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Kniha proroka Ezechiela

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Ez 28, 1-26

1 (CPDV) And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
1 (ROH) A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo ku mne povediac:

2 (CPDV) “Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre: Thus says the Lord God: Because your heart has been exalted, and you have said, ‘I am God, and I sit in the chair of God, in the heart of the sea,’ though you are a man, and not God, and because you have presented your heart as if it were the heart of God:
2 (ROH) Synu človeka, povedz vojvodovi mesta Týru: Takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Pretože sa povýšilo tvoje srdce, a hovoríš: Ja som Bôh, na stolici Božej sedím, v srdci morí, kým si ty len človek a nie silný Bôh, hoci vydávaš svoje srdce za srdce podobné srdcu Boha.

3 (CPDV) Behold, you are wiser than Daniel; no secret is concealed from you.
3 (ROH) Lebo hľa, si múdrejší ako Daniel; niktorá vec tajná nie je skrytá pred tebou;

4 (CPDV) By your wisdom and prudence, you have made yourself strong, and you have acquired gold and silver for your storehouses.
4 (ROH) svojou múdrosťou a svojou rozumnosťou nadobudol si si moci a nadovážil si zlata a striebra do svojich pokladov;

5 (CPDV) By the multitude of your wisdom, and by your business dealings, you have multiplied strength for yourself. And your heart has been exalted by your strength.
5 (ROH) vo svojej veľkej múdrosti svojím kupectvom si rozmnožil svoju moc, a tvoje srdce sa povýšilo v tvojej moci.

6 (CPDV) Therefore, thus 483 says the Lord God: Because your heart has been exalted as if it were the heart of God,
6 (ROH) Preto takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Preto, že vydávaš svoje srdce za srdce, podobné srdcu Boha,

7 (CPDV) for this reason, behold, I will lead over you foreigners, the most robust among the Gentiles. And they will bare their swords over the beauty of your wisdom, and they will defile your beauty.
7 (ROH) preto hľa, dovediem na teba cudzincov, ukrutných zpomedzi národov, ktorí vytasia svoje meče na krásu tvojej múdrosti a poškvrnia tvoju skvelosť.

8 (CPDV) They will destroy you and pull you down. And you will die the death of those slain in the heart of the sea.
8 (ROH) Do jamy ťa spustia, a zomrieš smrťou prebodnutého v srdci morí.

9 (CPDV) So then, will you speak, in the presence of those who are destroying you, before the hand of those who are killing you, saying, ‘I am God,’ though you are a man, and not God?
9 (ROH) Či azda povieš: Ja som Bôh, pred tým, ktorý ťa zabije, kým si ty predsa len človek a nie silný Bôh, v ruke toho, ktorý ťa poškvrní?

10 (CPDV) You will die the death of the uncircumcised at the hand of foreigners. For I have spoken, says the Lord God.”
10 (ROH) Smrťou neobrezancov zomrieš, rukou cudzincov, lebo ja som hovoril, hovorí Pán Hospodin.

11 (CPDV) And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre,
11 (ROH) A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo ku mne povediac:

12 (CPDV) and you shall say to him: Thus says the Lord God: You were the seal of similitudes, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
12 (ROH) Synu človeka, pozdvihni trúchlospev nad kráľom Týru a povieš mu: Takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Ty si pečaťou úmernosti, plný múdrosti a dokonalý čo do krásy.

13 (CPDV) You were with the delights of the Paradise of God. Every precious stone was your covering: sardius, topaz, and jasper, chrysolite, and onyx, and beryl, sapphire, and garnet, and emerald. The work of your beauty was of gold, and your fissures were ready in the day when you were formed.
13 (ROH) V Édene, v zahrade Božej, si bol; všelijaký kameň drahý ťa pokrýval, rubín, topaz, diamant, taršíš, (chryzolit), onyx, jaspis, zafír, karbunkul a smaragd i zlato; práca tvojich bubnov a tvojich píšťal bola v tebe; v deň, v ktorý si bol stvorený, boly pripravené.

14 (CPDV) You were a cherub, stretched out and protecting, and I stationed you on the holy mountain of God. You have walked in the midst of stones containing fire.
14 (ROH) Ty si ten veľký cherub zastierajúci, a odkedy som ťa dal, bol si bohom na svätom vrchu; prechádzal si sa medzi ohnivými kameňmi.

15 (CPDV) You were perfect in your ways, from the day of your formation, until iniquity was found in you.
15 (ROH) Bol si dokonalý vo svojich cestách odo dňa, v ktorý si bol stvorený, dokiaľ sa nenašla pri tebe neprávosť.

16 (CPDV) By the multitude of your business dealings, your interior was filled with iniquity, and you sinned. And I cast you away from the mountain of God, and I perished you, O protecting cherub, from the midst of the stones containing fire.
16 (ROH) Od množstva tvojho kupectva je tvoje vnútro plné ukrutnosti, a zhrešil si. Preto ťa poškvrním a odpracem s vrchu Božieho a zahubím ťa, zastierajúci cherube, a odstránim zprostred ohnivých kameňov.

17 (CPDV) And your heart was exalted by your beauty; you have destroyed your own wisdom by your beauty. I have cast you to the ground. I have presented you before the face of kings, so that they may examine you.
17 (ROH) Tvoje srdce sa povýšilo v tvojej kráse; zkazil si svoju múdrosť pre svoju skvelosť. Na zem ťa hodím: dám ťa pred kráľov, aby sa dívali na teba.

18 (CPDV) You have defiled your sanctuaries, by the multitude of your iniquities and by the iniquity of your business dealings. Therefore, I will produce a fire from your midst, which will consume you, and I will make you into ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all who are watching you.
18 (ROH) Pre množstvo svojich neprávostí, nespravedlivosťou svojho kupectva poškvrnil si svoje svätyne, a preto vyvediem oheň zprostred teba; ten ťa strávi, a obrátim ťa na popol na zemi pred očami všetkých tých, ktorí ťa videli.

19 (CPDV) All who gaze upon you among the Gentiles will be stupefied over you. You were made out of nothing, and you shall not be, forever.”
19 (ROH) Všetci, ktorí ťa znali medzi národami, budú sa desiť nad tebou; budeš na hrôzu, a nebude ťa nikdy viacej až na veky.

20 (CPDV) And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
20 (ROH) A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo ku mne povediac:

21 (CPDV) “Son of man, set your face against Sidon, and you shall prophesy about it.
21 (ROH) Synu človeka, obráť svoju tvár proti Sidonu a prorokuj proti nemu

22 (CPDV) And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Sidon, and I will be glorified in your midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have executed judgments in her, and when I will have been sanctified in her.
22 (ROH) a povieš: Takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Hľa, prijdem na teba Sidone, a budem oslávený v tvojom strede! A zvedia, že ja som Hospodin, keď vykonám na ňom súdy a budem posvätený v ňom.

23 (CPDV) And I will send a pestilence upon her, and there will be blood in her streets. And they will fall, slain by the sword, on every side in her midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.
23 (ROH) Pošlem naň mor a krv na jeho ulice, a budú padať pobití v jeho strede, keď prijdú naň mečom zo všetkých strán a zvedia, že ja som Hospodin.

24 (CPDV) And the house of Israel will no longer be a stumbling block of bitterness, nor a thorn bringing pain everywhere around them, to those who turn against them. And they shall know that I am the Lord God.”
24 (ROH) A nebude viacej domu Izraelovmu bodajúceho tŕňa ani bodliaka, pôsobiaceho bolesť, od niktorých, ktorí sú vôkol nich, ktorí pohŕdajú nimi, a zvedia, že ja som Pán Hospodin.

25 (CPDV) Thus says the Lord God: “When I will have gathered together the house of Israel, from the peoples among whom they have been dispersed, I shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the Gentiles. And they shall live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob.
25 (ROH) Takto hovorí Pán Hospodin: Keď shromaždím dom Izraelov z národov, medzi ktorými sú rozptýlení, a budem posvätený v nich pred očami pohanov, vtedy budú bývať na svojej zemi, ktorú som dal svojmu služobníkovi, Jakobovi.

26 (CPDV) And they shall live within it securely. And they shall build houses and plant vineyards. And they shall live in confidence, when I will have executed judgments upon all those who turn against them on every side. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God.”
26 (ROH) A budú bývať na nej bezpečne a nastaväjú domov a nasadia viníc a tedy budú bývať bezpečne, keď vykonám súdy na všetkých tých, ktorí pohŕdajú nimi, všade vôkol nich, a zvedia, že ja som Hospodin, ich Bôh.

Ez 28, 1-26

Verš 2
“Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre: Thus says the Lord God: Because your heart has been exalted, and you have said, ‘I am God, and I sit in the chair of God, in the heart of the sea,’ though you are a man, and not God, and because you have presented your heart as if it were the heart of God:
Iz 31:3 - Egypt is man, and not God. And their horses are flesh, and not spirit. And so, the Lord will reach down his hand, and the helper will fall, and the one who was being helped will fall, and they will all be consumed together.

Verš 12
and you shall say to him: Thus says the Lord God: You were the seal of similitudes, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Ez 27:3 - And you shall say to Tyre, which lives at the entrance to the sea, which is the marketplace of the peoples for the many islands: Thus says the Lord God: O Tyre, you have said, ‘I am of perfect beauty,

Verš 26
And they shall live within it securely. And they shall build houses and plant vineyards. And they shall live in confidence, when I will have executed judgments upon all those who turn against them on every side. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God.”
Jer 31:5 - Still shall you plant vineyards on the mountains of Samaria. The planters will plant, and they will not gather the vintage until the time arrives.

Verš 7
for this reason, behold, I will lead over you foreigners, the most robust among the Gentiles. And they will bare their swords over the beauty of your wisdom, and they will defile your beauty.
Jer 6:23 - They will take hold of arrow and shield. They are cruel, and they will not take pity. Their voice will roar like the ocean. And they will climb upon horses, for they have been prepared like men for battle, against you, O daughter of Zion.

Ez 28,8 - O zostupovaní do jamy pozri pozn. k 26,20.

Ez 28,10 - Neobrezanca pokladali Izraeliti za nečistého pohana. Týrského kráľa čaká teda na druhom svete osud pohana.

Ez 28,12 - Kráľ Týru bol vzácny, ako je mužovi vzácny pečatný prsteň, porov. Jer 22,24.

Ez 28,13 - Verše sú ťažké a neisté. Ich zmysel je: Kráľ Týru sa prirovnáva k prvému človeku, ktorému v Božej záhrade, v raji (v Edene, porov. Iz 51,3; Gn 2,15), bolo dobre, kým nezhrešil. Týrus oddávna pokladali za Boží vrch. Ako raj chránili kedysi cherubi s ohnivým mečom, tak mal chrániť kráľ Týru Boží vrch. Bol teda ochranným cherubom. Miesto ohnivého meča chránili Boží vrch dookola ohnivé kamene.– Slovo "pomazaný" je neisté. Ale nie je zvláštnosťou, že sa pohanský kráľ volá pomazaným. Sýrskeho kráľa, teda pohana, mal pomazať Pánov prorok Eliáš (1 Kr 19,16; por. 2 Kr 8,13).

Ez 28,18 - Hriešnik si sám zaviňuje trest. Prorok to vyjadruje obrazom, že z hriešnika vyšľahne oheň, ktorý ho spáli; porov. Iz 1,31; 9,18.

Ez 28,22 - Pán dokáže, že je svätý, lebo bude trestať hriech.