Verš 1
Now the Spirit has clearly said that, in the end times, some persons will depart from the faith, paying attention to spirits of error and the doctrines of devils,
2Tim 3:1 - And know this: that in the last days perilous times will press near.
2Pt 3:3 - Know this first: that in the last days there will arrive deceitful mockers, walking according to their own desires,
Júd 1:18 - who declared to you that, in the end time, there would arrive mockers, walking according to their own desires, in impieties.
Mt 24:23 - Then if anyone will have said to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘he is there,’ do not be willing to believe it.
2Sol 2:3 - Let no one deceive you in any way. For this cannot be, unless the apostasy will have arrived first, and the man of sin will have been revealed, the son of perdition,
Verš 3
prohibiting marriage, abstaining from foods, which God has created to be accepted with thanksgiving by the faithful and by those who have 681 understood the truth.
Gn 1:29 - And God said: “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant upon the earth, and all the trees that have in themselves the ability to sow their own kind, to be food for you,
Gn 9:3 - And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. Just as with the edible plants, I have delivered them all to you,
Rim 14:6 - He who understands the age, understands for the Lord. And he who eats, eats for the Lord; for he gives thanks to God. And he who does not eat, does not eat for the Lord, and he gives thanks to God.
1Kor 10:30 - If I partake with thanksgiving, why should I be slandered over that for which I give thanks?
Verš 4
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected which is received with thanksgiving;
Gn 1:31 - And God saw everything that he had made. And they were very good. And it became evening and morning, the sixth day.
Sk 10:15 - And the voice, again a second time to him: “What God has purified, you shall not call common.”
Rim 14:14 - I know, with confidence in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean in and of itself. But to him who considers anything to be unclean, it is unclean to him.
Verš 6
By proposing these things to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished by words of faith, and by the good doctrine that you have secured.
2Tim 1:5 - calling to mind the same faith, which is in you unfeigned, which also first dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and in your mother, Eunice, and also, I am certain, in you.
2Tim 3:14 - Yet truly, you should remain in those things which you have learned and which have been entrusted to you. For you know from whom you have learned them.
Verš 7
But avoid the silly fables of old women. And exercise yourself so as to advance in piety.
1Tim 1:4 - against those who have been paying attention to fables and endless genealogies. These things present questions as if they were greater than the edification that is of God, which is in faith.
1Tim 6:20 - O Timothy, guard what has been deposited with you, avoiding the voice of profane novelties and of opposing ideas, which are falsely called knowledge.
2Tim 2:16 - But avoid profane or empty talk. For these things advance one greatly in impiety.
Tít 1:14 - not paying attention to Jewish fables, nor to the rules of men who have turned themselves away from the truth.
Tít 3:9 - But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, as well as arguments against the law. For these are useless and empty.
Verš 8
For the exercise of the body is somewhat useful. But piety is useful in all things, holding the promise of life, in the present and in the future.
Kol 2:23 - Such ideas have at least an intention to attain to wisdom, but through superstition and debasement, not sparing the body, and they are without any honor in satiating the flesh.
Verš 12
Let no one despise your youth, but be an example among the faithful in word, in behavior, in charity, in faith, in chastity.
Tít 2:15 - Speak and exhort and argue these things with all authority. Let no one despise you. 684
Tít 2:7 - In all things, present yourself as an example of good works: in doctrine, with integrity, with seriousness,
1Pt 5:3 - not so as to dominate by means of the clerical state, but so as to be formed into a flock from the heart.
Verš 14
Do not be willing to neglect the grace that is within you, which was given to you through prophecy, with the imposition of the hands of the priesthood.
Sk 6:6 - These they set before the sight of the Apostles, and while praying, they imposed hands on them.
Sk 8:17 - Then they laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
Sk 13:3 - Then, fasting and praying and imposing their hands upon them, they sent them away.
Sk 19:6 - And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came over them. And they were speaking in tongues and prophesying.
1Tim 5:22 - You should not be quick to impose hands on anyone, nor should you take part in the sins of outsiders. Keep yourself chaste.
2Tim 1:6 - Because of this, I admonish you to revive the grace of God, which is in you by the imposition of my hands.
1Tim 4,1 - Duch výslovne hovorí skrze tých, čo sú obdarení charizmami.
1Tim 4,2 - "Vypálené znamenie" pripomína znamenia, ktoré vypaľovali zločincom a otrokom, čo zbehli.
1Tim 4,4 - U falošných učiteľov sa už začínalo prejavovať gnostické dualistické učenie, podľa ktorého duch je dobrý a hmota zlá. Preto zakazovali manželstvo a niektoré pokrmy (porov. v. 3).
1Tim 4,5 - Pavol tu má na mysli modlitby dobrorečenia, ktoré sa vyslovovali pri jedle; skladali sa aj z textov vybraných z Písma (porov. Ž 24, 1 a 1 Kor 10, 26).
1Tim 4,13 - Ide o verejné čítanie Svätého písma, ako sa praktizovalo pri zhromaždeniach v synagógach (porov. Lk 4, 16–21; Sk 13, 14–16).
1Tim 4,14 - "Dar" (gr. chárisma) je dar milosti udelený sviatostnou vysviackou, ktorá sa vykonávala vkladaním rúk. Pri Timotejovej vysviacke vkladal ruky predovšetkým sám apoštol (porov. 2 Tim 1, 6), spolu s ním však aj ostatní prítomní kňazi (starší). O výraze "proroctvo" pozri poznámku k 1, 18.