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Kniha proroka Jeremiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Jer 34, 1-22

1 (UKJV) The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion, and all the people, fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities thereof, saying,
1 (LS) La parole qui fut adressée à Jérémie de la part de l'Eternel, en ces mots, lorsque Nebucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, avec toute son armée, et tous les royaumes des pays sous sa domination, et tous les peuples, faisaient la guerre à Jérusalem et à toutes les villes qui en dépendaient:

2 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel; Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah, and tell him, Thus says the LORD; Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire: "
2 (LS) Ainsi parle l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël: Va, et dis à Sédécias, roi de Juda, dis-lui: Ainsi parle l'Eternel: Voici, je livre cette ville entre les mains du roi de Babylone, et il la brûlera par le feu.

3 (UKJV) "And you shall not escape out of his hand, but shall surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and your eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with you mouth to mouth, and you shall go to Babylon. "
3 (LS) Et toi, tu n'échapperas pas à ses mains, mais tu seras pris et livré entre ses mains, tes yeux verront les yeux du roi de Babylone, et il te parlera bouche à bouche, et tu iras à Babylone.

4 (UKJV) "Yet hear the word of the LORD, O Zedekiah king of Judah; Thus says the LORD of you, You shall not die by the sword: "
4 (LS) Seulement écoute la parole de l'Eternel, Sédécias, roi de Juda! Ainsi parle l'Eternel sur toi: Tu ne mourras point par l'épée.

5 (UKJV) "But you shall die in peace: and with the burnings of your fathers, the former kings which were before you, so shall they burn odours for you; and they will lament you, saying, Ah lord! for I have pronounced the word, says the LORD. "
5 (LS) Tu mourras en paix; et comme on a brûlé des parfums pour tes pères, les anciens rois qui t'ont précédé, ainsi on en brûlera pour toi, et l'on te pleurera, en disant: Hélas, seigneur! Car j'ai prononcé cette parole, dit l'Eternel.

6 (UKJV) Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words unto Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem,
6 (LS) Jérémie, le prophète, dit toutes ces paroles à Sédécias, roi de Juda, à Jérusalem.

7 (UKJV) When the king of Babylon's army fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities of Judah that were left, against Lachish, and against Azekah: for these defenced cities remained of the cities of Judah.
7 (LS) Et l'armée du roi de Babylone combattait contre Jérusalem et contre toutes les autres villes de Juda, contre Lakis et Azéka, car c'étaient des villes fortes qui restaient parmi les villes de Juda.

8 (UKJV) "This is the word that came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, after that the king Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people which were at Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty unto them; "
8 (LS) La parole fut adressée à Jérémie de la part de l'Eternel, après que le roi Sédécias eut fait un pacte avec tout le peuple de Jérusalem, pour publier la liberté,

9 (UKJV) "That every man should let his manservant, and every man his maidservant, being an Hebrew or an Hebrewess, go free; that none should serve himself of them, to know, of a Jew his brother. "
9 (LS) afin que chacun renvoyât libres son esclave et sa servante, l'Hébreu et la femme de l'Hébreu, et que personne ne tînt plus dans la servitude le Juif, son frère.

10 (UKJV) Now when all the princes, and all the people, which had entered into the covenant, heard that every one should let his manservant, and every one his maidservant, go free, that none should make use of them any more, then they obeyed, and let them go.
10 (LS) Tous les chefs et tout le peuple, qui étaient entrés dans le pacte, s'engagèrent à renvoyer libres chacun son esclave et sa servante, afin de ne plus les tenir dans la servitude; ils obéirent, et les renvoyèrent.

11 (UKJV) But afterward they turned, and caused the servants and the handmaids, whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for servants and for handmaids.
11 (LS) Mais ensuite ils changèrent d'avis; ils reprirent les esclaves et les servantes qu'ils avaient affranchis, et les forcèrent à redevenir esclaves et servantes.

12 (UKJV) Therefore the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying,
12 (LS) Alors la parole de l'Eternel fut adressée à Jérémie de la part de l'Eternel, en ces mots:

13 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondmen, saying, "
13 (LS) Ainsi parle l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël: J'ai fait une alliance avec vos pères, le jour où je les ai fait sortir du pays d'Egypte, de la maison de servitude; et je leur ai dit:

14 (UKJV) "At the end of seven years let all of you go every man his brother an Hebrew, which has been sold unto you; and when he has served you six years, you shall let him go free from you: but your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear. "
14 (LS) Au bout de sept ans, chacun de vous renverra libre son frère hébreu qui se vend à lui; il te servira six années, puis tu le renverras libre de chez toi. Mais vos pères ne m'ont point écouté, ils n'ont point prêté l'oreille.

15 (UKJV) "And all of you were now turned, and had done right in my sight, in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbour; and all of you had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name: "
15 (LS) Vous, vous aviez fait aujourd'hui un retour sur vous-mêmes, vous aviez fait ce qui est droit à mes yeux, en publiant la liberté chacun pour son prochain, vous aviez fait un pacte devant moi, dans la maison sur laquelle mon nom est invoqué.

16 (UKJV) But all of you turned and polluted my name, and caused every man his servant, and every man his handmaid, whom he had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and brought them into subjection, to be unto you for servants and for handmaids.
16 (LS) Mais vous êtes revenus en arrière, et vous avez profané mon nom; vous avez repris chacun les esclaves et les servantes que vous aviez affranchis, rendus à eux-mêmes, et vous les avez forcés à redevenir vos esclaves et vos servantes.

17 (UKJV) "Therefore thus says the LORD; All of you have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every man to his neighbour: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, says the LORD, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. "
17 (LS) C'est pourquoi ainsi parle l'Eternel: Vous ne m'avez point obéi, en publiant la liberté chacun pour son frère, chacun pour son prochain. Voici, je publie contre vous, dit l'Eternel, la liberté de l'épée, de la peste et de la famine, et je vous rendrai un objet d'effroi pour tous les royaumes de la terre.

18 (UKJV) And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, which have not performed the words of the covenant which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in two, and passed between the parts thereof,
18 (LS) Je livrerai les hommes qui ont violé mon alliance, qui n'ont pas observé les conditions du pacte qu'ils avaient fait devant moi, en coupant un veau en deux et en passant entre ses morceaux;

19 (UKJV) "The princes of Judah, and the princes of Jerusalem, the eunuchs, and the priests, and all the people of the land, which passed between the parts of the calf; "
19 (LS) je livrerai les chefs de Juda et les chefs de Jérusalem, les eunuques, les sacrificateurs, et tout le peuple du pays, qui ont passé entre les morceaux du veau;

20 (UKJV) I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: and their dead bodies shall be for food unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth.
20 (LS) je les livrerai entre les mains de leurs ennemis, entre les mains de ceux qui en veulent à leur vie, et leurs cadavres serviront de pâture aux oiseaux du ciel et aux bêtes de la terre.

21 (UKJV) And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which are gone up from you.
21 (LS) Je livrerai Sédécias, roi de Juda, et ses chefs, entre les mains de leurs ennemis, entre les mains de ceux qui en veulent à leur vie, entre les mains de l'armée du roi de Babylone, qui s'est éloignée de vous.

22 (UKJV) "Behold, I will command, says the LORD, and cause them to return to this city; and they shall fight against it, and take it, and burn it with fire: and I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without an inhabitant. "
22 (LS) Voici, je donnerai mes ordres, dit l'Eternel, et je les ramènerai contre cette ville; ils l'attaqueront, ils la prendront, et la brûleront par le feu. Et je ferai des villes de Juda un désert sans habitants.

Jer 34, 1-22

Verš 1
The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and all his army, and all the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion, and all the people, fought against Jerusalem, and against all the cities thereof, saying,
2Kr 25:1 - "And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came, he, and all his host, against Jerusalem, and pitched against it; and they built forts against it round about. "
Jer 52:1 - Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.

Verš 2
"Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel; Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah, and tell him, Thus says the LORD; Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire: "
Jer 21:10 - For I have set my face against this city for evil, and not for good, says the LORD: it shall be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire.
Jer 32:29 - And the Chaldeans, that fight against this city, shall come and set fire on this city, and burn it with the houses, upon whose roofs they have offered incense unto Baal, and poured out drink offerings unto other gods, to provoke me to anger.

Verš 3
"And you shall not escape out of his hand, but shall surely be taken, and delivered into his hand; and your eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and he shall speak with you mouth to mouth, and you shall go to Babylon. "
Jer 32:4 - "And Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans, but shall surely be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon, and shall speak with him mouth to mouth, and his eyes shall behold his eyes; "

Verš 8
"This is the word that came unto Jeremiah from the LORD, after that the king Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people which were at Jerusalem, to proclaim liberty unto them; "
Ex 21:2 - If you buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.

Verš 14
"At the end of seven years let all of you go every man his brother an Hebrew, which has been sold unto you; and when he has served you six years, you shall let him go free from you: but your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear. "
Ex 21:2 - If you buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
Dt 15:12 - "And if your brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto you, and serve you six years; then in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. "

Verš 17
"Therefore thus says the LORD; All of you have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every man to his neighbour: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, says the LORD, to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. "
Dt 28:25 - The LORD shall cause you to be smitten before your enemies: you shall go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shall be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth.
Jer 15:4 - And I will cause them to be removed into all kingdoms of the earth, because of Manasseh the son of Hezekiah king of Judah, for that which he did in Jerusalem.
Jer 24:9 - And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places where I shall drive them.

Verš 20
I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: and their dead bodies shall be for food unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth.
Jer 7:33 - "And the carcasses of this people shall be food for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall frighten them away. "
Jer 16:4 - "They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth: and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcasses shall be food for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth. "
Jer 19:7 - "And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcasses will I give to be food for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth. "

Verš 21
And Zedekiah king of Judah and his princes will I give into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life, and into the hand of the king of Babylon's army, which are gone up from you.
Jer 37:11 - And it came to pass, that when the army of the Chaldeans was broken up from Jerusalem for fear of Pharaoh's army,

Jer 34,1 - Nabuchodonozor tiahol na západ s celou svojou vojenskou silou, pretože sa chystal aj proti Egyptu; porov. 43,10-13.

Jer 34,2 - Porov. 32,4.

Jer 34,4 - Pred mŕtvolami spaľovali rozličné zeliny a tymian, porov. 2 Krn 16,13-14. – Sedekiáš by bol mal čestný, kráľovský pohreb, keby bol počúval slovo Pánovo (verš 4). Keďže to neurobil, zomrel v zajatí, oslepený.

Jer 34,6 - O Lachisi pozri 2 Kr 14,19. – O Azeke 1 Sam 17,1.

Jer 34,8 - Podľa Ex 21,2 n. a Dt 15,12 n. musel každý Izraelita svojho hebrejského otroka alebo otrokyňu po šiestich rokoch služby prepustiť na slobodu bez akejkoľvek náhrady. Teraz však urobili viac: prepustili všetci naraz svojich hebrejských otrokov bez ohľadu na dobu ich služby. Potom však, pravdepodobne vtedy, keď obliehajúce vojsko na čas odstúpilo od mesta a Izraeliti si mysleli, že je po nebezpečenstve, vzali svojich otrokov naspäť do služby násilím.

Jer 34,14 - Izraelita sa predal do služby svojmu veriteľovi, keď nevedel vyplatiť svoj dlh.

Jer 34,18 - Obrad, ktorý sprevádzal uzavretie zmluvy, sa v Gn 15,9 opisuje podrobnejšie. Pôvod tohto obradu nie je nám známy. Azda ho konali s kliatbou: Kto nezadrží zmluvu, nech ho postihne osud tohto zvieraťa.