Verš 1
“The sin of Judah has been written with a pen of iron and a point of diamond. It has been engraved upon the breadth of their heart and upon the horns of their shrines.
Jer 11:13 - For according to the number of your cities, so were your gods, O Judah. And according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem, so did you establish altars of confusion, altars to offer libations to Baal.
Verš 2
And their sons make a remembrance of their shrines, and their sacred groves, and their leafy trees on high mountains,
Jer 2:20 - From ancient times, you have broken my yoke; you have torn apart my bonds, and you have said, ‘I will not serve.’ For on every high hill, and under every leafy tree, you have been debased, O harlot.
Verš 3
by sacrificing in the field. And so, I will give over your strength and all your treasures to be despoiled, along with your exalted places of sin, within all your borders.
Jer 15:13 - Your riches and your treasures I will give over to be freely despoiled, because of all your sins, even throughout all your borders.
Verš 4
And you will be left behind without your inheritance, which I gave to you. And I will cause you to serve your enemies in a land that you do not know. For you have kindled a fire in my fury; it shall burn, even unto eternity.”
Dt 28:68 - The Lord will lead you back into Egypt with a fleet of ships, along the way, about which he said to you that you would not see it again. In that place, you will be put up for sale as men and women servants to your enemies, but there will be no one willing to buy you.”
Jer 16:13 - And so, I will cast you out of this land, into a land that you do not know, and that your fathers did not know. And in that place, you will serve, day and night, strange gods who will not give you rest.
Jer 15:14 - And I will lead in your enemies from a land that you do not know. For a fire has been kindled in my fury; it will burn upon you.”
Verš 7
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, for the Lord will be his confidence.
Ž 2:12 - Embrace discipline, lest at any time the Lord might become angry, and you would perish from the way of the just.
Ž 34:8 - Let the snare, of which he is ignorant, come upon him, and let the deception, which he has hidden, take hold of him: and may he fall into that very snare.
Prís 16:20 - The learned in word shall find good things. And whoever hopes in the Lord is blessed.
Iz 30:18 - Therefore, the Lord waits, so that he may take pity on you. And therefore, he will be exalted for sparing you. For the Lord is the God of judgment. Blessed are all those who wait for him.
Verš 8
And he will be like a tree planted beside waters, which sends out its roots to moist soil. And it will not fear when the heat arrives. And its leaves will be green. And in the time of drought, it will not be anxious, nor will it cease at any time to bear fruit.
Ž 1:3 - And he will be like a tree that has been planted beside running waters, which will provide its fruit in its time, and its leaf will not fall away, and all things whatsoever that he does will prosper.
Verš 10
I am the Lord, who examines the heart and tests the temperament, who gives to each one according to his way and according to the fruit of his own decisions.
1Sam 16:7 - And the Lord said to Samuel: “You should not look with favor on his face, nor on the height of his stature. For I have rejected him. Neither do I judge by the appearance of a man. For man sees those things that are apparent, but the Lord beholds the heart.”
Ž 7:9 - The Lord judges the people. Judge me, O Lord, according to my justice and according to my innocence within me.
Verš 13
O Lord, Hope of Israel: all who forsake you will be confounded. Those who withdraw from you will be written into the earth. For they have abandoned the Lord, the Source of living waters.
Ž 73:27 -
Iz 1:28 - And he shall crush the accursed and sinners together. And those who have abandoned the Lord will be consumed.
Jer 2:13 - For my people have done two evils. They have forsaken me, the Fountain of living water, and they have dug for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that are unable to hold water.
Verš 15
Behold, they themselves are saying to me: ‘Where is the word of the Lord? Let it come.’
Iz 5:19 - and who say: “Let him hurry, and let his work arrive soon, so that we may see it. And let the plan of the Holy One of Israel approach and arrive, so that we may know it.”
2Pt 3:4 - saying: “Where is his promise or his advent? For from the time that the fathers have slept, all things have continued just as they were from the beginning of creation.”
Verš 17
May you not be a dread to me. You are my hope in the day of affliction.
Jer 16:19 - “O Lord, my strength, and my health, and my refuge in the day of tribulation: the Gentiles will approach you from the ends of the earth, and they will say: ‘Truly, our fathers possessed a lie, an emptiness that has not benefited them.’
Verš 18
May those who persecute me be confounded, but may I not be confounded. May they be fearful, and may I not be fearful. Lead over them the day of affliction, and crush them with a double destruction.”
Ž 35:4 - The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He is unwilling to understand, so that he may act well.
Ž 40:14 - Blessed is the Lord God of Israel, for all generations and even forever. Amen. Amen.
Jer 15:15 - “You know me, O Lord. Remember me, and visit me, and watch over me, because of those who persecute me. In your patience, do not choose to let me endure. You know I have suffered reproach because of you.
Verš 21
Thus says the Lord: “Guard your souls, and do not choose to carry heavy things on the day of the Sabbath, nor should you carry these things through the gates of Jerusalem.
Neh 13:19 - And it happened that, when the gates of Jerusalem had rested on the day of the Sabbath, I spoke, and they closed the gates. And I instructed that they should not open them until after the Sabbath. And I appointed some of my servants over the gates, so that no one would carry in a burden on the day of the Sabbath.
Verš 22
And do not be willing to cast burdens out of your houses on the day of the Sabbath, nor should you do any work. Sanctify the day of the Sabbath, just as I instructed your fathers.
Ex 20:8 - Remember that you are to sanctify the day of the Sabbath.
Ex 23:12 - For six days, you shall work. On the seventh day, you shall cease, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the newcomer and the son of your handmaid may be refreshed.
Ex 31:13 - “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: See that you keep my Sabbath. For it is a sign between me and you among your generations, so that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies you.
Ez 20:12 - Moreover, I also gave to them my Sabbaths, so that these would be a sign between me and them, and so that they would know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies them.
Verš 23
But they did not listen, nor did they incline their ear. Instead, they hardened their neck, lest they listen to me and receive discipline.
Jer 11:10 - They have returned to the former iniquities of their fathers, who refused to listen to my words. And likewise, they have gone after strange gods, so that they may serve them. The house of Israel and the house of Judah have treated as void my covenant, which I made with their fathers.
Jer 13:10 - This most wicked people, they are not willing to listen to my words, for they walk in the depravity of their own heart, and they have gone after strange gods, so as to serve them and to adore them. And so, they will become like this waistcloth, which is not fit for any use.
Jer 16:12 - But you have acted even worse than your fathers. For behold, each one walks after the depravity of his own evil heart, so that he does not listen to me.
Verš 25
then there will enter through the gates of this city: kings and princes, sitting on the throne of David, and riding on chariots and horses, they and their princes, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And this city will be inhabited forever.
Jer 22:4 - For if you will indeed accomplish this word, then there will enter through the gates of this house kings from the stock of David, sitting on his throne, and riding on chariots and on horses: they, and their servants, and their people.
Jer 17,1 - Svedkom modloslužby Izraelitov je ich vlastné svedomie, okrem toho aj oltáre a svätyne rozličných modiel, na ktoré sa ešte aj synovia pamätajú. O ašerách pozri pozn. k Iz 17,8.
Jer 17,3 - Porov. 15,13 n.
Jer 17,4 - Dedičstvo bola zasľúbená zem.
Jer 17,5 - Miesto "oporou" má osnova doslovne: "ramenom". Rameno je symbolom moci a opory, telo zase symbolom slabosti.
Jer 17,6 - Strom na púšti hynie; tak sa nedožije šťastia ani človek, ktorý nezakotvil v Pánovi.
Jer 17,8 - K celej tejto stati porov. Ž 1.
Jer 17,9 - Porov. 11,20.
Jer 17,16 - Keďže sa stať veršov 13-18 užíva v liturgii, prekladáme ju podľa Vulg.Verš znie v pôvodine správne:"Ja však som nenaliehal na teba pre zlo,ani som netúžil po dni nešťastia.Ty vieš, čo vychádza z úst mojich,je pred tvárou tvojou."Rozumej: "Nenaliehal som, aby si splnil výstrahy svoje, nečakal som netrpezlivo, kedy už zastihne národ pohroma, preto si robia zo mňa nepriatelia posmech (verš 15). Ty predsa vieš o každom mojom slove."- Preklad Vulg zakladá sa na mylnom čítaní.
Jer 17,18 - Pozri pozn. k 11,20.
Jer 17,25 - Slovo v zátvorkách nepatrí do osnovy.