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Kniha Numeri

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Nm 22, 1-41

1 (CPDV) And they set out and made camp in the plains of Moab, across the Jordan, where Jericho is situated.
1 (ROH) A synovia Izraelovi sa rušali a rozložili sa táborom v Arbót-moábe, na druhej strane Jordána, naproti Jerichu.

2 (CPDV) Then Balak, the son of Zippor, seeing all that Israel had done to the Amorite,
2 (ROH) A Balák, syn Cipporov, videl všetko, čo učinil Izrael Amorejovi.

3 (CPDV) and that the Moabites had great fear of him, and that they were not able to bear his assault,
3 (ROH) Preto sa veľmi bál Moáb izraelského ľudu, lebo ho bolo mnoho, a preto sa hrozil Moáb synov Izraelových.

4 (CPDV) said to those greater by birth of Midian: “So will this people wipe away all those who are dwelling within our borders, in the same way that the ox is accustomed to tear out grass, all the way to the roots.” At that time, he was king of Moab.
4 (ROH) A Moáb povedal starším Madiana: Teraz požerie toto shromaždenie všetko, čo je vôkol nás, tak ako čo vôl požerie trávu na poli. A Balák, syn Cipporov, bol toho času kráľom nad Moábom.

5 (CPDV) Therefore, he sent messengers to Balaam, the son of Beor, a seer who lived above the river of the land of the sons of Ammon, to call him, and to say: “Behold, a people has gone forth from Egypt, which has covered the face of the earth. They are encamped opposite me.
5 (ROH) Ten poslal poslov k Balámovi, synovi Beorovmu, do mesta Petora, ktoré je pri rieke v zemi synov jeho ľudu, zavolať ho povediac: Hľa, nejaký ľud vyšiel z Egypta a hľa, pokryl povrch zeme a usadil sa naproti mne.

6 (CPDV) Therefore, come and curse this people, for they are stronger than I am. If only, in some way, I might be able to strike them and to drive them from my land. For I know that he whom you bless shall be blessed, and he whom you curse shall be cursed.”
6 (ROH) Preto teraz, prosím, poď, prekľaj mi tento ľud, lebo je mocnejší odo mňa. Snáď ho tak zmôžem; uderíme naň, a vyženiem ho zo zeme; lebo viem, že ten, koho ty požehnáš, je požehnaný, a komu zazlorečíš, bude zlorečený.

7 (CPDV) And the elders of Moab, and those greater by birth of Midian, continued on, holding the price of divination in their hands. And when they had come to Balaam, and had explained to him all the words of Balak,
7 (ROH) A tak išli starší Moábovi a starší Madianovi nesúc veštné vo svojej ruke. A keď prišli k Balámovi, hovorili mu slová Balákove.

8 (CPDV) he responded, “Remain for this night, and I will answer with whatever the Lord will say to me.” And while they stayed with Balaam, God came and said to him,
8 (ROH) A on im povedal: Prenocujte tu tejto noci, a dám vám odpoveď podľa toho, čo mi bude hovoriť Hospodin. A tedy zostaly moábske kniežatá u Baláma.

9 (CPDV) “What do these men want with you?”
9 (ROH) A Bôh prišiel k Balámovi a riekol: Kto sú to títo mužovia tu u teba?

10 (CPDV) He responded, “Balak, the son of Zippor, the king of the Moabites has sent to me,
10 (ROH) A Balám povedal Bohu: Balák, syn Cipporov, moábsky kráľ, poslal ku mne s odkazom:

11 (CPDV) saying: ‘Behold, a people, which has gone forth from Egypt, has covered the face of the earth. Come and curse them, so that, in some way, I may be able to fight them and drive them away.’ ”
11 (ROH) Hľa, toď ľud, ktorý ide z Egypta a pokryl povrch zeme! Poď teraz, prekľaj mi ho, snáď budem tak môcť bojovať proti nemu a zaženiem ho.

12 (CPDV) And God said to Balaam, “Do not go with them, and do not curse the people, for they are blessed.”
12 (ROH) Ale Bôh riekol Balámovi: Nepojdeš s nimi! Nebudeš zlorečiť tomu ľudu, lebo je požehnaný.

13 (CPDV) And he, rising up in the morning, said to the leaders, “Go into your own land, for the Lord has prohibited me from going with you.”
13 (ROH) Potom vstal Balám ráno a povedal kniežatám Balákovým: Iďte do svojej zeme, lebo mi nechce dať Hospodin, aby som išiel s vami.

14 (CPDV) Returning, the leaders said to Balak, “Balaam was not willing to come with us.”
14 (ROH) A moábske kniežatá vstaly a prišly k Balákovi a riekly: Nechcel ísť s nami Balám.

15 (CPDV) Again, he sent many more persons, and these were more noble than those he had sent before.
15 (ROH) Vtedy znova poslal Balák kniežatá, viaceré a slávnejšie ako tamtie.

16 (CPDV) And when these had come to Balaam, they said: “So says Balak, the son of Zippor. Do not hesitate to come to me.
16 (ROH) A keď prišli k Balámovi, povedaly mu: Takto hovorí Balák, syn Cipporov: Nedaj sa, prosím, ničomu zdržať prijsť ku mne!

17 (CPDV) For I am ready to honor you, and whatever you would want, I shall give to you. Come and curse this people.”
17 (ROH) Lebo istotne ťa budem veľmi ctiť, a všetko, čo mi povieš, učiním. A tedy, prosím, poď, prekľaj mi tento ľud!

18 (CPDV) Balaam responded: “Even if Balak were to give to me his own house, filled with silver and gold, I still would not be able to change the word of the Lord my God, neither to say more, nor to say less.
18 (ROH) Na to odpovedal Balám a riekol služobníkom Balákovým: Ani keby mi dal Balák plný svoj dom striebra a zlata, nemohol by som prestúpiť rozkaz Hospodina, svojho Boha, aby som učinil proti nemu už či malé a či veľké.

19 (CPDV) I beg you to remain for this night also, so that I may know what the Lord will answer me again.” 86
19 (ROH) Ale však teraz zostaňte, prosím, aj vy tu tejto noci, aby som zvedel, čo bude ďalej hovoriť so mnou Hospodin.

20 (CPDV) Therefore, God came to Balaam in the night, and said to him: “If these men have arrived to call you, then rise up and go with them; yet only in so far as you shall do what I will command you.”
20 (ROH) A Bôh prišiel k Balámovi vnoci a riekol mu: Ak ťa prišli volať tí mužovia, vstaň, iď s nimi. Ale budeš robiť len to, čo ti ja budem hovoriť.

21 (CPDV) Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddling his donkey, he set out with them.
21 (ROH) A tak vstal Balám ráno, osedlal svoju oslicu a išiel s kniežatami Moábovými.

22 (CPDV) And God was angry. And an Angel of the Lord stood in the way opposite Balaam, who was sitting on the donkey, and he had two servants with him.
22 (ROH) Ale hnev Boží sa rozpálil preto, že išiel. A anjel Hospodinov sa postavil do cestu, aby sa mu protivil, a on sa niesol na svojej oslici, a jeho dvaja služobníci s ním.

23 (CPDV) The donkey, discerning that the Angel was standing in the way with a drawn sword, turned herself from the road and went through a field. And when Balaam beat her and intended to return her to the path,
23 (ROH) A keď videla oslica anjela Hospodinovho stáť na ceste, a že má svoj meč vytasený vo svojej ruke, oslica sa uhla z cesty a išla poľom. A Balám bil oslicu, aby ju uhnul na cestu.

24 (CPDV) the Angel stood in a narrow place between the two walls, with which the vineyards were enclosed.
24 (ROH) Potom zastál anjel Hospodinov na úzkej ceste viníc, kde bol múr z jednej i z druhej strany.

25 (CPDV) And the donkey, seeing this, drew herself close to the wall and scraped the foot of the rider. So he beat her again.
25 (ROH) A oslica vidiac anjela Hospodinovho pritisla sa ku stene a pritisla nohu Balámovi ku stene. Preto ju zase bil.

26 (CPDV) And, nevertheless, the Angel passing on to a narrow place, where one would not be able to deviate either to the right or to the left, stood to meet him.
26 (ROH) A anjel Hospodinov išiel opät ďalej a zastál na takom úzkom mieste, na ktorom nebolo cesty uhnúť napravo alebo naľavo.

27 (CPDV) And when the donkey had seen the Angel standing there, she fell under the feet of the rider, who, being angry, struck her sides more vehemently with a club.
27 (ROH) A keď videla oslica anjela Hospodinovho, položila sa pod Balámom na zem. Preto sa rozhneval Balám a bil oslicu palicou.

28 (CPDV) And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said: “What have I done to you? Why do strike you me, behold now, for the third time?”
28 (ROH) Vtedy otvoril Hospodin ústa oslice, a riekla Balámovi: Čo som ti urobila, že ma biješ toto už po tretí raz?

29 (CPDV) Balaam responded, “Because you have deserved it, and you have mistreated me. If only I had a sword, so that I might pierce you.”
29 (ROH) A Balám povedal oslici: Lebo si robíš zo mňa blázna. Oj, aby som mal meč vo svojej ruke, je isté, že by som ťa teraz zabil.

30 (CPDV) The donkey said: “Am not I your animal, on which you have always been accustomed to sit, even until this present day? Tell me, when did I ever do the same thing to you.” But he said, “Never.”
30 (ROH) Na to riekla oslica Balámovi: Či nie som ja tvoja oslica, na ktorej si jazdieval celý svoj život až do tohoto dňa? A či som azda mala voľakedy obyčaj robiť ti tak? A povedal: Nie.

31 (CPDV) Immediately, the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the Angel standing in the way with a drawn sword, and he reverenced him prone on the ground.
31 (ROH) Tu odkryl Hospodin oči Balámove, a videl anjela Hospodinovho stáť na ceste, ktorý mal svoj meč vytasený vo svojej ruke. A skloniac hlavu klaňal sa mu padnúc na svoju tvár.

32 (CPDV) And the Angel said to him: “Why did you beat your donkey three times? I have come to be an adversary to you, because your way is perverse and contrary to me.
32 (ROH) A anjel Hospodinov mu riekol: Prečo si bil svoju oslicu toto už po tretí raz? Hľa, ja som vyšiel protiviť sa ti, lebo táto cesta je zhubná predo mnou.

33 (CPDV) And unless the donkey had turned aside from the way, allowing a place for my opposition, I would have killed you, and she would have lived.”
33 (ROH) Keď ma videla oslica, vyhla sa mi toto už po tretí raz. A nech sa mi nevyhne, je isté, že by som i ja teba bol teraz zabil a ju by som bol nechal živú.

34 (CPDV) Balaam said: “I have sinned, not knowing that you stood against me. And now, if it displeases you for me to continue on, I will return.”
34 (ROH) Vtedy povedal Balám anjelovi Hospodinovmu: Zhrešil som, lebo som nevedel, že ty stojíš naproti mne na ceste, a tak teraz, ak je to zlé v tvojich očiach, vrátim sa domov.

35 (CPDV) The Angel said, “Go with them, but be careful not to speak anything other than what I shall instruct you.” And so, he went with the leaders.
35 (ROH) Ale anjel Hospodinov riekol Balámovi: Iď s tými mužmi! Avšak jedine to slovo, ktoré ti budem hovoriť, to budeš hovoriť. A tak išiel Balám s kniežatami Balákovými.

36 (CPDV) And when Balak had heard it, he went out to meet him in a town of the Moabites, which is situated at the furthest borders of Arnon.
36 (ROH) Keď počul Balák, že ide Balám, vyšiel mu naproti do mesta Moábovho, ktoré je na hranici Arnona, ktorý je na konci územia.

37 (CPDV) And he said to Balaam: “I sent messengers to call you. Why did you not come to me immediately? Was it because I am not able to pay the cost for your arrival?”
37 (ROH) A Balák povedal Balámovi: Či som neposlal naozaj k tebe, aby ťa zavolali? Prečo si hneď neprišiel ku mne? Či azda preto, že by som ťa nemohol náležite uctiť?

38 (CPDV) He answered him: “Behold, here I am. Am I able to speak anything other than what God will put into my mouth?”
38 (ROH) No, Balám povedal Balákovi: Hľa, prišiel som k tebe. Ale i teraz, či azda budem môcť hovoriť niečo sám od seba? Slovo, ktoré Bôh vloží do mojich úst, to budem hovoriť.

39 (CPDV) Therefore, they continued on together, and they arrived at a city, which was at the furthest borders of his kingdom.
39 (ROH) A tak išiel Balám s Balákom, a prišli do Kirjat-chucót.

40 (CPDV) And after Balak had killed oxen and sheep, he sent the gifts to Balaam, and to the leaders who were with him.
40 (ROH) A Balák obetujúc nabil volov a drobného dobytka a poslal Balámovi a kniežatám, ktoré boly s ním.

41 (CPDV) Then, when morning arrived, he led him to the heights of Baal, and he gazed upon the most distant portions of the population.
41 (ROH) A stalo sa druhého dňa ráno, že Balák pojal Baláma a vyviedol ho na výšiny Bála, odkiaľ videl koniec izraelského ľudu.

Nm 22, 1-41

Verš 32
And the Angel said to him: “Why did you beat your donkey three times? I have come to be an adversary to you, because your way is perverse and contrary to me.
2Pt 2:15 - Abandoning 695 the straight path, they wandered astray, having followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved the wages of iniquity.

Verš 18
Balaam responded: “Even if Balak were to give to me his own house, filled with silver and gold, I still would not be able to change the word of the Lord my God, neither to say more, nor to say less.
Nm 24:13 - Even if Balak would give me his house, filled with silver and gold, I still could not go away from the word of the Lord my God, so as to offer anything, either good or evil, from my own heart; but whatever the Lord will speak, this, too, I shall speak.

Verš 28
And the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said: “What have I done to you? Why do strike you me, behold now, for the third time?”
2Pt 2:16 - Yet truly, he had a correction of his madness: the mute animal under the yoke, which, by speaking with a human voice, forbid the folly of the prophet.
Júd 1:11 - Woe to them! For they have gone after the way of Cain, and they have poured out the error of Balaam for profit, and they have perished in the sedition of Korah.

Verš 5
Therefore, he sent messengers to Balaam, the son of Beor, a seer who lived above the river of the land of the sons of Ammon, to call him, and to say: “Behold, a people has gone forth from Egypt, which has covered the face of the earth. They are encamped opposite me.
Joz 24:9 - Then Balak, the son of Zippor, the king of Moab, rose up and fought against Israel. And he sent and called for Balaam, the son of Beor, so that he might curse you.

Verš 23
The donkey, discerning that the Angel was standing in the way with a drawn sword, turned herself from the road and went through a field. And when Balaam beat her and intended to return her to the path,
2Pt 2:16 - Yet truly, he had a correction of his madness: the mute animal under the yoke, which, by speaking with a human voice, forbid the folly of the prophet.
Júd 1:11 - Woe to them! For they have gone after the way of Cain, and they have poured out the error of Balaam for profit, and they have perished in the sedition of Korah.

Nm 22,1 - Moabské stepi = územie medzi Jordánom a pohorím Abarim, najmä severne od Mŕtveho mora.

Nm 22,2-6 - Petór (Pitru) bolo mesto na pravom brehu Eufratu v severnej Mezopotámii. Balám bol asi slávny pohanský veštec, ktorý poznal aj jediného pravého Boha, Pána (v. 8.13.19 atď.). Dar proroctva je milosť a Boh ju dáva, komu chce.

Nm 22,22-35 - Oslica sa stala nástrojom Božím, aby poučila a pokorila Baláma. Skutočnosť, že oslica hovorí (28 n.), dá sa vysvetliť iba zázračne. Ako kedysi diabol použil na svoje služby hovoriaceho hada, tak Pánov anjel používa oslicu, aby otvorila Balámovi oči a odvrátila ho od jeho zlého zámeru. O tejto skutočnosti je presvedčený aj sv. Peter (2 Pt 2,16).

Nm 22,36-41 - Ir je asi Ar (21,15.28). Bamot-Bál, vlastné meno miesta, o ktorom bola reč v 21,19; dosl. značí Výšiny Bálove. Na výšinách obetúvali pohanským bohom.