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Kniha proroka Habakuka

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(VUL - Latinský - Nova Vulgata)

Hab 1, 1-17

1 (VUL) Oraculum, quod vidit Habacuc propheta.
1 (UKJV) The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see.

2 (VUL) Usquequo, Domine, clamabo, et non exaudis? Vociferabor ad te: “ Violentia! ”, et non salvas?
2 (UKJV) O LORD, how long shall I cry, and you will not hear! even cry out unto you of violence, and you will not save!

3 (VUL) Quare ostendisti mihi iniquitatem et malitiam vides? Et vastitas et violentia est coram me, et facta est contentio, et iurgium exoritur.
3 (UKJV) Why do you show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.

4 (VUL) Propter hoc languet lex, et non pervenit usque ad finem iudicium. Quia impius praevalet adversus iustum, propterea egreditur iudicium perversum.
4 (UKJV) "Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked does compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds. "

5 (VUL) “ Aspicite in gentibus et videte, admiramini et obstupescite, quia opus facio in diebus vestris, quod nemo credet, cum narrabitur.
5 (UKJV) Behold all of you among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days which all of you will not believe, though it be told you.

6 (VUL) Quia ecce ego suscitabo Chaldaeos, gentem amaram et velocem, ambulantem super latitudinem terrae, ut possideat tabernacula non sua.
6 (UKJV) For, lo, I raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not their's.

7 (VUL) Horribilis et terribilis est, ex semetipsa iudicium eius et maiestas eius egredietur.
7 (UKJV) They are terrible and dreadful: their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves.

8 (VUL) Leviores pardis equi eius et saeviores lupis deserti; et accurrunt equites eius: equites namque eius de longe venient, volabunt quasi aquila festinans ad comedendum.
8 (UKJV) "Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horsemen shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far; they shall fly as the eagle that hastes to eat. "

9 (VUL) Omnes, ut violentiam faciant, venient, omnes facies eorum ventus urens; et congregabunt quasi arenam captivos.
9 (UKJV) They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.

10 (VUL) Et ipsa reges subsannabit, tyrannis illudet; ipsa super omnem munitionem ridebit et comportabit aggerem et capiet eam.
10 (UKJV) "And they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it. "

11 (VUL) Tunc ultra progrediens quasi ventus pertransibit et constituet fortitudinem suam deum suum ”.
11 (UKJV) Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power unto his god.

12 (VUL) Numquid non tu a principio, Domine, Deus meus, sanctus meus, qui non morieris? Domine, ad iudicium posuisti eam; petra mea, ad corripiendum fundasti eam.
12 (UKJV) "Are you not from everlasting, O LORD my God, mine Holy One? we shall not die. O LORD, you have ordained them for judgment; and, O mighty God, you have established them for correction. "

13 (VUL) Mundi sunt oculi tui, ne videas malum; et respicere ad iniquitatem non poteris. Quare respicis super inique agentes et taces, devorante impio iustiorem se?
13 (UKJV) You are of purer eyes than to behold evil, and can not look on iniquity: wherefore look you upon them that deal treacherously, and hold your tongue when the wicked devours the man that is more righteous than he?

14 (VUL) Fecisti homines quasi pisces maris, quasi reptile non habens principem super se.
14 (UKJV) And make men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that have no ruler over them?

15 (VUL) Omnes in hamo sublevat, trahit eos in sagena sua et congregat in rete suo; super hoc laetatur et exsultat.
15 (UKJV) They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice and are glad.

16 (VUL) Propterea immolat sagenae suae et sacrificat reti suo, quia in ipsis incrassata est portio eius, et cibus eius pinguis.
16 (UKJV) "Therefore they sacrifice unto their net, and burn incense unto their drag; because by them their portion is fat, and their food abundant. "

17 (VUL) Propter hoc ergo evaginabit gladium suum semper, ut interficiat gentes sine misericordia?
17 (UKJV) Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?

Hab 1, 1-17

Verš 5
“ Aspicite in gentibus et videte, admiramini et obstupescite, quia opus facio in diebus vestris, quod nemo credet, cum narrabitur.
Sk 13:41 - “Videte, contemptores, et admiramini et disperdimini, quia opus operor ego in diebus vestris, opus, quod non credetis, si quis enarraverit vobis!” ”.

Hab 1,1 - O Habakukovi pozri úvod. K slovu "Výrok" pozri pozn. k Iz 13,1.

Hab 1,2-4 - Z verša 5 vidno, že sa prorok žaluje na násilnosti svojho národa.

Hab 1,5 - Rozumej: Boh má poruke množstvo národov, ktoré by mohol poslať proti svojmu bezbožné- mu národu. Stať veršov 5–11 je Pánova odpoveď na prorokove žaloby.

Hab 1,7 - Nikoho nestrpí nad sebou a neuznáva cudzie právo.

Hab 1,9 - Ako východný vietor (samum) ženie pred sebou hŕby piesku z púšte, tak ženú Chaldejci zajatcov.

Hab 1,10 - "Nakopí piesku" rozumej: postaví val okolo obliehaného mesta.

Hab 1,11 - Tento verš je neistý. Jeho pravdepodobný zmysel je, že Chaldejci, zvedení svojimi úspechmi, budú ich pokladať za dielo svojej sily a neuvážia si, že sú len nástrojom Pána.

Hab 1,12-13 - Božími hrozbami prestrašený prorok vyslovuje nádej, že národ nezahynie. Boh nepošle Chaldejcov, aby vyhubili, ale aby len pokarhali Izraelitov. Preto prosí Pána, aby netrpel, ako nepriateľ ničí aj nevinných. "Skala" je tu oslovenie Boha, ktorý sa v Písme často volá Skalou, Pevnosťou.

Hab 1,14 - Boh dovolí, aby si Chaldejci bez ťažkosti podmanili cudzie národy.

Hab 1,16 - Vyslovuje sa podobná myšlienka ako vo verši 11. Chaldejci budú za bohov pokladať svoje nástroje, pomocou ktorých sa im podarilo zmocniť sa cudzích národov.