| List HebrejomBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Heb 6, 1-20 |
1 Heb 6, 1 Therefore, interrupting an explanation of the basics of Christ, let us consider what is more advanced, not presenting again the fundamentals of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Heb 6, 2 of the doctrine of baptism, and also of the imposition of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 Heb 6, 3 And we shall do this, if indeed God permits it. 4 Heb 6, 4 For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, and have even tasted of the heavenly gift, and have become sharers in the Holy Spirit, 5 Heb 6, 5 who, despite having tasted the good Word of God and the virtues of the future age, have yet fallen away, 6 Heb 6, 6 to be renewed again to penance, since they are crucifying again in themselves the Son of God and are still maintaining pretenses. 7 Heb 6, 7 For the earth accepts a blessing from God, by drinking in the rain that often falls upon it, and by producing plants that are useful to those by whom it is cultivated. 8 Heb 6, 8 But whatever brings forth thorns and briers is rejected, and is closest to what is accursed; their consummation is in combustion. 9 Heb 6, 9 But from you, most beloved, we are confident that there will be things better and closer to salvation; even though we speak in this way. 10 Heb 6, 10 For God is not unjust, such that he would forget your work and the love that you have shown in his name. For you have ministered, and you continue to minister, to the saints. 11 Heb 6, 11 Yet we desire that each one of you display the same solicitude toward the fulfillment of hope, even unto the end, 12 Heb 6, 12 so that you may not be slow to act, but instead may be imitators of those who, through faith and patience, shall inherit the promises. 13 Heb 6, 13 For God, in making promises to Abraham, swore by himself, (because he had no one greater by whom he might swear), 14 Heb 6, 14 saying: “Blessing, I shall bless you, and multiplying, I shall multiply you.” 15 Heb 6, 15 And in this way, by enduring patiently, he secured the promise. 16 Heb 6, 16 For men swear by what is greater than themselves, and an oath as confirmation is the end of all their controversy. 17 Heb 6, 17 In this matter, God, wanting to reveal more thoroughly the immutability of his counsel to the heirs of the promise, interposed an oath, 18 Heb 6, 18 so that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we may have the strongest solace: we who have fled together so as to hold fast to the hope set before us. 19 Heb 6, 19 This we have as an anchor of the soul, safe and sound, which advances even to the interior of the veil, 20 Heb 6, 20 to the place where the forerunner Jesus has entered on our behalf, so as to become the High Priest for eternity, according to the order of Melchizedek.
 | | Heb 6, 1-20 |
Verš 3
And we shall do this, if indeed God permits it.
Sk 18:21 - Instead, saying goodbye and telling them, “I will return to you again, God willing,” he set out from Ephesus.
1Kor 4:19 - But I will return to you soon, if the Lord is willing. And I will consider, not the words of those who are inflated, but the virtue.
Jak 4:15 - For what is your life? It is a mist that appears for a brief time, and afterwards will vanish away. So what you ought to say is: “If the Lord wills,” or, “If we live,” we will do this or that.
Verš 4
For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, and have even tasted of the heavenly gift, and have become sharers in the Holy Spirit,
Mt 12:31 - For this reason, I say to you: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven.
Heb 10:26 - For if we sin willingly, after receiving knowledge of the truth, there is no sacrifice remaining for sins,
1Jn 5:16 - Anyone who realizes that his brother has sinned, with a sin that is not unto death, let him pray, and life shall be given to him who has sinned not unto death. There is a sin which is unto death. I am not saying that anyone should ask on behalf of that sin.
Verš 10
For God is not unjust, such that he would forget your work and the love that you have shown in his name. For you have ministered, and you continue to minister, to the saints.
Prís 14:31 - Whoever slanders the indigent argues against his Maker. But he who has compassion on the poor honors his Maker.
Mt 10:42 - And whoever shall give, even to one of the least of these, a cup of cold water to drink, solely in the name of a disciple: Amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.”
Mt 25:40 - And in response, the King shall say to them, ‘Amen I say to you, whenever you did this for one of these, the least of my brothers, you did it for me.’
Mk 9:41 - And whoever will have scandalized one of these little ones who believe in me: it would be better for him if a great millstone were placed around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.
Jn 13:20 - Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever receives anyone whom I send, receives me. And whoever receives me, receives him who sent me.”
Verš 14
saying: “Blessing, I shall bless you, and multiplying, I shall multiply you.”
Gn 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”
Gn 17:4 - And God said to him: “I AM, and my covenant is with you, and you will be the father of many nations.
Gn 22:16 - “By my own self, I have sworn, says the Lord. Because you have done this thing, and have not spared your only begotten son for my sake,
Ž 105:9 - And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it dried up. And he led them into the abyss, as if into a desert.
Lk 1:73 - the oath, which he swore to Abraham, our father, that he would grant to us,
Verš 16
For men swear by what is greater than themselves, and an oath as confirmation is the end of all their controversy.
Ex 22:11 - then there shall be an oath between them, that he did not lay his hand on the goods of his neighbor. And the owner shall accept the oath, and he will not be compelled to make restitution.
Verš 20
to the place where the forerunner Jesus has entered on our behalf, so as to become the High Priest for eternity, according to the order of Melchizedek.
Heb 3:1 - Therefore, holy brothers, sharers in the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession: Jesus.
Heb 4:14 - Therefore, since we have a great High Priest, who has pierced the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, we should hold to our confession.
Heb 8:1 - Now the main point in the things that have been stated is this: that we have so great a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of Majesty in the heavens,
Heb 9:11 - But Christ, standing as the High Priest of future good things, through a greater and more perfect tabernacle, one not made by hand, that is, not of this creation,
Hebr 6,1 - "Z mŕtvych skutkov", t. j. hriechov.
Hebr 6,2 - "Učenie o krstoch". Nevie sa presne, o akých "krstoch" je reč. Azda ide o očistné obrady u Židov a pohanov? Alebo skôr o Jánov krst a kresťanský krst, prípadne o obrady kresťanského krstu?
Hebr 6,4 - "Osvietenie" je starokresťanský výraz na označenie krstu, ktorý osvecuje pokrsteného svetlom viery.
Hebr 6,4-8 - Morálne je nemožné (čiže veľmi ťažké), aby sa obrátili pravým pokáním tí, čo odpadli od viery po toľkých nebeských daroch. "Znova križujú Božieho Syna", lebo pokiaľ ide o nich, zapierajú Božieho Syna a odsudzujú ho na smrť, ako spravili Židia, a tak ho vystavujú posmechu.
Hebr 6,5 - Spoločenstvo kresťanov silno prežívalo sily nebeského sveta, vstupujúce do ich prítomného života.
Hebr 6,9-12 - Aby čitatelia nezmalomyseľneli tým, čo autor povedal vo v. 4–8, utešuje ich nádejou, že do- siahnu spásu.
Hebr 6,10 - "Posluhovali svätým," t. j. kresťanom.
Hebr 6,13 - Keď Boh pri svojich prisľúbeniach používa prísahu, to je len pre ľudí, aby im dal väčšiu istotu. A preto tak, ako splnil prísľub daný Abrahámovi (Gn 22, 16 n.), uskutoční aj našu nádej na večnú spásu, ak pevne zakotvíme v Ježišovi, ktorý je naším veľkňazom v nebeskej svätyni.
Hebr 6,19 - "Za oponu." Svätopisec používa obraz starozákonnej svätyne, kde svätyňa bola od Svätyne svätých oddelená oponou.