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Kniha proroka Ezechiela

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ez 5, 1-17

1 (CPDV) “And as for you, son of man, obtain for yourself a sharp knife for shaving hair, and you shall take it and draw it across your head and across your beard. And you shall obtain for yourself a balance for weighing, and you shall divide the hair.
1 (ROH) A ty, synu človeka, vezmi si ostrý meč; vezmeš si ho namiesto britvy holičov a prejdeš ním po svojej hlave a po svojej brade. Potom si vezmeš vážky a rozdelíš to.

2 (CPDV) A third part you shall burn with fire in the midst of the city, according to the completion of the days of the siege. And you shall take a third part, and you shall cut it with the knife all around. Yet truly, the other third, you shall scatter to the wind, for I will unsheathe the sword after them.
2 (ROH) Tretinu spáliš ohňom prostred mesta, keď sa vyplnia dni obliehania; potom vezmeš druhú tretinu a budeš rúbať mečom okolo nej dookola, a ostatnú tretinu rozmeceš do vetra, a ja vytasím meč za nimi.

3 (CPDV) And you shall take from there a small number. And you shall bind them in the end of your cloak.
3 (ROH) Ale vezmeš odtiaľ niečo málo vlasov čo do počtu a zaviažeš ich do svojich krýdel svojho rúcha.

4 (CPDV) And again, you shall take from them, and you shall throw them into the midst of the fire, and you shall burn them with fire. And from it, there shall go forth a fire to the entire house of Israel.”
4 (ROH) Ale ešte aj z tých vezmeš a hodíš ich doprostred ohňa a spáliš ich ohňom; z toho vyjde oheň na celý dom Izraelov.

5 (CPDV) Thus says the Lord God: “This is Jerusalem. I have placed her in the midst of the Gentiles and of the lands all around her.
5 (ROH) Takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Tento Jeruzalem, postavil som ho vprostred národov a vôkol neho som rozložil krajiny.

6 (CPDV) And she has despised my judgments, so as to be more impious than the Gentiles, and my precepts, more so than the lands that are all around her. For they have cast aside my judgments, and they have not walked in my precepts.”
6 (ROH) Ale on sa sprotivil mojim súdom páchajúc bezbožnosť, väčšiu ako pohania, a mojim ustanoveniam dopúšťajúc sa väčších hriechov než krajiny, ktoré sú vôkol neho; lebo zavrhli moje súdy a čo do mojich ustanovení, nechodili v nich.

7 (CPDV) For this reason, thus says the Lord God: “Since you have surpassed the Gentiles who are all around you, and have not walked in my precepts, and have not accomplished my judgments, and have not even acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles who are all around you:
7 (ROH) Preto takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Preto, že ste zúrili viac ako pohania, ktorí sú vôkol vás, v mojich ustanoveniach ste nechodili a mojich súdov ste nečinili, ba ani len podľa súdov pohanov, ktorí sú vôkol vás, ste nečinili,

8 (CPDV) therefore, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, and I myself will accomplish 469 judgments in your midst, in the sight of the Gentiles.
8 (ROH) preto takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Hľa, i ja prijdem na teba a vykonám v tvojom strede súdy pred očami pohanov.

9 (CPDV) And I will do in you what I have not done before, and the likes of which I will not do again, because of all your abominations.
9 (ROH) A vykonám na tebe to, čoho som ešte nevykonal, a čomu podobného ani viac nevykonám, pre všetky tvoje ohavnosti.

10 (CPDV) Therefore, the fathers shall consume the sons in your midst, and the sons shall consume their fathers. And I will execute judgments in you, and I will winnow your entire remnant in every wind.
10 (ROH) Preto otcovia budú jesť synov v tvojom strede, a synovia budú jesť svojich otcov, a vykonám na tebe súdy a rozptýlim všetok tvoj ostatok vo všetky vetry.

11 (CPDV) Therefore, as I myself live says the Lord God, because you have violated my sanctuary with all your offenses and with all your abominations, I also will break into pieces, and my eye will not be lenient, and I will not take pity.
11 (ROH) Preto, jako že ja žijem, hovorí Pán Hospodin, preto, že si poškvrnil moju svätyňu všelijakými svojimi mrzkosťami a všelijakými svojimi ohavnosťami, preto i ja, cele iste, ujmem z teba, a nezľutuje sa moje oko, a nebudem šetriť ani ja.

12 (CPDV) One third part of you will die by pestilence or be consumed by famine in your midst. And one third part of you will fall by the sword all around you. Yet truly, one third part of you I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe the sword after them.
12 (ROH) Tretina ťa pomrie morom a pohynie hladom v tvojom strede, a tretina padne mečom vôkol teba, a tretinu rozptýlim vo všetky vetry a budem ich stíhať vytaseným mečom.

13 (CPDV) And I will fulfill my fury, and I will cause my indignation to rest upon them, and I will be consoled. And they shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken in my zeal, when I will have fulfilled my indignation in them.
13 (ROH) A tak sa dokoná môj hnev, a ukojím svoju prchlivosť na nich a poteším sa. A zvedia, že ja Hospodin som hovoril vo svojej horlivosti, keď dokonám svoju prchlivosť na nich.

14 (CPDV) And I will make you desolate, and a disgrace among the Gentiles, who are all around you, in the sight of all who pass by.
14 (ROH) A učiním ťa púšťou a potupou medzi národami, ktoré sú vôkol teba, pred očami každého, kto pojde tade.

15 (CPDV) And you shall be a disgrace and a blasphemy, an example and an astonishment, among the Gentiles, who are all around you, when I will have executed judgments in you, in fury and in indignation and with rebukes of wrath.
15 (ROH) A budeš potupou a posmechom, výstražným príkladom a zdesením národom, ktoré sú vôkol teba, keď vykonám na tebe súdy v hneve a v prchlivosti a v káraní prchlivosti, ja Hospodin som hovoril,

16 (CPDV) I, the Lord, have spoken. At that time, I will send among them the most grievous arrows of famine, which shall bring death, and which I will send so that I may destroy you. And I will gather a famine over you, and I will crush the staff of bread among you.
16 (ROH) keď pošlem na nich preveľmi zlé strely hladu, ktoré budú na zkazu, ktoré pošlem nato, aby som vás zkazil, a navalím na vás hlad a polámem vám palicu chleba.

17 (CPDV) And I will send among you famine and very harmful beasts, even unto utter ruin. And pestilence and blood shall pass through you. And I will bring the sword over you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
17 (ROH) A pošlem na vás hlad a ľútu zver, a osirotia ťa, a mor a krv prejde tebou, a uvediem na teba meč. Ja Hospodin som hovoril.

Ez 5, 1-17

Verš 7
For this reason, thus says the Lord God: “Since you have surpassed the Gentiles who are all around you, and have not walked in my precepts, and have not accomplished my judgments, and have not even acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles who are all around you:
Lv 18:24 - Do not pollute yourselves with any of these things, by which all of the nations, which I will cast out in your sight, have been contaminated
Lv 18:28 - Therefore, beware, lest in a similar manner, it may vomit you out as well, if you do these same things, just as it vomited out the people who were before you.

Verš 10
Therefore, the fathers shall consume the sons in your midst, and the sons shall consume their fathers. And I will execute judgments in you, and I will winnow your entire remnant in every wind.
Lv 26:29 - so much so that you will eat the flesh of your sons and your daughters.
Dt 28:53 - And you will eat the fruit of your womb, and the flesh of your sons and of your daughters, which the Lord your God will give to you, due to the anguish and devastation with which your enemy will oppress you.
2Kr 6:29 - Therefore, we cooked my son, and we ate him. And I said to her on the next day, ‘Give your son, so that we may eat him.’ But she concealed her son.”
Nár 4:10 - JOD. The hands of pitiable women have boiled their sons. They became their food in the grief of the daughter of my people.
Jer 49:32 - And their camels will be a spoil, and the multitude of their cattle will be a prey. And I will disperse, into every wind, those who have shaved their hair. And from all their confines, I will lead great destruction over them, says the Lord.
Jer 49:36 - And I will lead the four winds over Elam, from the four corners of heaven. And I will scatter them into all these winds. And there will be no nation to which the fugitives of Elam will not travel.

Verš 11
Therefore, as I myself live says the Lord God, because you have violated my sanctuary with all your offenses and with all your abominations, I also will break into pieces, and my eye will not be lenient, and I will not take pity.
Ez 7:4 - And my eye will not be lenient over you, and I will not take pity. Instead, I will set your ways upon you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

Verš 12
One third part of you will die by pestilence or be consumed by famine in your midst. And one third part of you will fall by the sword all around you. Yet truly, one third part of you I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe the sword after them.
Jer 15:2 - And if they say to you, ‘Where shall we go?’ you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord: Those who go to death, shall go to death. And those who go to the sword, shall go to the sword, and those go to famine, shall go to famine, and those who go to captivity, shall go to captivity.

Verš 15
And you shall be a disgrace and a blasphemy, an example and an astonishment, among the Gentiles, who are all around you, when I will have executed judgments in you, in fury and in indignation and with rebukes of wrath.
Dt 28:37 - And you will become nothing but a proverb and a fable to all the peoples to whom the Lord will lead you.

Verš 16
I, the Lord, have spoken. At that time, I will send among them the most grievous arrows of famine, which shall bring death, and which I will send so that I may destroy you. And I will gather a famine over you, and I will crush the staff of bread among you.
2Kr 6:25 - And a great famine occurred in Samaria. And it was blockaded for a long time, until the head of a donkey was sold for eighty pieces of silver, and one fourth part of a pint of pigeons’ dung sold for five silver coins.
Iz 3:1 - For behold, the sovereign Lord of hosts will take away, from Jerusalem and from Judah, the powerful and the strong: all the strength from bread, and all the strength from water;
Ez 4:16 - And he said to me: “Son of man, behold: I will crush the staff of bread in Jerusalem. And they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety. And they will drink water by measure and with anguish.
Ez 14:13 - “Son of man, when a land will have sinned against me, so that it transgresses grievously, I will extend my hand over it, and I will crush the staff of its bread. And I will send a famine upon it, and I will destroy from it both man and beast.
Lv 26:26 - After this, I will have broken the staff of your bread, so that ten women bake bread in one oven, and distribute it by weight. And you shall eat and not be filled.
Ez 4:16 - And he said to me: “Son of man, behold: I will crush the staff of bread in Jerusalem. And they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety. And they will drink water by measure and with anguish.
Ez 14:13 - “Son of man, when a land will have sinned against me, so that it transgresses grievously, I will extend my hand over it, and I will crush the staff of its bread. And I will send a famine upon it, and I will destroy from it both man and beast.

Verš 17
And I will send among you famine and very harmful beasts, even unto utter ruin. And pestilence and blood shall pass through you. And I will bring the sword over you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”
Lv 26:22 - And I will send upon you the wild beasts of the field, which will consume you and your cattle, and which will reduce everything to paucity, and cause your roadways to become desolate.

Ez 5,1-4 - Vlasy a bradu pokladali za ozdobu mužského tela; ich odstránenie je pre muža potupou (2 Sam 10,4.5). Obrazne sa odstránením vlasov naznačuje odstránenie obyvateľstva. Z roztratených vlasov čiastočku má si zaviazať do okraja rúcha, zo zajatcov sa čiastka zachráni. No ani tí neostanú všetci, aj po zajatí ešte prídu na národ tresty.

Ez 5,7 - Národ izraelský nezachoval pravému Bohu ani takú vernosť, akú pohanské národy zachovávali svojim modlám; porov. Jer 2,10 n.

Ez 5,10 - Porov. Nár 1,11.19; 2,12.20; 4,3–4.10.

Ez 5,11 - Izraeliti aj chrám Pánov zneuctili modloslužbou; 2 Kr 21,4–5; Jer 7,30; 11,15; 23,11; 32,34.