| Kniha proroka MicheášaBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Mi 3, 1-12 |
1 Mi 3, 1 And I said: Listen, leaders of Jacob and chiefs of the house of Israel. Does it not belong to you to know judgment, 2 Mi 3, 2 you who hold hatred for good, and love evil, who violently steal their skins from over them and their flesh from over their bones? 3 Mi 3, 3 They have devoured the flesh of my people, and have stripped their skin from over them, and they have shattered and chopped their bones, as if for the kettle, and like flesh in the middle of the pot. 4 Mi 3, 4 Then they will cry out to the Lord, and he will not heed them. And he will hide his face from them in that time, just as they have acted wickedly with their inventions. 5 Mi 3, 5 Thus says the Lord about the prophets who seduce my people: They bite with their teeth and preach peace, and if anyone does not give something to their mouth, they sanctify a battle against him. 6 Mi 3, 6 Because of this, night will be yours for vision, and darkness yours for divination, and the sun will meet with death over the prophets, and the day will be darkened over them. 7 Mi 3, 7 And those who see visions will be confounded, and the diviners will be confounded. And they will all cover their faces, because there is no response from God. 8 Mi 3, 8 Nevertheless, truly I have been filled with the strength of the Spirit of the Lord, with judgment and virtue, in order to announce to Jacob his wickedness and to Israel his sin. 9 Mi 3, 9 Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob and judges of the house of Israel, you who abominate judgment and who pervert all that is right. 10 Mi 3, 10 You build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity. 11 Mi 3, 11 Her leaders have judged for tributes, and her priests have taught for payment, and her prophets divined for money. And they leaned upon the Lord, saying: “Is not the Lord in our midst? No disaster will overcome us.” 12 Mi 3, 12 For this reason, because of you, Zion will be plowed under like a field, and Jerusalem will become like a pile of stones, and the mountain of the temple like the high places of the forests.
 | | Mi 3, 1-12 |
Verš 9
Hear this, leaders of the house of Jacob and judges of the house of Israel, you who abominate judgment and who pervert all that is right.
Am 5:7 - You turn judgment into wormwood, and you abandon justice on earth.
Am 6:12 - For behold, the Lord has commanded, and he will strike the greater house with catastrophes, and the lesser house with divisions.
Verš 10
You build up Zion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity.
Ez 22:27 - Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.
Sof 3:3 - Her leaders are in her midst like roaring lions. Her judges are evening wolves; they leave nothing for the morning.
Verš 5
Thus says the Lord about the prophets who seduce my people: They bite with their teeth and preach peace, and if anyone does not give something to their mouth, they sanctify a battle against him.
Mi 2:11 - I wish that I were not a man who has breath, and that I rather spoke a lie. I will drop it down to you in wine and in drunkenness. And it will be this people on whom it will rain down.
Verš 6
Because of this, night will be yours for vision, and darkness yours for divination, and the sun will meet with death over the prophets, and the day will be darkened over them.
Jer 15:9 - She who gave birth to seven has become weak. Her life has faded away. Her sun has set while it was still daytime. She has been confounded and shamed. And the remainder of them I will give over to the sword in the sight of their enemies, says the Lord.”
Am 8:9 - And it will be in that day, says the Lord God, that the sun will decline at midday, and I will cause the earth to become dark on the day of light.
Joe 2:10 - Before their face, the earth has trembled, the heavens have been moved. The sun and moon have been obscured, and the stars have retracted their splendor.
Mich 3,1-4 - Vodcovia ľudu by mali byť jeho právnou oporou, miesto toho však ho zdierajú a katujú. Ťažké obvinenia sú aj tu obrazne vyjadrené a týkajú sa pohlavárov Jakuba a kniežat domu Izraela, ktoré chodili po nepravej ceste.
Mich 3,5 - Tým, čo ich dobre odmenia, falošní proroci predpovedajú pokoj, blahobyt, ostatným vojnu, nešťastie.
Mich 3,6-7 - Boh nedá videnie falošným prorokom a nedá odpoveď na ich dotazy. Ich klamstvo vyjde najavo, preto si od hanby a žiaľu budú zakrývať bradu; porov. pozn. k Ez 24,17.
Mich 3,10 - Mocnári si stavajú v Jeruzaleme paláce z prostriedkov, získaných zdieraním ľudu.
Mich 3,11 - Pozri Jer 7,4.
Mich 3,12 - Toto proroctvo sa spomína Jer 26,18.