výhody registrácie

Kniha Sirachovcova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

Sir 29, 1-28

1 (KJV) He that is merciful will lend unto his neighbour; and he that strengtheneth his hand keepeth the commandments.
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2 (KJV) Lend to thy neighbour in time of his need, and pay thou thy neighbour again in due season.
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3 (KJV) Keep thy word, and deal faithfully with him, and thou shalt always find the thing that is necessary for thee.
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4 (KJV) Many, when a thing was lent them, reckoned it to be found, and put them to trouble that helped them.
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5 (KJV) Till he hath received, he will kiss a man's hand; and for his neighbour's money he will speak submissly: but when he should repay, he will prolong the time, and return words of grief, and complain of the time.
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6 (KJV) If he prevail, he shall hardly receive the half, and he will count as if he had found it: if not, he hath deprived him of his money, and he hath gotten him an enemy without cause: he payeth him with cursings and railings; and for honour he will pay him disgrace.
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7 (KJV) Many therefore have refused to lend for other men's ill dealing, fearing to be defrauded.
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8 (KJV) Yet have thou patience with a man in poor estate, and delay not to shew him mercy.
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9 (KJV) Help the poor for the commandment's sake, and turn him not away because of his poverty.
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10 (KJV) Lose thy money for thy brother and thy friend, and let it not rust under a stone to be lost.
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11 (KJV) Lay up thy treasure according to the commandments of the most High, and it shall bring thee more profit than gold.
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12 (KJV) Shut up alms in thy storehouses: and it shall deliver thee from all affliction.
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13 (KJV) It shall fight for thee against thine enemies better than a mighty shield and strong spear.
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14 (KJV) An honest man is surety for his neighbour: but he that is impudent will forsake him.
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15 (KJV) Forget not the friendship of thy surety, for he hath given his life for thee.
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16 (KJV) A sinner will overthrow the good estate of his surety:
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17 (KJV) And he that is of an unthankful mind will leave him [in danger] that delivered him.
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18 (KJV) Suretiship hath undone many of good estate, and shaken them as a wave of the sea: mighty men hath it driven from their houses, so that they wandered among strange nations.
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19 (KJV) A wicked man transgressing the commandments of the Lord shall fall into suretiship: and he that undertaketh and followeth other men's business for gain shall fall into suits.
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20 (KJV) Help thy neighbour according to thy power, and beware that thou thyself fall not into the same.
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21 (KJV) The chief thing for life is water, and bread, and clothing, and an house to cover shame.
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22 (KJV) Better is the life of a poor man in a mean cottage, than delicate fare in another man's house.
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23 (KJV) Be it little or much, hold thee contented, that thou hear not the reproach of thy house.
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24 (KJV) For it is a miserable life to go from house to house: for where thou art a stranger, thou darest not open thy mouth.
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25 (KJV) Thou shalt entertain, and feast, and have no thanks: moreover thou shalt hear bitter words:
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26 (KJV) Come, thou stranger, and furnish a table, and feed me of that thou hast ready.
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27 (KJV) Give place, thou stranger, to an honourable man; my brother cometh to be lodged, and I have need of mine house.
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28 (KJV) These things are grievous to a man of understanding; the upbraiding of houseroom, and reproaching of the lender.
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Sir 29, 1-28

Sir 29,1 - Poskytnúť niekomu pôžičku je povinnosťou, ktorá vyplýva z lásky k blížnemu.

Sir 29,13 - Porov. Mt 6,19; Lk 12,33; Jak 5,2.