výhody registrácie


Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Nár 1, 1-22

1 (CPDV) ALEPH. O how a city once filled with people now sits alone! The Governess of the Gentiles has become like a widow. The Prince of the provinces has been placed under tribute.
1 (ROH) Alef. Oj, ako sedí samotné mesto, nedávno veľké čo do množstva ľudu! Je ako vdova. Mesto, predtým veľké medzi národami, kňažna medzi krajinami, dnes je poplatné!

2 (CPDV) BETH. Weeping, she has wept through the night, and her tears are on her cheeks. There is no one to be a comfort to her and to all her beloved. All her friends have spurned her, and they have become her enemies.
2 (ROH) Béth. Kňažna, ustavične plače, vnoci, a jej slzy tečú po jej lícach. Nemá nikoho, kto by potešil, nikoho zpomedzi všetkých svojich milovníkov. Všetci jej priatelia sa jej stali nevernými; obrátili sa jej v nepriateľov.

3 (CPDV) GHIMEL. Judah has migrated because of affliction and great servitude. She has lived among the nations and not found rest. All of her persecutors have apprehended her, amid torments.
3 (ROH) Gimel. Judea sa prestehovala do vyhnanstva pre horké trápenie a pre veľkú porobu. Ona býva medzi pohanmi! Nenachodí odpočinku. Všetci tí, ktorí ju honia, ju dostihujú medzi úzkosťami.

4 (CPDV) DALETH. The pathways of Zion mourn, because there are none who approach for the solemnity. All her gates are destroyed. Her priests groan. Her virgins are filthy. And she is overwhelmed with bitterness.
4 (ROH) Daleth. Cesty dcéry Siona smutné, pretože niet tých, ktorí by prišli na slávnosť. Všetky jej brány spustlé. Jej kňazi vzdychajú. Jej panny sú strápené, a ona sama je plná horkosti.

5 (CPDV) HE. Her enemies have been made her leaders; her adversaries have been enriched. For the Lord has spoken against her, because of the multitude of her iniquities. Her little ones have been led into captivity before the face of the tribulator.
5 (ROH) Hé. Jej protivníci sú hlavou; jej nepriatelia sa majú dobre, lebo ju strápil Hospodin pre množstvo jej prestúpení. Jej malé deti odišly do zajatia pred tvárou a zrakmi protivníka.

6 (CPDV) VAU. And all her elegance has departed, from the daughter of Zion. Her leaders have become like rams that cannot find pasture, and they have gone away without strength before the face of the pursuer.
6 (ROH) Vav. A tak vyšla od dcéry Siona všetka jej sláva. Jej kniežatá sú jako jeleni, ktorí nenachodia paše a tak idú bez sily pred tým, ktorý prenasleduje.

7 (CPDV) ZAIN. Jerusalem has remembered the days of her affliction and the betrayal of all her desirable ones, whom she held from the days of antiquity, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and there was no one to be a helper. The enemies have looked upon her and mocked her Sabbaths.
7 (ROH) Zajin. Dcéra Jeruzalema sa rozpomína vo dňoch svojho trápenia a vo svojom zmietaní na všetky svoje vzácne veci, ktoré boly jej od pradávnych dní, teraz keď upadol jej ľud do ruky protivníka, a keď nemá nikoho, kto by jej pomohol. Protivníci sa dívajú na ňu; smejú sa jej všestrannej zkaze.

8 (CPDV) HETH. Jerusalem has sinned a grievous sin. Because of this, she has become unstable. All who glorified her have spurned her, because they have looked upon her disgrace. Then she groaned and turned away again.
8 (ROH) Cheth. Ťažko hrešila dcéra Jeruzalema, preto sa stala nečistou odlúčenou; všetci, ktorí ju ctili, opovrhujú ňou, pretože vidia jej nahotu. Aj ona vzdychá a obrátila sa nazpät.

9 (CPDV) TETH. Her filth is on her feet, and her end has not been remembered. She has been vehemently put down, having no consolation. O Lord, look upon my affliction, for the adversary has been lifted up.
9 (ROH) Teth. Jej nečistota je na jej podolkoch; nepamätala na svoj koniec a preto klesla predivne, hlboko; nemá nikoho, kto by ju potešil. Vidz, ó, Hospodine, moje trápenie, lebo sa veličí nepriateľ.

10 (CPDV) JOD. The enemy has sent his hand against all her desirable ones. For she has watched the Gentiles enter her sanctuary, even though you instructed that they should not enter into your church.
10 (ROH) Jod. Protivník siahol svojou rukou na všetky jej vzácne veci, lebo sa musí dívať, ako pohania vchádzajú do jej svätyne, o ktorých si bol prikázal, aby ti nevošli do shromaždenia.

11 (CPDV) CAPH. All her people are groaning and seeking bread. They have given up whatever was precious in exchange for food, so as to remain alive. See, O Lord, and consider, for I have become vile.
11 (ROH) Kaf. Všetok jej ľud vzdychá; hľadajú chlieb; dávajú svoje vzácne veci za pokrm, aby občerstvili dušu. Vidz, ó, Hospodine, a hľaď, že som znevážená!

12 (CPDV) LAMED. O all you who pass by the way, attend, and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow. For he has made me a vintage, just as the Lord has spoken in the day of his furious anger.
12 (ROH) Lamed. Či vám nič do toho, vy všetci, ktorí idete cestou pomimo? Hľaďte a vidzte, či je niekde bolesť ako moja bolesť, ktorá je spôsobená mne, ktorú strápil Hospodin v deň pále svojho hnevu?!

13 (CPDV) MEM. From on high, he has sent fire into my bones, and he has educated me. He has spread a net for my feet; he has turned me back. He has placed me in desolation, consumed by grief, all day long.
13 (ROH) Mem. S výsosti poslal oheň do mojich kostí a pošliapal to; roztiahol mojim nohám sieť a obrátil ma nazpät; učinil ma pustinou, neduživou deň ako deň.

14 (CPDV) NUN. Vigilant is the yoke of my iniquities. They have been folded together in his hand and imposed on my neck. My virtue has been weakened. The Lord has given me into a hand, out of which I am not able to rise.
14 (ROH) Nun. Jarmo mojich prestúpení mi je uviazané jeho rukou; splietly sa jako húžvy; vystúpily na moju šiju; spôsobil to, aby klesla moja sila. Pán ma vydal do rúk, z ktorých nemôžem povstať.

15 (CPDV) SAMECH. The Lord has taken away all of my great ones from my midst. He has called forth time against me, so as to crush my elect ones. The Lord has trampled the winepress, which was for the virgin daughter of Judah.
15 (ROH) Samek. Pán pošliapal všetkých mojich udatných v mojom strede; svolal proti mne slávnostné shromaždenie, aby skrúšil mojich mládencov. Pán šliapal čereň panne dcére Júdovej.

16 (CPDV) AIN. For this I weep, and my eyes bring forth water. For the consoler has been far away from me, changing my soul. My sons have become lost, because the enemy has prevailed.
16 (ROH) Ajin. Pre tie veci ja plačem. Moje oko, moje oko tečie vodami, lebo je ďaleko odo mňa ten, ktorý by potešil, ten, ktorý by občerstvil moju dušu. Moji synovia sú vypustošení, lebo sa zmohol nepriateľ.

17 (CPDV) PHE. Zion has reached out her hands; there is no one to console her. The Lord has given orders against Jacob; his enemies are all around him. Jerusalem among them is like a woman made unclean by menstruation.
17 (ROH) Pé. Dcéra Siona rozprestiera svoje ruky; nemá nikoho, kto by ju potešil. Hospodin prikázal o Jakobovi vôkol neho jeho protivníkom, aby ho sovreli. Dcéra Jeruzalema je ako nečistá, oddelená pre svoj neduh, medzi nimi.

18 (CPDV) SADE. The Lord is just, for it is I who has provoked his mouth to wrath. I beg all people to listen and to see my sorrow. My virgins and my youths have gone into captivity.
18 (ROH) Tsadé. Hospodin je spravedlivý, lebo som sa protivila jeho ústam. Nože počujte, všetky národy, a vidzte moju bolesť! Moje panny a moji mládenci odišli do zajatia!

19 (CPDV) COPH. I called for my friends, but they deceived me. My priests and my elders have been consumed in the city. For they were seeking their food, so as to revive their life.
19 (ROH) Khof. Volala som na svojich milovníkov; oklamali ma. Moji kňazi a moji starci pomreli v meste, keď si hľadali pokrm, aby občerstvili svoju dušu.

20 (CPDV) RES. See, O Lord, that I am in tribulation. My bowels have been disturbed, my heart has been subverted within me, for I am filled with bitterness. Outside, the sword puts to death, and at home there is a similar death.
20 (ROH) Reš. Vidz, ó, Hospodine, lebo mi je úzko. Moje vnútornosti sú rozbúrené; moje srdce sa prevrátilo vo mne, pretože som sa veľmi protivila. Vonku sirotí meč; vnútri jako smrť.

21 (CPDV) SIN. They have heard that I groan and that there is no one to console me. All my enemies have heard of my misfortune; they have rejoiced that you caused it. You have brought in a day of consolation, and so they shall become like me.
21 (ROH) Šin. Čujú, že vzdychám, ale nemám nikoho, kto by potešil. Všetci moji nepriatelia počujúc o mojom nešťastí radujú sa, že si to ty učinil; uviedol si deň, ktorý si bol vyhlásil, ale budú podobní mne.

22 (CPDV) THAU. Let all their evil enter before you. And make vintage of them, just as you made vintage of me, because of all my iniquities. For my sighs are many, and my heart is grieving.
22 (ROH) Tav. Nech prijde všetka ich zlosť pred tvoju tvár, a učiň im, ako si učinil mne pre všetky moje prestúpenia, lebo je mnoho mojich vzdychov, a moje srdce je neduživé.

Nár 1, 1-22

Verš 2
BETH. Weeping, she has wept through the night, and her tears are on her cheeks. There is no one to be a comfort to her and to all her beloved. All her friends have spurned her, and they have become her enemies.
Ž 6:6 - For there is no one in death who would be mindful of you. And who will confess to you in Hell?

Verš 8
HETH. Jerusalem has sinned a grievous sin. Because of this, she has become unstable. All who glorified her have spurned her, because they have looked upon her disgrace. Then she groaned and turned away again.
Iz 47:3 - Your disgrace will be revealed, and your shame will be seen. I will seize vengeance, and no man will withstand me.

Verš 9
TETH. Her filth is on her feet, and her end has not been remembered. She has been vehemently put down, having no consolation. O Lord, look upon my affliction, for the adversary has been lifted up.
Dt 32:29 - I wish that they would be wise and understanding, and would provide for the very end.’

Verš 11
CAPH. All her people are groaning and seeking bread. They have given up whatever was precious in exchange for food, so as to remain alive. See, O Lord, and consider, for I have become vile.
Jer 52:6 - Then, in the fourth month, on the ninth of the month, a famine gripped the city. And there was no nourishment for the people of the land.

Verš 16
AIN. For this I weep, and my eyes bring forth water. For the consoler has been far away from me, changing my soul. My sons have become lost, because the enemy has prevailed.
Jer 13:17 - But if you will not listen to this, then my soul will weep in secret before the face of your pride. It will weep bitterly, and my eyes will flow with tears, because the flock of the Lord has been taken captive.

Verš 19
COPH. I called for my friends, but they deceived me. My priests and my elders have been consumed in the city. For they were seeking their food, so as to revive their life.
Jer 30:14 - All your lovers have forgotten you, and they will not seek you. For I have wounded you with the strike of an enemy, with a cruel chastisement. Your sins have become hardened because of the multitude of your iniquities.

Verš 20
RES. See, O Lord, that I am in tribulation. My bowels have been disturbed, my heart has been subverted within me, for I am filled with bitterness. Outside, the sword puts to death, and at home there is a similar death.
Iz 16:11 - Over this, my heart will resonate like a harp for Moab, and my inner most being for the brick wall.
Jer 48:36 - Because of this, my heart will resound for Moab, like the pipes, and my heart will make a sound like the pipes for the men on the brick wall. For he has done more than he was able, yet still they have perished.

Nar 1,0 - Úvodný verš, ktorý obsahuje poznámku o vzniku Nárekov, prekladáme z Vulg. V pôvodine ho niet, ani nepatrí k pôvodnému dielu. Je i v LXX, no trocha kratší.

Nar 1,1 - Prorok vo svojich nárekoch často a hneď aj tu na začiatku zosobňuje Jeruzalem. Mesto ovdovelo, lebo ho opustil Boh (porov. pozn. k Iz 50,1 n.). Kedysi, najmä za časov Dávida a Šalamúna, platili Izraelu poplatky cudzie národy, teraz je Izrael pod cudzím jarmom.

Nar 1,2 - Milenci Izraela boli pohanské národy a ich modly, pre ktoré opustil Pána; porov. Jer 2,25; 3,1 n.; 4,30 atď.

Nar 1,5 - Miesto "triumfujú" znie doslovne: "stali sa hlavou", t. j. dostali sa na vrch.

Nar 1,7 - Dva polstichy, ktoré sme dali do zátvoriek, nepatria do pôvodnej osnovy.

Nar 1,8 - Jeruzalem sa predstavuje zas ako žena v šatách s dlhými, ale nečistými vlečkami.

Nar 1,10 - Dt 23,2-4 sú vypočítané národy, ktoré nesmeli vkročiť ani do svätostánku (neskoršie chrámu), ani do jeho nádvoria.

Nar 1,11 - O hlade v meste pozri Jer 38,9.

Nar 1,12 - Začiatok verša je v hebrejskej osnove porušený, prekladáme ho podľa LXX a Vulg.

Nar 1,13 - Výraz: "pokarhal ma" prekladáme podľa Vulg. V hebr. texte je osnova neistá.

Nar 1,14 - Verš je neistý, ale jeho zmysel môže byť len tento: Jeruzalem sa žaluje: Z mojich hriechov sú upletené povrazy, ktoré Boh drží vo svojich rukách a ktorými mám na šiju pripevnené jarmo. Množstvo mojich hriechov je také veľké, že sa topím v nich, preto ma Pán vydal do rúk nepriateľov, od ktorých sa nemôžem oslobodiť. - Vulg prekladá začiatok: "Bedlil (Pán; t. j. pozoroval) nad jarmom mojich vín".

Nar 1,15 - Deň odplaty bol pre Pána sviatok. - O šliapaní nepriateľov v lise pozri Iz 63,1 n.

Nar 1,20 - Vnútro (doslovne: vnútornosti, črevá) je sídlo citov, podobne ako obličky. Porov. Jer 4,19.

Nar 1,21 - Ohlásený deň je deň, keď na mesto dopadol Bohom predpovedaný trest. Nepriatelia sa tešili, že Boh už nielen hovoril, ale aj konal: trestal národ.