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Kniha Exodus

Biblia - Sväté písmo

(KJV - Anglický - King James)

Ex 39, 1-43

1 (KJV) And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.
1 (SVD) ومن الاسمانجوني والارجوان والقرمز صنعوا ثيابا منسوجة للخدمة في المقدس وصنعوا الثياب المقدسة التي لهرون. كما امر الرب موسى.
1 (B21) Z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky zhotovili bohoslužebná roucha pro službu ve svatyni. Připravili také svatá roucha pro Árona, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

2 (KJV) And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.
2 (SVD) فصنع الرداء من ذهب واسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز وبوص مبروم.
2 (B21) Efod byl zhotoven ze zlata, z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky a ze soukaného kmentu.

3 (KJV) And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work.
3 (SVD) ومدّوا الذهب صفائح وقدّوها خيوطا ليصنعوها في وسط الاسمانجوني والارجوان والقرمز والبوص صنعة الموشّي.
3 (B21) Vytepali zlaté plíšky a z nich nastříhali nitě, aby je umně vetkali do modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky a do kmentu.

4 (KJV) They made shoulderpieces for it, to couple it together: by the two edges was it coupled together.
4 (SVD) وصنعوا له كتفين موصولين. على طرفيه اتّصل.
4 (B21) K oběma okrajům efodu připojili ramenní díly, aby byl spojen.

5 (KJV) And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.
5 (SVD) وزنار شدّه الذي عليه كان منه كصنعته. من ذهب واسمانجوني وقرمز وبوص مبروم. كما امر الرب موسى.
5 (B21) Tkaný pás, který jej obepínal, byl stejně jako efod ze zlata, z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky a ze soukaného kmentu, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

6 (KJV) And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israel.
6 (SVD) وصنعوا حجري الجزع محاطين بطوقين من ذهب منقوشين نقش الخاتم على حسب اسماء بني اسرائيل.
6 (B21) Do zlatých obrouček zasadili onyxové kameny, a jako kamenorytec vyrývá pečeť, tak na nich vyryli jména synů Izraele.

7 (KJV) And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, that they should be stones for a memorial to the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses.
7 (SVD) ووضعهما على كتفي الرداء حجري تذكار لبني اسرائيل. كما امر الرب موسى.
7 (B21) Potom je připevnili k ramenním dílům efodu jako pamětné kameny synů Izraele, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

8 (KJV) And he made the breastplate of cunning work, like the work of the ephod; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.
8 (SVD) وصنع الصدرة صنعة الموشّي كصنعة الرداء من ذهب واسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز وبوص مبروم.
8 (B21) Podobným způsobem jako efod byl zhotoven umně tkaný náprsník: ze zlata, z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky a ze soukaného kmentu.

9 (KJV) It was foursquare; they made the breastplate double: a span was the length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, being doubled.
9 (SVD) كانت مربعة مثنيّة صنعوا الصدرة طولها شبر وعرضها شبر مثنية.
9 (B21) Náprsník byl čtvercový; udělali jej dvojitý, po přehnutí byl na píď dlouhý a na píď široký.

10 (KJV) And they set in it four rows of stones: the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this was the first row.
10 (SVD) ورصّعوا فيها اربعة صفوف حجارة. صف عقيق احمر وياقوت اصفر وزمرّد. الصف الاول.
10 (B21) Posázeli jej čtyřmi řadami drahých kamenů: v první řadě rubín, topas a smaragd,

11 (KJV) And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.
11 (SVD) والصف الثاني بهرمان وياقوت ازرق وعقيق ابيض.
11 (B21) v druhé řadě tyrkys, safír a jaspis,

12 (KJV) And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst.
12 (SVD) والصف الثالث عين الهر ويشم وجمشت.
12 (B21) ve třetí řadě opál, achát a ametyst,

13 (KJV) And the fourth row, a beryl, an onyx, and a jasper: they were inclosed in ouches of gold in their inclosings.
13 (SVD) والصف الرابع زبرجد وجزع ويشب محاطة باطواق من ذهب في ترصيعها.
13 (B21) ve čtvrté řadě chrysolit, onyx a beryl. V tomto pořadí byly kameny zasazeny do zlatých obrouček.

14 (KJV) And the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes.
14 (SVD) والحجارة كانت على اسماء بني اسرائيل اثني عشر على اسمائهم كنقش الخاتم. كل واحد على اسمه للاثني عشر سبطا.
14 (B21) Kamenů bylo dvanáct, tak jako jmen Izraelových synů. Každý měl na sobě jako na pečeti vyryto jméno jednoho ze dvanácti izraelských kmenů.

15 (KJV) And they made upon the breastplate chains at the ends, of wreathen work of pure gold.
15 (SVD) وصنعوا على الصدرة سلاسل مجدولة صنعة الضفر من ذهب نقيّ.
15 (B21) K náprsníku vyrobili točené řetízky na způsob šňůrek, z čistého zlata.

16 (KJV) And they made two ouches of gold, and two gold rings; and put the two rings in the two ends of the breastplate.
16 (SVD) وصنعوا طوقين من ذهب وحلقتين من ذهب وجعلوا الحلقتين على طرفي الصدرة.
16 (B21) Vyrobili také dvě zlaté obroučky a dva zlaté kroužky. Ty dva kroužky připevnili na oba horní okraje náprsníku.

17 (KJV) And they put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breastplate.
17 (SVD) وجعلوا ضفيرتي الذهب في الحلقتين على طرفي الصدرة.
17 (B21) Ty dvě zlaté šňůry pak připevnili k oběma kroužkům na okrajích náprsníku.

18 (KJV) And the two ends of the two wreathen chains they fastened in the two ouches, and put them on the shoulderpieces of the ephod, before it.
18 (SVD) وطرفا الضفيرتين جعلوهما في الطوقين. وجعلوهما على كتفي الرداء الى قدامه.
18 (B21) Druhé konce obou šňůr připevnili k oněm dvěma obroučkám připevněným zepředu k ramenním dílům efodu.

19 (KJV) And they made two rings of gold, and put them on the two ends of the breastplate, upon the border of it, which was on the side of the ephod inward.
19 (SVD) وصنعوا حلقتين من ذهب ووضعوهما على طرفي الصدرة. على حاشيتها التي الى جهة الرداء من داخل.
19 (B21) Vyrobili také dva zlaté kroužky, které připevnili ke dvěma dolním okrajům náprsníku, k jeho vnitřní obrubě.

20 (KJV) And they made two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the ephod underneath, toward the forepart of it, over against the other coupling thereof, above the curious girdle of the ephod.
20 (SVD) وصنعوا حلقتين من ذهب وجعلوهما على كتفي الرداء من اسفل من قدامه عند وصله فوق زنار الرداء.
20 (B21) Dále vyrobili dva zlaté kroužky, které připevnili zepředu k dolní části obou ramenních dílů efodu, těsně u jeho švu nad tkaným pásem efodu.

21 (KJV) And they did bind the breastplate by his rings unto the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, that it might be above the curious girdle of the ephod, and that the breastplate might not be loosed from the ephod; as the LORD commanded Moses.
21 (SVD) وربطوا الصدرة بحلقتيها الى حلقتي الرداء بخيط من اسمانجوني ليكون على زنار الرداء. ولا تنزع الصدرة عن الرداء. كما امر الرب موسى
21 (B21) Náprsník pak modrou šňůrou přivázali za jeho kroužky ke kroužkům efodu. Takto spočíval na tkaném pásu efodu a neodstával od efodu, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

22 (KJV) And he made the robe of the ephod of woven work, all of blue.
22 (SVD) وصنع جبة الرداء صنعة النسّاج كلها من اسمانجوني.
22 (B21) K efodu byl zhotoven také plášť celý utkaný z modré látky.

23 (KJV) And there was an hole in the midst of the robe, as the hole of an habergeon, with a band round about the hole, that it should not rend.
23 (SVD) وفتحة الجبة في وسطها كفتحة الدرع. ولفتحتها حاشية حواليها. لا تنشقّ.
23 (B21) Uprostřed něj byl otvor, jako bývá v pancíři, s tkanou obrubou, aby se netrhal.

24 (KJV) And they made upon the hems of the robe pomegranates of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined linen.
24 (SVD) وصنعوا على اذيال الجبة رمّانات من اسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز مبروم.
24 (B21) Podél spodního lemu pláště udělali granátová jablka z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky a ze soukaného kmentu.

25 (KJV) And they made bells of pure gold, and put the bells between the pomegranates upon the hem of the robe, round about between the pomegranates;
25 (SVD) وصنعوا جلاجل من ذهب نقي. وجعلوا الجلاجل في وسط الرمانات على اذيال الجبة حواليها في وسط الرمانات.
25 (B21) Prostřídali je zvonky z čistého zlata, jež připevnili mezi granátová jablka po celém spodním lemu pláště:

26 (KJV) A bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate, round about the hem of the robe to minister in; as the LORD commanded Moses.
26 (SVD) جلجل ورمانة. جلجل ورمانة. على اذيال الجبة حواليها للخدمة. كما امر الرب موسى
26 (B21) zvonek a granátové jablko, zvonek a granátové jablko, po celém spodním lemu pláště, v němž se koná služba, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

27 (KJV) And they made coats of fine linen of woven work for Aaron, and for his sons,
27 (SVD) وصنعوا الاقمصة من بوص صنعة النسّاج لهرون وبنيه.
27 (B21) Pro Árona a jeho syny utkali kmentové suknice,

28 (KJV) And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen, and linen breeches of fine twined linen,
28 (SVD) والعمامة من بوص. وعصائب القلانس من بوص. وسراويل الكتان من بوص مبروم.
28 (B21) kmentový turban, ozdobné kmentové pokrývky hlavy, plátěné spodky ze soukaného kmentu

29 (KJV) And a girdle of fine twined linen, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, of needlework; as the LORD commanded Moses.
29 (SVD) والمنطقة من بوص مبروم واسمانجوني وارجوان وقرمز صنعة الطراز. كما امر الرب موسى
29 (B21) a vyšívanou šerpu ze soukaného kmentu a z modré, purpurové a šarlatové látky, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

30 (KJV) And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing, like to the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
30 (SVD) وصنعوا صفيحة الاكليل المقدس من ذهب نقي. وكتبوا عليها كتابة نقش الخاتم. قدس للرب.
30 (B21) Vyrobili také štítek z čistého zlata, totiž korunu svatosti, a jako na pečeť na něj vyryli: Svatý Hospodinu.

31 (KJV) And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses.
31 (SVD) وجعلوا عليها خيط اسمانجوني لتجعل على العمامة من فوق. كما امر الرب موسى
31 (B21) Připevnili k němu modrou šňůru, aby mohl být přivázán na vrchol turbanu, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

32 (KJV) Thus was all the work of the tabernacle of the tent of the congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so did they.
32 (SVD) فكمل كل عمل مسكن خيمة الاجتماع. وصنع بنو اسرائيل بحسب كل ما امر الرب موسى. هكذا صنعوا.
32 (B21) Tak bylo dokončeno veškeré dílo Příbytku, totiž Stanu setkávání. Synové Izraele udělali všechno přesně tak, jak Hospodin přikázal Mojžíšovi.

33 (KJV) And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses, the tent, and all his furniture, his taches, his boards, his bars, and his pillars, and his sockets,
33 (SVD) وجاءوا الى موسى بالمسكن الخيمة وجميع اوانيها اشظّتها والواحها وعوارضها واعمدتها وقواعدها.
33 (B21) Tehdy přinesli Příbytek k Mojžíšovi: Stan a všechno jeho náčiní, jeho spony, rámy, svlaky, sloupy a patky,

34 (KJV) And the covering of rams' skins dyed red, and the covering of badgers' skins, and the vail of the covering,
34 (SVD) والغطاء من جلود الكباش المحمّرة. والغطاء من جلود التخس. وحجاب السجف.
34 (B21) přikrývku z červeně barvených beraních kůží, přikrývku z odolných usní, zastírající oponu,

35 (KJV) The ark of the testimony, and the staves thereof, and the mercy seat,
35 (SVD) وتابوت الشهادة وعصويه والغطاء.
35 (B21) Truhlu svědectví, její tyče a slitovnici,

36 (KJV) The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread,
36 (SVD) والمائدة وكل آنيتها وخبز الوجوه.
36 (B21) stůl a všechno jeho náčiní, chleby předložení,

37 (KJV) The pure candlestick, with the lamps thereof, even with the lamps to be set in order, and all the vessels thereof, and the oil for light,
37 (SVD) والمنارة الطاهرة وسرجها السّرج للترتيب وكل آنيتها والزيت للضوء.
37 (B21) svícen z čistého zlata, jeho uspořádané kahany a všechno náčiní, olej ke svícení,

38 (KJV) And the golden altar, and the anointing oil, and the sweet incense, and the hanging for the tabernacle door,
38 (SVD) ومذبح الذهب. ودهن المسحة. والبخور العطر. والسجف لمدخل الخيمة.
38 (B21) zlatý oltář, olej pomazání, vonné kadidlo, závěs pro vchod do Stanu,

39 (KJV) The brasen altar, and his grate of brass, his staves, and all his vessels, the laver and his foot,
39 (SVD) ومذبح النحاس وشبّاكة النحاس التي له وعصويه وكل آنيته والمرحضة وقاعدتها.
39 (B21) bronzový oltář, jeho bronzový rošt, tyče a všechno náčiní, umyvadlo a jeho podstavec,

40 (KJV) The hangings of the court, his pillars, and his sockets, and the hanging for the court gate, his cords, and his pins, and all the vessels of the service of the tabernacle, for the tent of the congregation,
40 (SVD) واستار الدار واعمدتها وقواعدها. والسجف لباب الدار واطنابها واوتادها وجميع اواني خدمة المسكن لخيمة الاجتماع.
40 (B21) zástěny nádvoří, jejich sloupy a patky, závěs do brány nádvoří, jeho lana a kolíky, všechno náčiní ke službě v Příbytku, ve Stanu setkávání,

41 (KJV) The cloths of service to do service in the holy place, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and his sons' garments, to minister in the priest's office.
41 (SVD) والثياب المنسوجة للخدمة في المقدس. والثياب المقدسة لهرون الكاهن وثياب بنيه للكهانة.
41 (B21) bohoslužebná roucha pro službu ve svatyni, svatá roucha kněze Árona i roucha jeho synů ke konání kněžské služby.

42 (KJV) According to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the work.
42 (SVD) بحسب كل ما امر الرب موسى هكذا صنع بنو اسرائيل كل العمل.
42 (B21) Synové Izraele udělali všechnu práci přesně tak, jak Hospodin Mojžíšovi přikázal.

43 (KJV) And Moses did look upon all the work, and, behold, they have done it as the LORD had commanded, even so had they done it: and Moses blessed them.
43 (SVD) فنظر موسى جميع العمل واذا هم قد صنعوه كما امر الرب. هكذا صنعوا. فباركهم موسى
43 (B21) Mojžíš viděl všechno to dílo a hle, udělali je přesně tak, jak Hospodin přikázal. A Mojžíš jim požehnal.

Ex 39, 1-43

Verš 1
And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Ex 31:10 - And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office,
Ex 35:19 - The cloths of service, to do service in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office.

Verš 2
And he made the ephod of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.
Ex 28:6 - And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work.

Verš 3
And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen, with cunning work.
Ex 28:6 - And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work.

Verš 36
The table, and all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread,
Ex 31:8 - And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlestick with all his furniture, and the altar of incense,

Verš 5
And the curious girdle of his ephod, that was upon it, was of the same, according to the work thereof; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Ex 28:8 - And the curious girdle of the ephod, which is upon it, shall be of the same, according to the work thereof; even of gold, of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.

Verš 6
And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israel.
Ex 28:9 - And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and grave on them the names of the children of Israel:

Verš 7
And he put them on the shoulders of the ephod, that they should be stones for a memorial to the children of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Ex 28:12 - And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod for stones of memorial unto the children of Israel: and Aaron shall bear their names before the LORD upon his two shoulders for a memorial.

Verš 8
And he made the breastplate of cunning work, like the work of the ephod; of gold, blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen.
Ex 28:15 - And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work; after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it; of gold, of blue, and of purple, and of scarlet, and of fine twined linen, shalt thou make it.

Verš 9
It was foursquare; they made the breastplate double: a span was the length thereof, and a span the breadth thereof, being doubled.
Ex 28:16 - Foursquare it shall be being doubled; a span shall be the length thereof, and a span shall be the breadth thereof.

Verš 10
And they set in it four rows of stones: the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this was the first row.
Ex 28:17 - And thou shalt set in it settings of stones, even four rows of stones: the first row shall be a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle: this shall be the first row.

Verš 11
And the second row, an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.
Ex 28:18 - And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.

Verš 41
The cloths of service to do service in the holy place, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and his sons' garments, to minister in the priest's office.
Ex 31:10 - And the cloths of service, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest's office,

Verš 33
And they brought the tabernacle unto Moses, the tent, and all his furniture, his taches, his boards, his bars, and his pillars, and his sockets,
Ex 35:11 - The tabernacle, his tent, and his covering, his taches, and his boards, his bars, his pillars, and his sockets,

Verš 27
And they made coats of fine linen of woven work for Aaron, and for his sons,
Ex 28:39 - And thou shalt embroider the coat of fine linen, and thou shalt make the mitre of fine linen, and thou shalt make the girdle of needlework.

Verš 28
And a mitre of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen, and linen breeches of fine twined linen,
Ez 44:18 - They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat.

Verš 30
And they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote upon it a writing, like to the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
Ex 28:36 - And thou shalt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it, like the engravings of a signet, HOLINESS TO THE LORD.
Ex 29:6 - And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre.

Verš 31
And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Ex 28:37 - And thou shalt put it on a blue lace, that it may be upon the mitre; upon the forefront of the mitre it shall be.

Ex 39,1 - Skutočnosť, že kňazské rúcho bolo zhotovené podľa Božieho rozkazu, vyzdvihuje sa často (v. a 31.). O efóde porov. 28,6–14.

Ex 39,8-21 - Pozri 28,15–30.

Ex 39,22-26 - Porov. 28,31–35.

Ex 39,27-31 - Porov. 28,36–43. Pás veľkňaza má byť štvorfarebný.

Ex 39,38 - Zlatý oltár je oltár kadidlový (30,1–5).