![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | List HebrejomBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Heb 7, 1-28 |
1 Heb 7, 1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham, as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him. 2 Heb 7, 2 And Abraham divided to him a tenth part of everything. And in translation his name is first, indeed, king of justice, and next also king of Salem, that is, king of peace. 3 Heb 7, 3 Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life, he is thereby likened to the Son of God, who remains a priest continuously. 4 Heb 7, 4 Next, consider how great this man is, since the Patriarch Abraham even gave tithes to him from the principal things. 5 Heb 7, 5 And indeed, those who are from the sons of Levi, having received the priesthood, hold a commandment to take tithes from the people in accord with the law, that is, from their brothers, even though they also went forth from the loins of Abraham. 6 Heb 7, 6 But this man, whose lineage is not enumerated with them, received tithes from Abraham, and he blessed even the one who held the promises. 7 Heb 7, 7 Yet this is without any contradiction, for what is less should be blessed by what is better. 8 Heb 7, 8 And certainly, here, men who receive tithes still die; but there, he bears witness that he lives. 9 Heb 7, 9 And so it may be said that even Levi, who received tithes, was himself a tithe through Abraham. 10 Heb 7, 10 For he was still in the loins of his father, when Melchizedek met him. 11 Heb 7, 11 Therefore, if consummation had occurred through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), then what further need would there be for another Priest to rise up according to the order of Melchizedek, one who was not called according to the order of Aaron? 12 Heb 7, 12 For since the priesthood has been transferred, it is necessary that the law also be transferred. 13 Heb 7, 13 For he about whom these things have been spoken is from another tribe, in which no one attends before the altar. 14 Heb 7, 14 For it is evident that our Lord arose out of Judah, a tribe about which Moses said nothing concerning priests. 15 Heb 7, 15 And yet it is far more evident that, according to the likeness of Melchizedek, there rises up another priest, 16 Heb 7, 16 who was made, not according to the law of a carnal commandment, but according to the virtue of an indissoluble life. 17 Heb 7, 17 For he testifies: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.” 18 Heb 7, 18 Certainly, there is a setting aside of the former commandment, because of its weakness and lack of usefulness. 19 Heb 7, 19 For the law led no one to perfection, yet truly it introduced a better hope, through which we draw near to God. 20 Heb 7, 20 Moreover, it is not without an oath. For certainly, the others were made priests without an oath. 21 Heb 7, 21 But this man was made a priest with an oath, by the One who said to him: “The Lord has sworn and he will not repent. You are a priest forever.” 22 Heb 7, 22 By so much, Jesus has been made the sponsor of a better testament. 23 Heb 7, 23 And certainly, so many of the others became priests because, due to death, they were prohibited from continuing. 24 Heb 7, 24 But this man, because he continues forever, has an everlasting priesthood. 25 Heb 7, 25 And for this reason, he is able, continuously, to save those who approach God through him, since he is ever alive to make 687 intercession on our behalf. 26 Heb 7, 26 For it was fitting that we should have such a High Priest: holy, innocent, undefiled, set apart from sinners, and exalted higher than the heavens. 27 Heb 7, 27 And he has no need, daily, in the manner of other priests, to offer sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for those of the people. For he has done this once, by offering himself. 28 Heb 7, 28 For the law appoints men as priests, though they have infirmities. But, by the word of the oath that is after the law, the Son has been perfected for eternity.
![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | | Heb 7, 1-28 |
Verš 1
For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham, as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him.
Gn 14:18 - Then in truth, Melchizedek, the king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, for he was a priest of the Most High God;
Verš 5
And indeed, those who are from the sons of Levi, having received the priesthood, hold a commandment to take tithes from the people in accord with the law, that is, from their brothers, even though they also went forth from the loins of Abraham.
Nm 18:21 - But I have given, to the sons of Levi, all the tithes of Israel as a possession, for the ministry by which they serve me in the tabernacle of the covenant,
Dt 18:1 - “The priests and the Levites, and all who are from the same tribe, shall have no portion or inheritance with the rest of Israel. For they shall eat the sacrifices of the Lord and his oblations.
Joz 14:4 - For by succession, the sons of Joseph, in their place, were divided into two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim. But the Levites did not receive another portion of land, except cities in which to live, and their suburbs, so as to feed their beasts of burden and cattle.
2Krn 31:5 - And when this had reached the ears of the multitude, the sons of Israel brought an abundance of first-fruits of grain, wine, and oil, and also honey. And they offered a tenth part of all that the soil brings forth.
Verš 6
But this man, whose lineage is not enumerated with them, received tithes from Abraham, and he blessed even the one who held the promises.
Gn 14:20 - And blessed be the Most High God, through whose protection the enemies are in your hands.” And he gave him tithes from everything.
Verš 11
Therefore, if consummation had occurred through the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law), then what further need would there be for another Priest to rise up according to the order of Melchizedek, one who was not called according to the order of Aaron?
Gal 2:21 - I do not 670 reject the grace of God. For if justice is through the law, then Christ died in vain.
Verš 14
For it is evident that our Lord arose out of Judah, a tribe about which Moses said nothing concerning priests.
Iz 11:1 - And a rod will go forth from the root of Jesse, and a flower will ascend from his root.
Mt 1:3 - And Judah conceived Perez and Zerah by Tamar. And Perez conceived Hezron. And Hezron conceived Ram.
Verš 17
For he testifies: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Ž 110:4 - He has created a memorial to his wonders; he is a merciful and compassionate Lord.
Heb 5:6 - And similarly, he says in another place: “You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek.”
Verš 19
For the law led no one to perfection, yet truly it introduced a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
Sk 13:39 - In him, all who believe are justified.
Rim 3:28 - For we judge a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law.
Rim 8:3 - For though this was impossible under the law, because it was weakened by the flesh, God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and because of sin, in order to condemn sin in the flesh,
Gal 2:16 - And we know that man is not justified by the works of the law, but only by the faith of Jesus Christ. And so we believe in Christ Jesus, in order that we may be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law. For no flesh will be justified by the works of the law.
Jn 1:17 - For the law was given though Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Rim 3:21 - But now, without the law, the justice of God, to which the law and the prophets have testified, has been made manifest.
Verš 21
But this man was made a priest with an oath, by the One who said to him: “The Lord has sworn and he will not repent. You are a priest forever.”
Ž 110:4 - He has created a memorial to his wonders; he is a merciful and compassionate Lord.
Verš 25
And for this reason, he is able, continuously, to save those who approach God through him, since he is ever alive to make 687 intercession on our behalf.
1Tim 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator of God and of men, the man Christ Jesus,
1Jn 2:1 - My little sons, this I write to you, so that you may not sin. But if anyone has sinned, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Just One.
Verš 27
And he has no need, daily, in the manner of other priests, to offer sacrifices, first for his own sins, and then for those of the people. For he has done this once, by offering himself.
Lv 9:7 - And he said to Aaron: “Approach toward the altar, and immolate on behalf of your sin. Offer the holocaust, and pray for yourself and for the people. And when you have slain the victim for the people, pray for them, just as the Lord has instructed.”
Lv 16:6 - And when he has presented the calf, and has prayed for himself and for his own house,
Heb 5:3 - And because of this, he also must make such offerings for sins even for himself, in the same manner as for the people.
Hebr 7,1-10 - Melchizedech je predobrazom Krista svojím menom (Melchizedech znamená "kráľ spravodlivosti"), ako aj svojím postavením nad Abrahámom a levitským kňazstvom, svojím tajuplným vstupom do dejín a svojím mimoriadnym kňazstvom.
Hebr 7,1 - "Kráľ Salema." Šalem bolo staré meno neskoršieho Jeruzalema. Skrýva v sebe semitské slovo šalom = pokoj.
Hebr 7,8 - Kým Abrahám a Lévi boli smrteľní ľudia, Melchizedechovo kňazstvo trvá večne.
Hebr 7,10 - Abrahám bol praded Léviho.
Hebr 7,11-17 - Svätopisec poukazuje na text žalmu 110 o ustanovení nového, večného "kňaza podľa radu Melchizedechovho" a tým zdôrazňuje, že levitské kňazstvo bolo nedokonalé a len dočasné. Ba nový kňaz (Kristus) ani nie je z kmeňa Léviho, ale z Júdovho.
Hebr 7,20-25 - Vznešenosť Kristovho kňazstva dokazuje autor listu dvoma dôvodmi: Boh urobil Krista veľkňazom na základe prísahy, kým v súvislosti so starozákonným kňazstvom takáto prísaha neodznela (v. 20–22); druhým dôvodom je večnosť Kristovho kňazstva (v. 23–25).
Hebr 7,21 - Ž 100, 4.