![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | Kniha DeuteronómiumBiblia - Sväté písmo(KJV - Anglický - King James) | Dt 26, 1-19 |
1 Dt 26, 1 And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein; 2 Dt 26, 2 That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there. 3 Dt 26, 3 And thou shalt go unto the priest that shall be in those days, and say unto him, I profess this day unto the LORD thy God, that I am come unto the country which the LORD sware unto our fathers for to give us. 4 Dt 26, 4 And the priest shall take the basket out of thine hand, and set it down before the altar of the LORD thy God. 5 Dt 26, 5 And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous: 6 Dt 26, 6 And the Egyptians evil entreated us, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard bondage: 7 Dt 26, 7 And when we cried unto the LORD God of our fathers, the LORD heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, and our oppression: 8 Dt 26, 8 And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders: 9 Dt 26, 9 And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey. 10 Dt 26, 10 And now, behold, I have brought the firstfruits of the land, which thou, O LORD, hast given me. And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God, and worship before the LORD thy God: 11 Dt 26, 11 And thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Levite, and the stranger that is among you. 12 Dt 26, 12 When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled; 13 Dt 26, 13 Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them: 14 Dt 26, 14 I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken away ought thereof for any unclean use, nor given ought thereof for the dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that thou hast commanded me. 15 Dt 26, 15 Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and bless thy people Israel, and the land which thou hast given us, as thou swarest unto our fathers, a land that floweth with milk and honey. 16 Dt 26, 16 This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to do these statutes and judgments: thou shalt therefore keep and do them with all thine heart, and with all thy soul. 17 Dt 26, 17 Thou hast avouched the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice: 18 Dt 26, 18 And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments; 19 Dt 26, 19 And to make thee high above all nations which he hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the LORD thy God, as he hath spoken.
![](/static/default/img/arrow_right.png) | | Dt 26, 1-19 |
Verš 2
That thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the earth, which thou shalt bring of thy land that the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt put it in a basket, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name there.
Ex 23:19 - The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
Ex 34:26 - The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
Lv 2:14 - And if thou offer a meat offering of thy firstfruits unto the LORD, thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy firstfruits green ears of corn dried by the fire, even corn beaten out of full ears.
Lv 23:10 - Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:
Nm 15:17 - And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Verš 5
And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God, A Syrian ready to perish was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous:
Gn 46:1 - And Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beer-sheba, and offered sacrifices unto the God of his father Isaac.
Verš 7
And when we cried unto the LORD God of our fathers, the LORD heard our voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labour, and our oppression:
Ex 2:23 - And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage.
Verš 12
When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tithes of thine increase the third year, which is the year of tithing, and hast given it unto the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that they may eat within thy gates, and be filled;
Lv 27:30 - And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD.
Nm 18:24 - But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.
Verš 13
Then thou shalt say before the LORD thy God, I have brought away the hallowed things out of mine house, and also have given them unto the Levite, and unto the stranger, to the fatherless, and to the widow, according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments, neither have I forgotten them:
Dt 14:27 - And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.
Verš 17
Thou hast avouched the LORD this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice:
Gn 17:7 - And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Verš 18
And the LORD hath avouched thee this day to be his peculiar people, as he hath promised thee, and that thou shouldest keep all his commandments;
Ex 19:5 - Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
Dt 7:6 - For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
Dt 14:2 - for thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth.
Verš 19
And to make thee high above all nations which he hath made, in praise, and in name, and in honour; and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the LORD thy God, as he hath spoken.
Dt 4:7 - For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?
Dt 26,1-4 - Pozri 12,6.11.17; 18,4; Lv 23,10 n.; Nm 18,12 n. Prvotiny majú sa prinášať Pánovi ako poďakovací dar, že dal Izraelitom svoju zem, krajinu Kanaán.
Dt 26,5 - Jakub sa dlhšie zdržiaval v zemi Aram, čiže v Mezopotámii (Gn 31,41), a s rodinou Labana, ktorý bol Aramejčanom, bol v rodinnom zväzku (Gn 31, 24). Zdá sa však, že pomenovanie Aramejčan treba chápať ako označenie "kočovníka, nomáda". Izraeliti pred príchodom do Kanaánu boli kočovným národom, v zasľúbenej zemi sa stali osadníkmi.
Dt 26,14 - Modliaci sa vyznáva, že neurobil nič také ho, čím by bol poškvrnil, narušil desiatky. Nejedol z nich počas smútku a najmä nedal z nich do hrobu zomrelému. Za starodávnych čias dávali mŕtvym jedlo do hrobov v domnienke, že mŕtvi potrebujú jedlo a nápoj (Tob 4,17; Sir 30,18).
Dt 26,16-19 - Izraeliti obnovujú zmluvu s Pánom. Zaväzujú sa zachovávať zákony a Pán to prijíma s prísľubom, že Izrael bude jeho národom. Je to dvojstranná zmluva: ľud sľubuje Bohu vernosť a poslušnosť a Pán zasa sľubuje im svoju ochranu a požehnanie (porov. Ex 19,5 a 24,3 n.).