výhody registrácie

Kniha Sirachovcova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Sir 18, 1-33

1 (CPDV) The One who dwells in eternity created all things together. God alone will be justified, and he remains an invincible King for eternity.
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2 (CPDV) Who is able to declare his works?
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3 (CPDV) For who can examine his greatness?
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4 (CPDV) And who will announce the power of his magnitude? Or who would be able to describe his mercy?
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5 (CPDV) There is no diminishing, and no increasing, and there is no discovering, the greatness of God.
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6 (CPDV) When man has reached the end, then he will begin. And when he ceases, he will be in need.
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7 (CPDV) What is man, and what is his grace? And what is his good, or what is his evil?
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8 (CPDV) The number of the days of men are as many as one hundred years. Like a drop of water in the ocean, so they are considered to be. And like a grain of sand on the shore, so do these few years compare to the days of all time.
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9 (CPDV) For this reason, God is patient with them, and he pours forth his mercy upon them.
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10 (CPDV) He has seen that the presumption of their heart is evil, and he knows that their rebelliousness is wicked.
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11 (CPDV) Therefore, he has bestowed his forgiveness on them, and he has revealed to them the way of equity.
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12 (CPDV) The compassion of man is toward those closest to him. But the mercy of God is upon all flesh.
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13 (CPDV) He is merciful, and he teaches and corrects, like a shepherd with his flock.
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14 (CPDV) He takes pity on those who accept the doctrine of compassion, and he applies his judgments promptly.
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15 (CPDV) Son, in your good works, you should not complain, and in giving anything, you should not cause grief with evil words.
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16 (CPDV) Is heat not refreshed by the dew? So also is a good word better than a gift.
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17 (CPDV) Behold, is a word not greater than a gift? But both are with a justified man. 381
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18 (CPDV) The foolish place blame sharply. And a gift from the undisciplined causes the eyes to fail.
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19 (CPDV) Before you judge, put justice in order within yourself, and before you speak, learn.
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20 (CPDV) Before you become sick, obtain medicine. And before you judge, examine yourself. And then you will find forgiveness in the sight of God.
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21 (CPDV) Before you become weak, humble yourself; and in a time of infirmity, show your way of life.
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22 (CPDV) Let nothing impede you from praying always. And then you will not dread to be justified, even unto death. For the reward of God dwells in eternity.
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23 (CPDV) Before you pray, prepare your soul. And do not choose to be like a man who tempts God.
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24 (CPDV) Remember the wrath that will be on the day of consummation, and remember the time of retribution, when he will turn away his face.
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25 (CPDV) Remember poverty in a time of abundance, and remember the deficiency of poverty in a day of riches.
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26 (CPDV) From morning until evening, the time will be changed, and all these are swift in the eyes of God.
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27 (CPDV) A wise man will be cautious in all things, and during a time of many offenses, he will be attentive against inaction.
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28 (CPDV) Anyone who is astute recognizes wisdom, and he will acknowledge anyone who finds it.
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29 (CPDV) Those who show understanding with words also have acted wisely themselves, and they have understood truth and justice, and they have fulfilled proverbs and judgments.
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30 (CPDV) You should not go after your desires; instead, turn away from your own will.
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31 (CPDV) If you offer your desires to your soul, this will cause you to become a joy to your enemies.
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32 (CPDV) Take no delight in disorderly gatherings, whether large or small. For their commission of offenses is unceasing.
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33 (CPDV) You should not be reduced by the contention of borrowing, even if there is nothing in your purse. For you would be contending against your own life.
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Sir 18, 1-33

Sir 18,6 - Keď by sa človek nazdával, že pri obdivovaní všetkých Božích diel už je na konci, vtedy zbadá, že je vlastne len na začiatku, lebo pred jeho mysľou sa vynárajú nové a nové záhady.

Sir 18,10 - Lepšie je prekladať s hebrejským:"Vidí, že nádej ich srdca je zlá,a rozpráva, že ich zánik je prebiedny."

Sir 18,13 - Možno opraviť podľa gréckeho:"Boh karhá, tresce a poučuje,a zavracia (na dobrú cestu) ako pastier svoje stádo."

Sir 18,14 - Opravujú podľa sýrskeho znenia:"Blahoslavení, ktorí dôverujú v milosrdenstvo jehoa ktorí prijímajú jeho prísnu výchovu."

Sir 18,22 - Správnejší preklad je asi tento:"Nepripúšťaj nijakú prekážku, keď máš plniť sľub na svoj čas,ani nečakaj až do smrti, aby si sa ho zbavil."

Sir 18,23 - Správnejšie preložený verš znie: "Prv, ako urobíš sľub, priprav sa!" To jest: Uváž najprv, či to, čo sľúbiš, vieš aj splniť. Len taký sľub je cenný, ktorý so všetkou vážnosťou a svedomitosťou aj vyplníš, ako si ho Bohu sľúbil.

Sir 18,32 - Podľa hebrejského znie:"Nemaj záľubu v troche rozkoše,lebo jej nedostatok spôsobuje dvojnásobnú bolesť."

Sir 18,33 - Podľa hebrejského nakrátko:"Nebuď lakomý ani pijan,lebo ničoho by si nemal vo vrecku."