| Kniha proroka IzaiášaBiblia - Sväté písmo(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD) | Iz 50, 1-11 |
1 Iz 50, 1 Thus says the Lord: What is this bill of divorce for your mother, by which I have dismissed her? Or who is my creditor, to whom I have sold you? Behold, you were sold by your iniquities, and I have dismissed your mother for your wickedness. 2 Iz 50, 2 For I arrived, and there was no man. I called out, and there was no one who would hear. Has my hand been shortened and become small, so that I am unable to redeem? Or is there no power in me to deliver? Behold, at my rebuke, I will make the sea into a desert. I will turn rivers into dry land. The fish will rot for lack of water and will die of thirst. 3 Iz 50, 3 I will clothe the heavens in darkness, and I will make sackcloth their covering. 4 Iz 50, 4 The Lord has given me a learned tongue, so that I would know how to uphold with a word, one who has weakened. He rises in the morning, he rises to my ear in the morning, so that I may heed him like a teacher. 5 Iz 50, 5 The Lord God has opened my ear. And I do not contradict him. I have not turned back. 6 Iz 50, 6 I have given my body to those who strike me, and my cheeks to those who plucked them. I have not averted my face from those who rebuked me and who spit on me. 7 Iz 50, 7 The Lord God is my helper. Therefore, I have not been confounded. Therefore, I have set my face like a very hard rock, and I know that I will not be confounded. 8 Iz 50, 8 He who justifies me is near. Who will speak against me? Let us stand together. Who is my adversary? Let him approach me. 9 Iz 50, 9 Behold, the Lord God is my helper. Who is the one 420 who would condemn me? Behold, they will all be worn away like a garment; the moth will devour them. 10 Iz 50, 10 Who is there among you who fears the Lord? Who hears the voice of his servant? Who has walked in darkness, and there is no light in him? Let him hope in the name of the Lord, and let him lean upon his God. 11 Iz 50, 11 Behold, all you who kindle a fire, wrapped in flames: walk in the light of your fire and in the flames that you have kindled. This has been done to you by my hand. You will sleep in anguish.
| | Iz 50, 1-11 |
Verš 8
He who justifies me is near. Who will speak against me? Let us stand together. Who is my adversary? Let him approach me.
Rim 8:32 - He who did not spare even his own Son, but handed him over for the sake of us all, how could he not also, with him, have given us all things?
Verš 2
For I arrived, and there was no man. I called out, and there was no one who would hear. Has my hand been shortened and become small, so that I am unable to redeem? Or is there no power in me to deliver? Behold, at my rebuke, I will make the sea into a desert. I will turn rivers into dry land. The fish will rot for lack of water and will die of thirst.
Nm 11:23 - And the Lord answered him: “Can the hand of the Lord be ineffective? Soon now, you shall see whether my word will be fulfilled in this work.”
Iz 59:1 - Behold, the hand of the Lord has not been shortened, so that it cannot save, and his ear has not been blocked, so that it cannot hear.
Verš 5
The Lord God has opened my ear. And I do not contradict him. I have not turned back.
Jn 14:31 - Yet this is so that the world may know that I love the Father, and that I am acting according to the commandment that the Father has given to me. Rise up, let us go from here.” 625
Flp 2:8 - He humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, even the death of the Cross.
Heb 10:5 - For this reason, as Christ enters into the world, he says: “Sacrifice and oblation, you did not want. But you have fashioned a body for me.
Iz 50,1 - U prorokov je častý obraz, že Jahve je manželom a vyvolený národ manželkou. Izraeliti sú deťmi, Boh sa ich dvojako mohol zbaviť. Mohol prepustiť matku (Dt 24,1 n.), alebo mohol predať deti veriteľom za otrokov. Ale Boh neprepustil národ, ten by nevedel ukázať priepustný list. A ani nepredal deti, veď nemal veriteľov. Že sú predsa od Boha vzdialení, že sú v zajatí, to je pre ich hriechy. Boh však i takto volá národ naspäť k sebe, je dosť mocný, aby ho vyslobodil.
Iz 50,4 - O piesňach o Pánovom služobníkovi pozri pozn. pred hl. 42. – Národ bol neposlušný, tým poslušnejší je však Pánov služobník.
Iz 50,5-7 - Poslanie prorokov bolo ťažké, nejeden sa ho chcel striasť (porov. Ex 4,10; Jer 1,6; Jon 1,3). Pánov služobník ochotne prijíma aj najväčšiu potupu a utrpenie, ktoré ho pri plnení úlohy čaká. Trýznitelia nepreberajú v mukách, bijú ho, trhajú mu bradu, čo je bolestné a potupné (porov. Neh 13,25). Napľuť niekomu do tváre pokladali ľudia vždy za najväčšiu potupu (Nm 12,14; Dt 25,9; Jób 30,10). Pánov služobník však prijíma všetko bez reptania a tak trpezlivo, že mu na tvári ani nevidieť bôľ. (Ako sa to všetko splnilo na Mesiášovi, pozri Mt 26,67; 27,30; Mk 14,65; Lk 18,32; 22,64; Jn 18,22.)
Iz 50,10 - Osud pobožných býva často podobný osudu Pánovho služobníka. Ten dúfal v Boha a zvíťazil, preto i pobožní nech dúfajú v Boha i vtedy, keď sa utrpenie zdá beznádejným ako tma. Nástrahy svojich nepriateľov obráti však Boh proti nim. Oheň fakieľ, ktorý pozapaľovali na trýznenie iných, zasiahne ich samých.