výhody registrácie

Kniha proroka Ezechiela

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KAT - Katolícky preklad)

Ez 42, 1-20

1 (KAT) Potom ma zaviedol do vonkajšieho nádvoria po ceste smerom na sever a viedol ma k cele, ktorá bola pred ohradeným priestorom a pred zadnou budovou na sever.
1 (VUL) Et eduxit me in atrium ex terius per viam ducentem ad aquilonem; et duxit me ad exedram, quae erat contra aream separatam, et contra aedem ad aquilonem.
1 (UKJV) Then he brought me forth into the utter court, the way toward the north: and he brought me into the chamber that was opposite to the separate place, and which was before the building toward the north.

2 (KAT) Na pozdĺžnej strane, na strane severnej, sto lakťov a šírka päťdesiat lakťov.
2 (VUL) Longitudo erat centum cubitorum in latere aquilonis et latitudo quinquaginta cubitorum.
2 (UKJV) Before the length of an hundred cubits was the north door, and the breadth was fifty cubits.

3 (KAT) Pri dvadsiatich lakťoch vnútorného nádvoria a pri kamennej dlažbe nádvoria vonkajšieho bola galéria oproti galérii na tri poschodia.
3 (VUL) Contra viginti cubitos atrii interioris et contra pavimentum stratum lapide atrii exterioris elevabatur pars iuxta partem in tribus gradibus.
3 (UKJV) Opposite to the twenty cubits which were for the inner court, and opposite to the pavement which was for the utter court, was gallery against gallery in three stories.

4 (KAT) Pred celami viedla dovnútra desať lakťov široká chodba; chodník sto lakťov dlhý, ktorého dvere boli na sever.
4 (VUL) Et ante exedras deambulatio decem cubitorum latitudinis, ad interiora respiciens, longitudinis centum cubitorum; et ostia eorum ad aquilonem.
4 (UKJV) "And before the chambers was a walk to ten cubits breadth inward, a way of one cubit; and their doors toward the north. "

5 (KAT) Horné cely boli skrátené, pretože im galérie uberali viac než dolným a stredným budovám.
5 (VUL) Exedrae superiores angustiores erant, quia gradus auferebant eis spatium, prae inferioribus et mediis aedificii.
5 (UKJV) Now the upper chambers were shorter: for the galleries were higher than these, than the lower, and than the middlemost of the building.

6 (KAT) Lebo boli trojposchodové, a nemali stĺpy, podobné stĺpom v nádvorí, preto uberali spodným a stredným od podlahy.
6 (VUL) Tristega enim erant et non habebant columnas, sicut erant columnae exteriorum; sic ergo in gradibus de inferioribus, et de mediis a terra surgebat aedificium.
6 (UKJV) For they were in three stories, but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts: therefore the building was straitened more than the low and the middlemost from the ground.

7 (KAT) Bol tam i múr, ktorý tiahol vonku povedľa ciel smerom k vonkajšiemu nádvoriu popred cely; jeho dĺžka bola päťdesiat lakťov.
7 (VUL) Et murus exterior secundum exedras erat in via atrii exterioris ante exedras, longitudo eius quinquaginta cubitorum,
7 (UKJV) And the wall that was without opposite to the chambers, toward the utter court on the front part of the chambers, the length thereof was fifty cubits.

8 (KAT) Lebo cely, ktoré ležali pri vonkajšom nádvorí, boli päťdesiat lakťov dlhé, tie však, čo boli oproti chrámu, sto lakťov.
8 (VUL) quia longitudo erat exedrarum atrii exterioris quinquaginta cubitorum, quae erant ante faciem illarum, totum erat centum cubitorum.
8 (UKJV) For the length of the chambers that were in the utter court was fifty cubits: and, lo, before the temple were an hundred cubits.

9 (KAT) Pod týmito celami bol vchod, keď sa k nim prichádzalo od východu z vonkajšieho nádvoria,
9 (VUL) Et erat subter exedras has introitus ab oriente ingredientibus in ea de atrio exteriori
9 (UKJV) And from under these chambers was the entry on the east side, as one goes into them from the utter court.

10 (KAT) na strane šírky múru nádvoria. Smerom na juh oproti ohradenému priestoru boli cely.
10 (VUL) in capite muri atrii. Contra viam meridianam in facie areae separatae, et erant exedrae ante aedificium,
10 (UKJV) The chambers were in the thickness of the wall of the court toward the east, opposite to the separate place, and opposite to the building.

11 (KAT) Pred nimi bola cesta podobne ako pri celách, ktoré boli smerom na sever i čo do dĺžky, i čo do šírky, i čo do východov, zariadení a dverí;
11 (VUL) et via ante faciem earum iuxta similitudinem exedrarum, quae erant in via aquilonis; secundum longitudinem earum et latitudinem earum, sic et omnes exitus earum et dispositiones et ostia earum.
11 (UKJV) And the way before them was like the appearance of the chambers which were toward the north, as long as they, and as broad as they: and all their activities out were both according to their fashions, and according to their doors.

12 (KAT) také boli aj dvere ciel, ktoré ležali smerom na juh; dvere boli na začiatku cesty, tej cesty, čo bola pred múrom smerom na východ, keď sa ta prichádzalo.
12 (VUL) Et ad ostia exedrarum, quae erant in via respiciente ad notum, ostium in capite viae, quae via erat ante murum protegentem per viam orientalem ingredientibus.
12 (UKJV) And according to the doors of the chambers that were toward the south was a door in the head of the way, even the way directly before the wall toward the east, as one enters into them.

13 (KAT) I povedal mi: „Cely severné a cely južné, ktoré sú pri ohradenom priestore, sú cely sväté; tam kňazi, ktorí sa približujú k Pánovi, jedia svätosväté jedlá; tam sa ukladajú svätosväté veci: pokrmové obety, obety za hriech a za previnenie, lebo to miesto je sväté.
13 (VUL) Et dixit ad me: “Exedrae aquilonis et exedrae austri, quae sunt ante aream separatam, hae sunt exedrae sanctae, in quibus vescuntur sacerdotes, qui appropinquant ad Dominum sancta sanctorum: ibi ponent sancta sanctorum et oblationem et pro peccato et pro delicto, locus enim sanctus est.
13 (UKJV) "Then said he unto me, The north chambers and the south chambers, which are before the separate place, they be holy chambers, where the priests that approach unto the LORD shall eat the most holy things: there shall they lay the most holy things, and the food offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering; for the place is holy. "

14 (KAT) Keď ta kňazi vkročia, nemajú vychádzať zo svätyne na vonkajšie nádvorie, ale tam nech zložia rúcha, v ktorých vykonávali službu, lebo sú sväté; nech si oblečú iné rúcho, a tak nech idú ta, kde je ľud.“
14 (VUL) Cum autem ingressi fuerint sacerdotes, non egredientur de sanctis in atrium exterius, sed ibi reponent vestimenta sua, in quibus ministrant, quia sancta sunt; vestienturque vestimentis aliis et sic procedent ad locum populi ”.
14 (UKJV) "When the priests enter therein, then shall they not go out of the holy place into the utter court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister; for they are holy; and shall put on other garments, and shall approach to those things which are for the people. "

15 (KAT) Keď dokončil vymeriavanie vnútorného domu, vyviedol ma cez bránu, ktorá bola obrátená na východ, a premeriaval dookola.
15 (VUL) Cumque complesset mensuras interioris areae domus, eduxit me per viam portae, quae respiciebat ad viam orientalem, et mensus est ibi undique per circuitum.
15 (UKJV) Now when he had made an end of measuring the inner house, he brought me forth toward the gate whose prospect is toward the east, and measured it round about.

16 (KAT) Meral meračskou siahou východnú stranu: päťsto siah podľa meračskej siahy. Potom sa obrátil
16 (VUL) Mensus est autem contra ventum orientalem calamo mensurae quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae per circuitum.
16 (UKJV) He measured the east side with the measuring reed, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed round about.

17 (KAT) a meral severnú stranu: päťsto siah podľa meračskej siahy. Obrátil sa
17 (VUL) Et mensus est contra ventum aquilonis quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae per gyrum.
17 (UKJV) He measured the north side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed round about.

18 (KAT) a premeral južnú stranu: päťsto siah podľa meračskej siahy.
18 (VUL) Et ad ventum australem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae per circuitum.
18 (UKJV) He measured the south side, five hundred reeds, with the measuring reed.

19 (KAT) Obrátil sa na západnú stranu a meral: päťsto siah podľa meračskej siahy.
19 (VUL) Et conversus ad ventum occidentalem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensurae.
19 (UKJV) He turned about to the west side, and measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.

20 (KAT) Premeral ho na štyri strany. Dookola mal múr, dlhý päťsto a široký päťsto, aby oddeľoval sväté od obyčajného.
20 (VUL) Per quattuor ventos mensus est illud; murus ei erat undique per circuitum longitudine quingentorum cubitorum et latitudine quingentorum cubitorum, dividens inter sanctuarium et locum profanum.
20 (UKJV) He measured it by the four sides: it had a wall round about, five hundred reeds long, and five hundred broad, to make a separation between the sanctuary and the profane place.

Ez 42, 1-20

Ez 42,1 - O "ohradenom priestore" pozri 41,10.

Ez 42,3 - Mieru 20 lakťov vnútorného nádvoria rozumej o voľnom priestore, o ktorom 41,10. O kamennej dlažbe 40,17.

Ez 42,4 - Mieru 100 lakťov sme vzali zo LXX. Hebr a Vulg má jeden lakeť.

Ez 42,10 - Na juh od chrámovej stavby boli práve také cely ako na sever. "Na juh" sme preložili podľa LXX a podľa 40,44.

Ez 42,12 - Tento verš je veľmi nejasný a neistý.

Ez 42,13 - Svätosväté jedlá boli čiastky niektorých obetných darov, ktoré dostali kňazi a ktoré smeli jesť len na posvätnom mieste; porov. Lv 2,3.10; 6,10; 10,12; tiež Lv 6,22; 7,6.

Ez 42,16 - "Potom sa obrátil" prekladáme podľa LXX a verša 19. Podobne aj vo verši 17.