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Kniha proroka Jeremiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Jer 14, 1-22

1 (CPDV) The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the words of the drought.
1 (ROH) Slovo Hospodinovo, ktoré sa stalo k Jeremiášovi o suchote.

2 (CPDV) “Judea has mourned. And its gates have fallen and become hard to discern on the ground. And the outcry of Jerusalem has ascended.
2 (ROH) Judsko bude smútiť, a jeho brány zomdlejú, budú smútiť v čiernom na zemi, a žalostný krik Jeruzalema bude vystupovať.

3 (CPDV) The greater ones have sent their lesser ones to the water. They went to draw water; they did not find water; they carried their vessels back empty. They were confounded and afflicted, and so they covered their heads.
3 (ROH) Ich veľmoži pošlú svojich malých ľudí chatrných po vodu. Prijdú k cisternám, nenajdú vody, navrátia sa, ich nádoby prázdne; hanbiť sa budú a budú rumenieť od studu a pokryjú svoju hlavu.

4 (CPDV) Because of the devastation of the earth, because rain did not fall upon the earth, the farmers were confounded; they covered their heads.
4 (ROH) Pretože pôda bude predesená, lebo nebude dažďa v zemi, hanbiť sa budú oráči, pokryjú svoju hlavu.

5 (CPDV) For even the doe has given birth in the field, and then left it behind. For there was no grass.
5 (ROH) Lebo i jelenica na poli porodí a opustí, pretože nebude trávy.

6 (CPDV) And the wild donkeys stood upon the rocks; like dragons, they drew in the wind, but their eyes failed. For there was no grass.”
6 (ROH) A diví osli budú stáť na holých miestach vysokých, budú lapať a hltať vzduch jako šakali, ich oči budú hynúť, pretože nebude byliny.

7 (CPDV) “O Lord, if our iniquities have responded against us, let it be for the sake of your name. For our rebellions are many; we have sinned against you.
7 (ROH) Ak naše neprávosti svedčia proti nám, ó, Hospodine, učiň pre svoje meno, lebo naše odvrátenia sú mnohé; proti tebe sme hrešili.

8 (CPDV) O Hope of Israel, its Savior in time of tribulation, why would you be like a sojourner in the land, and like a traveler turning aside for lodging?
8 (ROH) Ó, nádejo Izraelova, jeho záchranca v čas súženia, prečo máš byť ako pohostín v zemi a jako pocestný, ktorý sa uchýlil prenocovať?

9 (CPDV) Why would you be like a wandering man, like a strong man who is unable to save? But you, O Lord, are with us, and your name is invoked over us, so do not abandon us!”
9 (ROH) Prečo sa staviaš ako predesený muž, ako mocný hrdina, ktorý už nemôže zachrániť? Kým si ty predsa v našom strede, Hospodine, a tvoje meno je vzývané nad nami. Neopúšťaj nás!

10 (CPDV) Thus says the Lord to this people, who have loved to move their feet, and who have not rested, but who have not pleased the Lord: “Now he will remember their iniquities, and now he will visit against their sins.”
10 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin tomuto ľudu: Tak oni milujú túlať sa, nezdržujú svojich nôh, a preto Hospodin nemá v nich záľuby; teraz spomína na ich neprávosť a navštevuje ich hriechy.

11 (CPDV) And the Lord said to me: “Do not choose to pray for this people for good.
11 (ROH) Potom mi riekol Hospodin: Nemodli sa za tento ľud na jeho dobré.

12 (CPDV) When they will fast, I will not heed their petitions. And if they offer holocausts and victims, I will not accept them. For I will consume them by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence.”
12 (ROH) Keď sa budú postiť, nebudem počúvať na ich krik, a keď budú obetovať zápalnú obeť a obilnú obeť, nebudem mať v nich záľuby, ale ich zničím mečom, hladom a morom.

13 (CPDV) And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! The prophets are saying to them: ‘You will not see the sword, and there will be no famine among you. Instead, he will give you true peace in this place.’ ”
13 (ROH) Vtedy som povedal: Ach, Pane, Hospodine, hľa, proroci im hovoria, vraj neuvidíte meča ani nebudete mať hladu, ale vraj vám dám verný pokoj na tomto mieste.

14 (CPDV) And the Lord said to me: “The prophets prophesy falsely in my name. I did not send them, and I did not instruct them, and I have not spoken to them. They prophesy to you a lying vision, and a divination, and a fraud, and a seduction from their own heart.
14 (ROH) Na to mi riekol Hospodin: Proroci prorokujú lož v mojom mene, neposlal som ich ani som im neprikázal ani som im nehovoril; prorokujú vám lživé videnie, veštenie, ničomnosť a lesť svojho srdca.

15 (CPDV) For this reason, thus says the Lord about the prophets who prophesy in my name, whom I have not sent, who say: ‘Sword and famine will not be in 435 this land.’ By sword and famine those prophets will be consumed.
15 (ROH) Preto takto hovorí Hospodin o prorokoch, ktorí prorokujú v mojom mene, ktorých som ja neposlal, a ktorí hovoria: Nebude meča ani hladu v tejto zemi! že tí proroci pohynú mečom a hladom.

16 (CPDV) And the people, to whom they prophesy, will be cast into the streets of Jerusalem, due to famine and the sword, and there will be no one who may bury them, they and their wives, their sons and daughters, and I will pour out their own evil upon them.
16 (ROH) A ľud, ktorému prorokujú, bude rozmetaný po uliciach Jeruzalema pre hlad a meč, a nebude toho, kto by ich pochoval, ani ich ani ich ženy ani ich synov ani ich dcéry, a tak vylejem na nich ich zlosť.

17 (CPDV) And you shall speak this word to them: Let my eyes shed tears throughout the night and day, and let them not cease. For the virgin daughter of my people has been crushed by a great affliction, by a very grievous wound.”
17 (ROH) A preto im povieš toto slovo: Moje oči tečú slzami vodne i vnoci, a nevedia sa upokojiť, lebo veľkým skrúšením bude skrúšená panna dcéry mojeho ľudu, ranou, bolestnou veľmi.

18 (CPDV) “If I go out into the fields: behold, those slain by the sword. And if I enter into the city: behold, those weakened by famine. Likewise, the prophet, too, and the priest, have gone into a land that they did not know.
18 (ROH) Ak vyjdem na pole, hľa, pobití mečom, a jestli vojdem do mesta, hľa, zmorení hladom. Lebo jako prorok tak i kňaz kupčia so zemou a nevedia ničoho.-

19 (CPDV) Could you have utterly cast out Judah? Or has your soul abhorred Zion? Then why have you struck us, so much so that there is no health for us? We have waited for peace, but there is nothing good, and for the time of healing, and behold, trouble.
19 (ROH) Či si už len celkom zavrhol Júdu? Či si oškliví Sion tvoja duša? Prečo si nás zbil tak, že neni pre nás uzdravenia? Čakáme na pokoj, a niet dobrého, a na čas uzdravenia, a hľa, des!

20 (CPDV) O Lord, we acknowledge our impieties, the iniquities of our fathers, that we have sinned against you.
20 (ROH) Poznávame, Hospodine, svoju bezbožnosť, neprávosť svojich otcov, že sme hrešili proti tebe.

21 (CPDV) For the sake of your name, do not give us over into disgrace. And do not dishonor in us the throne of your glory. Remember, do not make void, your covenant with us.
21 (ROH) Neopovrhni pre svoje meno, nezneucti trónu svojej slávy! Rozpomeň sa, nezruš svojej smluvy s nami!

22 (CPDV) Could any of the graven images of the Gentiles send rain? Or are the heavens able to give showers? Have we not hoped in you, the Lord our God? For you have made all these things.”
22 (ROH) Či sú medzi márnosťami pohanov niektoré také, ktoré by daly dážď? Alebo či azda samy nebesia dávajú prívaly? Či nie si to ty, Hospodine, náš Bože? Preto očakávame na teba, lebo ty činíš to všetko.

Jer 14, 1-22

Verš 6
And the wild donkeys stood upon the rocks; like dragons, they drew in the wind, but their eyes failed. For there was no grass.”
Jer 12:4 - How long shall the earth mourn? And how long shall the plants of every field whither because of the wickedness of the inhabitants within them? It has consumed the wild animals and the birds. For they said: “He will not see our very end.”

Verš 10
Thus says the Lord to this people, who have loved to move their feet, and who have not rested, but who have not pleased the Lord: “Now he will remember their iniquities, and now he will visit against their sins.”
Oz 8:13 - They will offer victims, they will immolate flesh and will eat, and the Lord will not accept them. For now he will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sins: they will be turned back to Egypt.
Oz 9:9 - They have sinned profoundly, just as in the days of Gibeah. He will remember their iniquity, and he will repay their sin.

Verš 11
And the Lord said to me: “Do not choose to pray for this people for good.
Ex 32:10 - Release me, so that my fury may be enraged against them, and I may destroy them, and then I will make of you a great nation.”
Jer 7:16 - Therefore, you should not pray for this people, nor take up praise and supplication on their behalf. And you should not stand in opposition to me. For then I will not heed you.
Jer 11:14 - Therefore, you should not choose to pray for this people, and you should not take up praise and petitioning on their behalf. For I will not heed them in the time of their outcry to me, in the time of their affliction.

Verš 12
When they will fast, I will not heed their petitions. And if they offer holocausts and victims, I will not accept them. For I will consume them by the sword, and by famine, and by pestilence.”
Prís 1:28 - then they will call to me, and I will not heed, they will arise in the morning, and not find me.
Iz 1:15 - And so, when you extend your hands, I will avert my eyes from you. And when you multiply your prayers, I will not heed you. For your hands are full of blood.
Jer 11:11 - For this reason, thus says the Lord: Behold, I will lead evils over them, from which they will not be able to escape. And they will cry out to me, and I will not heed them.
Ez 8:18 - Therefore, I also will act toward them in my fury. My eye will not be lenient, nor will I take pity. And when they will have cried out to my ears with a loud voice, I will not heed them.”
Mi 3:4 - Then they will cry out to the Lord, and he will not heed them. And he will hide his face from them in that time, just as they have acted wickedly with their inventions.
Jer 6:20 - For what reason are you bringing me frankincense from Sheba, and sweet smelling reeds from a far away land? Your holocausts are not acceptable, and your sacrifices are not pleasing to me.”
Jer 4:21 - How long shall I watch those who are fleeing, and listen to the voice of the trumpet?
Jer 9:16 - And I will disperse them among nations, which they and their fathers have not known. And I will send the sword after them, until they are consumed.”

Verš 14
And the Lord said to me: “The prophets prophesy falsely in my name. I did not send them, and I did not instruct them, and I have not spoken to them. They prophesy to you a lying vision, and a divination, and a fraud, and a seduction from their own heart.
Jer 23:21 - “I did not send these prophets, yet they hurry forward. I was not speaking to them, yet they were prophesying.
Jer 27:15 - For I have not sent them, says the Lord. And they prophesy falsely in my name, so that they may cast you out, and so that you may perish, both you and the prophets who make predictions for you.”
Jer 29:8 - For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not allow your prophets and your diviners, who are in your midst, to seduce you. And you should pay no attention to your dreams, which you are dreaming.

Verš 17
And you shall speak this word to them: Let my eyes shed tears throughout the night and day, and let them not cease. For the virgin daughter of my people has been crushed by a great affliction, by a very grievous wound.”
Jer 13:17 - But if you will not listen to this, then my soul will weep in secret before the face of your pride. It will weep bitterly, and my eyes will flow with tears, because the flock of the Lord has been taken captive.
Nár 1:16 - AIN. For this I weep, and my eyes bring forth water. For the consoler has been far away from me, changing my soul. My sons have become lost, because the enemy has prevailed.
Nár 2:18 - SADE. Their heart cried out to the Lord from the walls of the daughter of Zion. Let tears run down like a torrent throughout the day and the night. Do not give rest to yourself, and do not allow the pupil of your eye to cease.

Verš 19
Could you have utterly cast out Judah? Or has your soul abhorred Zion? Then why have you struck us, so much so that there is no health for us? We have waited for peace, but there is nothing good, and for the time of healing, and behold, trouble.
Jer 8:15 - We expected peace, but there was nothing good. We expected a time of health, and behold, dread.”

Verš 20
O Lord, we acknowledge our impieties, the iniquities of our fathers, that we have sinned against you.
Ž 106:6 - And they cried out to the Lord in tribulation, and he rescued them in their necessity.
Dan 9:8 - O Lord, to us belongs confusion of face: to our kings, our leaders, and our fathers, who have sinned.

Verš 22
Could any of the graven images of the Gentiles send rain? Or are the heavens able to give showers? Have we not hoped in you, the Lord our God? For you have made all these things.”
Ž 135:7 - He made the great lights, for his mercy is eternal:
Ž 147:8 - He announces his word to Jacob, his justices and his judgments to Israel.
Iz 30:23 - And wherever you sow seed upon the earth, rain will be given to the seed. And bread from the grain of the earth will be very plentiful and full. In that day, the lamb will pasture in the spacious land of your possession.
Jer 5:24 - And they have not said in their heart: ‘Let us dread the Lord our God, who gives us the timely and the late rains, in their proper time, who guards the full measure of the yearly harvest for us.’
Jer 10:13 - At his voice, he grants a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he lifts up the clouds from the ends of the earth. He causes the lightning with the rain, and he leads forth the wind from his storehouses.

Jer 14,9 - "Podľa tvojho mena sa voláme", rozumej: sme tvojou snúbenicou, porov. Iz 4,1; tiež pozn. k Iz 50,1 n.

Jer 14,10 - Izraeliti kolíšu medzi Pánom a modlami.

Jer 14,11 - Porov. 7,16; 11,14.

Jer 14,21 - Trónom slávy Pánovej je Jeruzalem.