Verš 1
And so, I beg you, brothers, by the mercy of God, that you offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, with the subservience of your mind.
1Pt 2:5 - be also yourselves like living stones, built upon him, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, so as to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Rim 6:13 - Nor should you offer the parts of your body as instruments of iniquity for sin. Instead, offer yourselves to God, as if you were living after death, and offer the parts of your body as instruments of justice for God.
Rim 6:16 - Do you not know to whom you are offering yourselves as servants under obedience? You are the servants of whomever you obey: whether of sin, unto death, or of obedience, unto justice.
Verš 2
And do not choose to be conformed to this age, but instead choose to be reformed in the newness of your mind, so that you may demonstrate what is the will of God: what is good, and what is well-pleasing, and what is perfect.
1Jn 2:15 - Do not choose to love the world, nor the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.
Ef 5:17 - For this reason, do not choose to be imprudent. Instead, understand what is the will of God.
1Sol 4:3 - For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from fornication,
Verš 3
For I say, through the grace that has been given to me, to all who are among you: Taste no more than it is necessary to taste, but taste unto sobriety and just as God has distributed a share of the faith to each one.
Rim 1:5 - through whom we have received grace and Apostleship, for the sake of his name, for the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles,
Ef 4:7 - Yet to each one of us there has been given grace according to the measure allotted by Christ.
1Kor 12:11 - But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one according to his will.
Ef 4:7 - Yet to each one of us there has been given grace according to the measure allotted by Christ.
Verš 4
For just as, within one body, we have many parts, though all the parts do not have the same role,
1Kor 12:27 - Now you are the body of Christ, and parts like any part.
Ef 1:23 - which is his body and which is the fullness of him who accomplishes everything in everyone.
Ef 4:16 - For in him, the whole body is joined closely together, by every underlying joint, through the function allotted to each part, bringing improvement to the body, toward its edification in charity.
Ef 5:23 - For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church. He is the Savior of his body.
Kol 1:24 - For now I rejoice in my passion on your behalf, and I complete in my flesh the things that are lacking in the Passion of Christ, for the sake of his body, which is the Church.
Verš 5
so also we, being many, are one body in Christ, and each one is a part, the one of the other.
1Kor 12:4 - Truly, there are diverse graces, but the same Spirit.
2Kor 10:13 - Thus, we will not glory beyond our measure, but rather according to the measure of the limit which God has measured out to us, a measure which extends even to you.
1Pt 4:10 - Just as each of you has received grace, minister in the same way to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Verš 6
And we each have different gifts, according to the grace that has been given to us: whether prophecy, in agreement with the reasonableness of faith;
1Kor 12:4 - Truly, there are diverse graces, but the same Spirit.
Verš 7
or ministry, in ministering; or he who teaches, in doctrine;
1Kor 12:10 - to another, miraculous works; to another, prophecy; to another, the discernment of spirits; to another, different kinds of languages; to another, the interpretation of words.
1Pt 4:10 - Just as each of you has received grace, minister in the same way to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Verš 8
he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, in simplicity; he who governs, in solicitude; he who shows mercy, in cheerfulness.
Mt 6:1 - “Pay attention, lest you perform your justice before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you shall not have a reward with your Father, who is in heaven.
Dt 15:7 - If one of your brothers, who dwells within the gates of your city, in the land which the Lord your God will give to you, falls into poverty, you shall not harden your heart, nor tighten your hand.
2Kor 9:7 - each one giving, just as he has determined in his heart, neither out of sadness, nor out of obligation. For God loves a cheerful giver.
Verš 9
Let love be without falseness: hating evil, clinging to what is good,
Ž 97:10 -
Am 5:15 - Hate evil and love good, and establish judgment at the gate. Perhaps then the Lord God of hosts may have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.
Verš 10
loving one another with fraternal charity, surpassing one another in honor:
Ef 4:2 - with all humility and meekness, with patience, supporting one another in charity.
Heb 13:1 - May fraternal charity remain in you.
1Pt 1:22 - So chastise your souls with the obedience of charity, in fraternal love, and love one another from a simple heart, attentively.
1Pt 2:17 - Honor everyone. Love brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
Flp 2:3 - Let nothing be done by contention, nor in vain glory. Instead, in humility, let each of you esteem others to be better than himself.
1Pt 5:5 - Similarly, young persons, be subject to the elders. And infuse all humility among one another, for God resists the arrogant, but to the humble he gives grace.
Verš 12
in hope, rejoicing; in tribulation, enduring; in prayer, ever-willing;
Rim 15:13 - So may the God of hope fill you with every joy and with peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope and in the virtue of the Holy Spirit.
1Sol 5:16 - Rejoice always.
Heb 10:36 - For it is necessary for you to be patient, so that, by doing the will of God, you may receive the promise.
Heb 12:1 - Furthermore, since we also have so great a cloud of witnesses over us, let us set aside every burden and sin which may surround us, and advance, through patience, to the struggle offered to us.
Jak 5:7 - Therefore, be patient, brothers, until the advent of the 692 Lord. Consider that the farmer anticipates the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently, until he receives the early and the late rains.
Lk 18:1 - Now he also told them a parable, that we should continually pray and not cease,
Ef 6:18 - Through every kind of prayer and supplication, pray at all times in spirit, and so be vigilant with every kind of earnest supplication, for all the saints,
Kol 4:2 - Pursue prayer. Be watchful in prayer with acts of thanksgiving.
1Sol 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.
Verš 13
in the difficulties of the saints, sharing; in hospitality, attentive.
1Kor 16:1 - Now concerning the collections which are made for the saints: just as I have arranged for the churches of Galatia, so should it also be done with you.
Heb 13:2 - And do not be willing to forget hospitality. For by it, certain persons, without realizing it, have received Angels as guests.
1Pt 4:9 - Show hospitality to one another without complaining.
Verš 14
Bless those who are persecuting you: bless, and do not curse.
Mt 5:44 - But I say to you: Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. And pray for those who persecute and slander you.
1Kor 4:12 - And we labor, working with our own hands. We are slandered, and so we bless. We suffer and endure persecution.
Verš 16
Be of the same mind toward one another: not savoring what is exalted, but consenting in humility. Do not choose to seem wise to yourself.
Rim 15:5 - So may the God of patience and solace grant you to be of one mind toward one another, in accord with Jesus Christ,
1Kor 1:10 - And so, I beg you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that every one of you speak in the same way, and that there be no schisms among you. So may you become perfect, with the same mind and with the same judgment.
Flp 2:2 - complete my joy by having the same understanding, holding to the same charity, being of one mind, with the same sentiment.
Flp 3:16 - Yet truly, whatever point we reach, let us be of the same mind, and let us remain in the same rule.
1Pt 3:8 - And finally, may you all be of one mind: compassionate, loving brotherhood, merciful, meek, humble,
Prís 3:7 - Do not seem wise to yourself. Fear God, and withdraw from evil.
Iz 5:21 - Woe to you who are wise in your own eyes, and prudent in your own sight!
Verš 17
Render to no one harm for harm. Provide good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men.
Prís 20:22 - Do not say, “I will repay evil.” Wait for the Lord, and he will free you.
Mt 5:39 - But I say to you, do not resist one who is evil, but if anyone will have struck you on your right cheek, offer to him the other also.
1Kor 6:7 - Now there is certainly an offense among you, beyond everything else, when you have court cases against one another. Should you not accept injury instead? Should you not endure being cheated instead?
1Sol 5:15 - See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Instead, always pursue whatever is good, with one another and with all.
2Kor 8:21 - For we provide for what is good, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of men.
1Pt 2:12 - Keep your behavior among the Gentiles to what is good, so that, when they slander you as if you were evildoers, they may, by the good works that are 693 seen in you, glorify God on the day of visitation.
Verš 18
If it is possible, in so far as you are able, be at peace with all men.
Mk 9:50 -
Heb 12:14 - Pursue peace with everyone. Pursue sanctity, without which no one shall see God.
Verš 19
Do not defend yourselves, dearest ones. Instead, step aside from wrath. For it is written: “Vengeance is mine. I shall give retribution, says the Lord.”
Mt 5:39 - But I say to you, do not resist one who is evil, but if anyone will have struck you on your right cheek, offer to him the other also.
Lk 6:29 - And to him who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your coat, do not withhold even your tunic.
Dt 32:35 - Vengeance is mine, and I will repay them in due time, so that their foot may slip and fall. The day of perdition is near, and the time rushes to appear.’
Heb 10:30 - For we know that he has said: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.”
Verš 20
So if an enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in doing so, you will heap burning coals upon his head.
Prís 25:21 - If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
Mt 5:44 - But I say to you: Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. And pray for those who persecute and slander you.
Rim 12,1 - Pavol tu podáva morálne dôsledky z náuky vyloženej v dogmatickej časti tohto listu. "Telo" znamená celú ľudskú osobu. Kresťan celým svojím životom prináša Bohu obetu, ktorá je pravou "duchovnou bohoslužbou".
Rim 12,1-7 - Pavol tu vysvetľuje vzťah k svetskej moci. Tá je na to, aby slúžila spoločnému dobru, a teda aj jednotlivcom. Pavol tu zdôrazňuje zásadu, že moc má základ v Bohu. Takto kresťanské náboženstvo preniká mravný život jednotlivca (12, 1), ale aj celej spoločnosti.
Rim 12,3-8 - Údy Cirkvi tvoria spoločenstvo ako tajomné Kristovo telo. Toto spojenie určuje ich vzájomné povinnosti. Dary milosti môžu byť rozličné, ale vždy ich treba používať tak, aby slúžili dobru celého spoločenstva.
Rim 12,7 - Porov. Mt 22, 21; 1 Pt 2, 13.
Rim 12,8 - Porov. 8, 4; 1 Kor 13, 1; Gal 5, 14; Kol 3, 14; Jn 13, 34.
Rim 12,9 - Pozri Ex 20, 13–17; Dt 5, 17–21; Lv 19, 18. Blížny sa tu berie nielen ako člen toho istého národa, ako v Lv, ale ako člen ľudskej rodiny zjednotenej v Kristovi (Gal 3, 28; Mt 25, 40).
Rim 12,11 - "Čas" v pavlovskom chápaní je čas eschatologický, ten, o ktorom hovorí Písmo ako "o posledných dňoch", začatých smrťou a zmŕtvychvstaním Ježiša Krista a rozprestierajúcich sa na čas putujúcej Cirkvi, ktorá kráča v ústrety druhému Pánovmu príchodu.
Rim 12,12 - Porov. 1 Sol 5, 4 n.
Rim 12,13 - "Svätých", čiže kresťanov.
Rim 12,16 - Porov. Prís 3, 4.
Rim 12,19 - Dt 32, 35.
Rim 12,20 - Prís 25, 21; porov. Mt 5, 39.