výhody registrácie

Kniha Deuteronómium

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Dt 21, 1-23

1 (CPDV) “When there will have been found in the land, which the Lord your God will give to you, the corpse of a man who has been killed, and it is not known who is guilty of the murder,
1 (ROH) Keby sa našiel zabitý v zemi, ktorú ti dá Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, aby si ju zaujal do dedičstva, ležiaci na poli, a nevedelo by sa, kto ho zabil,

2 (CPDV) your judges and those greater by birth shall go out and measure, from the place of the corpse, the distance to each of the surrounding cities.
2 (ROH) vtedy vyjdú tvoji starší a tvoji sudcovia a odmerajú vzdialenosť k mestám, ktoré sú vôkol zabitého,

3 (CPDV) And in whichever one they perceive to be closer than the others, the elders shall take a calf from the herd, one which has not pulled with a yoke, nor tilled with a plow.
3 (ROH) a keď sa zistí mesto, ktoré je najbližšie zabitému, vezmú starší toho mesta jalovicu, na ktorej sa ešte nerobilo, ktorá ešte neťahala v jarme.

4 (CPDV) And they shall lead it into a rough and stony valley, one which has never been tilled or sown. And in that place, they shall cut the neck of the calf.
4 (ROH) A starší toho mesta zavedú jalovicu dolu do doliny trvale tečúcej vody, do doliny, ktorá sa neobrába ani neposieva, a tam v doline zotnú jalovici šiju.

5 (CPDV) And the priests the sons of Levi shall approach, those whom the Lord your God has chosen to minister to him, and to bless in his name, and to decide every controversy by their word, and to judge which things are clean and which are unclean.
5 (ROH) Potom pristúpia kňazi, synovia Léviho, lebo ich si vyvolil Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, aby mu svätoslúžili a aby dávali požehnanie v mene Hospodinovom, a na ich výroku bude stáť každý spor a každá rana.

6 (CPDV) And those greater by birth of that city, nearest to the one who was slain, shall go and shall wash their hands over the calf that was killed in the valley.
6 (ROH) A všetci starší toho mesta, najbližší zabitému, umyjú svoje ruky nad jalovicou, sťatou v doline.

7 (CPDV) And they shall say: ‘Our hands did not shed this blood, nor did our eyes see it.
7 (ROH) A osvedčia a povedia: Naše ruky nevylialy tejto krvi, ani naše oči nevidely vraha.

8 (CPDV) Be merciful to your people Israel, whom you have redeemed, O Lord, and do not charge them with innocent blood in the midst of your people Israel.’ And so the guilt of the blood will be taken away from them.
8 (ROH) Pokry hriech svojho ľudu Izraela, ktorý si vykúpil, Hospodine, a nedaj nevinnej krvi doprostred svojho ľudu Izraela, a bude im prikrytá a tak odpustená tá krv.

9 (CPDV) Then you will be free from the blood that was shed against the innocent, when you will have done as the Lord has instructed you.
9 (ROH) A ty odpraceš nevinnú krv zo svojho stredu, keď budeš činiť to, čo je spravedlivé v očiach Hospodinových.

10 (CPDV) If you have gone out to fight against your enemies, and the Lord your God has delivered them into your hand, and if, as you are leading away the captives,
10 (ROH) Keď vyjdeš do vojny proti svojim nepriateľom, a Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, ho dá do tvojej ruky, a zajmeš z nich do zajatia,

11 (CPDV) you see among the number of the captives a beautiful woman, and you love her, and you are willing to have her as a wife:
11 (ROH) a keď by si videl medzi zajatými ženu pekného vzozrenia a zamiloval by si si ju a vzal by si si ju za ženu,

12 (CPDV) then you shall lead her into your house. And she shall shave off her hair, and cut her nails short,
12 (ROH) vtedy ju dovedieš do stredu svojho domu, kde oholí svoju hlavu a obreže svoje nechty.

13 (CPDV) and remove the garment in which she was captured. And she shall sit in your house and weep for her father and mother, for one month. And after that, you shall enter to her and sleep with her, and she shall be your wife.
13 (ROH) A složiac so seba rúcho, v ktorom bola zajatá, bude bývať v tvojom dome a bude oplakávať svojho otca a svoju matku za celý mesiac, a potom vojdeš k nej, a vezmeš si ju za manželku, a bude ti ženou.

14 (CPDV) But if afterwards she does not sit well in your mind, you shall set her free. You cannot sell her for money, nor can you oppress her by force. For you have humiliated her.
14 (ROH) Ale keby sa ti potom zneľúbila, prepustíš ju, aby išla, kam chce; ale predať jej nepredáš za peniaze ani s ňou nebudeš zaobchodiť krute, za to, že si ju ponížil.

15 (CPDV) If a man has two wives, one beloved and the other hated, and they have produced children by him, and if the son of the hated wife is the firstborn,
15 (ROH) Keby mal niektorý muž dve ženy, z ktorých by jednu miloval a druhú nenávidel a keby mu porodily synov, obe, milovaná i nenávidená, a keby bol prvorodený syn synom nenávidenej,

16 (CPDV) and if he wishes to divide his substance among his sons: he cannot make the son of the beloved wife the firstborn, and so prefer him before the son of the hated wife.
16 (ROH) stane sa v deň, v ktorý bude do dedičstva dávať svojim synom to, čo má, že nebude môcť dať práva prvorodenstva synovi milovanej pred prvorodeným synom nenávidenej.

17 (CPDV) Instead, he shall acknowledge the son of the hated wife as the firstborn, and he shall give to him a double portion of all that he has. For he is the first among his children, and the rights of the firstborn are owed to him.
17 (ROH) Ale vyznačí prvorodeného, syna nenávidenej, tým, že mu dá po dve čiastky zo všetkého, čo sa najde u neho, pretože on je prvotinou jeho sily, jeho je právo prvorodenstva.

18 (CPDV) If a man produces a disobedient and reckless son, who will not listen to the orders of his father or mother, and, having been corrected, shows contempt for obedience:
18 (ROH) Keby mal niekto nezdarného syna spurného a nepoddajného, ktorý by nepočúval na hlas svojho otca a na hlas svojej matere, a hoci by ho káznili, predsa by ich len neposlúchal,

19 (CPDV) they shall take him and lead him to the elders of the city and to the gate of judgment.
19 (ROH) vtedy ho pochytia jeho otec a jeho mať a vyvedú ho von ku starším jeho mesta a ku bráne jeho miesta

20 (CPDV) And they shall say to them: ‘This our son is reckless and disobedient. He shows contempt when listening to our admonitions. He occupies himself with carousing, and self-indulgence, and feasting.’
20 (ROH) a povedia starším jeho mesta: Tento náš syn je spurný a nepoddajný, nepočúva na náš hlas, je žráč a pijan.

21 (CPDV) Then the people of the city shall stone him to death. And he shall die, so that you may take away the evil from your midst. And so may all of Israel, upon hearing it, be very afraid.
21 (ROH) Vtedy ho ukameňujú všetci mužovia jeho mesta, a zomrie. A odpraceš také zlo zo svojho stredu. A počujú to, celý Izrael, a budú sa báť.

22 (CPDV) When a man will have sinned in a matter which is punished by death, and, having been judged unto death, he has been hanged on a gallows:
22 (ROH) A keby bol na niekom hriech, pre ktorý by bol hoden súdu smrti, a súc popravený zomrel by, a povesil by si ho na drevo,

23 (CPDV) his corpse shall not remain on the tree. Instead, he shall be buried on the same day. For he who hangs from a tree has been cursed by God, and you shall not defile your land, which the Lord your God will give to you as a possession.”
23 (ROH) nezostane jeho mŕtve telo cez noc na dreve, ale ho doista pochováš toho istého dňa, lebo povesený je zlorečenstvom od Boha. A preto nezanečistíš svojej zeme, ktorú ti dá Hospodin, tvoj Bôh, do dedičstva.

Dt 21, 1-23

Verš 17
Instead, he shall acknowledge the son of the hated wife as the firstborn, and he shall give to him a double portion of all that he has. For he is the first among his children, and the rights of the firstborn are owed to him.
1Krn 5:1 - Also, there were the sons of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel. For indeed, he was his firstborn, but when he had violated the bed of his father, his right as firstborn was given to the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel, and he was not reputed as firstborn.
Gn 49:3 - Reuben, my firstborn, you are my strength and the beginning of my sorrow: first in gifts, greater in authority.

Verš 23
his corpse shall not remain on the tree. Instead, he shall be buried on the same day. For he who hangs from a tree has been cursed by God, and you shall not defile your land, which the Lord your God will give to you as a possession.”
Gal 3:13 - Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, since he became a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is anyone who hangs from a tree.”

Dt 21,1-9 - Každá vyliata krv volá k nebu o pomstu (Gn 4,10). V tom prípade, keď sa vrah nedal zistiť, museli akosi na základe spoločnej zodpovednosti úkon zmierenia vykonať tí, čo najbližšie bývali k miestu, kde sa stala vražda. Starší a sudcovia zastupujú celú pospolitosť. Skutočnosť, že sa mala vybrať jalovica, čo nenosila jarmo, a že sa mala zabiť na ne obrábanej pôde, naznačuje, že nešlo o svetskú vec, lež o náboženský úkon. Umývanie rúk nad zabitou jalovicou (v. 6) znázorňovalo nevinnosť obyvateľov príslušného mesta, čo sa týka vraždy (Ž 26,6; Mt 27,24).

Dt 21,10-14 - Prípad nemá na zreteli Kanaánčanky, pretože aj tie museli byť povraždené (7,3). Ide o zaja té ženy z iných národov, ale nie o tie, čo obývali Palestínu pred príchodom Izraelitov. Takáto žena mimopalestínskeho pôvodu bola len otrokyňou a vo všetkom sa musela podrobiť zákonom svoj ho pána. Preto nebolo tu nebezpečenstva, že žena zvedie svojho muža k odpadu od Pána a nevere. Ostrihať si vlasy atď. bolo znakom smútku (Lv 14,8; Nm 8,7).

Dt 21,15-17 - Zdá sa, že v starších predmojžišských časoch v rozhodovaní o práve prvorodeného mal otec istú voľnosť. Mohol preniesť právo prvorodeného aj na mladšieho syna (Gn 27,4; 49,3.4). Tu sa zastáva právo toho, čo je skutočne prvorodený, bez ohľadu na to, či je synom hlavnej, či vedľajšej manželky, či slobodnej, či otrokyne.

Dt 21,18-21 - Mojžiš neuznáva otcovo právo na život a smrť dieťaťa.

Dt 21,22-23 - Ide tu o popraveného človeka, ktorého mŕtvola sa potom obesila na kôl (Gn 40,19; Joz 10,26 n.; 2 Sam 4,12). V zločincovej mŕtvole je zosobnená kliatba, ktorú vyriekol sám Boh ústami sudcov. Táto kliatba by poškvrňovala izraelskú zem, preto mŕtvola sa musela pochovať ešte v ten deň, keď sa vykonala poprava. Rozsudok smrti sa vykonal kameňovaním. Obesenie mŕtvoly naznačovalo zväčšenie trestu a bolo aj výstrahou pre žijúcich.