| Kniha MúdrostiBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Múd 14, 1-31 |
1 Múd 14, 1 Again, another, thinking to sail, and beginning to make his voyage through the raging waves, calls upon a piece of wood more fragile than the wood that carries him. 2 Múd 14, 2 For this is what desire has contrived to be acquired, and the craftsman has formed its understanding. 3 Múd 14, 3 But your providence, O Father, governs, because you have provided for both a way in the sea and a very reliable path among the waves, 4 Múd 14, 4 revealing that you are able to save out of all things, even if someone were to go to sea without skill. 5 Múd 14, 5 But, so that the works of your wisdom might not be empty, therefore, men trust their souls even to a little piece of wood, and, crossing over the sea by raft, they are set free. 6 Múd 14, 6 But, from the beginning, when the proud giants were perishing, the hope of the world, fleeing by boat, gave back to future ages a seed of birth, which was governed by your hand. 7 Múd 14, 7 For blessed is the wood through which justice is made. 8 Múd 14, 8 But, through the hand that makes the idol, both it, and he who made it, is accursed: he, indeed, because it has been served by him, and it, because, though it is fragile, it is called ‘god.’ 9 Múd 14, 9 But the impious and his impiety are similarly offensive to God. 10 Múd 14, 10 For that which is made, together with him who made it, will suffer torments. 11 Múd 14, 11 Because of this, and according to the idolatries of the nations, there will be no refuge, for the things created by God have been made into hatred, and into a temptation to the souls of men, and into a snare for the feet of the foolish. 12 Múd 14, 12 For the beginning of fornication is the search for idols, and from their invention comes corruption of life. 13 Múd 14, 13 For they neither existed from the beginning, nor will they exist forever. 14 Múd 14, 14 For by the great emptiness of men they came into the world, and therefore their end is soon discovered. 15 Múd 14, 15 For a father, embittered with the suffering of grief, made an image of his son, who had been suddenly taken away from him, and then, he who had died as a man, now begins to be worshiped as if a god, and so rites and sacrifices are established among his servants. 16 Múd 14, 16 Then, in the course of time, iniquity gains strength within this erroneous custom, so that this error has been observed as if it were a law, and this figment has been worshiped at the command of tyrants. 17 Múd 14, 17 And those, whom men could not openly honor because they were far off, a likeness of them was carried from far off, and from it they made a similar image of the king that they wanted to honor, so that, by their solicitude, they might worship he who was absent, just as if he were present. 18 Múd 14, 18 Yet, it passes into their care, and those whom they did not know, they love because of the excellence of the artist. 19 Múd 14, 19 For he, wishing to please the one who hired him, embellished his art, so as to fashion a better likeness. 20 Múd 14, 20 But the multitude of men, brought together by the beauty of the work, now considered him to be a god, whom they had formerly honored as a man. 21 Múd 14, 21 And this was the deception of human life: that men, serving either their own inclination or their kings, assigned the unutterable name to stones and wood. 22 Múd 14, 22 And it was not enough for them to go astray concerning the knowledge of God, but also, while living in a great war of ignorance, they call so many and such great evils ‘peace.’ 23 Múd 14, 23 For either they sacrifice their own sons, or they make dark sacrifices, or they hold vigils full of madness, 24 Múd 14, 24 so that now they neither protect life, nor preserve a clean marriage, but one kills another through envy, or grieves him by adultery. 25 Múd 14, 25 And all things are mixed together: blood, murder, theft and fraud, corruption and infidelity, disturbances and perjury, disorder within good things, 26 Múd 14, 26 forgetfulness of God, pollution of souls, alteration of procreation, inconstancy of marriage, unnatural adultery and homosexuality. 27 Múd 14, 27 For the worship of unspeakable idols is the cause, and the beginning and the end, of all evil. 28 Múd 14, 28 For they either act with madness while happy, or they insistently speak wild lies, or they live unjustly, or they are quick to commit perjury. 29 Múd 14, 29 For, while they trust in idols, which are without a soul, vowing evil, they hope not to be harmed themselves. 30 Múd 14, 30 Therefore, from both sides it will fittingly happen, because they have thought evil of God, paying attention to idols, and because they have sworn unjustly, in guile despising justice. 31 Múd 14, 31 For swearing is not virtue, but sinning always comes around to a punishment according to the transgression of the unjust.
| | Múd 14, 1-31 |
Mud 14,2 - Loď zhotovia ľudia starostlivo, modlu nedbalo (porov. 13,13–14).
Mud 14,3 - Boh je na pomoci kormidelníkovi, ako je na pomoci každému človeku. Prozreteľnosť Božia riadi a udržuje všetko. Ona vedela Izraelitom aj cez Červené more ukázať cestu.
Mud 14,6 - "Nádej sveta" bola Noemova rodina, ktorá zachovala ľudské pokolenie. – "Plťou" sa tu volá Noemov koráb. – O obroch pozri Gn 6,4.
Mud 14,7 - Svätopisec myslí predovšetkým na Noemov koráb, ale aj na každé drevo, ktoré slúži blahu ľudstva. Sv. Otcovia myslia pri tomto výroku aj na drevo Kristovho kríža, ale len v zmysle prispôsobenom.
Mud 14,13 - Prvotné náboženstvo bolo jednobožské, ako to vieme aj z Knihy Genezis a ako to novšie dokazujú národopisné a nábožensko-dejinné výskumy.
Mud 14,15-16 - Niektoré príčiny modlárstva (mylné nazeranie na prírodné zjavy) svätopisec už uviedol 13,1 n. Teraz uvádza ďalšie príčiny.
Mud 14,21 - Nešťastie (v. 15) a ohľad na mocnárov sveta (17–20) priviedli ľudí k tomu, že meno "Boh" dali kamenným a dreveným modlám.
Mud 14,23-24 - O obetovaní dietok pozri pozn. k 12,2–6. S modloslužbou (napr. kultom Baccha, Dionýza) boli často spojené najhnusnejšie orgie.
Mud 14,26 - "Smilstvo proti prírode" doslovne "zámena rodu, pohlavia".
Mud 14,27 - Meno "boh" nosia modly neprávom a iného mena nemajú. Sú ničím.