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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(VUL - Latinský - Nova Vulgata)

Pie 1, 1-17

1 (VUL) Canticum Canticorum Salomonis.
1 (UKJV) The song of songs, which is Solomon's.

2 (VUL) Osculetur me osculo oris sui! Nam meliores sunt amores tui vino:
2 (UKJV) Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for your love is better than wine.

3 (VUL) in fragrantiam unguentorum tuorum optimorum. Oleum effusum nomen tuum; ideo adulescentulae dilexerunt te.
3 (UKJV) Because of the savour of your good ointments your name is as ointment poured forth, therefore do the virgins love you.

4 (VUL) Trahe me post te. Curramus! Introducat me rex in cellaria sua; exsultemus et laetemur in te memores amorum tuorum super vinum; recte diligunt te.
4 (UKJV) Draw me, we will run after you: the king has brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in you, we will remember your love more than wine: the upright love you.

5 (VUL) Nigra sum sed formosa, filiae Ierusalem, sicut tabernacula Cedar, sicut pelles Salma.
5 (UKJV) I am black, but comely, O all of you daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

6 (VUL) Nolite me considerare quod fusca sim, quia decoloravit me sol. Filii matris meae irati sunt mihi; posuerunt me custodem in vineis, vineam meam non custodivi.
6 (UKJV) "Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun has looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. "

7 (VUL) Indica mihi, tu, quem diligit anima mea, ubi pascas, ubi cubes in meridie, ne vagari incipiam post greges sodalium tuorum.
7 (UKJV) Tell me, O you whom my soul loves, where you feed, where you make your flock to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that turns aside by the flocks of your companions?

8 (VUL) Si ignoras, o pulcherrima inter mulieres, egredere et abi post vestigia gregum et pasce haedos tuos iuxta tabernacula pastorum.
8 (UKJV) If you know not, O you fairest among women, go your way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed your kids beside the shepherds' tents.

9 (VUL) Equae in curribus pharaonis assimilavi te, amica mea.
9 (UKJV) I have compared you, O my love, to a company of horses in Pharaoh's chariots.

10 (VUL) Pulchrae sunt genae tuae inter inaures, collum tuum inter monilia.
10 (UKJV) Your cheeks are comely with rows of jewels, your neck with chains of gold.

11 (VUL) Inaures aureas faciemus tibi vermiculatas argento.
11 (UKJV) We will make you borders of gold with studs of silver.

12 (VUL) Dum esset rex in accubitu suo, nardus mea dedit odorem suum.
12 (UKJV) While the king sits at his table, my spikenard sends forth the smell thereof.

13 (VUL) Fasciculus myrrhae dilectus meus mihi, qui inter ubera mea commoratur.
13 (UKJV) "A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night between my breasts. "

14 (VUL) Botrus cypri dilectus meus mihi in vineis Engaddi.
14 (UKJV) My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.

15 (VUL) Ecce tu pulchra es, amica mea, ecce tu pulchra es: oculi tui columbarum.
15 (UKJV) "Behold, you are fair, my love; behold, you are fair; you have doves' eyes. "

16 (VUL) Ecce tu pulcher es, dilecte mi, et decorus. Lectulus noster floridus,
16 (UKJV) Behold, you are fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our bed is green.

17 (VUL) tigna domorum nostrarum cedrina, laquearia nostra cupressina.
17 (UKJV) The beams of our house are cedar, and our rafters of fir.

Pie 1, 1-17

Verš 2
Osculetur me osculo oris sui! Nam meliores sunt amores tui vino:
Pie 4:10 - Quam pulchri sunt amores tui, soror, mea sponsa; meliores sunt amores tui vino, et odor unguentorum tuorum super omnia aromata.

Verš 4
Trahe me post te. Curramus! Introducat me rex in cellaria sua; exsultemus et laetemur in te memores amorum tuorum super vinum; recte diligunt te.
1Pt 1:8 - Quem cum non videritis, diligitis; in quem nunc non videntes, credentes autem, exsultatis laetitia inenarrabili et glorificata,

Verš 7
Indica mihi, tu, quem diligit anima mea, ubi pascas, ubi cubes in meridie, ne vagari incipiam post greges sodalium tuorum.
Dt 12:5 - Sed ad locum, quem elegerit Dominus Deus vester de cunctis tribubus vestris, ut ponat nomen suum ibi et habitet in eo, venietis
Pie 3:1 - In lectulo meo per noctes quaesivi, quem diligit anima mea; quaesivi illum et non inveni.

Verš 8
Si ignoras, o pulcherrima inter mulieres, egredere et abi post vestigia gregum et pasce haedos tuos iuxta tabernacula pastorum.
Pie 5:9 - Quid est dilecto tuo prae ceteris, o pulcherrima mulierum? Quid est dilecto tuo prae ceteris, quia sic adiurasti nos?
Pie 6:1 - Quo abiit dilectus tuus, o pulcherrima mulierum? Quo declinavit dilectus tuus, et quaeremus eum tecum?

Verš 9
Equae in curribus pharaonis assimilavi te, amica mea.
Pie 2:2 - Sicut lilium inter spinas, sic amica mea inter filias.
Pie 2:10 - En dilectus meus loquitur mihi: “ Surge, amica mea, columba mea, formosa mea, et veni.
Pie 2:13 - ficus protulit grossos suos, vineae florentes dederunt odorem suum; surge, amica mea, speciosa mea, et veni,
Pie 4:1 - Quam pulchra es, amica mea, quam pulchra es: oculi tui columbarum per velamen tuum. Capilli tui sicut grex caprarum, quae descenderunt de monte Galaad;
Pie 4:7 - Tota pulchra es, amica mea, et macula non est in te.
Pie 5:2 - Ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat. Vox dilecti mei pulsantis: “ Aperi mihi, soror mea, amica mea, columba mea, immaculata mea, quia caput meum plenum est rore, et cincinni mei guttis noctium ”.
Pie 6:4 - Pulchra es, amica mea, sicut Thersa, decora sicut Ierusalem, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata.
Jn 15:14 - Vos amici mei estis, si feceritis, quae ego praecipio vobis.

Verš 10
Pulchrae sunt genae tuae inter inaures, collum tuum inter monilia.
Ez 16:11 - Et ornavi te ornamento et dedi armillas in manibus tuis et torquem circa collum tuum;

Verš 16
Ecce tu pulcher es, dilecte mi, et decorus. Lectulus noster floridus,
Pie 4:1 - Quam pulchra es, amica mea, quam pulchra es: oculi tui columbarum per velamen tuum. Capilli tui sicut grex caprarum, quae descenderunt de monte Galaad;
Pie 5:12 - Oculi eius sicut columbae super rivulos aquarum, quae lacte sunt lotae et resident iuxta fluenta plenissima.

Pies 1,1 - O Šalamúnovom autorstve Veľpiesne pozri úvod.

Pies 1,3 - Vzácny olej urodzení obyvatelia Šalamúnovej krajiny mávali v dobre zatvorených nádobách. Len jeho rozliatím sa roznášala jeho vôňa. Iní prekladajú "olej prelievaný", prelievaním pozbavený nečistoty, teda veľmi čistý.

Pies 1,4 - V Palestíne sa manželia nazývajú kráľ a kráľovná, kým trvá sobáš, a ten u niektorých bohatších rodín trval aj niekoľko dní. V tom čase novomanželia sedávali na napodobenom tróne a hostia im vzdávali priamo kráľovské pocty.

Pies 1,5 - Kedar, Šalma, mená severoarabských beduínskych kmeňov. Pleť snúbenice podobá sa farbe stanov, ktoré boli z hnedej kozej srsti.

Pies 1,6 - Bratia snúbenice na Východe mali plnú právomoc, keď zomrel otec.

Pies 1,7 - Pastieri sa cez poludnie zdržiavali pri nejakom prameni, kde napájali stáda a kde potom trávili svoj odpočinok.

Pies 1,9 - Faraón mal rád prepych. Jeho kone boli najkrajšie a skvostne vyzdobené.

Pies 1,12 - Nard nosievali ženy pre jeho silnú vôňu vo vrecúškach na prsiach.

Pies 1,14 - Cyprusový ker je zo dva metre vysoký a v kvete šíri vôkol seba silnú vôňu. Z jeho kvetov strapcového tvaru sa získava voňavka. Rástol vo viniciach utešenej oázy (Engadi) na západnom brehu Mŕtveho mora.

Pies 1,17 - Predstava je táto: Snúbenci si sadli na zelenú pažiť. Majestátne cédre so svojimi vetvami sú kostrou, stĺpmi a povalou ich "domu" a menšie cyprusy sú výplňou stien.