výhody registrácie

Kniha Sirachovcova

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

Sir 12, 1-18

1 (KJV) When thou wilt do good know to whom thou doest it; so shalt thou be thanked for thy benefits.
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2 (KJV) Do good to the godly man, and thou shalt find a recompence; and if not from him, yet from the most High.
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3 (KJV) There can no good come to him that is always occupied in evil, nor to him that giveth no alms.
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4 (KJV) Give to the godly man, and help not a sinner.
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5 (KJV) Do well unto him that is lowly, but give not to the ungodly: hold back thy bread, and give it not unto him, lest he overmaster thee thereby: for [else] thou shalt receive twice as much evil for all the good thou shalt have done unto him.
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6 (KJV) For the most High hateth sinners, and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly, and keepeth them against the mighty day of their punishment.
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7 (KJV) Give unto the good, and help not the sinner.
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8 (KJV) A friend cannot be known in prosperity: and an enemy cannot be hidden in adversity.
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9 (KJV) In the prosperity of a man enemies will be grieved: but in his adversity even a friend will depart.
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10 (KJV) Never trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness.
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11 (KJV) Though he humble himself, and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him, and thou shalt be unto him as if thou hadst wiped a lookingglass, and thou shalt know that his rust hath not been altogether wiped away.
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12 (KJV) Set him not by thee, lest, when he hath overthrown thee, he stand up in thy place; neither let him sit at thy right hand, lest he seek to take thy seat, and thou at the last remember my words, and be pricked therewith.
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13 (KJV) Who will pity a charmer that is bitten with a serpent, or any such as come nigh wild beasts?
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14 (KJV) So one that goeth to a sinner, and is defiled with him in his sins, who will pity?
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15 (KJV) For a while he will abide with thee, but if thou begin to fall, he will not tarry.
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16 (KJV) An enemy speaketh sweetly with his lips, but in his heart he imagineth how to throw thee into a pit: he will weep with his eyes, but if he find opportunity, he will not be satisfied with blood.
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17 (KJV) If adversity come upon thee, thou shalt find him there first; and though he pretend to help thee, yet shall he undermine thee.
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18 (KJV) He will shake his head, and clap his hands, and whisper much, and change his countenance.
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Sir 12, 1-18

Sir 12,3 - Podľa hebrejského by verš znel:"Niet odmeny pre toho, kto hriešnych občerstvuje,a taký človek nemôže nadobudnúť nijakej zásluhy."Je to nedokonalá mravouka, aká zodpovedala nižšej mravnej úrovni Starého zákona. Kresťanskú náuku pozri Mt 5,44.

Sir 12,9 - V hebrejskom je to trochu zmenené:"Ak sa niekomu dobre vodí,i nepriateľ sa mu prihlási za priateľa."

Sir 12,11 - V gréckom texte sa nám zachovalo takéto pokračovanie myšlienky:"Chovaj sa k nemu ako ten, kto utiera zrkadlo,a poznáš, že neprestane hrdzavieť." Kedysi miesto zrkadla užívali vyleštený kov. Zmysel je: Nespúšťaj ho z očí.

Sir 12,18-19 - Niekdajší tvoj priateľ nezahanbí sa, keď sa dostaví prvý k tvojej skaze, aby sa ti vysmial a aby ťa potupoval. – "Šuškať" vo význame: zlorečiť, preklínať.