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Kniha proroka Jeremiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Jer 37, 1-21

1 (UKJV) And king Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, whom Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon made king in the land of Judah.
1 (ROH) A kraľoval kráľ Cedekiáš, syn Joziášov, miesto Koniáša, syna Jehojakimovho, ktorého ustanovil Nabuchodonozor, babylonský kráľ, za kráľa, v zemi Júdovej.

2 (UKJV) But neither he, nor his servants, nor the people of the land, did hearken unto the words of the LORD, which he spoke by the prophet Jeremiah.
2 (ROH) Ale nepočúval ani on ani jeho služobníci ani ľud zeme na slová Hospodinove, ktoré hovoril skrze proroka Jeremiáša.

3 (UKJV) And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Pray now unto the LORD our God for us.
3 (ROH) A kráľ Cedekiáš bol poslal Jehúchala, syna Šelemiášovho, a Cefaniáša, syna Maaseiášovho, kňaza, k prorokovi Jeremiášovi, aby povedali: Nože sa modli za nás Hospodinovi, nášmu Bohu.

4 (UKJV) Now Jeremiah came in and went out among the people: for they had not put him into prison.
4 (ROH) Jeremiáš vtedy ešte chodil slobodne medzi ľudom, a neboli ho ešte dali do žalára.

5 (UKJV) Then Pharaoh's army was come forth out of Egypt: and when the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem heard tidings of them, they departed from Jerusalem.
5 (ROH) A vojsko faraonovo bolo vyšlo z Egypta. A keď počuli Chaldeji, ktorí obliehali Jeruzalem, o nich zvesť, odtiahli hore od Jeruzalema.

6 (UKJV) Then came the word of the LORD unto the prophet Jeremiah saying,
6 (ROH) A stalo sa slovo Hospodinovo k prorokovi Jeremiášovi povediac:

7 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel; Thus shall all of you say to the king of Judah, that sent you unto me to enquire of me; Behold, Pharaoh's army, which has come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land. "
7 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin, Bôh Izraelov: Takto poviete judskému kráľovi, ktorý vás poslal ku mne opýtať sa ma: Hľa, vojsko faraonovo, ktoré vám vyšlo na pomoc, navráti sa do svojej zeme, do Egypta.

8 (UKJV) And the Chaldeans shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire.
8 (ROH) A navrátia sa Chaldeji a budú bojovať proti tomuto mestu a vezmú ho a spália ho ohňom.

9 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD; Deceive not yourselves, saying, The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us: for they shall not depart. "
9 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin: Neklamte svojich duší hovoriac: Istotne odídu od nás Chaldeji. Lebo neodídu.

10 (UKJV) For though all of you had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained but wounded men among them, yet should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.
10 (ROH) Lebo keby ste aj pobili všetko vojsko Chaldejov, ktorí bojujú proti vám, a zostali by z nich iba ranení muži, prebodnutí, tí by povstali každý vo svojom stáne a spálili by toto mesto ohňom.

11 (UKJV) And it came to pass, that when the army of the Chaldeans was broken up from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh's army,
11 (ROH) A stalo sa, keď odtiahlo vojsko Chaldejov hore od Jeruzalema pre vojsko faraonovo,

12 (UKJV) Then Jeremiah went forth out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin, to separate himself thence in the midst of the people.
12 (ROH) že išiel Jeremiáš von z Jeruzalema, aby odišiel do zeme Benjaminovej a vzal odtiaľ svoj podiel medzi ľudom.

13 (UKJV) "And when he was in the gate of Benjamin, a captain of the ward was there, whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he took Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You fall away to the Chaldeans. "
13 (ROH) Ale keď už bol v bráne Benjaminovej, kde bol veliteľ stráže, menom Jiriáš, syn Šelemiáša, syna Chananiášovho, ten chopil proroka Jeremiáša a povedal: Odchádzaš zradne k Chaldejom.

14 (UKJV) "Then said Jeremiah, It is false; I fall not away to the Chaldeans. But he hearkened not to him: so Irijah took Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes. "
14 (ROH) Na to povedal Jeremiáš: Nie je pravda; neodchádzam zradne k Chaldejom. No, nepočúval na neho, ale Jiriáš chopil Jeremiáša a doviedol ho ku kniežatám.

15 (UKJV) Wherefore the princes were angry with Jeremiah, and stroke him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe: for they had made that the prison.
15 (ROH) Vtedy sa rozhnevaly kniežatá na Jeremiáša a zbily ho a daly ho do väzenia, do domu Jonatána, pisára, lebo z neho boli spravili žalár.

16 (UKJV) "When Jeremiah was entered into the dungeon, and into the cabins, and Jeremiah had remained there many days; "
16 (ROH) Keď takto prišiel Jeremiáš do domu jamy a do sklepených miestností, býval tam, Jeremiáš, za mnoho dní.

17 (UKJV) Then Zedekiah the king sent, and took him out: and the king asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there any word from the LORD? And Jeremiah said, There is: for, said he, you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.
17 (ROH) Potom poslal kráľ Cedekiáš a vzal ho. A kráľ sa ho vypytoval tajne vo svojom dome a riekol: Či je nejaké slovo od Hospodina? A Jeremiáš odpovedal: Je. A ďalej povedal: Budeš vydaný do ruky babylonského kráľa.

18 (UKJV) Moreover Jeremiah said unto king Zedekiah, What have I offended against you, or against your servants, or against this people, that all of you have put me in prison?
18 (ROH) A ešte povedal Jeremiáš kráľovi Cedekiášovi: Čo som zhrešil proti tebe a proti tvojim služobníkom alebo proti tomuto ľudu, že ste ma dali do žalára?

19 (UKJV) Where are now your prophets which prophesied unto you, saying, The king of Babylon shall not come against you, nor against this land?
19 (ROH) A kde sú vaši proroci, ktorí vám prorokujú, že vraj neprijde babylonský kráľ na vás ani na túto zem?

20 (UKJV) "Therefore hear now, I pray you, O my lord the king: let my supplication, I pray you, be accepted before you; that you cause me not to return to the house of Jonathan the scribe, lest I die there. "
20 (ROH) A tak teraz počuj, prosím, môj pán kráľ, nech padne, prosím, moja pokorná prosba pred teba, a nedaj ma odviesť zase do domu Jonatána, pisára, aby som tam nezomrel.

21 (UKJV) Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' street, until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.
21 (ROH) A kráľ Cedekiáš rozkázal, aby dali Jeremiáša pod dozor do dvora väzenia a dávali mu bochník chleba na deň z ulice pekárov, dokiaľ by sa neminul všetok chlieb v meste. A tak sedel Jeremiáš vo dvore stráže.

Jer 37, 1-21

Verš 5
Then Pharaoh's army was come forth out of Egypt: and when the Chaldeans that besieged Jerusalem heard tidings of them, they departed from Jerusalem.
Jer 34:21 - And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which are gone up from you.

Verš 21
Then Zedekiah the king commanded that they should commit Jeremiah into the court of the prison, and that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the bakers' street, until all the bread in the city were spent. Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison.
Jer 32:2 - For then the king of Babylon's army besieged Jerusalem: and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the prison, which was in the king of Judah's house.

Jer 37,3 - O Sofoniášovi pozri pozn. k 21,1.

Jer 37,4 - Porov. 32,2.

Jer 37,13 - Benjamínova brána bola blízko severovýchodného rohu mestskej ohrady. Volali ju tak preto, lebo cez ňu viedla cesta na územie kmeňa Benjamínovho.