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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(UKJV - Anglický - Updated King James)

Prís 17, 1-28

1 (UKJV) Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.
1 (ROH) Lepší kúsok suchého chleba s pokojom ako plný dom nabitých hoviad so svárom.

2 (UKJV) A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causes shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren.
2 (ROH) Rozumný sluha bude panovať nad synom, ktorý pôsobí hanbu, a medzi bratmi bude deliť dedičstvo.

3 (UKJV) The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD tries the hearts.
3 (ROH) Kotlík striebru a pec zlatu; ale ten, kto zkúša srdcia, je Hospodin.

4 (UKJV) "A wicked doer gives heed to false lips; and a liar gives ear to a naughty tongue. "
4 (ROH) Zlý človek pozoruje ušima na rty neprávosti, a lhár počúva na jazyk, plný zkazy.

5 (UKJV) Whoso mocks the poor reproaches his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.
5 (ROH) Ten, kto sa posmieva chudobnému, rúha sa tomu, ktorý ho učinil; ten, kto sa raduje nešťastiu, nebude bez trestu.

6 (UKJV) "Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers. "
6 (ROH) Korunou starcov sú synovia synov, a ozdobou synov sú ich otcovia.

7 (UKJV) Excellent speech becomes not a fool: much less do lying lips a prince.
7 (ROH) Nesluší bláznovi vznešená reč a pravdaže ani kniežaťu lživá reč.

8 (UKJV) A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that has it: anywhere it turns, it prospers.
8 (ROH) Ako drahokam býva úplatný dar v očiach toho, kto ho berie; k čomukoľvek sa obráti, darí sa mu.

9 (UKJV) "He that covers a transgression seeks love; but he that repeats a matter separates very friends. "
9 (ROH) Ten, kto prikrýva prestúpenie, hľadá lásku; ale ten, kto obnovuje vec, rozlučuje priateľov.

10 (UKJV) A reproof enters more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.
10 (ROH) Viacej pôsobí na rozumného jedno pokarhanie, ako čo by niekto blázna sto ráz nabil.

11 (UKJV) An evil man seeks only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
11 (ROH) Zlý človek hľadá iba spúru; ale ukrutný posol býva poslaný na neho.

12 (UKJV) Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool in his folly.
12 (ROH) Nech nadíde osirelá medvedica na človeka, ale nie blázon vo svojom bláznovstve.

13 (UKJV) Whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.
13 (ROH) Kto odpláca zlým za dobré, z domu toho človeka neuhne zlé.

14 (UKJV) The beginning of strife is as when one lets out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.
14 (ROH) Počiatok zvady je, ako keď pretŕha voda hať; preto prv, ako by sa rozmohol, nechaj spor.

15 (UKJV) He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
15 (ROH) Ten, kto ospravedlňuje bezbožného, jako i ten, kto odsudzuje spravedlivého, obidvaja sú ohavnosťou Hospodinovi.

16 (UKJV) Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he has no heart to it?
16 (ROH) Načo je kúpne v ruke blázna kúpiť múdrosť, keď nemá rozumu?!

17 (UKJV) A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
17 (ROH) Priateľ miluje každého času, a v súžení sa rodí brat.

18 (UKJV) A man void of understanding strikes hands, and becomes guarantor in the presence of his friend.
18 (ROH) Človek bez rozumu udiera na ruku, ten, kto sa zaručuje pred svojím blížnym.

19 (UKJV) He loves transgression that loves strife: and he that exalts his gate seeks destruction.
19 (ROH) Ten, kto miluje zvadu, miluje hriech; ten, kto vyvyšuje svoje dvere, hľadá skrúšenie.

20 (UKJV) He that has a perverse heart finds no good: and he that has a perverse tongue falls into mischief.
20 (ROH) Človek krivolakého srdca nenajde dobrého, a ten, kto je prevrátený čo do svojho jazyka, padne do zlého.

21 (UKJV) He that bring forths a fool does it to his sorrow: and the father of a fool has no joy.
21 (ROH) Ten, kto splodil sprostáka, splodil ho na svoj zármutok, a nebude sa radovať otec blázna.

22 (UKJV) A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.
22 (ROH) Radostné srdce je výborným liekom; ale zronený duch suší kosti.

23 (UKJV) A wicked man takes a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.
23 (ROH) Bezbožník berie úplatný dar z lona, aby zohnul stezky súdu.

24 (UKJV) "Wisdom is before him that has understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth. "
24 (ROH) Na tvári rozumného vidieť múdrosť; ale oči blázna behajú až na koniec zeme.

25 (UKJV) A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.
25 (ROH) Bláznivý syn je na mrzutosť svojmu otcovi a na horkosť tej, ktorá ho porodila.

26 (UKJV) Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity.
26 (ROH) Ani pokutovať spravedlivého nie je dobré jako ani biť kniežatá pre úprimnosť.

27 (UKJV) He that has knowledge spares his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.
27 (ROH) Ten, kto zdŕža svoje reči, vie čo je známosť; a ten, kto je chladného ducha, je umný muž.

28 (UKJV) Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
28 (ROH) Aj blázon, keď mlčí, býva považovaný za múdreho, keď si zapcháva svoje rty, za rozumného.

Prís 17, 1-28

Verš 1
Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than an house full of sacrifices with strife.
Prís 15:17 - Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.

Verš 3
The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD tries the hearts.
Prís 27:21 - "As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise. "
Jer 17:10 - I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Verš 5
Whoso mocks the poor reproaches his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.
Prís 14:31 - He that oppresses the poor reproaches his Maker: but he that honors him has mercy on the poor.

Verš 13
Whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.
Dt 32:35 - "To me belongs vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. "
Prís 20:22 - "Say not you, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and he shall save you. "
Prís 24:29 - Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.
Rim 12:17 - Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
1Sol 5:15 - "See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men. "
1Pt 3:9 - "Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that all of you are thereunto called, that all of you should inherit a blessing. "

Verš 14
The beginning of strife is as when one lets out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.
Prís 20:3 - It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

Verš 15
He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Ex 23:7 - "Keep you far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay you not: for I will not justify the wicked. "
Prís 24:24 - "He that says unto the wicked, You are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall detest him: "
Iz 5:23 - Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

Verš 19
He loves transgression that loves strife: and he that exalts his gate seeks destruction.
Prís 16:18 - Pride goes before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Verš 22
A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries the bones.
Prís 15:13 - A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Verš 24
"Wisdom is before him that has understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth. "
Kaz 2:14 - "The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walks in darkness: and I myself perceived also that one event happens to them all. "
Kaz 8:1 - Who is as the wise man? and who knows the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom makes his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.

Verš 25
A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.
Prís 10:1 - The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
Prís 15:20 - A wise son makes a glad father: but a foolish man despises his mother.
Prís 19:13 - A foolish son is the calamity of his father: and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping.

Pris 17,1 - Mäso z pokojných obiet sa používalo na hostine. Zúčastňovali sa na nej obetujúci a jeho príbuzenstvo.

Pris 17,2 - Porov. Eliezer (Gn 15,2); Jozef Egyptský (Gn 39,4 n.).

Pris 17,5 - Porov. 14,31.

Pris 17,18 - Porov. 6,1–5; 11,15; Sir 29,20.

Pris 17,23 - Doslovne "dar spoza ňadier", lebo tam ho darca tajne niesol.