Verš 1
Where do wars and contentions among you come from? Is it not from this: from your own desires, which battle within your members?
Rim 7:23 - But I perceive another law within my body, fighting against the law of my mind, and captivating me with the law of sin which is in my body.
1Pt 2:11 - Most beloved, I beg you, as new arrivals and sojourners, to abstain from carnal desires, which battle against the soul.
Verš 3
You ask and you do not receive, because you ask badly, so that you may use it toward your own desires.
Mt 20:22 - But Jesus, responding, said: “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink from the chalice, from which I will drink?” They said to him, “We are able.”
Rim 8:26 - And similarly, the Spirit also helps our weakness. For we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself asks on our behalf with ineffable sighing.
Verš 4
You adulterers! Do you not know that the friendship of this world is hostile to God? Therefore, whoever has chosen to be a friend of this world has been made into an enemy of God.
Jn 15:9 - As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you. Abide in my love.
Gal 1:10 - For am I now persuading men, or God? Or, am I seeking to please men? If I still were pleasing men, then I would not be a servant of Christ.
1Jn 2:15 - Do not choose to love the world, nor the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.
Verš 5
Or do you think that Scripture says in vain: “The spirit which lives within you desires unto envy?”
Nm 11:29 - But he said, “Why are you jealous on my behalf? Who decides that any of the people may prophesy and that God may give to them his Spirit?”
Verš 6
But he gives a greater grace. Therefore he says: “God resists the arrogant, but he gives grace to the humble.”
Prís 3:34 - He will ridicule those who ridicule, but he will bestow grace upon the mild.
1Pt 5:5 - Similarly, young persons, be subject to the elders. And infuse all humility among one another, for God resists the arrogant, but to the humble he gives grace.
Verš 7
Therefore, be subject to God. But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Ef 4:27 - Provide no place for the devil.
1Pt 5:9 - Resist him by being strong in faith, being aware that the same passions afflict those who are your brothers in the world.
Verš 8
Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners! And purify your hearts, you duplicitous souls!
Iz 1:15 - And so, when you extend your hands, I will avert my eyes from you. And when you multiply your prayers, I will not heed you. For your hands are full of blood.
Verš 9
Be afflicted: mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your gladness into sorrow.
Mt 5:4 - Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.
Verš 10
Be humbled in the sight of the Lord, and he will exalt you.
Jób 22:29 - For he who had been humbled, will be in glory; and he who will lower his eyes, will be the one saved.
Prís 29:23 - Humiliation follows the arrogant. And glory shall uphold the humble in spirit.
Mt 23:12 - But whoever has exalted himself, shall be humbled. And whoever has humbled himself, shall be exalted.
Lk 14:11 - For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”
Lk 18:14 - I say to you, this one descended to his house justified, but not the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
1Pt 5:6 - And so, be humbled under the powerful hand of God, so that he may exalt you in the time of visitation.
Verš 12
There is one lawgiver and one judge. He is able to destroy, and he is able to set free.
Rim 14:4 - Who are you to judge the servant of another? He stands or falls by his own Lord. But he shall stand. For God is able to make him stand.
Verš 13
But who are you to judge your neighbor? Consider this, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into that city, and certainly we will spend a year there, and we will do business, and we will make our profit,”
Lk 12:18 - And he said: ‘This is what I will do. I will tear down my barns and build larger ones. And into these, I will gather all the things that have been grown for me, as well as my goods.
Verš 14
consider that you do not know what will be tomorrow.
Iz 40:6 - The voice of one saying, “Cry out!” And I said, “What should I cry out?” “All flesh is grass, and all its glory is like the flower of the field.
1Kor 7:31 - and those who use the things of this world, as if they were not using them. For the figure of this world is passing away.
Jak 1:10 - and a rich one, in his humiliation, for he will pass away like the flower of the grass.
1Pt 1:24 - For all flesh is like the grass and all its glory is like the flower of the grass. The grass withers and its flower falls away.
1Jn 2:17 - And the world is passing away, with its desire. But whoever does the will of God abides unto eternity.
Verš 15
For what is your life? It is a mist that appears for a brief time, and afterwards will vanish away. So what you ought to say is: “If the Lord wills,” or, “If we live,” we will do this or that.
Sk 18:21 - Instead, saying goodbye and telling them, “I will return to you again, God willing,” he set out from Ephesus.
1Kor 4:19 - But I will return to you soon, if the Lord is willing. And I will consider, not the words of those who are inflated, but the virtue.
Heb 6:3 - And we shall do this, if indeed God permits it.
Verš 17
Therefore, he who knows that he ought to do a good thing, and does not do it, for him it is a sin.
Lk 12:47 - And that servant, who knew the will of his Lord, and who did not prepare and did not act according to his will, will be beaten many times over.
Jak 4,4 - "Cudzoložníci," čiže Bohu neverní. Grécky výraz je tu v ženskom rode a vyvoláva tradičný obraz Izraela, nevernej nevesty Jahveho (Oz 1, 2; porov. Mt 12, 39; Mk 8, 38; 2 Kor 11, 2).
Jak 4,5 - Boh vložil do nás svojho Ducha, ktorý v nás pôsobí, takže túžime po tom, čo chce Boh. Porov. Rim 8, 26–27. Boh túži po nás, t. j. miluje nás ako svoje vlastníctvo, a to žiarlivo; nemôže teda netrestať, keď sa mu hriechom odcudzujeme. Porov. Ex 20, 5; 34, 14. 15; Ž 38, 1; Zach 8, 2 a inde.
Jak 4,6 - Porov. Prís 3, 34; 1 Pt 5, 5.
Jak 4,8 - "Rozpoltenú myseľ." Hriešnik by sa chcel venovať Bohu i hriešnemu svetu, a tak je nestály vo viere a v kresťanskom správaní.
Jak 4,17 - Sú to hriechy páchané "zanedbávaním dobrého".