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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Nm 13, 1-34

1 (UKJV) And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,
1 (KAT) Potom sa ľud pohol z Haserotu a utáboril sa na púšti Fáran.

2 (UKJV) Send you men, that they may search the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel: of every tribe of their fathers shall all of you send a man, every one a ruler among them.
2 (KAT) Tam Pán hovoril Mojžišovi:

3 (UKJV) And Moses by the commandment of the LORD sent them from the wilderness of Paran: all those men were heads of the children of Israel.
3 (KAT) „Pošli mužov, nech sa prezvedia o krajine Kanaán, ktorú chcem dať Izraelitom. Z každého kmeňa pošli po jednom, všetci nech sú poprední mužovia.“

4 (UKJV) And these were their names: of the tribe of Reuben, Shammua the son of Zaccur.
4 (KAT) A Mojžiš ich na Pánov rozkaz poslal z púšte Fáran, všetko mužov, ktorí boli pohlavármi Izraelitov. Ich mená sú:

5 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori.
5 (KAT) Z Rubenovho kmeňa Zechurov syn Samua,

6 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Jephunneh.
6 (KAT) zo Simeonovho kmeňa Huriho syn Safat,

7 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph.
7 (KAT) z Júdovho kmeňa Jefonov syn Kaleb,

8 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun.
8 (KAT) z Isacharovho kmeňa Jozefov syn Igal,

9 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Benjamin, Palti the son of Raphu.
9 (KAT) z Efraimovho kmeňa Nunov syn Osé,

10 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Zebulun, Gaddiel the son of Sodi.
10 (KAT) z Benjamínovho kmeňa Rafuho syn Falti,

11 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Joseph, namely, of the tribe of Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi.
11 (KAT) zo Zabulonovho kmeňa Sodiho syn Gediel,

12 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son of Gemalli.
12 (KAT) z Jozefovho kmeňa, čiže z kmeňa Manassesovho, Susiho syn Gadi,

13 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Asher, Sethur the son of Michael.
13 (KAT) z Danovho kmeňa Gemaliho syn Amiel,

14 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Naphtali, Nahbi the son of Vophsi.
14 (KAT) z Aserovho kmeňa Michaelov syn Stur,

15 (UKJV) Of the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi.
15 (KAT) z Neftaliho kmeňa Vapsiho syn Nahabi

16 (UKJV) These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spy out the land. And Moses called Oshea the son of Nun Jehoshua.
16 (KAT) a z Gadovho kmeňa Machiho syn Guel.

17 (UKJV) And Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan, and said unto them, Get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain:
17 (KAT) To sú mená mužov, ktorých poslal Mojžiš, aby preskúmali krajinu. Vtedy dal Mojžiš Nunovmu synovi Osému meno Jozue.

18 (UKJV) "And see the land, what it is, and the people that dwells therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many; "
18 (KAT) Keď ich Mojžiš poslal preskúmať kanaánsku krajinu, povedal im: „Choďte do Negebu, potom vystúpte na vrchy

19 (UKJV) "And what the land is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad; and what cities they be that they dwell in, whether in tents, or in strong holds; "
19 (KAT) a zistite, aká je to krajina a či ľud, ktorý tam býva, je mocný alebo slabý, či je ho veľa alebo málo,

20 (UKJV) And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not. And be all of you of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land. Now the time was the time of the first-fruits grapes.
20 (KAT) či je zem dobrá alebo zlá. Aké sú mestá, v ktorých býva, či sú to dediny alebo opevnené mestá.

21 (UKJV) So they went up, and searched the land from the wilderness of Zin unto Rehob, as men come to Hamath.
21 (KAT) Či je pôda žírna alebo planá, či tam rastú stromy a či nie. Buďte udatní a prineste nám aj z plodín tej krajiny!“ Bolo to v čase, keď už možno jesť včasné hrozno.

22 (UKJV) "And they ascended by the south, and came unto Hebron; where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the children of Anak, were. (Now Hebron was built seven years before Zoan in Egypt.) "
22 (KAT) Odišli teda a prezreli krajinu od púšte Sin až po Rohob, ktorý je pri vchode do Ematu.

23 (UKJV) "And they came unto the brook of Eshcol, and cut down from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes, and they bare it between two upon a staff; and they brought of the pomegranates, and of the figs. "
23 (KAT) Keď prešli Negebom, prišli do Hebronu, kde žili Achiman, Sisaj a Tolmaj, Enakovi potomkovia; Hebron bol totiž postavený o sedem rokov prv, ako egyptské mesto Tanis.

24 (UKJV) The place was called the brook Eshcol, because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut down from thence.
24 (KAT) Tak došli až do údolia Eskol. Tu odrezali ratolesť s hroznovým strapcom, ktorý museli niesť dvaja mužovia na tyči. Vzali tiež niekoľko granátových jabĺk a fíg.

25 (UKJV) And they returned from searching of the land after forty days.
25 (KAT) Toto miesto pomenovali Nachal-Eskol, to jest Údolie hrozna, lebo tam Izraeliti odrezali ten hroznový strapec.

26 (UKJV) "And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and showed them the fruit of the land. "
26 (KAT) Po štyridsiatich dňoch, keď prezreli celú krajinu, vrátili sa späť.

27 (UKJV) "And they told him, and said, We came unto the land where you sent us, and surely it flows with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it. "
27 (KAT) Prišli k Mojžišovi, Áronovi a celej izraelskej pospolitosti na púšť Fáran do Kádeša a rozprávali im aj celej pospolitosti a ukazovali im plody tejto krajiny.

28 (UKJV) Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there.
28 (KAT) Hovorili im: „Prišli sme do krajiny, do ktorej si nás poslal. Naozaj oplýva mliekom a medom. A toto sú z nej plody!

29 (UKJV) The Amalekites dwell in the land of the south: and the Hittites, and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, dwell in the mountains: and the Canaanites dwell by the sea, and by the coast of Jordan.
29 (KAT) Lenže ľud, čo v krajine býva, je mocný. Mestá sú opevnené a veľmi veľké. Aj Enakových potomkov sme tam videli.

30 (UKJV) "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it. "
30 (KAT) V Negebe bývajú Amalekiti, na vrchoch sídlia Hetejci, Jebuzejci a Amorejčania. Pri mori a na brehoch Jordána bývajú zasa Kanaánčania.“

31 (UKJV) "But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we. "
31 (KAT) Tu sa Kaleb usiloval utíšiť ľud, ktorý brojil oproti Mojžišovi, a zvolal: „Poďme hneď a zaujmime krajinu, lebo ju môžeme dobyť!“

32 (UKJV) "And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eats up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature. "
32 (KAT) Ale mužovia, čo šli s ním, vraveli: „Nie, nemôžeme ísť proti tomu ľudu, veď je silnejší ako my!“

33 (UKJV) And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.
33 (KAT) A rozprávali Izraelitom nepravdy o krajine, ktorú prezreli: „Krajina, ktorú sme krížom-krážom prešli, aby sme ju prezreli, je krajinou, ktorá požiera svojich obyvateľov, a všetok ľud, ktorý sme tam videli, je vysokého vzrastu.

34 ----
34 (KAT) Ba aj obrov sme tam videli, Enakových synov z rodu obrov. Popri nich sme sa zdali ako kobylky!“

Nm 13, 1-34

Verš 27
"And they told him, and said, We came unto the land where you sent us, and surely it flows with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it. "
Ex 3:8 - "And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. "
Ex 33:3 - "Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst of you; for you are a stubborn people: lest I consume you in the way. "

Nm 13,1 - Oáza Haserot bola na južnom okraji púšte Fáran.

Nm 13,18 - Negeb, čiže Južná zem, je pustatina, ktorá sa rozkladá od Kádeša až po Bersebu na juhu Palestíny.

Nm 13,22 - Púšť Sin je severná časť púšte Fáran. Dotýkala sa temer južných hraníc Kanaánu, je to územie v okolí Kadešbarny. Rohob je osada, ktorá neskoršie bude patriť kmeňu Neftali. Je neďaleko od jazera Merom pri mestečku Dan (Lais). Emat, neskoršie Epifania, dnes Hamah, bolo mestečko na rieke Orontes (Gn 10,18). Vchod do Ematu naznačuje najsevernejšiu hranicu Palestíny, medzi Libanonom a Hermonom, najskorej rovina Merdž Ajún, kade viedla cesta do Celosýrie. Vyzvedači sotva chodili pospolu, zdá sa, že sa rozdelili na dve skupiny (Joz 2,1).

Nm 13,23 - Enakiti boli obri, ako Emci a Refaimci (Dt 2,10 n.; porov. pozn. ku Gn 6,1–7).

Nm 13,24 - Eskol, čiže Údolie hrozna, bolo neďaleko Hebronu.

Nm 13,25 - Vyzvedači prešli za 40 dní od Kádeša až po Rohob a späť, teda dovedna 800 km. Cestu však nerobili pešo.