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Kniha proroka Izaiáša

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Iz 44, 1-28

1 (UKJV) "Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen: "
1 (ROH) A tak teraz počuj, Jakobe, môj služobníku, a Izraelu, ktorého som si vyvolil!

2 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD that made you, and formed you from the womb, which will help you; Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and you, Jesurun, whom I have chosen. "
2 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin, ktorý ťa učinil a ktorý ťa utvoril od života matky a pomáha ti: Neboj sa, môj služobníku, Jakobe a Ješurún, ktorého som si vyvolil,

3 (UKJV) For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon your seed, and my blessing upon your offspring:
3 (ROH) lebo vylejem vody na žíznivé a potoky na sušinu; vylejem svojho Ducha na tvoje semä a svoje požehnanie na tvojich potomkov,

4 (UKJV) And they shall spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses.
4 (ROH) a budú rásť na spôsob trávy, jako vrbina pri potokoch vody.

5 (UKJV) "One shall say, I am the LORD's; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel. "
5 (ROH) Tento povie: Ja som Hospodinov, a tamten bude vzývať meno Boha Jakobovho, a iný sa zapíše svojou rukou Hospodinovi a pridá si meno Izrael.

6 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. "
6 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin, Kráľ Izraelov, a jeho vykupiteľ, Hospodin Zástupov: Ja som prvý a ja som i posledný, a krome mňa niet Boha

7 (UKJV) And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them show unto them.
7 (ROH) A kto jako ja ohlasuje - a nech to oznámi a nech mi to predloží - od toho času, ako som položil ľud veku? Alebo to, čo ide, alebo to, čo prijde, nech im oznámia!

8 (UKJV) "Fear all of you not, neither be afraid: have not I told you from that time, and have declared it? all of you are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. "
8 (ROH) Nestrachujte sa ani sa nechvejte! Či som ti neohlasoval od dávna a neoznámil? A vy ste mojimi svedkami. Či je azda nejaký Bôh krome mňa? Ani niet skaly; neviem o nijakej.

9 (UKJV) "They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed. "
9 (ROH) Tí, ktorí formujú rytiny, sú márnosťou všetci, koľko ich je; ich najmilejšie modly nič neprospejú, a oni sami sú si svedkami toho: nevidia ani nevedia ničoho, aby sa hanbili.

10 (UKJV) Who has formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
10 (ROH) Kto tedy bude formovať boha alebo liať rytinu, aby nič neprospela?!

11 (UKJV) "Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together. "
11 (ROH) Hľa, všetci, ktorí sa družia k nemu, sa budú hanbiť a takí remeselníci nad iných ľudí. Nech sa shromaždia všetci, koľko ich je, nech sa postavia; nech sa strachujú, nech sa hanbia všetci dovedna!

12 (UKJV) The smith with the tongs both works in the coals, and fashions it with hammers, and works it with the strength of his arms: yea, he is hungry, and his strength fails: he drinks no water, and is faint.
12 (ROH) Kuje železo na sekeru a pracujúc pri uhlí formuje ju kladivami; robí ju ramenom svojej sily, pri čom je i hladný, až nieto sily; nepije vody a ustáva.

13 (UKJV) "The carpenter stretches out his rule; he marks it out with a line; he fits it with planes, and he marks it out with the compass, and makes it after the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house. "
13 (ROH) Kreše kusy dreva; ťahá šnúru; označuje to tužkou; robí to rezákmi a značí to kružidlom; spraví to jako čo by podobu muža, jako ozdobu človeka, aby to sedelo doma.

14 (UKJV) He hews him down cedars, and takes the cypress and the oak, which he strengthens for himself among the trees of the forest: he plants an ash, and the rain does nourish it.
14 (ROH) Ide si zoťať cedry; vezme hrab a dub a vyberie si pevné medzi stromami lesa; zasadí jasen, a dážď pôsobí vzrast.

15 (UKJV) "Then shall it be for a man to burn: for he will take thereof, and warm himself; yea, he kindles it, and bakes bread; yea, he makes a god, and worships it; he makes it a graven image, and falls down thereto. "
15 (ROH) A je človekovi na palivo, a vezmúc z toho zohreje sa, i prikladá a pečie chlieb i spraví si boha a klania sa, urobí z toho rytinu a kľaká pred ňou.

16 (UKJV) "He burns part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eats flesh; he roasts roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warms himself, and says, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire: "
16 (ROH) Polovicu toho spáli na ohni, pri druhej polovici jie mäso, pečie pečeňu a nasýti sa, i zohreje sa a povie: Hej, zohrial som sa, cítim vatru!

17 (UKJV) "And the residue thereof he makes a god, even his graven image: he falls down unto it, and worships it, and prays unto it, and says, Deliver me; for you are my god. "
17 (ROH) A z jeho ostatku spraví boha, svoju rytinu, kľaká pred ňou a klania sa a modlí sa jej a hovorí: Vytrhni ma, lebo ty si môj boh!

18 (UKJV) "They have not known nor understood: for he has shut their eyes, that they cannot see; and their hearts, that they cannot understand. "
18 (ROH) Nevedia ani nechápu, lebo zaslepil ich oči, aby nevideli, ich srdcia, aby nerozumeli.

19 (UKJV) "And none considers in his heart, neither is there knowledge nor understanding to say, I have burned part of it in the fire; yea, also I have baked bread upon the coals thereof; I have roasted flesh, and eaten it: and shall I make the residue thereof an abomination? shall I fall down to the stock of a tree? "
19 (ROH) A neuváži vo svojom srdci, a niet u neho známosti ani rozumu, aby povedal: Polovicu toho som spálil na ohni, ba aj som napiekol chleba pri jeho uhlí, upiekol som mäso a jedol som, či tedy mám spraviť z jeho zbytku ohavnosť, či mám kľakať a klaňať sa klátu dreva?!

20 (UKJV) He feeds on ashes: a deceived heart has turned him aside, that he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?
20 (ROH) Pasie sa na popole; oklamané srdce ho odklonilo, a nevytrhne svojej duše ani nepovie: Či nie je to klam v mojej pravici?

21 (UKJV) "Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for you are my servant: I have formed you; you are my servant: O Israel, you shall not be forgotten of me. "
21 (ROH) Pamätaj na to, Jakobe, a Izraelu, lebo ty si môj služobník! Utvoril som ťa; ty si môj služobník. Ó, Izraelu; nebudeš u mňa zabudnutý!

22 (UKJV) "I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your transgressions, and, as a cloud, your sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed you. "
22 (ROH) Zahladím tvoje prestúpenia ako hustý oblak a jako mrákavu tvoje hriechy. Navráť sa ku mne, lebo som ťa vykúpil!

23 (UKJV) "Sing, O all of you heavens; for the LORD has done it: shout, all of you lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, all of you mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel. "
23 (ROH) Plesajte, nebesia, lebo to učinil Hospodin! Pokrikujte radostne, spodiny zeme! Jasajte s plesotom, vrchy, hora i všetky stromy, ktoré sú v nej, lebo Hospodin vykúpil Jakoba a v Izraelovi sa nádherne oslávil!

24 (UKJV) "Thus says the LORD, your redeemer, and he that formed you from the womb, I am the LORD that makes all things; that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the earth by myself; "
24 (ROH) Takto hovorí Hospodin, tvoj vykupiteľ, a ten, ktorý ťa utvoril od života matky: Ja Hospodin činím všetko: sám rozprestieram nebesia, rozťahujem zem zo svojej vlastnej moci;

25 (UKJV) "That frustrates the tokens of the liars, and makes diviners mad; that turns wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolish; "
25 (ROH) marím znamenia márnotlachov a z veštcov robím bláznov; zavraciam múdrych zpät a ich vedu obraciam na bláznovstvo;

26 (UKJV) "That confirms the word of his servant, and performs the counsel of his messengers; that says to Jerusalem, You shall be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, All of you shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof: "
26 (ROH) staviam pevne slovo svojho služobníka, aby stálo, a radu svojich poslov vykonávam, ja, ktorý hovorím o Jeruzaleme: Bude obydlený! a o mestách Júdových: Budú vystavené! A jeho spustošeniny znova vybudujem;

27 (UKJV) That says to the deep, Be dry, and I will dry up your rivers:
27 (ROH) ktorý hovorím hlbine: Vyschni! A obe tvoje rieky vysuším,

28 (UKJV) "That says of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, You shall be built; and to the temple, Your foundation shall be laid. "
28 (ROH) ktorý hovorím o Cýrovi - Môj pastier. A vykoná všetko, čo sa mi bude ľúbiť, a povie o Jeruzaleme: Nech sa vystaví! a o chráme: Nech sa založí!

Iz 44, 1-28

Verš 1
"Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen: "
Iz 41:8 - But you, Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
Iz 43:5 - "Fear not: for I am with you: I will bring your seed from the east, and gather you from the west; "
Jer 30:10 - "Therefore fear you not, O my servant Jacob, says the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, lo, I will save you from far, and your seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid. "
Jer 46:27 - "But fear not you, O my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel: for, behold, I will save you from far off, and your seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and none shall make him afraid. "

Verš 3
For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon your seed, and my blessing upon your offspring:
Iz 35:7 - And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, shall be grass with reeds and rushes.
Joe 2:28 - "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: "
Jn 7:38 - He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Sk 2:18 - "And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; (o. pneuma) and they shall prophesy: "

Verš 6
"Thus says the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. "
Iz 41:4 - "Who has wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he. "
Iz 48:12 - "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. "
Zjv 1:8 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
Zjv 1:17 - "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: "
Zjv 22:13 - I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Verš 8
"Fear all of you not, neither be afraid: have not I told you from that time, and have declared it? all of you are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. "
Dt 4:35 - "Unto you it was showed, that you might know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him. "
Dt 4:39 - Know therefore this day, and consider it in your heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
Dt 32:39 - "See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. "
1Sam 2:2 - There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside you: neither is there any rock like our God.
Iz 45:21 - "Tell all of you, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who has declared this from ancient time? who has told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. "

Verš 11
"Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed: and the workmen, they are of men: let them all be gathered together, let them stand up; yet they shall fear, and they shall be ashamed together. "
Ž 97:7 - Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all you gods.
Iz 1:29 - For they shall be ashamed of the oaks which all of you have desired, and all of you shall be confounded for the gardens that all of you have chosen.
Iz 42:17 - They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, All of you are our gods.
Iz 45:16 - They shall be ashamed, and also confounded, all of them: they shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols.

Verš 12
The smith with the tongs both works in the coals, and fashions it with hammers, and works it with the strength of his arms: yea, he is hungry, and his strength fails: he drinks no water, and is faint.
Iz 10:3 - And what will all of you do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will all of you flee for help? and where will all of you leave your glory?

Verš 24
"Thus says the LORD, your redeemer, and he that formed you from the womb, I am the LORD that makes all things; that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the earth by myself; "
Jób 9:8 - Which alone spreads out the heavens, and treads upon the waves of the sea.
Ž 104:2 - Who cover yourself with light as with a garment: who stretch out the heavens like a curtain:
Iz 40:22 - "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in: "
Iz 42:5 - "Thus says God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which comes out of it; he that gives breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein: "
Iz 45:12 - I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

Iz 44,3-5 - Výrok týchto veršov treba rozumieť v duchovnom zmysle. Aj spomedzi cudzincov mnohí sa obrátia k pravému Bohu. Títo budú rozličným spôsobom hlásať, že patria pravému Bohu a chcú byť členmi jeho národa.

Iz 44,8 - Porov. 17,10; 26,4; 30,29.

Iz 44,23 - Prorok vo svojom videní vidí už oslobodený národ, preto volá vesmír k radostnému chválospevu.

Iz 44,25 - Predpovede veštcov, ktorých bolo v Babylone hojne, nesplnia sa, a tak sa dokáže, že sú šialenci.

Iz 44,27 - Ak bude treba, Boh urobí zas svojmu ľudu cestu cez vodu, ako pri východe z Egypta cez Červené more a cez Jordán.

Iz 44,28 - Boh predpovedá aj meno muža, ktorý rozkáže znovu vybudovať Jeruzalem. Je pravda, že predpovedanie mena niektorého človeka je vec mimoriadna, ale každé proroctvo je mimoriadne a niet príčiny pochybovať, že Boh predpovedal aj meno tohto perzského kráľa. – Boh volá Kýra pastierom, lebo sa má starať o Boží ľud ako pastier o stádo.