý strategický bod; Vg vynecháva tento okres), Ramataim (Ramata, Ramadem, dnes asi Rentis neďaleko Tibneh=Tamnata; západne od Aféremy; pozri 9,50) a Lydda (dnes Lud, neskorší Diospolis) majú byť pričlenené k Júdsku. Tak sa splnila dávna túžba Machabejcov: ich domovina Modein bola konečne aj politicky spojená s Júdskom.
1Mach 11,35 - Porov. 10,28–30.
1Mach 11,41-44 - Jonatán využíva Demetriovu tieseň. Kráľ odvoláva sýrsku posádku z Akry (jeruzal. hrad), ale ako protihodnotu požaduje pomocné židovské oddiely. Potreboval totiž židovskú pomoc proti vzbúreným veteránom, ktorých prepustil zo služby (v. 38).
1Mach 11,45 - Číslice v tomto v. i vo v. 47 sú zrejme iba ľudovým odhadom.
1Mach 11,53 - Podľa Joz. Flávia žiadal zaplatenie dávno odpustených daní, hrozil vojnou a poslal vojsko do Galiley.
1Mach 11,54 - Tryfon nakoniec dostal mladého Antiocha od Emalkueho (v. 39).
1Mach 11,57 - Tri okresy porov. v. 28 a 34, štvrtý je asi Akaron.
1Mach 11,58 - Porov. 10,89. Antiochus obnovil Jonatánovi kniežacie odznaky a výsady, ktoré mu udelil jeho otec Alexander a jeho rival Demetrius II., aby si získal Jonatána.
1Mach 11,59 - "Týrske schodište" je mys dnes nazývaný Rás en-Nakúra. Je to dosť príkry vrch 22 km severne od Ptolemaidy, dôležitý strategický bod.
1Mach 11,63 - Kádeš (dnes Kedes), kedysi levitské mesto (Joz 20,7; 21,32; Sdc 4,6) na území Neftaliho, 7 km západne od vtoku Jordána do Hulského jazera.
1Mach 11,67 - Prvý raz sa v Písme spomína Genezaretské jazero. Asor (Joz 11,10; 12,19; Sdc 4,2), asi hodinu cesty severozápadne od jazera.