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Kniha Numeri

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

Nm 9, 1-23

1 (KJV) And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,
1 (B21) V prvním měsíci druhého roku po vyjití z Egypta promluvil Hospodin k Mojžíšovi na poušti Sinaj:

2 (KJV) Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season.
2 (B21) "Ať synové Izraele v určený čas slaví Hod beránka.

3 (KJV) In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it.
3 (B21) Slavte jej v určený čas, čtrnáctého dne tohoto měsíce za soumraku. Budete jej slavit podle všech jeho ustanovení a podle všech jeho pravidel."

4 (KJV) And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, that they should keep the passover.
4 (B21) Mojžíš řekl synům Izraele, ať slaví Hod beránka,

5 (KJV) And they kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the first month at even in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel.
5 (B21) a tak za soumraku čtrnáctého dne prvního měsíce slavili Hod beránka na poušti Sinaj. Synové Izraele udělali všechno přesně tak, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

6 (KJV) And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the passover on that day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day:
6 (B21) Vyskytli se však muži, kteří nemohli v onen den slavit Hod beránka, neboť se poskvrnili při mrtvému člověku. Proto přišli toho dne před Mojžíše a Árona.

7 (KJV) And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the LORD in his appointed season among the children of Israel?
7 (B21) Řekli: "Poskvrnili jsme se při mrtvému člověku. Proč bychom ale nemohli v určený čas přinést dar Hospodinu spolu se syny Izraele?"

8 (KJV) And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you.
8 (B21) Mojžíš jim odpověděl: "Počkejte, než vyslechnu, co o vás přikáže Hospodin."

9 (KJV) And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
9 (B21) Hospodin promluvil k Mojžíšovi:

10 (KJV) Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the passover unto the LORD.
10 (B21) "Mluv k synům Izraele: Kdokoli z vás nebo z vašich potomků by se poskvrnil při mrtvém nebo byl na daleké cestě, ať přesto Hospodinu slaví Hod beránka.

11 (KJV) The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
11 (B21) Ať jej slaví za soumraku čtrnáctého dne druhého měsíce. Ať jí beránka s nekvašenými chleby a s trpkými bylinami.

12 (KJV) They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it.
12 (B21) Ať z něj nenechají nic do rána a nezlámou v něm jedinou kost. Ať slaví Hod beránka podle všech jeho ustanovení.

13 (KJV) But the man that is clean, and is not in a journey, and forbeareth to keep the passover, even the same soul shall be cut off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of the LORD in his appointed season, that man shall bear his sin.
13 (B21) Kdokoli je ovšem čistý a není na cestách, avšak zanedbá slavení Hodu beránka, ať je vyobcován ze svého lidu, neboť v určený čas nepřinesl dar Hospodinu. Takový člověk ponese hřích.

14 (KJV) And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the passover unto the LORD; according to the ordinance of the passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land.
14 (B21) Kdyby chtěl Hospodinův Hod beránka slavit přistěhovalec žijící u vás, ať jej slaví podle ustanovení a pravidel pro Hod beránka. Pro domácího i hosta žijícího u vás budou platit stejná pravidla."

15 (KJV) And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning.
15 (B21) V den, kdy byl Příbytek postaven, přikryl Příbytek při Stanu svědectví oblak. Od večera do rána pak spočíval nad Příbytkem v podobě ohně.

16 (KJV) So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.
16 (B21) Tak tomu bylo stále: Příbytek přikrýval oblak a v noci měl podobu ohně.

17 (KJV) And when the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, then after that the children of Israel journeyed: and in the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents.
17 (B21) Kdykoli se oblak od Stanu vznesl, synové Izraele hned vyráželi na cestu. Kdekoli oblak spočinul, tam synové Izraele tábořili.

18 (KJV) At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.
18 (B21) Podle Hospodinova rozkazu vyráželi synové Izraele na cestu a podle Hospodinova rozkazu tábořili. Tábořili tak dlouho, dokud oblak spočíval nad Příbytkem.

19 (KJV) And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not.
19 (B21) Někdy oblak prodléval nad Příbytkem mnoho dní; tehdy synové Izraele drželi Hospodinovu stráž a netáhli dál.

20 (KJV) And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the LORD they abode in their tents, and according to the commandment of the LORD they journeyed.
20 (B21) Jindy se oblak nad Příbytkem zdržel jen několik dní; tehdy tábořili podle Hospodinova rozkazu a podle Hospodinova rozkazu pak táhli dál.

21 (KJV) And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed.
21 (B21) Když oblak zůstal jen od večera do rána a ráno se opět vznesl, hned táhli dál. Ať se oblak vznesl ve dne nebo v noci, hned táhli dál.

22 (KJV) Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed.
22 (B21) Ať už oblak prodléval nad Příbytkem dva dny, měsíc nebo rok, dokud nad ním přebýval, synové Izraele tábořili a nevydávali se na cestu. Jakmile se však vznesl, táhli dál.

23 (KJV) At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed: they kept the charge of the LORD, at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.
23 (B21) Podle Hospodinova rozkazu tábořili a podle Hospodinova rozkazu táhli dál. Podle Hospodinova rozkazu skrze Mojžíše drželi Hospodinovu stráž.

Nm 9, 1-23

Verš 2
Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season.
Ex 12:1 - And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
Lv 23:5 - In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover.
Nm 28:16 - And in the fourteenth day of the first month is the passover of the LORD.
Dt 16:2 - Thou shalt therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of the flock and the herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to place his name there.

Verš 12
They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the passover they shall keep it.
Ex 12:46 - In one house shall it be eaten; thou shalt not carry forth ought of the flesh abroad out of the house; neither shall ye break a bone thereof.
Jn 19:33 - But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:
Jn 19:36 - For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

Verš 14
And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the passover unto the LORD; according to the ordinance of the passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land.
Ex 12:49 - One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

Verš 15
And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning.
Ex 40:34 - Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.

Verš 18
At the commandment of the LORD the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the LORD they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.
1Kor 10:1 - Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;

Verš 22
Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed.
Ex 40:36 - And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys:

Nm 9,1-5 - Porov. Ex 12,1–14.21–27.43–50. Toto je už druhá pascha od odchodu z Egypta.

Nm 9,6-13 - Príležitosť na doplnenie zákona o pasche bola udalosť, že niektorí poškvrnení Izraeliti nemohli v stanovený čas sláviť paschu. Táto náhradná oslava trvala len deň. Museli sa však pritom zachovať všetky predpísané obrady.

Nm 9,14 - Cudzinec, čo chcel sláviť paschu, musel byť obrezaný (Ex 12,48) a musel zachovávať mojžišovský zákon.

Nm 9,15 - Svätostánok bol postavený 1. nisana druhého roku po odchode z Egypta (Ex 40,17). Oblak, znak Božej prítomnosti (Ex 13,21 n.), zahalil veľsvätyňu, stánok zákona.