 | Kniha NumeriBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Nm 24, 1-25 |
1 Nm 24, 1 And when Balaam had seen that it was pleasing to the Lord that he should bless Israel, he by no means went out as he had gone before, to seek divination. But directing his face opposite the desert, 2 Nm 24, 2 and lifting up his eyes, he saw Israel dwelling in tents by their tribes. And with the Spirit of God rushing into him, 3 Nm 24, 3 taking up his parable, he said: “Balaam, the son of Beor, the man whose eye has been obstructed, 4 Nm 24, 4 the hearer of the sermon of God, he who has gazed upon a vision of the Almighty, he who falls down and so his eyes are opened, has declared: 5 Nm 24, 5 ‘How beautiful are your tabernacles, O Jacob, and your tents, O Israel! 6 Nm 24, 6 They are like forested valleys, like gardens irrigated next to rivers, like tabernacles which the Lord has fixed, like cedars close to waters. 7 Nm 24, 7 Water shall flow from his jar, and his offspring shall be amid many waters, because Agag, his king, shall be taken, and his kingdom shall be removed. 8 Nm 24, 8 Away from Egypt, God has led him, whose strength is like the rhinoceros. They shall devour the nations that are his enemies, and break their bones, and pierce them with arrows. 9 Nm 24, 9 Lying down, he has slept like a lion, and like a lioness, whom no one would dare to awaken. He who blesses you, shall himself also be blessed. He who curses you, shall be considered cursed.” 10 Nm 24, 10 And Balak, being angry against Balaam, clapped his hands together and said: “I called you to curse my enemies, and, to the contrary, you have blessed them three times. 11 Nm 24, 11 Return to your place. I had decided, indeed, to honor you greatly, but the Lord has deprived you of the designated honor.” 12 Nm 24, 12 Balaam responded to Balak: “Did I not say to your messengers, whom you sent to me: 13 Nm 24, 13 Even if Balak would give me his house, filled with silver and gold, I still could not go away from the word of the Lord my God, so as to offer anything, either good or evil, from my own heart; but whatever the Lord will speak, this, too, I shall speak. 14 Nm 24, 14 Yet truly, as I continue on to my own people, I will give you counsel as to what this people shall do to your people in the end times.” 15 Nm 24, 15 Therefore, taking up his parable, he again spoke: “Balaam the son of Beor, the man whose eye has been obstructed, 16 Nm 24, 16 the hearer of the sermon of God, he who knows the doctrine of the Most High, and who sees the visions of the Almighty, who, falling down, has his eyes opened, has declared: 17 Nm 24, 17 I shall see him, but not presently. I shall gaze upon him, but not soon. A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a rod shall spring up from Israel. And he shall strike down the commanders of Moab, and he shall devastate all the sons of Seth. 18 Nm 24, 18 And he shall possess Idumea; the inheritance of Seir shall fall to their enemies. Yet truly, Israel shall act with strength. 19 Nm 24, 19 From Jacob will be he who shall be ruler. And he shall perish the remnants of the city.” 20 Nm 24, 20 And when he saw Amalek, taking up his parable, he said: “Amalek, first among the Gentiles, whose very end shall be perdition.” 21 Nm 24, 21 Likewise, he saw the Kainites, and taking up his parable, he said: “Robust, indeed, is your habitation. But though you will set your nest in a rock, 22 Nm 24, 22 and you will be elect among the stock of Kain, how long will you be able to remain? For Assur shall take you captive.” 23 Nm 24, 23 And taking up his parable once more he said: “Alas! Who will be able to survive, when God will do these things? 24 Nm 24, 24 They shall arrive in Greek warships from Italy. They shall overcome the Assyrians, and they shall devastate the Hebrews, and yet, at the very end, even they themselves shall perish.” 25 Nm 24, 25 And Balaam rose up, and he returned to his place. Likewise, Balak went back, along the way by which he had arrived.
 | | Nm 24, 1-25 |
Verš 8
Away from Egypt, God has led him, whose strength is like the rhinoceros. They shall devour the nations that are his enemies, and break their bones, and pierce them with arrows.
Nm 23:22 - God has led him away from Egypt; his strength is like that of the rhinoceros.
Verš 9
Lying down, he has slept like a lion, and like a lioness, whom no one would dare to awaken. He who blesses you, shall himself also be blessed. He who curses you, shall be considered cursed.”
Gn 49:9 - Judah is a lion’s young. You have gone up to the prey, my son. While resting, you have lain like a lion. And just like a lioness, who would rouse him?
Nm 23:24 - Behold, the people will rise up like a lioness, and lie down like a lion. But they will not lie down until they devour the prey and drink the blood of the slain.”
Verš 19
From Jacob will be he who shall be ruler. And he shall perish the remnants of the city.”
2Sam 8:14 - And he positioned guards in Edom, and he stationed a garrison. And all of Edom was made to serve David. And the Lord assisted David in all things whatsoever that he set out to accomplish.
Verš 13
Even if Balak would give me his house, filled with silver and gold, I still could not go away from the word of the Lord my God, so as to offer anything, either good or evil, from my own heart; but whatever the Lord will speak, this, too, I shall speak.
Nm 22:18 - Balaam responded: “Even if Balak were to give to me his own house, filled with silver and gold, I still would not be able to change the word of the Lord my God, neither to say more, nor to say less.
Nm 24,5 - Tretie požehnanie opisuje úrodnosť zeme Kanaánu, v ktorej Izrael bude bývať (5–7), moc a slávu izraelského kráľovstva (8. 9), ktorú si získa vo víťazných bojoch.
Nm 24,7 - Agag je spoločné meno všetkých amalekitských kráľov, ako faraón zasa egyptských alebo abimelech filištínskych vladárov. Je dosť možné, že sa tak volal kráľ Amalekitov, ktorý bojoval proti Izraelitom na Sinajskom polostrove Ex 17,8. Tu predstavuje meno Agag všetkých nepriateľov Izraela, v širšom zmysle.
Nm 24,8 - Pozri aj 23,22. Rohy boli symbolom sily. Zubrie rohy naznačujú veľkú moc Pánovu.
Nm 24,9 - Ten, kto ťa požehná… porov. Gn 27,29.
Nm 24,14 - Porov. Gn 49,1.
Nm 24,15-19 - Také požehnanie, čiže takú veštbu, nežiadal si Balak od Baláma. Balám ju prednáša akoby mimovoľne. Balám vidí, že v budúcnosti Izrael bude mať slávne kráľovstvo. Hviezda je odznakom slávy a žezlo moci (Gn 49,10; Iz 14,12; Zjv 1,16.20; 2,1; 9,1.). Proroctvo o zničení všetkých nepriateľov Izraela začalo sa uskutočňovať za Dávida a jeho nástupcov a do rozhodného štádia sa dostalo za časov Mesiáša – Kráľa. Aj v iných predpovediach volá sa Mesiáš "svetlo" (Iz 9,1), "zornica" (2 Pt 1,19; Zjv 22,16) a "kráľ" (Ž 2).
Nm 24,20 - Amalekiti spomínajú sa už za časov Abrahámových (Gn 14,7). Bol to starý národ: prvý medzi národmi. Iní autori vykladajú, že Amalekiti boli prví, čo bojovali proti Izraelitom (Ex 17,8 n.; Nm 14,43.45). Zánik Amalekitov začal sa za Šaula a dokonal sa za Ezechiáša (1 Sam 15,8 n.; 27,8; 30,9 n.; 1 Krn 4,43).
Nm 24,21-22 - Kenejci boli s Izraelom v priateľstve od najstarších čias. Mojžišov švagor Hobab bol Kenejec (Sdc 1,16; 4,11). Čiastka Kenejcov pripojila sa ku kmeňu Júdovmu (Sdc 1,16), čiastka ku kmeňu Neftaliho (Sdc 4,11). Po zaujatí Kanaánu Kenejci sa osadili v blízkosti Izraela, na juhu Mŕtveho mora. Kenejci boli spojencami Amalekitov a prináležali vlastne k Madiánčanom. Preto predpoveď o Kenejcoch možno chápať ako proroctvo o Madiánčanoch, ktorí sa spolčili s Moabčanmi proti Izraelitom (22,4.7; 25,1.14.17). O Kenejcoch porov. Gn 15,19. Kain značí Kenejcov.
Nm 24,23-24 - V tejto slohe Balám zvestuje zánik asýrskej ríše. Nebezpečenstvo pre Asýriu príde od západu (Macedónci, Gréci a Rimania). Kitim v užšom slova zmysle boli obyvatelia ostrova Cyprus, v širšom zmysle však obyvatelia ostrovov a pobreží na západ od Palestíny, teda národy v okruhu Stredo zemného mora. Heber je podľa súvisu najskôr synonymné slovo s Asýrom (Aššurom), označuje národy na východ od Eufratu (ako Babylonci, Elamčania, Aramejci atď.). Napokon však aj Kitim, kráľovstvá v okolí Stredozemného mora, padnú. O tomto bude prorokovať Daniel, ktorý oznámi, že Mesiáš na rumovisku kráľovstiev zbuduje svoje večné Kráľovstvo.