Verš 2
a people great and lofty, the sons of the Anakim, whom you yourselves have seen and heard, against whom no one is able to stand.
Nm 13:32 - Yet truly, the others, who had been with him, were saying, “By no means are we able to ascend to this people, because they are stronger than we are.”
Verš 3
Therefore, you shall know today that the Lord your God himself will pass over before you, like a devouring and consuming fire, to crush and to wipe away and to utterly ruin them before your face, quickly, just as he has spoken to you.
Dt 4:24 - For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
Heb 12:29 - For our God is a consuming fire.
Verš 5
For it is not because of your justices or the uprightness of your heart that you will enter, so that you may possess their lands. Instead, it is because they have acted wickedly that they are destroyed upon your arrival, and so that the Lord may accomplish his word, which he promised under oath to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Gn 12:7 - Then the Lord appeared to Abram, and he said to him, “To your offspring, I will give this land.” And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.
Gn 13:15 - All the land that you see, I will give to you, and to your offspring even forever.
Gn 15:7 - And he said to him, “I am the Lord who led you away from Ur of the Chaldeans, so as to give you this land, and so that you would possess it.”
Gn 17:8 - And I will give to you and to your offspring, the land of your sojourn, all the land of Canaan, as an eternal possession, and I will be their God.”
Gn 26:4 - And I will multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven. And I will give to your posterity all these regions. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed,
Gn 28:13 - and the Lord, leaning upon the ladder, saying to him: “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. The land, in which you sleep, I will give to you and to your offspring.
Verš 7
Remember, and never forget, how you provoked the Lord your God to anger in the wilderness. You have always contended against the Lord, from the day that you went forth from Egypt, even to this place.
Ex 14:11 - And they said to Moses: “Perhaps there were no graves in Egypt, for which reason you took us to die in the wilderness. What is it that you intended to do, in leading us out of Egypt?
Ex 16:2 - And the entire congregation of the sons of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness.
Ex 17:2 - And arguing against Moses, they said, “Give us water, so that we may drink.” And Moses answered them: “Why argue against me? For what reason do you tempt the Lord?”
Nm 11:4 - So then, the mix of common people, who had ascended with them, were enflamed with desire, and sitting and weeping, with the sons of Israel joining them, they said, “Who will give us flesh to eat?
Verš 8
For at Horeb also, you provoked him, and, becoming angry, he was willing to destroy you,
Ex 32:4 - And when he had received them, he formed these by the work of a casting furnace, and he made from these a molten calf. And they said: “These are your gods, O Israel, who led you away from the land of Egypt.”
Ž 106:19 - And they cried out to the Lord in their tribulation, and he delivered them in their necessity.
Verš 9
when I ascended onto the mountain, so that I might receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant which the Lord formed with you. And I persevered on the mountain for forty days and nights, neither eating bread, nor drinking water.
Ex 24:18 - And Moses, entering into the midst of the cloud, ascended the mountain. And he was there for forty days and forty nights.
Ex 34:28 - Therefore, he was in that place with the Lord for forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread and he did not drink water, and he wrote on the tablets the ten words of the covenant.
Verš 10
And the Lord gave me two tablets of stone, written with the finger of God and containing all the words that he spoke to you on the mountain from the midst of fire, while the people, being stirred up, were assembled together.
Ex 31:18 - And the Lord, having completed speaking in this way on Mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone tablets of testimony, written with the finger of God. 49
Verš 13
And again, the Lord said to me: ‘I discern that this people is stiff-necked.
Ex 32:9 - And again, the Lord said to Moses: “I discern that this people is stiff-necked.
Ex 33:3 - and so that you may enter into a land flowing with milk and honey. For I will not go up with you, since you are a stiff-necked people, lest perhaps I may destroy you on the way.”
Ex 34:9 - he said: “If I have found grace in your sight, O Lord, I beg you to walk with us, (for the people are stiff-necked) and take away our iniquities and our sin, and so possess us.”
Dt 10:16 - Therefore, circumcise the foreskin of your heart, and no longer stiffen your neck.
Dt 31:27 - For I know your contentiousness and your very stiff neck. Even while I am still living and entering with you, you have always acted with contention against the Lord. How much more so when I will be dead?
2Kr 17:14 - But they did not listen. Instead, they hardened their necks to be like the neck of their fathers, who were not willing to obey the Lord, their God.
Verš 14
Depart from me, so that I may crush them, and abolish their name from under heaven, and appoint you over a nation, which will be greater and stronger than this one.’
Ex 32:10 - Release me, so that my fury may be enraged against them, and I may destroy them, and then I will make of you a great nation.”
Ž 106:23 - Those who descend to the sea in ships, making their livelihood in the great waters:
Verš 21
But as for your sin which you committed, that is, the calf, taking hold of it, I burned it with fire. And breaking it into pieces, and reducing it entirely to dust, I threw it into the torrent that descends from the mountain.
Ex 32:20 - And seizing the calf, which they had made, he burnt it and crushed it, even to dust, which he scattered into water. And he gave from it to the sons of Israel to drink.
Verš 22
Likewise, at the Burning, and at the Temptation, and at the Graves of Lust, you provoked the Lord.
Nm 11:1 - Meanwhile, there arose a murmur among the people against the Lord, as if they were grief-stricken because of their labors. And when the Lord had heard it, he was angry. And when the fire of the Lord was enflamed against them, it devoured those who were at the extreme end of the camp.
Ex 17:7 - And he called the name of that place ‘Temptation,’ because of the arguing of the sons of Israel, and because they tempted the Lord, saying: “Is the Lord with us, or not?”
Nm 11:4 - So then, the mix of common people, who had ascended with them, were enflamed with desire, and sitting and weeping, with the sons of Israel joining them, they said, “Who will give us flesh to eat?
Nm 11:34 - And that place was called, ‘The Graves of Lust.’ For there, they buried the people who had desired. Then, departing from the Graves of Lust, they arrived in Hazeroth, and they stayed there.
Verš 23
And when he sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, ‘Ascend and possess the land, which I have 101 given to you,’ even so, you spurned the command of the Lord your God, and you did not believe him, nor were you willing to listen to his voice.
Nm 13:3 - “Send men, who may examine the land of Canaan, which I will give to the sons of Israel, one from the rulers of each tribe.”
Nm 14:1 - And so, crying out, the entire crowd wept throughout that night.
Verš 26
And praying, I said: ‘O Lord God, do not destroy your people and your inheritance, whom you have redeemed in your greatness, whom you have led away from Egypt with a strong hand.
Ex 32:11 - Then Moses prayed to the Lord his God, saying: “Why, O Lord, is your fury enraged against your people, whom you led away from the land of Egypt, with great strength and with a mighty hand?
Nm 14:13 - And Moses said to the Lord: “But then the Egyptians, from whose midst you led out this people,
Verš 28
Otherwise, perhaps the inhabitants of the land, out of which you have led us, may say: “The Lord was not able to lead them into the land, which he promised to them. And he hated them; therefore, he led them out, so that he might put them to death in the wilderness.”
Ex 32:12 - I beg you, let not the Egyptians say, ‘He cleverly led them away, so that he could put them to death in the mountains and destroy them from the earth.’ Let your anger be quieted and appeased concerning the wickedness of your people.
Nm 14:16 - ‘He was not able to lead the people into the land about which he had sworn. Therefore, he slew them in the wilderness.’
Dt 9,2 - O Enakitoch pozri 1,28. Boli to ľudia obrovskej postavy. Videli ich v Palestíne vyzvedači, ktorých ta poslal Mojžiš (Nm 13,29).
Dt 9,6 - Porov. Ex 32,9; 33,3.5; 34,9.
Dt 9,7 - Izrael si nijako nezaslúžil túto zem, naopak, stal sa jej nehodným pre svoje hriechy (Ex 32 – 34).
Dt 9,9 - Ex 24,12–18.
Dt 9,10 - Ex 19 n.
Dt 9,12 - Ex 32,7–10.
Dt 9,16 - Ex 32,9a.
Dt 9,19 - Na Mojžišovu prosbu Pán často odpúšťal previnenia ľudu (Ex 32,14 a predtým Ex 17,4; Nm 11,2; 12,13 n.; 14,13 n.; 21,7).
Dt 9,21 - Porov. Ex 32,20.
Dt 9,22 - Pozri Nm 11,1–3; Ex 17,7. – Kibrot-Hatava – Hroby baživosti, pažravosti, pozri Nm 11,34.
Dt 9,23 - Porov. Nm 13,1 n. a 20,1 n.
Dt 9,25-29 - Veršom 25. vracia sa Mojžiš k rozprávaniu verša 18. O Mojžišovej modlitbe (v. 26 n.) porov. Ex 32,11–13.