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Kniha Numeri

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Nm 6, 1-27

1 (CPDV) And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
1 (ROH) A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:

2 (CPDV) “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: A man or a woman, when they have made a vow so that they may be sanctified, and when they are willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord,
2 (ROH) Hovor synom Izraelovým a povieš im: Keby niekto, už či muž a či žena, učinil zvláštny sľub, totiž sľub nazareja , aby sa oddelil pre Hospodina,

3 (CPDV) shall abstain from wine and from anything which is able to inebriate. They shall not drink vinegar made from wine or from any other drink, nor anything pressed from the grape. They shall not eat grapes, neither fresh nor dried.
3 (ROH) oddelí sa, zdrží sa vína a opojného nápoja vôbec ani nebude piť octu z vína ani octu z nijakého opojného nápoja ani nebude piť ničoho tekutého z hrozien ani hrozien, už či sviežich a či suchých, nebude jesť.

4 (CPDV) During all the days that they are consecrated to the Lord by vow, they shall not eat whatever may be from the vineyard, from raisins, even to grape seeds.
4 (ROH) Po všetky dni svojho nazarejstva nebude jesť ničoho z toho, čo pochádza z vínneho kmeňa, od zrna až do šupy.

5 (CPDV) During all the time of his separation, no razor shall pass over his head, even until the completion of the day when he is consecrated to the Lord. He shall be holy, letting the hair of his head grow long.
5 (ROH) Po všetky dni sľubu jeho nazarejstva neprejde britva po jeho hlave. Dokiaľ sa nevyplnia dni, na ktoré sa oddelil pre Hospodina, svätým bude; nechá voľne rásť vlasy svojej hlavy.

6 (CPDV) During all the time of his consecration, he shall not enter because of a death,
6 (ROH) Po všetky dni, na ktoré sa oddelí pre Hospodina, nevojde k mŕtvemu telu.

7 (CPDV) nor shall he contaminate himself, even over the funeral of his father, or his mother, or his brother, or his sister. For the consecration of his God is upon his head.
7 (ROH) Nepoškvrní sa ani pre svojho otca ani pre svoju mať, pre svojho brata ani pre svoju sestru, keby zomreli, lebo nazarejstvo jeho Boha je na jeho hlave.

8 (CPDV) During all the days of his separation, he shall be holy to the Lord.
8 (ROH) Po všetky dni svojho nazarejstva bude svätým Hospodinovi.

9 (CPDV) But if anyone will have died unexpectedly before him, the head of his consecration shall be polluted, and he shall shave it in that very place, on the same day of his purification, and again on the seventh day.
9 (ROH) A keby niekto zomrel pri ňom, náhle a z nenazdania, a poškvrnil by hlavu jeho nazarejstva, oholí svoju hlavu v deň svojho očisťovania, siedmeho dňa ju oholí.

10 (CPDV) Then, on the eighth day, he shall offer two turtledoves or two young pigeons, to the priest at the entrance to the covenant of the testimony.
10 (ROH) A ôsmeho dňa donesie dvoje hrdličiek alebo dve holúbätá ku kňazovi, ku dveriam stánu shromaždenia.

11 (CPDV) And the priest shall effect one for sin, and the other as a holocaust, and he shall pray for him, because he has sinned on account of the dead. And he shall sanctify his head on that day.
11 (ROH) A kňaz bude obetovať jedno obeťou za hriech a jedno zápalnou obeťou a prikryje na ňom hriech a tak ho očistí od toho, čím zhrešil nad mŕtvym, a posvätí jeho hlavu v ten deň.

12 (CPDV) And he shall consecrate to the Lord the days of his separation, offering a one-year-old lamb for sin, yet in such a manner that the former days will be made null and void, because his sanctification was polluted.
12 (ROH) A oddelí Hospodinovi dni svojho nazarejstva a donesie ročného baránka na obeť za previnenie a tamtie prvé dni padnú, lebo jeho nazarejstvo je poškvrnené.

13 (CPDV) This is the law of consecration. When the days that he had decreed by vow have been completed, he shall bring him to the door of the tabernacle of the covenant,
13 (ROH) A toto je zákon nazarejov: v deň, v ktorý sa naplnia dni jeho nazarejstva, dovedú ho ku dveriam stánu shromaždenia.

14 (CPDV) and he shall offer his oblation to the Lord: an immaculate one-year-old male lamb as a holocaust, and an immaculate one-year-old female lamb for sin, and an immaculate ram, a peace-offering victim,
14 (ROH) A bude obetovať svoj obetný dar Hospodinovi, jedného ročného baránka bez vady zápalnou obeťou a jednu ročnú ovcu bez vady obeťou za hriech a jedného barana bez vady pokojnou obeťou.

15 (CPDV) also, a basket of unleavened bread, which has been sprinkled with oil, and cakes without leaven, anointed with oil, as well as the libations of each one.
15 (ROH) A koš nekvasených chlebov, koláče z jemnej múky bielej, zamiesené v oleji, a nekvasené tenké osúchy, pomazané olejom, a ich obilnú obeť aj ich liate obeti.

16 (CPDV) And the priest shall offer them before the Lord, and he shall perform both the sin offering and the holocaust.
16 (ROH) A kňaz bude obetovať pred Hospodinom a učiní jeho obeť za hriech i jeho zápalnú obeť.

17 (CPDV) Yet truly, the ram he shall immolate as a peace-offering victim to the Lord, offering at the same time the basket of unleavened bread, and the libations which are required by custom.
17 (ROH) Barana bude obetovať bitnou obeťou pokojnou Hospodinovi s košom nekvasených chlebov a taktiež bude obetovať kňaz jeho obilnú obeť i jeho liatu obeť.

18 (CPDV) Then the Nazarite shall be shaved of the long hair of his consecration, before the door of the tabernacle of the covenant. And he shall take his hair, and he shall place it upon the fire, which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.
18 (ROH) A nazarej oholí hlavu svojho nazarejstva pri dveriach stánu shromaždenia a vezme vlasy hlavy svojho nazarejstva a dá na oheň, ktorý bude pod bitnou obeťou pokojnou.

19 (CPDV) And he shall take the cooked shoulder of the ram, and one twist of bread without leaven from the basket, and one unleavened cake, and he shall deliver them into the hands of the Nazarite, after his head has been shaven.
19 (ROH) Potom vezme kňaz varené plece z barana a jeden nekvasený koláč z koša a jeden nekvasený osúch a dá to na ruky nazareja, keď si už bol oholil svoje nazarejstvo.

20 (CPDV) And receiving them again from him, he shall elevate them in the sight of the Lord. And having been sanctified, these shall be for the priest, as also the breast, which was ordered to be separated, and the leg. After this, the Nazarite is able to drink wine.
20 (ROH) A kňaz bude sem a ta vznášať tie veci obeťou povznášania pred Hospodinom. Je to svätá vec a bude patriť kňazovi i s prsami obeti povznášania i s lopatkou obeti pozdvihnutia, a potom bude piť nazarej víno.

21 (CPDV) This is the law of the Nazarite, when he has vowed his oblation to the Lord in the time of his consecration, aside from those things which his hand shall find. According to what he had vowed in his mind, so shall he do, to the perfection of his sanctification.”
21 (ROH) To je zákon nazarejov, ktorý sľúbi svoj obetný dar Hospodinovi so svojím nazarejstvom krome toho, čo by viacej mohla učiniť jeho ruka. Podľa svojho sľubu, ktorý sľúbil, tak učiní podľa zákona svojho nazarejstva.

22 (CPDV) And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
22 (ROH) A Hospodin hovoril Mojžišovi a riekol:

23 (CPDV) “Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them:
23 (ROH) Hovor Áronovi a jeho synom a povedz: Takto budete žehnať synov Izraelových hovoriac im:

24 (CPDV) ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you.
24 (ROH) Nech ťa požehná Hospodin a nech ťa ostríha.

25 (CPDV) May the Lord reveal his face to you and take pity on you.
25 (ROH) Nech dá Hospodin svietiť na teba svojej tvári a nech ti je milostivý.

26 (CPDV) May the Lord turn his countenance toward you and grant peace to you.’
26 (ROH) Nech pozdvihne Hospodin na teba svoju tvár a nech ti dá pokoj.

27 (CPDV) And they shall invoke my name over the sons of Israel, and I will bless them.”
27 (ROH) A položia moje meno na synov Izraelových, a ja ich požehnám.

Nm 6, 1-27

Verš 18
Then the Nazarite shall be shaved of the long hair of his consecration, before the door of the tabernacle of the covenant. And he shall take his hair, and he shall place it upon the fire, which is under the sacrifice of the peace offerings.
Sk 21:24 - Take these and sanctify yourself with them, and require them to shave their heads. And then everyone will know that the things that they have heard about you are false, but that you yourself walk in keeping with the law.

Verš 20
And receiving them again from him, he shall elevate them in the sight of the Lord. And having been sanctified, these shall be for the priest, as also the breast, which was ordered to be separated, and the leg. After this, the Nazarite is able to drink wine.
Ex 29:27 - And you shall sanctify both the consecrated chest and the shoulder that you separated from the ram,

Verš 5
During all the time of his separation, no razor shall pass over his head, even until the completion of the day when he is consecrated to the Lord. He shall be holy, letting the hair of his head grow long.
Sdc 13:5 - For you shall conceive and bear a son, whose head no razor shall touch. For he shall be a Nazirite of God, from his infancy and from his mother’s womb. And he shall begin to free Israel from the hand of the Philistines.”
1Sam 1:11 - And she made a vow, saying, “O Lord of hosts, if, in looking with favor, you will see the affliction of your servant and will remember me, and will not forget your handmaid, and if you will give to your servant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall pass over his head.”

Nm 6,1 - Najväčším zo sľubov bol tzv. sľub nazireátu, hebr. neder nazír – ,sľub odlúčenia' alebo ,zdržovania sa'. Kto sa zaviazal týmto sľubom, zasvätil a oddal sa priamo Pánovi. Predmetom sľubu bolo vždy niečo dovolené, sľubujúci sa však z lásky k Bohu zriekal toho "dovoleného" buď na čas, alebo na celý život. Sľub sa konal najviac len dočasne, ale nikdy nie na kratšie, ako na mesiac. Doživotný sľub mal napr. Samson (Sdc 13,5.7), Samuel (1 Sam 1,11) a sv. Ján Krstiteľ (Lk 1,15). Sľub nazireátu mohli urobiť muž alebo žena, ba aj rodičia za svoje deti, hoci sa ešte ani nenarodili (Sdc 13,13.14). Pôvod tohto sľubu je predmojžišovský. Mojžiš ho už uvádza ako známy.

Nm 6,9-12 - Ak niekto z neopatrnosti prerušil sľub nazireátu, musel sa očisťovať. A dočasný nazireát musel začať znova. Sväté písmo nehovorí o prerušení dobrovoľnom, to sa istotne trestalo veľmi prísne.

Nm 6,13-17 - Pri ukončení nazireátu, teda času, na ktorý sa niekto zasvätil Bohu, prinášali sa také obety ako pri svätení kňazstva (Ex 29; Lv 8). Za nevedomé hriechy, ktoré spáchal v čase svojho zasvätenia, prinesie na obetu za hriech jednoročného baránka a jednoročnú jahnicu (Lv 4,2). Pokojnou žertvou ďakoval za šťastlivé ukončenie zasvätenia a potvrdzoval aj priateľstvo s Pánom.

Nm 6,18-21 - Často sa stávalo, že pri ukončení sľubu za chudobných platili výlohy bohatší Izraeliti (Sk 21,23).

Nm 6,22-27 - Kňazi mali právo a povinnosť žehnať ľud (Dt 10,8; 21,5). Formulka požehnania v troch veršoch obsahuje trojité želanie: Božiu ochranu, jeho milosrdenstvo a pokoj. Tri razy sa opakuje aj meno Pán. V tomto požehnaní Otcovia videli náznak tajomstva Najsv. Trojice.