| Kniha proroka MicheášaBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Mi 5, 1-14 |
1 Mi 5, 1 Now you will be devastated, you daughter of a robber. They have placed a blockade against us, with a rod they will strike the jaw of the judge of Israel. 2 Mi 5, 2 And you, Bethlehem Ephrata, are a little one among the thousands of Judah. From you will go forth he who shall be the ruler in Israel, and his landing place has been set from the beginning, from the days of eternity. 3 Mi 5, 3 Because of this, he will provide for them, even until the time in which she who bears him gives birth. And the remnant of his brothers will be converted to the sons of Israel. 4 Mi 5, 4 And he will stand firm and feed on the strength of the Lord, according to the sublime name of the Lord his God. And they will be converted, for now he will be magnified, even to the ends of the earth. 5 Mi 5, 5 And this man will be our peace, when the Assyrian will come into our land, and when he will trample on our houses; and we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight principal men. 6 Mi 5, 6 And they will graze on the land of Assur with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with its spears; and he will free us from Assur, when he will come into our land, and when he will trample our borders. 7 Mi 5, 7 And there will be a remnant of Jacob in the midst of many peoples, like a dew from the Lord and like drops upon the grass, which awaits 521 no man and does not stand before the sons of men. 8 Mi 5, 8 And there will be a remnant of Jacob within the Gentiles, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forests, and like a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, when he will pass through and trample down and seize, there is none who can rescue. 9 Mi 5, 9 Your hand will be exalted over your enemies, and all your adversaries will pass away. 10 Mi 5, 10 And it will be in that day, says the Lord: I will take away your horses from your midst, and I will utterly ruin your four-horse chariots. 11 Mi 5, 11 And I will destroy the cities of your land, and I will pull down all your fortifications, and I will take away evil-doing from your hand, and there will be no divinations among you. 12 Mi 5, 12 And I will cause your graven images to perish, and your statues, from your midst. And you will no longer adore the works of your hands. 13 Mi 5, 13 And I will root out your sacred groves from your midst, and I will crush your cities. 14 Mi 5, 14 And I will exact vengeance, in fury and in indignation, among all the nations which have not listened.
 | | Mi 5, 1-14 |
Verš 2
And you, Bethlehem Ephrata, are a little one among the thousands of Judah. From you will go forth he who shall be the ruler in Israel, and his landing place has been set from the beginning, from the days of eternity.
Mt 2:6 - ‘And you, Bethlehem, the land of Judah, are by no means least among the leaders of Judah. For from you shall go forth the ruler who shall guide my people Israel.’ ”
Jn 7:42 - Does Scripture not say that the Christ comes from the offspring of David and from Bethlehem, the town where David was?”
Verš 10
And it will be in that day, says the Lord: I will take away your horses from your midst, and I will utterly ruin your four-horse chariots.
Oz 14:3 - Take these words with you and return to the Lord. And say to him, “Remove all iniquity and accept the good. And we will repay the calves of our lips.
Mich 5,1 - Efrata bol rod, ktorý býval v Betleheme a na jeho okolí a z ktorého pochádzal aj kráľ Dávid. Rút 1,2; 4,12; 1 Sam 17,12. V 4,8 vyhlásil prorok, že Jeruzalem dostane nového vládcu. Tu vyhlasuje, že tento vládca bude pochádzať z Betlehema. Zmysel doslovného hebrejského textu je: Betlehem je primalý na to, žeby mohol byť medzi rodmi, ktoré počítajú tisíc rodín. Nemôže mať knieža, ktoré je predstaveným týchto tisíc rodín (tisícky). Jednako bude Betlehem slávnejší, pretože z neho bude pochádzať vládca nad celým Izraelom. (Sv. Matúš, keď uvádza toto proroctvo, výslovne spomína kniežatá Júdu, Mt 2,6.) I keď sa tento vládca narodí v Betleheme v čase, má predsa pôvod od večnosti. Porov. Iz 9,5; 11,1.
Mich 5,2 - Smutné položenie národa, o ktorom hovoril prorok v predošlej hlave, bude trvať, kým sa tento vládca, Mesiáš, nenarodí. Jeho poslaním bude zhromaždiť synov Izraela. Sám hovoril, že prišiel spasiť predovšetkým synov svojho národa. Otec Mesiáša sa tu nespomína, len jeho matka, čím sa aj tu dostatočne naznačuje panenský pôvod Spasiteľa. Micheáš dozaista poznal proroctvo svojho vrstovníka Izaiáša o panenskom počatí a narodení Emanuela, Mesiáša, Iz 7,14.
Mich 5,3 - Mesiáš bude pastier svojho ľudu, jeho ovečky budú bývať v bezpečí.
Mich 5,4 - Čísla sedem a osem tu označujú neurčité množstvo: V mesiášskych časoch bude mať Boží ľud dostatok vodcov, ktorí ho obránia od nepriateľov. Asýrsko tu i v nasledujúcom verši zvýrazňuje všetkých nepriateľov Božieho kráľovstva. – Mesiáš bude "knieža pokoja", Iz 9,5.
Mich 5,5 - Krajina Nimróda je tiež Asýrsko, porov. Gn 10,8 n.
Mich 5,6 - Mesiáš, ktorý pochádza od Jakuba, donesie národom duševnú rosu, Božiu milosť, ktorá je nezávislá od človeka, dáva ju Boh, kedy a ako chce.
Mich 5,7 - Svojmu novému ľudu Boh podrobí nepriateľov. Slová v zátvorke nepatria asi do osnovy.
Mich 5,9-14 - Porov. pozn. k 2,1–4. – V mesiášskych časoch Boh na obranu svojho ľudu nebude potrebovať vojsko ani opevnenia. V tom čase tiež prestanú čary a modloslužba. O pomníkoch (masébach) a ašerách pozri pozn. k 1 Sam 7,3–4.