| Kniha DeuteronómiumBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Dt 23, 1-25 |
1 Dt 23, 1 “A eunuch, one whose testicles have been debilitated or cut off, or whose penis has been cut off, shall not enter into the church of the Lord. 2 Dt 23, 2 The offspring of a harlot, that is, one born of a prostitute, shall not enter into the church of the Lord, until the tenth generation. 3 Dt 23, 3 The Ammonite and the Moabite, even after the tenth generation, shall not enter into the church of the Lord forever, 4 Dt 23, 4 because they were not willing to meet you with bread and water along the way, when you had departed from Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam, the son of Beor, from Mesopotamia in Syria, in order to curse you. 5 Dt 23, 5 But the Lord your God was not willing to listen to Balaam, and he turned his cursing into your blessing, because he loves you. 6 Dt 23, 6 You shall not make peace with them, nor shall you seek their prosperity, throughout all the days of your life forever. 7 Dt 23, 7 You shall not abhor anyone from Idumea, for he is your brother, nor the Egyptian, for you were a new arrival in his land. 8 Dt 23, 8 Those who have been born of them, in the third generation, shall enter into the church of the Lord. 9 Dt 23, 9 When you have gone out to war against your enemies, you shall keep yourself from everything that is evil. 10 Dt 23, 10 If there is a man among you who has been defiled by a dream in the night, he shall depart from the camp. 11 Dt 23, 11 And he shall not return before the evening, after he has washed with water, and then, after the sun sets, he shall return to the camp. 12 Dt 23, 12 You shall have a place beyond the camp to which you may go for the necessities of nature, 13 Dt 23, 13 carrying a small shovel at your belt. And when you would sit down, you shall dig around, and then, with the soil that was dug up, you shall cover 14 Dt 23, 14 that from which you were relieved. For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, in order to rescue you, and to deliver your enemies to you. And so, let your camp be holy, and let nothing filthy appear within it, lest he abandon you. 15 Dt 23, 15 You shall not deliver a servant who has fled to you to his master. 16 Dt 23, 16 He shall live with you in a place that pleases him, and he shall rest in one of your cities. You shall not grieve him. 17 Dt 23, 17 There shall be no prostitutes among the daughters of Israel, nor anyone among the sons of Israel who visits a prostitute. 18 Dt 23, 18 You shall not offer money from a prostitute, nor the price of a dog, in the house of the Lord your God, no matter what you may have vowed. For both of these are an abomination with the Lord your God. 19 Dt 23, 19 You shall not lend money, or grain, or anything else at all, to your brother at interest, 20 Dt 23, 20 but only to a foreigner. For you shall lend to your brother whatever he needs without interest, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all your works in the land, which you shall enter so as to possess it. 21 Dt 23, 21 When you have made a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not be late in paying it. For the Lord your God demands it. And if you delay, it shall be imputed to you as a sin. 22 Dt 23, 22 If you are not willing to make a promise, then it shall be without sin. 23 Dt 23, 23 But as soon as it has departed from your lips, you shall observe and do just as you have promised to the Lord your God and just as you have spoken by your own free will and with your own mouth. 24 Dt 23, 24 Upon entering your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat as many grapes as you please. But you may not carry any out with you. 25 Dt 23, 25 If you enter into your friend’s grain field, you may break off the ears, and rub them in your hand, but you may not reap them with a sickle.”
 | | Dt 23, 1-25 |
Verš 19
You shall not lend money, or grain, or anything else at all, to your brother at interest,
Ex 22:25 - If you lend money to the poor of my people who live among you, you shall not coerce them like a collector, nor oppress them with usury.
Lv 25:36 - do not accept usury from him, nor anything more than what you gave. Fear your God, so that your brother may be able to live with you.
Neh 5:2 - And there were those who were saying: “Our sons and our daughters are very many. Let us receive grain as a price for them, and then we may eat and live.”
Lk 6:34 - And if you will loan to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is due to you? For even sinners lend to sinners, in order to receive the same in return.
Verš 25
If you enter into your friend’s grain field, you may break off the ears, and rub them in your hand, but you may not reap them with a sickle.”
Mt 12:1 - At that time, Jesus went out through the ripe grain on the Sabbath. And his disciples, being hungry, began to separate the grain and to eat.
Verš 3
The Ammonite and the Moabite, even after the tenth generation, shall not enter into the church of the Lord forever,
Neh 13:1 - Now on that day, they read from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people. And in it, there was found written that the Ammonites and the Moabites must not enter the church of God, even for all time,
Verš 4
because they were not willing to meet you with bread and water along the way, when you had departed from Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam, the son of Beor, from Mesopotamia in Syria, in order to curse you.
Lv 22:3 - Say to them and to their posterity: Every man of your stock, who approaches toward those things which have been consecrated, and which the sons of Israel have brought forward to the Lord, in whom there is uncleanness, shall perish before the Lord. I am the Lord.
Verš 21
When you have made a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not be late in paying it. For the Lord your God demands it. And if you delay, it shall be imputed to you as a sin.
Nm 30:2 - And he said to the leaders of the tribes of the sons of Israel: “This is the word, which the Lord has instructed:
Dt 23,1 - Zohaveného človeka nepovažovali za úplného človeka. Ani obetné zviera, čo malo nejakú chybu, nesmelo sa obetovať. Porov. tiež Lv 21,17–24.
Dt 23,2 - Čo vlastne značí mamzer, je neisté. Podľa židovskej tradície by to bolo dieťa, splodené z cudzoložstva, krvismilstva alebo zo zakázaného manželstva (Zach 9,6 a Neh 13,27) s pohanskou ženou. Hummelauer sa domnieva, že je to vlastné meno Filištíncov (Zach 9,5).
Dt 23,7-8 - Edomčania sú potomci Ezaua, brata Jakubovho, a preto, hoci odopreli Izraelitom prechod cez svoje územie (Nm 20,18.20), keď Izraeliti tiahli do zasľúbenej zeme, neslobodno ich nenávidieť. Neskoršie Edomčania boli najväčší nepriatelia Izraelitov (Jer 48,47; 49,7.17.18 atď.). Ani Egypťanov nemali Izraeliti považovať za nepriateľov, veď utrpenie, čo v Egypte skusovali, zapríčinili im faraóni, a nie egyptský ľud.
Dt 23,15-16 - Predpokladá sa, že ani pán, ani jeho otrok neboli Izraeliti. Takýto otrok–cudzinec stáva sa na izraelskom území slobodným prišelcom, hosťom (Ex 22,21; Lv 19,33).
Dt 23,17-18 - Prostitúcia bola v starom Oriente veľmi rozšírená. Mnohé pohanské božstvá uctievali sa náboženskou prostitúciou, ktorej sa oddávali nielen ženy "pobehlice", ale aj mužovia. Týmto spôsobom uctievali najmä bohyňu Aštartu, bohyňu ženskej plodivej sily, manželku Bálovu. Pohanské pobehlice zarobené peniaze odovzdávali svätyni. Mojžišov zákon niečo podobného prísne zakazuje. Taký dar by Pán ani neprijal, pretože je to hriech pred Pánom. Pozri Ex 32,19; 34,26; Joz 6,24. "Psí plat" je zárobok spomenutých mužov.
Dt 23,19 - Izraelitom bolo zakázané požadovať úroky od súkmeňovcov. Zákon o úrokoch nebol nespravodlivý, pretože peniaze v ten čas nemali taký význam ako dnes. Porov. Lv 25,37; Ex 22,25; Dt 15,10; Ž 15,5; Prís 28,8.
Dt 23,21 - Pozri Nm 30,3.