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Biblia - Sväté písmo

(CPDV - Anglický - Catholic PD)

Prís 12, 1-28

1 (CPDV) Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge. But whoever hates correction is unwise.
1 (HEM) אהב מוסר אהב דעת ושנא תוכחת בער׃

2 (CPDV) Whoever is good shall draw grace from the Lord. But whoever trusts in his own thoughts acts impiously.
2 (HEM) טוב יפיק רצון מיהוה ואיש מזמות ירשיע׃

3 (CPDV) Man will not be made strong from impiety. And the root of the just shall not be moved.
3 (HEM) לא יכון אדם ברשע ושרש צדיקים בל ימוט׃

4 (CPDV) A diligent woman is a crown to her husband. And she who acts with confusion as to which things are worthy is decay to his bones.
4 (HEM) אשת חיל עטרת בעלה וכרקב בעצמותיו מבישה׃

5 (CPDV) The thoughts of the just are judgments. And the counsels of the impious are dishonest.
5 (HEM) מחשבות צדיקים משפט תחבלות רשעים מרמה׃

6 (CPDV) The words of the impious lie in wait for blood. The mouth of the just shall free them.
6 (HEM) דברי רשעים ארב דם ופי ישרים יצילם׃

7 (CPDV) Turn from the impious, and they will not be. But the house of the just shall stand firm.
7 (HEM) הפוך רשעים ואינם ובית צדיקים יעמד׃

8 (CPDV) A man will be known by his doctrine. But whoever is vain and heartless will suffer contempt.
8 (HEM) לפי שכלו יהלל איש ונעוה לב יהיה לבוז׃

9 (CPDV) Better is a pauper who has what he needs, than someone glorious and in need of bread.
9 (HEM) טוב נקלה ועבד לו ממתכבד וחסר לחם׃

10 (CPDV) The just one knows the lives of his beasts. But the inner most parts of the impious are cruel.
10 (HEM) יודע צדיק נפש בהמתו ורחמי רשעים אכזרי׃

11 (CPDV) Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever continually pursues leisure is most foolish. Whoever is soothed by lingering over wine leaves behind contempt in his strongholds.
11 (HEM) עבד אדמתו ישבע לחם ומרדף ריקים חסר לב׃

12 (CPDV) The desire of the impious is the fortification of what is most wicked. But the root of the just shall prosper.
12 (HEM) חמד רשע מצוד רעים ושרש צדיקים יתן׃

13 (CPDV) For the sins of the lips draw ruin to the evil. But the just shall escape from distress.
13 (HEM) בפשע שפתים מוקש רע ויצא מצרה צדיק׃

14 (CPDV) By the fruit of his own mouth, each one shall be filled with good things, and according to the works of his own hands, it will be distributed to him.
14 (HEM) מפרי פי איש ישבע טוב וגמול ידי אדם ישוב לו׃

15 (CPDV) The way of the foolish is right in his own eyes. But whoever is wise listens to counsels.
15 (HEM) דרך אויל ישר בעיניו ושמע לעצה חכם׃

16 (CPDV) The senseless immediately reveals his anger. But whoever ignores injuries is clever.
16 (HEM) אויל ביום יודע כעסו וכסה קלון ערום׃

17 (CPDV) He is a sign of justice, who speaks what he knows. But whoever deceives is a dishonest witness.
17 (HEM) יפיח אמונה יגיד צדק ועד שקרים מרמה׃

18 (CPDV) He who makes promises is also jabbed, as if with a sword, in conscience. But the tongue of the wise is reasonable.
18 (HEM) יש בוטה כמדקרות חרב ולשון חכמים מרפא׃

19 (CPDV) The lips of truth shall be steadfast forever. But a hasty witness readies a lying tongue.
19 (HEM) שפת אמת תכון לעד ועד ארגיעה לשון שקר׃

20 (CPDV) Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evils. But gladness follows those who take up counsels of peace.
20 (HEM) מרמה בלב חרשי רע וליעצי שלום שמחה׃

21 (CPDV) Whatever may befall the just, it will not discourage him. But the impious will be filled with disasters.
21 (HEM) לא יאנה לצדיק כל און ורשעים מלאו רע׃

22 (CPDV) Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. But whoever acts faithfully pleases him.
22 (HEM) תועבת יהוה שפתי שקר ועשי אמונה רצונו׃

23 (CPDV) A resourceful man conceals knowledge. And the heart of the unwise provokes foolishness.
23 (HEM) אדם ערום כסה דעת ולב כסילים יקרא אולת׃

24 (CPDV) The hand of the strong will rule. But anyone who is neglectful will pay tribute.
24 (HEM) יד חרוצים תמשול ורמיה תהיה למס׃

25 (CPDV) Grief in the heart of a man humbles him. And with a good word he shall be made glad.
25 (HEM) דאגה בלב איש ישחנה ודבר טוב ישמחנה׃

26 (CPDV) He who ignores a loss for the 349 sake of a friend is just. But the way of the impious will deceive them.
26 (HEM) יתר מרעהו צדיק ודרך רשעים תתעם׃

27 (CPDV) The dishonest will not discover gain. But the substance of a man will be like precious gold.
27 (HEM) לא יחרך רמיה צידו והון אדם יקר חרוץ׃

28 (CPDV) In the path of justice, there is life. But the devious way leads to death.
28 (HEM) בארח צדקה חיים ודרך נתיבה אל מות׃

Prís 12, 1-28

Verš 3
Man will not be made strong from impiety. And the root of the just shall not be moved.
Prís 10:25 - Like a passing tempest, so the impious one will be no more. But the just one is like an everlasting foundation.

Verš 4
A diligent woman is a crown to her husband. And she who acts with confusion as to which things are worthy is decay to his bones.
1Kor 11:7 - Certainly, a man ought not to cover his head, for he is the image and glory of God. But woman is the glory of man.

Verš 6
The words of the impious lie in wait for blood. The mouth of the just shall free them.
Prís 1:11 - If they should say: “Come with us. We will lie in wait for blood. We will lay traps against the innocent, without cause.
Prís 1:18 - Likewise, they lie in ambush against their own blood, and they undertake deceits against their own souls.
Prís 11:9 - The pretender deceives his friend by mouth. But the just shall be freed by knowledge.

Verš 7
Turn from the impious, and they will not be. But the house of the just shall stand firm.
Ž 37:36 -
Prís 11:21 - Hand in hand, the evil shall not be innocent. But the offspring of the just shall be saved.

Verš 9
Better is a pauper who has what he needs, than someone glorious and in need of bread.
Prís 13:7 - One is like the rich, though he has nothing. And another is like the poor, though he has many riches.

Verš 10
The just one knows the lives of his beasts. But the inner most parts of the impious are cruel.
Dt 25:4 - You shall not muzzle an ox as it is treading out your crops in the field.

Verš 11
Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever continually pursues leisure is most foolish. Whoever is soothed by lingering over wine leaves behind contempt in his strongholds.
Prís 28:19 - Whoever works his land shall be satisfied with bread. But whoever pursues leisure will be filled with need.

Verš 13
For the sins of the lips draw ruin to the evil. But the just shall escape from distress.
Prís 10:14 - The wise store away knowledge. But the mouth of the foolish is a neighbor to confusion.
Prís 18:7 - The mouth of the foolish is his destruction, and his own lips are the ruin of his soul.

Verš 14
By the fruit of his own mouth, each one shall be filled with good things, and according to the works of his own hands, it will be distributed to him.
Prís 13:2 - From the fruit of his own month, a man shall be satisfied with good things. But the soul of betrayers is iniquity.

Verš 15
The way of the foolish is right in his own eyes. But whoever is wise listens to counsels.
Prís 3:7 - Do not seem wise to yourself. Fear God, and withdraw from evil.

Verš 17
He is a sign of justice, who speaks what he knows. But whoever deceives is a dishonest witness.
Prís 14:5 - A faithful witness will not lie. But a deceitful witness offers a lie.

Verš 18
He who makes promises is also jabbed, as if with a sword, in conscience. But the tongue of the wise is reasonable.
Ž 57:4 - Sinners have become foreigners from the womb; they have gone astray from conception. They have been speaking falsehoods.
Ž 59:7 - Save me with your right hand, and hear me.
Prís 16:27 - The impious man digs up evil, and in his lips is a burning fire.

Verš 23
A resourceful man conceals knowledge. And the heart of the unwise provokes foolishness.
Prís 13:16 - The discerning do everything with counsel. But whoever is senseless discloses his stupidity.
Prís 15:2 - The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge. But the mouth of the senseless gushes with foolishness.

Verš 24
The hand of the strong will rule. But anyone who is neglectful will pay tribute.
Prís 10:4 - The neglectful hand has wrought destitution. But the hand of the steadfast prepares riches. He who advances by lies, this one feeds on the wind. For he is the same as one who runs after flying birds.

Verš 25
Grief in the heart of a man humbles him. And with a good word he shall be made glad.
Prís 15:13 - A rejoicing heart gladdens the face. But by the grief of the soul, the spirit is cast down.

Pris 12,3 - Porov. 10,25.

Pris 12,4 - Porov. 1 Kr 11,7–8; 31,10 n. Porov. naše porekadlo: "Koho chce Boh potrestať, dá mu planú ženu."

Pris 12,12 - Preklad verša s opravami pôvodného textu.

Pris 12,19 - Lož má krátke nohy.

Pris 12,26 - Spravodlivý dôjde k cieľu. – Preklad v prvom polverši je s korektúrou textu.