výhody registrácie

Kniha proroka Jeremiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jer 38, 1-28

1 (CPDV) Then Shephatiah, the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah, the son of Pashhur, and Jehucal, the son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur, the son of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah was speaking to all the people, saying:
1 (ROH) Ale počul Šefatiáš, syn Mattánov, a Gedaliáš, syn Pašchúrov, a Júchal, syn Šelemiášov, a Pašchúr, syn Malkiášov, slová, ktoré hovoril Jeremiáš všetkému ľudu a vravel:

2 (CPDV) “Thus says the Lord: Whoever will remain in this city will die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence. But whoever will flee away from the Chaldeans, will live, and his soul will dwell in safety.
2 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin: Ten, kto zostane bývať v tomto meste, zomrie mečom, hladom, alebo morom, a ten, kto vyjde k Chaldejom, bude žiť, a jeho duša mu bude za korisť, a zostane na žive.

3 (CPDV) Thus says the Lord: This city will certainly be delivered into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon, and he will capture it.”
3 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin: Istotne bude vydané toto mesto do ruky vojska babylonského kráľa, a vezme ho.

4 (CPDV) And the leaders said to the king: “We petition you to put this man to death. For he is deliberately weakening the hands of the men of war, who have remained in this city, and the hands of the people, by speaking to them with these words. For this man is certainly not seeking peace for this people, but evil.”
4 (ROH) A kniežatá povedaly kráľovi: Nože nech zomrie ten človek, pretože oslabuje ruky bojovných mužov, ktorí ešte pozostali v tomto meste, i ruky všetkého ľudu hovoriac im tomu podobné slová. Lebo ten človek nehľadá pokoja tohoto ľudu, ale iba zlé.

5 (CPDV) And king Zedekiah said: “Behold, he is in your hands. For it is not fitting for the king to deny you anything.”
5 (ROH) A kráľ Cedekiáš povedal: Hľa, je vo vašej ruke, lebo kráľ nemôže ničoho proti vám.

6 (CPDV) Therefore, they took Jeremiah and cast him into the pit of Malchiah, the son of Amelech, which was at the entrance to the prison. And they lowered Jeremiah by ropes into the pit, in which there was no water, but only mud. And so Jeremiah descended into the mire.
6 (ROH) Vtedy vzali Jeremiáša a hodili ho do jamy Malkiáša, syna kráľovho, ktorá bola vo dvore stráže, a spustili Jeremiáša po povrazoch. A v jame nebolo vody, ale tam bolo blato. A tak sa Jeremiáš zanoril do blata.

7 (CPDV) Now Ebedmelech, an Ethiopian man, a eunuch who was in the king’s house, heard that they had sent Jeremiah into the pit, and also that the king was sitting at the gate of Benjamin.
7 (ROH) Ale keď počul Ethiop Ebed-melech, eunuch, ktorý bol v dome kráľovom, že dali Jeremiáša do jamy - a kráľ sedel v bráne Benjaminovej -,

8 (CPDV) And so Ebedmelech departed from the king’s house, and he spoke to the king, saying:
8 (ROH) vtedy vyšiel Ebed-melech z domu kráľovho a hovoril kráľovi a riekol:

9 (CPDV) “My lord the king, these men have done evil in all that they have perpetrated against Jeremiah the prophet, casting him into the pit so that he would die there from famine. For there is no more bread in the city.”
9 (ROH) Môj pán kráľ, zle urobili tí mužovia všetko to, čo urobili prorokovi Jeremiášovi, že ho hodili do tej jamy, lebo zomrie na mieste, kde je, od hladu, lebo už neni chleba v meste.

10 (CPDV) And so the king instructed Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, saying: “Take with you thirty men from here, and lift Jeremiah the prophet from the pit, before he dies.”
10 (ROH) Vtedy rozkázal kráľ Ethiopovi Ebed-melechovi a riekol: Vezmi odtiaľto tridsiatich mužov so sebou a vytiahneš proroka Jeremiáša von z jamy, prv ako by zomrel.

11 (CPDV) Therefore, Ebedmelech, taking the men with him, entered into the king’s house to a place below the storehouse. And he took from there old garments, no longer in use, and he sent them down by rope to Jeremiah in the pit.
11 (ROH) A Ebed-melech vzal so sebou mužov a vošiel do domu kráľovho pod pokladnicu a nabral odtiaľ handier z potrhaných a handier zo starých hábov zodraných a spustil ich po povrazoch k Jeremiášovi do jamy.

12 (CPDV) And Ebedmelech, the Ethiopian, said to Jeremiah: “Place these old garments, and these cut and decaying cloths, under your arms and over the ropes.” And Jeremiah did so.
12 (ROH) A Ethiop Ebed-melech povedal Jeremiášovi: Nože si podlož handry z tých potrhaných a starých hábov zodraných pod pazuchy svojich rúk, pod povrazy. A Jeremiáš urobil tak.

13 (CPDV) And they pulled up Jeremiah with the ropes, and they led him away from the pit. And Jeremiah remained in the vestibule of the prison.
13 (ROH) A ťahali Jeremiáša povrazmi, až ho i vytiahli hore z jamy. A Jeremiáš sedel zase vo dvore stráže.

14 (CPDV) And king Zedekiah sent and took Jeremiah the prophet to him at the third gate, which was at the house of the Lord. And the king said to Jeremiah: “I will question you about a matter. You shall conceal nothing from me.”
14 (ROH) Potom poslal kráľ Cedekiáš a vzal proroka Jeremiáša k sebe do tretieho vchodu, ktorý bol v dome Hospodinovom. A kráľ povedal Jeremiášovi: Opýtam sa ťa na niečo; nezataj predo mnou ničoho.

15 (CPDV) Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah: “If I announce to you, will you not put me to death? And if I give you counsel, you will not listen to me.”
15 (ROH) A Jeremiáš odpovedal Cedekiášovi: Keď ti oznámim, či ma azda neusmrtíš? A keď ti poradím, neposlúchneš ma.

16 (CPDV) Then king Zedekiah swore to Jeremiah, secretly, saying: “As the Lord lives, who made this soul for us, I will not kill you, nor will I deliver you into the hands of those men who are seeking your life.”
16 (ROH) Vtedy prisahal kráľ Cedekiáš Jeremiášovi tajne a povedal: Ako že žije Hospodin, ktorý nám učinil túto dušu, že ťa neusmrtím ani ťa nevydám do ruky tých mužov, ktorí hľadajú tvoju dušu.

17 (CPDV) And Jeremiah said to Zedekiah: “Thus 450 says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: If, having set out, you go to the rulers of the king of Babylon, your soul will live, and this city will not be burned with fire. And you and your house will be safe.
17 (ROH) Na to povedal Jeremiáš Cedekiášovi: Takto hovorí Hospodin, Bôh Zástupov, Bôh Izraelov: Ak naozaj vyjdeš ku kniežatám babylonského kráľa, tvoja duša bude žiť, a toto mesto nebude spálené ohňom, a budeš žiť i ty i tvoj dom.

18 (CPDV) But if you will not go to the rulers of the king of Babylon, this city will be delivered into the hands of the Chaldeans, and they will burn it with fire. And you will not escape from their hand.”
18 (ROH) Ale ak nevyjdeš ku kniežatám babylonského kráľa, vtedy bude toto mesto vydané do ruky Chaldejov, a spália ho ohňom, a ty neujdeš ich ruke.

19 (CPDV) And king Zedekiah said to Jeremiah: “I am anxious, because of the Jews who have crossed over to the Chaldeans, lest perhaps I may be delivered into their hands, and they may abuse me.”
19 (ROH) Vtedy riekol kráľ Cedekiáš Jeremiášovi: Bojím sa Židov, ktorí prebehli ku Chaldejom, aby ma nevydali do ich ruky, a spravili by si zo mňa posmech.

20 (CPDV) But Jeremiah responded: “They will not deliver you. Listen, I ask you, to the voice of the Lord, which I am speaking to you, and it will be well with you, and your soul will live.
20 (ROH) Ale Jeremiáš povedal: Nevydajú. Počuj, prosím, na hlas Hospodina v tom, čo ti hovorím, a bude ti dobre, a tvoja duša bude žiť.

21 (CPDV) But if you refuse to depart, this is the word that the Lord has revealed to me:
21 (ROH) Ale keď odoprieš vyjsť, toto je slovo, ktoré mi ukázal Hospodin:

22 (CPDV) Behold, all the women who remain in the house of the king of Judah will be led away to the rulers of the king of Babylon. And the women will say: ‘Your men of peacefulness have led you astray, and they have prevailed against you. They have immersed your feet in mud and have set them in a slippery place. And they have withdrawn from you.’
22 (ROH) A hľa, všetky ženy, ktoré pozostaly v dome judského kráľa, budú vyvedené ku kniežatám babylonského kráľa, a ony samy povedia: Zviedli ťa a premohli tvoji dôverní priatelia; tvoje nohy sú ponorené v bahne, uhly nazad.

23 (CPDV) And all your wives and your sons will be led away to the Chaldeans, and you will not escape from their hands. Instead, you will be seized by the hand of the king of Babylon. And he will burn this city with fire.”
23 (ROH) A vyvedú všetky tvoje ženy i tvojich synov k Chaldejom, a ty neujdeš ich ruke, ale rukou babylonského kráľa budeš lapený, a toto mesto spáliš ohňom.

24 (CPDV) Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah: “Let no one know of these words, and you will not die.
24 (ROH) Vtedy povedal Cedekiáš Jeremiášovi: Nech sa nikto nedozvie týchto slov, aby si nezomrel!

25 (CPDV) But if the leaders hear that I have spoken with you, and if they come to you, and say to you: ‘Tell us what you said to the king. Do not conceal it from us, and we will not put you to death. And tell us what the king said to you,’
25 (ROH) A keď počujú kniežatá, že som hovoril s tebou, a prijdú k tebe a povedia ti: Nože nám oznám, čo si hovoril kráľovi, nezataj pred nami, a neusmrtíme ťa. A čo ti hovoril kráľ?

26 (CPDV) then you shall say to them: ‘I presented my supplication before the king, so that he would not order me to be led back to the house of Jonathan, to die there.’ ”
26 (ROH) Vtedy im povieš: Predkladal som svoju pokornú prosbu pred kráľa, aby ma nedal odviesť nazpät do domu Jonatánovho, aby som tam nezomrel.

27 (CPDV) Then all the leaders came to Jeremiah, and they questioned him. And he spoke to them in accord with all the words that the king had commanded him. And they withdrew from him, for they had learned nothing.
27 (ROH) A prišly všetky kniežatá k Jeremiášovi a pýtaly sa ho. A oznámil im podľa všetkých tých slov, ktoré prikázal kráľ. A tak mlčiac odišly od neho, lebo sa nepočula vec.

28 (CPDV) Yet truly, Jeremiah remained at the entrance of the prison, until the day when Jerusalem was seized. And it happened that Jerusalem was captured.
28 (ROH) A Jeremiáš sedel vo dvore stráže až do dňa, v ktorom bol vzatý Jeruzalem. A stalo sa, keď bol vzatý Jeruzalem:

Jer 38, 1-28

Verš 16
Then king Zedekiah swore to Jeremiah, secretly, saying: “As the Lord lives, who made this soul for us, I will not kill you, nor will I deliver you into the hands of those men who are seeking your life.”
Iz 57:16 - For I will not contend unceasingly, and I will not be angry to the end. For I will exhale my breath, and the Spirit will go forth from my face.

Verš 2
“Thus says the Lord: Whoever will remain in this city will die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence. But whoever will flee away from the Chaldeans, will live, and his soul will dwell in safety.
Jer 21:9 - Whoever lives in this city will die by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence. But whoever will have departed and fled away to the Chaldeans, who besiege you, will live, and his life will be to him like a spoil.

Jer 38,2 - K výrazom pozri 21,9.

Jer 38,7 - O Benjamínovej bráne pozri pozn. k 37,13.

Jer 38,10 - Miesto "tridsať" je azda lepšie čítať "troch". Na túto robotu stačili traja chlapi.

Jer 38,27 - Jeremiáš neluhal, lebo skutočne prosil kráľa, aby ho neposlal späť do domu Jonatánovho, porov. 37,20.