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Kniha proroka Izaiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

Iz 46, 1-13

1 (KJV) Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth, their idols were upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: your carriages were heavy loaden; they are a burden to the weary beast.
1 (B21) Padl Bél, Nabú se hroutí, zvířata vezou jejich sochy pryč; břemeny, jež jste si nosili, jsou obtížena k padnutí.

2 (KJV) They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity.
2 (B21) Hroutí se, spolu padají, nemohou to břímě zachránit, musejí odejít do zajetí.

3 (KJV) Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb:
3 (B21) Slyšte mě, dome Jákobův, všichni, kdo pozůstali domu Izraelovu, vy, které hýčkám od lůna matky, vy, které od narození nosím v náručí:

4 (KJV) And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.
4 (B21) Až do stáří, až do šedin já sám, to já vás podpořím; já jsem vás učinil a já vás nosím, já vás podpořím a zachráním.

5 (KJV) To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?
5 (B21) Ke komu mě tedy chcete přirovnat? Kdo je podle vás jako já? S kým mě to chcete srovnávat? Což se mi někdo podobá?

6 (KJV) They lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith; and he maketh it a god: they fall down, yea, they worship.
6 (B21) Lidé sypou zlato z měšce a váží stříbro na váze - najímají zlatníka, aby jim z toho boha udělal, aby ho mohli v kleče uctívat.

7 (KJV) They bear him upon the shoulder, they carry him, and set him in his place, and he standeth; from his place shall he not remove: yea, one shall cry unto him, yet can he not answer, nor save him out of his trouble.
7 (B21) Nosí ho na ramenou, tahají se s ním, on potom stojí, kde ho postaví, na svém místě stojí bez hnutí. Když k němu volají, neodpoví jim, nezachrání je z jejich soužení.

8 (KJV) Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors.
8 (B21) Vzpomeňte si na to a vzmužte se, vy zrádci, zamyslete se!

9 (KJV) Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
9 (B21) Vzpomeňte na věci dávno minulé, vždyť já jsem Bůh a žádný jiný není, jsem Bůh a není žádný kromě mne.

10 (KJV) Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
10 (B21) Já od počátku oznamuji konec a odedávna, co teprv nastane. Říkám: "Má vůle stane se, udělám vše, co se mi chce."

11 (KJV) Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
11 (B21) Já zavolám od východu dravce, muže své vůle ze země daleké. Co jsem řekl, to učiním, své rozhodnutí naplním.

12 (KJV) Hearken unto me, ye stouthearted, that are far from righteousness:
12 (B21) Slyšte mě, vy v srdci zatvrzelí, od spravedlnosti tak vzdálení:

13 (KJV) I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.
13 (B21) Svou spravedlnost jsem přiblížil, není vzdálená, neopozdí se spása má. Já obdařím Sion spásou a Izrael svou krásou.

Iz 46, 1-13

Verš 9
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Iz 45:5 - I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
Iz 45:14 - Thus saith the LORD, The labour of Egypt, and merchandise of Ethiopia and of the Sabeans, men of stature, shall come over unto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall come after thee; in chains they shall come over, and they shall fall down unto thee, they shall make supplication unto thee, saying, Surely God is in thee; and there is none else, there is no God.
Iz 45:18 - For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Iz 45:21 - Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Iz 48:12 - Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

Verš 10
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Ž 33:11 - The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.
Prís 19:21 - There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand.
Prís 21:30 - There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.
Heb 6:17 - Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

Verš 5
To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?
Iz 40:18 - To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?
Iz 40:25 - To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.

Verš 7
They bear him upon the shoulder, they carry him, and set him in his place, and he standeth; from his place shall he not remove: yea, one shall cry unto him, yet can he not answer, nor save him out of his trouble.
Iz 45:20 - Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations: they have no knowledge that set up the wood of their graven image, and pray unto a god that cannot save.

Iz 46,1 - Bél a Nébo boli bohovia Babyloncov. Keď prorok opisuje ich záhubu, znamená to aj záhubu Babyloncov. Títo bôžikovia nevedeli zabrániť, aby sa ich sochy nedostali do zajatia.

Iz 46,3-4 - Falošných bohov musia prenášať ľudia a zvieratá. Pán naopak sám nosí a opatruje svoj národ od jeho začiatkov a bude ho opatrovať až do staroby.

Iz 46,11 - Orol je Kýros, dravosťou a rýchlosťou orla sa bude vrhať na svoju korisť.