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(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Heb 13, 1-25

1 (CPDV) May fraternal charity remain in you.
1 (HEM) אהבת האחים תעמד׃

2 (CPDV) And do not be willing to forget hospitality. For by it, certain persons, without realizing it, have received Angels as guests.
2 (HEM) הכנסת ארחים אל תשכחו כי יש אשר הכניסו בה מלאכים ולא ידעו׃

3 (CPDV) Remember those who are prisoners, just as if you were imprisoned with them, and those who endure hardships, just as if you were in their place.
3 (HEM) זכרו את האסורים כאלו אתם אסורים עמהם ואת הנלחצים באשר גם אתם בבשר׃

4 (CPDV) May marriage be honorable in every way, and may the marriage bed be immaculate. For God will judge fornicators and adulterers.
4 (HEM) האישות תיקר בכל וערש יצועכם אל יחלל את הזנים ואת המנאפים ידין אלהים׃

5 (CPDV) Let your behavior be 690 without avarice; be content with what you are offered. For he himself has said, “I will not abandon you, and I will not neglect you.”
5 (HEM) רחקו מאהבת כסף ושמחו בחלקכם כי הוא אמר לא ארפך ולא אעזבך׃

6 (CPDV) So then, we may confidently say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man can do to me.”
6 (HEM) על כן נבטח ונאמר יהוה לי בעזרי לא אירא מה יעשה לי אדם׃

7 (CPDV) Remember your leaders, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith you imitate, by observing the goal of their way of life:
7 (HEM) זכרו את מנהיגיכם אשר הגידו לכם את דבר האלהים בינו לאחרית דרכם ולכו באמונתם׃

8 (CPDV) Jesus Christ, yesterday and today; Jesus Christ forever.
8 (HEM) ישוע המשיח גם תמול גם היום הוא הוא וגם לעולמים׃

9 (CPDV) Do not be led away by changing or strange doctrines. And it is best for the heart to be sustained by grace, not by foods. For the latter have not been as useful to those who walked by them.
9 (HEM) אל תנועו בתורות שנות וזרות כי טוב לכונן לבנו בחסד ולא בעניני מאכל אשר לא הועילו למתהלכים בהם׃

10 (CPDV) We have an altar: those who serve in the tabernacle have no authority to eat from it.
10 (HEM) יש לנו מזבח אשר אינם רשאים לאכל מעליו משרתי המשכן׃

11 (CPDV) For the bodies of those animals whose blood is carried into the Holy of holies by the high priest, on behalf of sin, are burned outside the camp.
11 (HEM) כי הבהמות אשר הובא דמן בקדש לכפרת החטא על ידי הכהן הגדול גויתיהן נשרפו מחוץ למחנה׃

12 (CPDV) Because of this, Jesus, too, in order to sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered outside the gate.
12 (HEM) בעבור זאת גם ישוע למען קדש בדמו את העם ענה מחוץ לשער׃

13 (CPDV) And so, let us go forth to him, outside the camp, bearing his reproach.
13 (HEM) לכן נצאה נא אליו אל מחוץ למחנה ונשא את חרפתו׃

14 (CPDV) For in this place, we have no everlasting city; instead, we seek one in the future.
14 (HEM) כי פה אין לנו עיר עמדת כי את העתידה אנחנו מבקשים׃

15 (CPDV) Therefore, through him, let us offer the sacrifice of continual praise to God, which is the fruit of lips confessing his name.
15 (HEM) לכן נקריב על ידו בכל עת זבח תודה לאלהים היא פרי שפתים המודות לשמו׃

16 (CPDV) But do not be willing to forget good works and fellowship. For God is deserving of such sacrifices.
16 (HEM) ואל תשכחו לגמל חסד ולתת לאביונים כי זבחים כאלה יערבו לאלהים׃

17 (CPDV) Obey your leaders and be subject to them. For they watch over you, as if to render an account of your souls. So then, may they do this with joy, and not with grief. Otherwise, it would not be as helpful to you.
17 (HEM) שמעו אל מנהיגיכם והכנעו מפניהם כי שקדים הם על נפשתיכם כעתידים לתת חשבון למען יעשו זאת בשמחה ולא באנחה כי זאת לא להועיל לכם׃

18 (CPDV) Pray for us. For we trust that we have a good conscience, being willing to conduct ourselves well in all things.
18 (HEM) התפללו בעדנו כי ידענו אשר שלמה מחשבתנו ונחפץ ללכת דרך ישרה בכל׃

19 (CPDV) And I beg you, all the more, to do this, so that I may be quickly returned to you.
19 (HEM) ובחזקה אבקש מכם לעשות זאת למען אושב אליכם במהרה׃

20 (CPDV) Then may the God of peace, who led back from the dead that great Pastor of sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the blood of the eternal testament,
20 (HEM) ואלהי השלום אשר בדם ברית עולם העלה מן המתים את רעה הצאן הגדול את ישוע אדנינו׃

21 (CPDV) equip you with all goodness, so that you may do his will. May he accomplish in you whatever is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory forever and ever. Amen.
21 (HEM) הוא ישלימכם בכל מעשה טוב לעשות רצונו בפעלו בכם את הרצוי לפניו ביד ישוע המשיח אשר לו הכבוד לעולמי עולמים אמן׃

22 (CPDV) And I beg you, brothers, that you may permit this word of consolation, especially since I have written to you with few words.
22 (HEM) ואבקש מכם אחי שאו נא דבר התוכחה כי כתבתי אליכם בקצרה׃

23 (CPDV) Know that our brother Timothy has been set free. If he arrives soon, then I will see you with him.
23 (HEM) ודעו כי טימותיוס אחינו יצא מבית האסורים והיה אם יבא במהרה אראה אתו את פניכם׃

24 (CPDV) Greet all your leaders and all the saints. The brothers from Italy greet you.
24 (HEM) שאלו לשלום כל מנהיגיכם ולשלום כל הקדשים בני ארץ איטליא שאלים לשלומכם׃

25 (CPDV) Grace be with you all. Amen.
25 (HEM) החסד עם כלכם אמן׃

Heb 13, 1-25

Verš 1
May fraternal charity remain in you.
Rim 12:10 - loving one another with fraternal charity, surpassing one another in honor:
Ef 4:3 - Be anxious to preserve the unity of the Spirit within the bonds of peace.
1Pt 1:22 - So chastise your souls with the obedience of charity, in fraternal love, and love one another from a simple heart, attentively.
1Pt 2:17 - Honor everyone. Love brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
1Pt 4:8 - But, before all things, have a constant mutual charity among yourselves. For love covers a multitude of sins.

Verš 2
And do not be willing to forget hospitality. For by it, certain persons, without realizing it, have received Angels as guests.
Rim 12:13 - in the difficulties of the saints, sharing; in hospitality, attentive.
1Pt 4:9 - Show hospitality to one another without complaining.
Gn 18:1 - Then the Lord appeared to him, in the steep valley of Mamre, when he was sitting at the door of his tent, in the very heat of the day.
Gn 19:1 - And the two Angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting at the gate of the city. And when he had seen them, he rose up and went to meet them. And he reverenced prone on the ground.

Verš 3
Remember those who are prisoners, just as if you were imprisoned with them, and those who endure hardships, just as if you were in their place.
Mt 25:36 - naked, and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.’

Verš 5
Let your behavior be 690 without avarice; be content with what you are offered. For he himself has said, “I will not abandon you, and I will not neglect you.”
Ex 23:8 - Neither shall you accept bribes, which blind even the prudent and subvert the words of the just.
Dt 16:19 - and not so as to show favoritism to either side. You shall not accept a person’s reputation, nor gifts. For gifts blind the eyes of the wise and alter the words of the just.
Prís 15:16 - Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasures and dissatisfaction.
Flp 4:11 - I am not saying this as if out of need. For I have learned that, in whatever state I am, it is sufficient.
1Tim 6:6 - But piety with sufficiency is great gain.
1Tim 6:8 - But, having nourishment and some kind of covering, we should be content with these.
Dt 31:6 - Act manfully and be strengthened. Do not be afraid, and do not dread at the sight of them. For the Lord your God himself is your commander, and he will neither dismiss nor abandon you.”
Dt 31:8 - And the Lord, who is your commander, will himself be with you. He will neither renounce nor abandon you. Do not be afraid, and do not dread.”
Joz 1:5 - No one will be able to resist you during all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. I will not leave you, nor will I forsake you.
1Krn 28:20 - David also said to his son Solomon: “Act manfully, and be strengthened, and carry it out. You should not be afraid, and you should not be dismayed. For the Lord my God will be with you, and he will not send you away, nor will he abandon you, until you have perfected the entire work of the ministry of the house of the Lord.

Verš 6
So then, we may confidently say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man can do to me.”
Ž 56:4 - He sent from heaven and freed me. He has surrendered into disgrace those who trampled me. God has sent his mercy and his truth.
Ž 118:6 - Then I will not be confounded, when I will look into all your commandments.

Verš 7
Remember your leaders, who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith you imitate, by observing the goal of their way of life:
Heb 13:17 - Obey your leaders and be subject to them. For they watch over you, as if to render an account of your souls. So then, may they do this with joy, and not with grief. Otherwise, it would not be as helpful to you.

Verš 9
Do not be led away by changing or strange doctrines. And it is best for the heart to be sustained by grace, not by foods. For the latter have not been as useful to those who walked by them.
Jer 29:8 - For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not allow your prophets and your diviners, who are in your midst, to seduce you. And you should pay no attention to your dreams, which you are dreaming.
Mt 24:4 - And answering, Jesus said to them: “Pay attention, lest someone lead you astray.
Rim 16:17 - But I beg you, brothers, to take note of those who cause dissensions and offenses contrary to the doctrine that you have learned, and to turn away from them.
Ef 4:14 - So may we then no longer be little children, disturbed and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the wickedness of men, and by the craftiness which deceives unto error. 673
Ef 5:6 - Let no one seduce you with empty words. For because of these things, the wrath of God was sent upon the sons of unbelief.
Kol 2:16 - Therefore, let no one judge you as concerns food or drink, or a particular feast day, or feast days of new moons, or of Sabbaths.
2Sol 2:2 - that you not be readily disturbed or terrified in your minds, by any spirit, or word, or epistle, supposedly sent from us, claiming that the day of the Lord is close by.
2Tim 4:3 - For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but instead, according to their own desires, they will gather to themselves teachers, with itching ears,
1Jn 4:1 - Most beloved, do not be willing to believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are of God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.
Jn 6:27 - Do not work for food that perishes, but for that which endures to eternal life, which the Son of man will give to you. For God the Father has sealed him.”
Rim 14:17 - For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but rather justice and peace and joy, in the Holy Spirit.

Verš 11
For the bodies of those animals whose blood is carried into the Holy of holies by the high priest, on behalf of sin, are burned outside the camp.
Ex 29:14 - Yet truly, the flesh of the calf, and the hide and the dung, you shall burn outside, beyond the camp, because it is for sin.
Lv 4:21 - But the calf itself he shall carry away, beyond the camp, and he shall also burn it, just as with the previous calf, because it is for the sin of the multitude.
Lv 6:30 - For the victim that is slain for sin, whose blood is carried into the tabernacle of the testimony, for expiation in the Sanctuary, shall not be eaten, but it shall be consumed by fire.
Lv 16:27 - But the calf and the he-goat, which were immolated for sin, and whose blood was brought into the Sanctuary to complete the expiation, these shall be carried outside the camp and be burned with fire: as with their skins, so also with their flesh and dung.
Nm 19:3 - And you shall deliver it to Eleazar the priest, who, having led it out beyond the camp, shall immolate it in the sight of all.

Verš 12
Because of this, Jesus, too, in order to sanctify the people by his own blood, suffered outside the gate.
Jn 19:17 - And carrying his own cross, he went forth to the place which is called Calvary, but in Hebrew it is called the Place of the Skull.

Verš 14
For in this place, we have no everlasting city; instead, we seek one in the future.
Flp 3:20 - But our way of life is in heaven. And from heaven, too, we await the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ,

Verš 15
Therefore, through him, let us offer the sacrifice of continual praise to God, which is the fruit of lips confessing his name.
Oz 14:2 - Israel, convert to the Lord your God. For you have been ruined by your own iniquity.

Verš 16
But do not be willing to forget good works and fellowship. For God is deserving of such sacrifices.
Flp 4:18 - But I have everything in abundance. I have been filled up, having received from Epaphroditus the things that you sent; this is an odor of sweetness, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

Verš 17
Obey your leaders and be subject to them. For they watch over you, as if to render an account of your souls. So then, may they do this with joy, and not with grief. Otherwise, it would not be as helpful to you.
Flp 2:29 - And so, receive him with every joy in the Lord, and treat all those like him with honor.
1Sol 5:12 - And we ask you, brothers, to recognize those who labor among you, and who preside over you in the Lord, and who admonish you,
1Tim 5:17 - Let priests who lead well be held worthy of twice the honor, especially those who labor in the Word and in doctrine.
Ez 3:18 - If, when I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ you do not announce it to him, and you do not speak so that he may turn aside from his impious way and live, then the same impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.
Ez 33:8 - When I say to the impious, ‘O impious man, you will die a death,’ if you have not spoken so that the impious man will keep himself from his way, then that impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.

Verš 20
Then may the God of peace, who led back from the dead that great Pastor of sheep, our Lord Jesus Christ, with the blood of the eternal testament,
Iz 40:11 - He will pasture his flock like a shepherd. He will gather together the lambs with his arm, and he will lift them up to his bosom, and he himself will carry the very young.
Ez 34:23 - And I will raise up over them ONE SHEPHERD, who will feed them, my servant David. He himself will feed them, and he will be their shepherd.
Jn 10:11 - I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep.
1Pt 5:4 - And when the Leader of pastors will have appeared, you shall secure an unfading crown of glory.

Verš 21
equip you with all goodness, so that you may do his will. May he accomplish in you whatever is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom is glory forever and ever. Amen.
2Kor 3:5 - It is not that we are adequate to think anything of ourselves, as if anything was from us. But our adequacy is from God.
Flp 2:13 - For it is God who works in you, both so as to choose, and so as to act, in accord with his good will.

Hebr 13,2 - Porov. Gn 18, 1; 19, 2–3.

Hebr 13,5 - Porov. Dt. 31, 6.

Hebr 13,6 - Ž 118, 6.

Hebr 13,10 - Kresťanský oltár nie je prístupný tým, čo vykonávajú levitskú bohoslužbu. Nevedno, či sa tu myslí na eucharistickú obetu, alebo skôr na obetu kríža (porov. 13, 11–12).

Hebr 13,11 - Porov. Lv 16, 27.

Hebr 13,15 - Porov. Ž 50, 14. 23.

Hebr 13,23 - Okolnosti, ktoré tu autor uvádza, sú neznáme.

Hebr 13,24 - "Tí, čo sú z Itálie," nemuseli byť obyvatelia Itálie; mohla to byť skupina Italov, čo sa usadili v niektorej rímskej provincii.